Immortal Journey

Chapter 134 Three Young Mrs.

Chapter 134

On a sunny afternoon, the wind gently plucked the green grass on the mountain top, and by the way brushed the long hair that Ren Ling grabbed and threw back.
"According to what Master said, it is not an easy matter to cut open and implant a hidden formation in the original formation of the Zhenshan Great Formation." Retracting the blue aura in his hand, Ren Ling closed his eyes and sensed what Master had set up a few days ago. Setting, "There are a total of 38 arrays. Master arranges [-] arrays every day, and now [-] grids have been completed. If I want to take over the layout of the remaining [-] arrays, I am afraid it will take at least half a month."
"To understand the specific layout method and purpose of each array point of Master, and to study how to choose the position to arrange the remaining array points, as well as the specific operation method," the eyebrows were twisted into knots, "The point is to be invisible How difficult it is! Master, you think highly of me, my disciple..."
Looking at the direction of the Xuandao Sect with tears in her eyes, in fact, how much she wanted to leave the task and go back to see her father with her master and elder brother!
After Chu Yi hurriedly found him, Bai Feng explained to Ren Ling the main points and ideas of the arrangement these days, and then followed Chu Yi to leave the northeast station and go back to the sect, leaving behind Ren Ling who was eager to follow him like a puppy. Ling.
There is nothing wrong with Zhenshan formation, but the master wants to set up a hidden formation at the foot of the formation. The master did not clarify the reason for this, and Ren Ling did not ask in detail.But judging from the function of the hidden formation, after it is deployed, it will only strengthen the role of the Zhenshan formation, making the Zongmen's grasp of the changes in the Zhenshan formation more rapid and reliable.
But the hidden formation itself is very complicated, and it must be implanted into the original Zhenshan formation, and if it is not handled properly, it may lead to serious consequences.
Even Bai Feng himself only chooses to deploy ten formations every day, and observes in real time whether the deployment of the formations will affect the entire formation.As for Ren Ling, it would take several days just to understand the array points laid out by the master in the previous seven days. He also had to follow the same method to select the site and introduce it. It is already very impressive to be able to complete the work within half a month. up.
In the following days, Ren Ling went out early and returned late every day, except for completing patrol missions, he basically stayed on Cuoji Mountain.In the eyes of fellow disciples, she was looking for a place to practice, which was not surprising.
A few days later, Ren Ling, who had finally studied the seventy formations, sat cross-legged on the west side of Cuoji Mountain, opened his eyes and let out a breath, "I will try to set up the formations today. For the first time, I will try three formations first." All right."
"Huh?" Ren Ling, who was talking to himself, leaned forward and stretched out his hand to push the grass on the ground, "Why is there a group of black ants?"
It stands to reason that although there are no trees planted on Cuoji Mountain, it is also covered with grass. It is not surprising that there are ants crawling over it.But Ren Ling knew that Cuoji Mountain, as one of the formations of Zhenshan formation, had been specially treated by the sect, and it was impossible for living things to exist, so as not to affect the formation.
Curious in his heart, Ren Ling put aside the idea of ​​setting up an array, and began to observe the origin of the group of black ants.This observation didn't matter, but she discovered that the black ant colony really appeared inexplicably, and she couldn't find the cave of the black ant colony even though she searched the entire mountain, not to mention that although the black ant colony had no aura, they looked strangely. Dazzling.
Reaching out to pinch a few black ants and putting them on the palm, Ren Ling frowned, "Go back and study it for Master. Although the ants are small, they should not be taken lightly. After all, it is related to the Zhenshan formation."
I wanted to put the black ants into the Moyu Stream, but when I thought of the bustling Moyu Stream now, I thought to myself, "I have gained wisdom through the experience, so I can't just throw everything into the Moyu Stream, or put it in the spirit beast bag." It's all right."
After collecting the black ants, Ren Ling burned all the black ant colonies with a fire of innate fire, and then settled down to prepare for the formation.


Inside a spherical enchantment, three identical-looking heads poked out, and upon closer inspection, they were three young ladies carved in jade.

The three of them looked about six or seven years old, and they looked cuter than freshly baked steamed buns, making people want to pounce on them and take a bite.

"Second brother, I already said that this method won't work." The little Zhengtai on the far right looked serious.

The young lady in the middle frowned, pursed her mouth and said, "I didn't expect this woman to be able to find my magic ants!"

"Second brother, it was you who said that this trick would definitely work," the young lady on the left shook her head, trying to show her elder brother's majesty with a straight face, but seeing the group of magic ants wiped out in Ren Ling's hands, her straight face instantly collapsed, "Now How to do?"

Zheng Taisan clenched his small fist and put it in front of his mouth, coughing, and reminded sternly, "It's okay if the matter is not done, but the magic ant must not fall into the hands of that woman."

Zhengtai echoed again and again, "Exactly, although the magic ants can temporarily hide the magic energy under our spell, if they fall into the hands of capable people, I am afraid that our identities will be exposed."

"Father will definitely beat us up." Zheng Taier's face was tangled up, wanting to cry, but little meat bun's face was flushed, and after a while, he showed a heroic and resolute look, "Brother, third brother, Since it was my idea, I will handle it myself!"

After finishing speaking, Zhengtai Eryi stroked the small curly hair on his forehead, picked up the red silk knife at the side, and stood up aggressively.

"Wait!" Zhengtai hurriedly grabbed him, "Second brother, what do you want to do?"

Zheng Taier narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dark haze flashed across, "Kill that woman."

"Second brother, don't do it." Zheng Taisan reached out and grabbed the red silk knife and put it aside, "This is the enemy's territory. If we kill that woman, it will be easier to expose our traces."

"That's right, second brother, don't be impulsive." Zhengtai frowned into a small bag, thinking hard, "This breath-absorbing mask can only last for three hours, so it's better to think of a way to deal with it and take action."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either!" Zhengtai Er blushed, his chubby cheeks puffed up, "Big Brother, Third Brother, what exactly do you do?"

"This matter has to be discussed in the long term." The third wife touched her chin maturely, frowned and analyzed, "The three of us sneaked out while the father is retreating, first of all we must ensure that we can go back safely, otherwise the father will definitely beat us up."

"Second brother also uses the magic ants for our people. If Cheng Yaojin hadn't been killed halfway, this magic ant is hidden in the front line, and it will be of great use every day. Father will definitely praise us for this." Zhengtai San continued to analyze.

The other two small faces agreed and nodded expectantly.

"But if you fail to do meritorious service now, let the magic ants fall into the enemy's hands, maybe you will spend many years of hard work..." Zheng Taisan stopped, and the old god was watching the two brothers, beating their hearts and feet. Satisfied with his expression, "Second brother said that he wanted to kill the woman, this method is absolutely unacceptable. But it is not impossible to get rid of the magic ants."

The two pairs of bright eyes blinked, and Zheng Taisan smiled proudly, "You can't attack by force, you can take it by chance."

"How to get it cleverly?"

"Just now that woman put the magic ants in the spirit beast bag, as long as we can find a way to enter the spirit beast bag, destroy the magic ants, and then come out without anyone noticing, wouldn't that be the case?"

"You're still smart!"

Ren Ling didn't know anything about what happened in the cloud. After putting the black ant into the spirit beast bag, he concentrated on arranging the array according to what he got.

Because of the painstaking research and repeated scrutiny in the past few days, the real operation is not too difficult, but it consumes more spiritual energy than imagined.

After setting up the expected three positions, it was time to return to the camp to register.

The camp in Cuoji Mountain was not too far away, and with Master leaving, Ren Ling walked forward alone.Passing through a small forest, he suddenly saw a snow-white ball whizzing by in front of his eyes. Ren Ling stared at it carefully, "It seems to be a second-order little beast."

Because there are people patrolling the Northeast Station all the year round, even if there are spirit beasts nearby, they will not exceed the second level of cultivation. They are not a threat to the inner disciples, and some female disciples even take away cute little beasts for adoption occasionally.

However, Ren Ling is not very interested in keeping pets in captivity, because he already has Xiaobao and Moyu Qundie and thinks it is enough. The most important thing is that he is a little scared to be disturbed by those ten thousand-year-old monsters, so he dares to raise anything casually thing?
He glanced lightly at the snow-white ball flashing into the woods, and continued walking on his own.

Before he had gone far, there was a sudden fluctuation in the air, and Ren Ling sharply dodged to the side, grabbing a few black ice needles and ready to go.

"Aww..." A weak voice came from the bottom of his feet, Ren Ling was slightly stunned, and looked down at the snow-white ball that had just flashed into the forest, "Little fox?"

The little ball of snow on the soles of the feet circled around her, stretched out a small paw to rest on the hem of her skirt, and a pair of twinkling eyes were pitiful and very lovable.

Ren Ling bent down and picked up Little Xueqiu, "Little Fox, go back to the forest to improve your cultivation?"

Little Xueqiu seemed to understand her words, and looked at her with moist eyes, her paws were tightly hugged to her chest, as if she refused to leave.

"Don't want to?"

The one who answered Ren Ling was his little head rubbing against her chest, acting like a spoiled child.

Ren Ling sighed, this little fox is full of spirituality and looks very cute, if the teachers and sisters in the sect see it, they will definitely adopt it happily. She was silent for a moment, and walked to the camp with the little fox in her arms.

"Senior Sister Ren, are you back?"

Walking to the gate of the camp, three female disciples came to meet them. They were inner disciples who had just entered the sect these years, and they were all in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Ren Ling smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes. Sister Yu, are you on the night shift?"

"No," Junior Sister Yu shook her head and smiled, "We just finished handing over at the deacon's office. Wow! What a cute little fox!"

"It's so funny!" The three of them gathered around and teased the little fox one after another. The little fox sneezed, which made everyone laugh even more.

"Ah, by the way, Senior Sister Ren, just now the senior brother deacon said that someone came through the door and brought you a letter."

"Really?" Could it be Master?Master has only left for a few days, is there something that needs to be explained?Or is there a summons from the elder brother?Why don't you let the disciples come over and pass it on instead of the sound transmission symbols?Ren Ling pondered in his mind, seeing the three of them took the little fox to play with, he hurriedly said, "I met this little fox on the road just now, if you like it, you should take it with you first, and the senior sisters will go to the deacon's office."

 The second update is delivered, sincerely ask for all kinds of requests~~The third update will be released around [-]:[-] pm, dear friends, remember to subscribe and support~~Showers are grateful~~
(End of this chapter)

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