Chapter 132
"Mo Zhantian!"
Qin Lianyan let go of Ren Ling's hand and ran forward quickly.
Mo Zhantian stopped, turned around and looked over, his black eyes narrowed for a moment, his voice raised slightly, "Junior Sister Qin?"
"It's me!" That bright little face was filled with joy because of Mo Zhantian's words, "This, colorful ginseng fruit, is for you!"
Mo Zhantian looked at the radiant ginseng fruit in front of him, making those tender white hands as white and lovely as pearls, "Junior Sister Qin, have you gone to Qibao Mountain to hunt for treasure?"
"Ling'er," Yiyi whispered in Ren Ling's ear, "Liangyan took this colorful ginseng fruit to give to Mo Zhantian?"
Mo Zhantian is one of the topics that are often discussed among the three good sisters. When they get together on weekdays, they can always hear Qin Lianyan saying, "What's wrong with Mo Zhantian?" "When I met Mo Zhantian today, he actually forgot me again!" ' Yunyun, after talking too much, even Yiyi became familiar with him.
"Well," Ren Ling nodded, "I hope Mo Zhantian will accept Lianyan's kindness."
"I see, it can be done." Yiyi smiled mysteriously, stretched out her index finger to point Ren Ling's shoulder, and whispered, "Didn't Mo Zhantian claim to only remember two women, mother and younger sister? It took a while, but Lianyan still remembered that the so-called "a strong woman is afraid of being entangled with her husband" is also the same in reverse. With Lianyan's fire burning to the end, Mo Zhantian can't surrender without raising his hand."
Ren Ling chuckled, amused by Yiyi's statement, "You have everything to say."
"People say that colorful ginseng fruit can make a wish," Qin Lianyan blushed, her eyes sparkling. Fortunately, the sky is so dark that it is not too embarrassing. "Mo Zhantian, can you accept my ginseng fruit?"
"Make a wish?" Mo Zhantian looked back at Qin Lianyan indifferently. In the past two or three years, he could meet her almost every three or five days, and it was hard to forget.From the very beginning, I had an impression of her pair of flame-like energetic eyes. Gradually, that pretty face was also deeply imprinted in his mind. She was basically the only thing he remembered besides his mother and Zhan Yu. live woman.
She always has a lot of eccentric ideas and practices, which often make him dumbfounded, but... she does not repel or hate her.
"That's right! You can make a wish!"
Seeing Mo Zhantian staring at her intently, Qin Lianyan blushed even deeper, closed her eyes and shouted vigorously, "I, Qin Lianyan, wish that you, Mo Zhantian, will always remember me!"
After speaking, he stuffed the colorful ginseng fruit into Mo Zhantian's hand, turned his head and ran towards Ren Ling and the others.
"Let's go, let's go, it's a shame!"
Grabbing a good sister with one hand, Qin Lianyan rushed forward like a cannonball, Ren Ling and Yiyi giggled, and cooperated with her to flee quickly.
"Junior Sister Qin."
The three of them hadn't walked far before a slender figure greeted them. It was a senior sister that Ren Ling and Yiyi had never seen before.
"Senior Sister Xin," Qin Lianyan's face was still burning hotly, "What do you want me to do?"
"It's okay," Senior Sister Xin smiled faintly, "I just saw you bravely showing your love just now, so I came here to congratulate you. It's just that the colorful ginseng fruit is not easy to get, and it is very beneficial to practice. You don't think it's a waste to use it like this ?”
"How could it be wasted?" Qin Lianyan went straight to the point, "Liangyan thinks it's worth it."
"It's fine if you think so," Senior Sister Xin glanced at Ren Ling coolly, "Unlike some people, they can climb up to the Ascension Terrace without getting the colorful ginseng fruit. Lucky, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?" Yiyi turned cold, "Please explain clearly."
"What do you mean?" Senior Sister Xin brushed her hair, and said indifferently, "There are only [-] colorful ginseng fruits every five years. Anyone with a discerning eye knows why some people are promoted to Xiantai, right? Senior Sister has something else to do, so leave. "
"Hey!" Yiyi was angry, and was held down by Qin Lianyan, "Forget it, Yiyi, it won't look good if it gets too big."
"But she's gone too far!" Yiyi protected Ren Ling, "Isn't it just that she was rejected for offering fruit to Master Ling'er, why did she vent her anger on Ling'er? She was not the only one who offered the colorful ginseng fruit just now, there were eight if not ten. Well, what does she have to hate? Besides, every time she comes back from a treasure hunt in Qibao Mountain, many female disciples will offer fruit to Master Ling'er. It's no secret that Master Ling'er never accepts colorful ginseng fruits. Everyone in the world knows it, okay? !"
"Just looking for Ling'er to vent my anger, it's useless!"
After talking angrily for a while, finally getting over the grievance, Yiyi dragged the two of them, "Let's go!"
After bidding farewell to the two good sisters, Ren Ling didn't go directly back to her cave, but went to Bai Feng thoughtfully.
After passing through the formation of thunder and fire under Bai Feng, Ren Ling walked to the gate of the cave and called out.
"Ling'er? Come in."
The door of the cave opened automatically, Ren Ling stepped in, and saw Bai Feng sitting cross-legged on the top of the rockery, with a gossip stone table in front of him, sipping a glass of spiritual wine, with deep and long eyes.
"Is there something wrong with looking for a teacher?"
Ren Ling nodded, looked at Bai Feng's leisurely expression, and wondered if he had disturbed Master.
Bai Feng said softly, "Come up."
Ren Ling had never been to the top of a rockery, and found that the top was not as narrow as she once thought. She sat cross-legged opposite her master, with a gossip stone table between them, and her eyes were caught by a little turtle on the stone table absorb.
"Master, this is..."
"It climbed up from the pool, and it has absorbed the essence of the sun and moon here to become spiritual." Bai Feng raised his lips slightly, "I lie here all day long, and I never see it move."
Curious, Ren Ling stretched out his finger to poke the shell of the turtle. Seeing that the little spirit turtle did not move at all, he smiled and withdrew his hand, "Master, Ling'er has something to report to you."
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, it was rare to see his disciple look so serious, his eyes were like wicker waving on the river in the spring sun, caressing Ren Ling's face, "What's the matter?"
"Ling'er will start next month," Ren Ling bit his lip, "I'm going to learn the Tianji class..." Thinking of the mysterious old man Tianji, and wondering if Master knew such a person, she couldn't help but raised her brows, and looked tentatively at Bai Feng said, "It's a senior who claims to be the old man of Tianji. His name is Yin Shangchen. I wonder if Master has heard of it?"
Bai Feng's heart trembled, and the hand holding the wine glass tightened slightly, "Ling'er, how did you know old man Tianji?"
It turned out that Master knew Grandpa Yin, Ren Ling couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, recalling the process of getting acquainted with Yin Shangchen after he became a beginner, and explained everything in detail.
"So, Tu'er promised Grandpa Yin to go to him to learn the secrets of heaven from the first to third day of every month." Ren Ling had nothing to hide except for the abnormal scene he saw in the God of Peeping Tree.
In her opinion, Bai Feng is the master she respects the most, and the fact that she agreed to attend the secret class without discussing with Bai Feng in advance made her feel inappropriate. After much deliberation, she decided to make it clear to her master. Master Yi disagreed, so I had to go to Grandpa Yin to plead guilty.
Here the little girl is hanging up and down, but Bai Feng's eyes are complicated and difficult to understand. Ren Ling waited silently for a while but did not hear Bai Feng say, "Master, if you don't agree, I will go to talk to you another day." Grandpa Yin said..."
"It's okay."
Bai Feng let out a sigh of relief, he couldn't escape, he definitely never thought that Ling'er would have such a talent in Tianji magic calculation, the old man Tianji was an anomaly in Xuan Dao Sect, even in the whole cultivation world, he might not be able to find it The second person who is proficient in magic calculation like Tianji old man.
From the millennium of the Xuan Dao Sect, not one disciple has been admitted as a Master of Heavenly Mystery, we can know that the so-called Heavenly Secret is mysterious, and those who can see the secret of Heaven are even more mysterious.It's so mysterious that no one wants to believe that there is such a thing.
The story of the red star...
Staring at Tu'er's pure and sincere eyes filled with water, a vague sense of foreboding spread.
"There are three thousand ways, apart from hard work, opportunity is also very important," Bai Feng said, "You don't have to hesitate when you meet an opportunity. Gu, Ling'er, do you understand what it means to be a teacher?"
Ren Ling nodded, "I understand."
With Bai Feng's approval, Ren Ling devoted himself to the study of divine calculation without any worries.
The magic calculation is not as simple as she once thought. After studying it carefully, she realized that what she had spent a little bit of time comprehending was worse than the tip of the iceberg.
Under the earnest teaching and persuasive guidance of the old man Tianji, Ren Ling spent a whole year laying the foundation of Tianji's calculation.And in this year, she not only studied this homework from the first to the third day of the month, but also spent a lot of energy in her spare time to improve her ability in calculation.
What made her laugh and cry was that the magical calculations that she had dismissed once, after getting started gradually, made her obsessed like a formation!
It's like the vast and boundless sea of ​​stars. When I haven't seen it, I think it's no big deal. When the horizon is opened up, I only hate myself for seeing too little and getting in touch too late. I wish I could turn myself into a sponge and be able to absorb all the knowledge. Absorb it for your own use.
In addition to spying on the secrets of heaven, one of the most important aspects of divine calculation is calculation. The so-called calculation is very profound and complicated. In addition to cultivating one's powerful calculation ability, one must also have rigorous deduction.
The so-called genius still needs 90.00% hard work to succeed in the end, Ren Ling deeply agrees.
Time passed quickly in the study, eight years passed in the blink of an eye, and Ren Ling also grew from a young and ignorant beginner disciple to an inner disciple with ease.
Every time she thinks about what happened all the way from Yinlingmen, she is very thankful that she persevered until she entered the Xuandao Sect.
The past at Yinlingmen has become the history in memory.Of course, she will never forget how cruelly she killed Huang Hetian, and she always remembers the earnest reminders from the ancestor of Yinling, but these will not affect her progress, nor will it affect her sincere gratitude and love for Xuandaozong .

Here she not only learned a lot of knowledge, but most importantly, found the feeling of home.
Eight years later, in front of Baifeng's cave.
A pretty figure deftly passed through the thunder and fire formation of Tiangang, raised a magic talisman to open the door of the cave, and rushed in.
"Master! Master!"
Today, Ren Ling still has a sweet 17-year-old appearance, her pink and snowy cheeks are slightly reddened by excitement, and her starry eyes are full of tears, and they become more and more radiant with age.
He stopped before the door of Bai Feng's room, exhaled forcefully to calm down, two dimples appeared at the corners of his mouth, "Master, can this disciple go in?"
An elegant voice came from the inner room, "Come in."
"Yes!" Ren Ling pushed the door open with a smile, and raised his voice slightly, "Master, Ling'er heard that Master is going to leave the seclusion?"

 It is very sad that due to a mistake in the timing of the release, there was an error in the post just now. Please refresh and read the post for more than a dozen friends who subscribed earlier.Tomorrow it will be raining all day, so I have to ask everyone for a day off. Originally, this chapter was going to be released tomorrow, but because the timing date was wrong, I released it in advance~

  Da Biao ran away in tears. . .

  ps: The chapter name is wrong, please don't worry about it, I am looking for a responsible editor to make changes.

(End of this chapter)

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