Chapter 133
"As a teacher, there is no news of your master's exit." Bai Feng slowly opened his eyes, his calm eyes were like a clear spring without waves, "Ling'er, where did you know?"
"No?" Ren Ling pouted his lips slightly, and replied dejectedly, "I just went to the deacon hall to receive the task, and I heard two deacon disciples discussing this matter, so I came back excitedly. It turns out that Misreporting, the disciples will be happy in vain."
The corners of his lips curled up slightly invisibly, and his usually calm and clear black pupils flashed a very faint warmth when he looked at his apprentice. He is usually calm, self-possessed, gentle and polite in front of others, only in front of him ( Bai Feng very consciously eliminated the Chu family) to reveal his true emotions.As a master, I like this kind of temperament, "Ling'er, although your master has not yet left the closed door, it must not be too long, and he should come out in a few days."
"Really?" The dim eyes lit up suddenly, as if the weather had been hazy for several months and suddenly the sun was shining brightly, Ren Ling's eyes narrowed into crescent moons, "That's great, Master, maybe Ling'er is on a mission Can I see Master when I come back?"
"The apprentice will go to perform the task first!" Ren Ling regained his mood, and felt much more relaxed and cheerful when he had hope. It has been more than ten years since he came to Xuan Dao Sect, and the feeling of finally being able to see his father made him feel happy. Agitated, "Master, this disciple will leave first."
"and many more."
Bai Feng called Ren Ling, his black eyes condensed slightly, "Ling'er, what task are you taking this time?"
Ren Ling raised her eyebrows suspiciously. This was the first time Master asked her about the task, so she put away her steps to turn around and stood up, "Tu'er took the task of patrolling the Northeast Station for one month."
"Northeast station?" Bai Feng closed his eyes and thought for a moment, "I will go with you as a teacher."
The so-called residence refers to the boundary of the Xuandao Sect, which is divided into four major residences: northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Xuan Dao Sect is located in the south of Juyou Valley in the Diancang Mountains, and is stationed at the northernmost point of the Daoist realm.To the south of Juyou Valley is the world of Taoist cultivators, while to the north it gradually enters the land of demonic cultivators.
Therefore, Xuan Dao Sect can be said to be the frontier fortress of the Daoist realm. Once there is a conflict between Taoism and demons, Xuan Dao Sect will bear the brunt.It is precisely because of the prestige and prestige of Xuan Dao Sect for thousands of years that the demon cultivators who suppressed the north did not dare to invade easily, so that Dao cultivators can have a safe and quiet place to practice.
The resident patrol is one of the most common daily tasks for the disciples of the Xuandao Sect. Every day, a large number of disciples will go back and forth to patrol the different garrisons, which is a task that the disciples of the sect will basically receive.For example, among the tasks that Ren Ling received within a year, five or six out of ten were to patrol various garrisons.
Therefore, Ren Ling didn't understand why Master would ask to go together for this patrol.
Having been with Master for more than ten years, she felt that the relationship between the two was both close and distant.The intimacy is because she has a deep admiration for the master, and the distance is that there is still a layer of estrangement between her and the master.
Ren Ling thinks this kind of estrangement is normal.
It is impossible for people to be completely intimate with each other. Everyone has secrets that they are unwilling to share with others, and the boundary between the two ends of the secret is the distance between people.
Even she and her mother still kept the secret of Mo Yujian, let alone with her master?
Within the sect, she had heard too many stories about Master's brilliant deeds, and also heard too much about Master's indifferent temperament, which she had never experienced before, but it did not affect her admiration for Master. and close.
Maybe she was extremely lucky, from the moment she was voluntarily accepted as an apprentice by the master.
Master treats her differently from others. If you compare it with what you have heard from other disciples about how Master treats people, at least Master treats her very kindly. It's not cold.Master just doesn't like to have close friendships with others. If it weren't for the entanglement of others, how could there be such a saying that he refuses to be thousands of miles away?
Anyway, no matter what outsiders say, in Ren Ling's eyes, the master she believes is the real master.
"Ling'er, be careful."
Bai Feng stretched out her hand to grab the distracted apprentice. She had been thinking since she set off, and she didn't know what was going on in that little head.
"Ah!" Ren Ling rubbed his head, lost in thought, and saw that Master took the lightning away and jumped to the ground, but didn't realize that there was a small puddle in front of him, and almost jumped into it, "Thank you, Master."
Seeing that his apprentice had stood still, Bai Feng turned around and walked forward without answering.
"Master, aren't we going to report to the camp?" Ren Ling quickly followed, the direction was exactly opposite to the camp, "Where are we going?"
"Go to Cuoji Mountain first."
"Cuoji Mountain?" Ren Ling's voice rose. She had been to the Northeast Station many times and was very familiar with the surrounding terrain, including Cuoji Mountain of course.
Cuoji Mountain is located on the northeast corner of the Northeast Station. It is a hill with a gentle slope. It seems ordinary, but Ren Ling knows that it is one of the positions of the Xuandaozong Zhenshan formation.
With a look of surprise on his face, Ren Ling quickly asked, "Master, are you here to check the position this time?"
Bai Feng stopped, her long flying hair was blown up by the wind, brushing against that handsome face, "Ling'er, tell me about Cuoji Mountain?"
"Cuoji Mountain is not big, it doesn't look like anything special," Ren Ling followed quickly, muttering, "The patrol disciples usually just pass by and take a look, but Ling'er has been there a few times. It's solid, and seems to be ok."
"How does Ling'er know it's a formation?"
It was not surprising for Bai Feng to ask this question. Even the elite disciples of the Xuandao Zong Zhenshan formation might not be clear about it. He was a little curious about how Ren Ling found out.He knew that Ren Ling's ability to comprehend the formation was excellent, but the Zhenshan formation, as a super formation to defend the sect's land, was not easy to discover.
"Ling'er discovered it ten years ago," Ren Ling narrowed his eyes, recalling the past seriously, "I started to participate in patrol missions ten years ago, and I have been to all four major garrisons. The patrol work is relatively easy on weekdays, and I will go to the east when I am free. Walking around," the scene of discovering the Zongmen Zhenshan formation for the first time suddenly appeared in my mind, and the corner of my mouth curled up, "I remembered! Master, when it comes to discovering the Zhenshan formation, it was the place where there were few people. I discovered it by accident while practicing the Xuan Yan Formation."
Hearing this, Bai Feng nodded thoughtfully, and took the lead to continue walking forward.

Although Tu'er said it lightly and simply, he knew that if he wanted to arouse the Zhenshan Great Formation out of thin air, with Ren Ling's cultivation base back then, it would be possible to attack continuously for at least three hours.Ling'er is intelligent and has great patience and endurance in the process of practice, so he can have such cultivation and ability at such a young age. As a master, I am happy to see this.
And Ren Ling, who was immersed in the past, did not notice the slight smile on Bai Feng's mouth, remembering that he practiced the Xuan Yan Formation whenever he had free time, and often practiced it for more than half a day.After handing over the day's tasks in the camp that day, Ren Ling searched for a quiet place to practice formations, and it happened to be Cuoji Mountain.

After concentrating on practicing for more than three hours, that formation suddenly appeared out of thin air and launched a powerful attack on her.Ren Ling was attacked in a hurry, struggled for a few quarters of an hour, and was thrown three feet away from Cuoji Mountain. After she got up in a panic, she saw that the formation faded from existence to non-existence, and she thought about it for a long time. , it suddenly dawned on me that it was because I practiced the formation that triggered the Zongmen Zhenshan formation, so it was repaired so messily.Fortunately, Cuoji Mountain was a certain distance away from the camp, and the chaos in this short period of time was not noticed by the fellow disciples.

The two masters and apprentices arrived at Cuoji Mountain, and there were no people around as expected.
After setting up several locations on Cuoji Mountain, Bai Feng and Ren Ling set off for the camp.
The camp is quite simple, there are only a dozen caves of different sizes for the patrol disciples to live in, and the place where the deacon disciples work is also in a cave.Seeing Ren Ling and Bai Feng coming at the same time, the disciples in the camp looked at Ren Ling with suspicion and strangeness in addition to awe and avoidance.However, Ren Ling's nerves in some aspects are very narrow, except for the people and things she cares about, it is difficult to get into her mind.Otherwise, during the more than ten years in the sect, just the sight of arrows is enough to make her sleepless at night.
Speaking of temper, Ren Ling thinks that Bai Feng has a very mild temper, but in fact, she herself is not like this at certain times?In her opinion, there are basically only two types of people, unfamiliar and familiar.

Ren Ling would unconsciously turn a blind eye to strangers, never cared, and seldom worried.This is the part of her that is extremely indifferent, so no matter how many disciples in the sect whisper to her, she doesn't feel it.In this regard, it is so dull that it makes people speechless.

But for those who are familiar with him, Ren Ling looks different.She will have personal emotions, sometimes lively, sometimes depressed, and these will be naturally displayed in front of familiar people.Including mother, Chu family, master, Qin Lianyan, etc., even in front of Xiaobao and Moyu Shaoyao in Moyusplash, she is lively and interesting.

It's just that there are very few people who can be classified by Ren Ling as "familiar people".

"Ling'er, what do you think of the Zhenshan formation?"
These days, Bai Feng took Ren Ling to Cuoji Mountain every morning, stayed for about an hour before leaving, and then the master and apprentice patrolled around.The euphemistic name is Patrol, but in Ren Ling's view, it is more accurate to describe the apprentice wandering around and the master distracted.According to her observation, the master didn't seem to be here to repair the Zhenshan formation. Of course, the Zhenshan formation has no enemies in front of it and no intruders, and there is nothing to repair if it is well hidden there.Therefore, she privately felt that it was more likely that Master was studying how to strengthen or build a new formation.
"Ling'er, what do you think of my Zongmen's Mountain Suppressing Formation?" Seeing that Ren Ling was in a daze, Bai Feng repeated the question again.

Ren Ling let out an 'ah', scratching his head and couldn't think of any words to describe it, "It's as solid as gold."
Bai Feng smiled slightly, "Who is solid in front of you?"
He threw out two words tentatively, "The Great Enemy?"
"In the face of the enemy, is my Zhenshan formation necessarily impenetrable?"
"This..." Ren Ling was stunned by the question, "It's really hard to say. In my opinion, the Zhenshan formation is already the most powerful formation I have ever seen, and it is used to protect our entire sect. However, there is no absolute thing in the world, what can be established will be broken, if you know how to break the formation..."
"That's right, there is nothing absolute in this world." Bai Feng let out a sigh of relief, looking far away, calm and indifferent.
These days, Ren Ling got used to Master being easily distracted, so he let go of his spiritual sense and looked around on his own. After half an hour, he hurried back to Bai Feng, "Master, someone is here!"
Bai Feng opened his eyes, concentrated for a while and said, "Chu Yi."
"Brother?" Ren Ling was surprised. She just sensed that someone with stronger cultivation than her was flying towards them in the distance and hurriedly told her master, but she didn't expect it to be Chu Yi, whom she hadn't seen for many months.
Sure enough, not long after, Chu Yilang appeared in front of them with a smile, "Little sister! Fengfeng!"
"Brother!" Ren Ling greeted him with a smile, "How do you know that Master and I are here?"
Chu Yi rubbed Ren Ling's head, his eyes full of doting, "Brother just came back to the sect, when I heard that you came to the camp here, I rushed over here."
"How's the situation?" Bai Feng frowned slightly, interrupting Tu'er and Chu Yi from greeting each other intimately, "Yi, you came back half a month later than expected, but what happened?"
Chu Yi looked at Bai Feng, and the messages that could only be understood by each other flowed in their eyes, "Let's go back to the sect first, and talk as we walk. Master has already left the customs, so we just discuss this matter together."
Dad is out? !Ren Ling's eyes lit up, "Master, I..."
"Your task is not finished yet," Bai Feng frowned, "Ling'er, the Zhenshan formation needs to set up a new formation, and I will explain the main points to you as a teacher. You should complete it as soon as possible, and then return to the sect."

 It's March, I hope the character will explode!
  Showers are looking for pink in the middle of the day today!
  Also please give your support~~
  There will be a second update around [-]:[-] in the morning, and new characters will appear, so stay tuned, please subscribe~
(End of this chapter)

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