Immortal Journey

Chapter 135 Inspecting the Zhenshan Formation Team

Chapter 135 Inspecting the Zhenshan Formation Team
Ren Ling hurried to the deacon's office, and found that the five new disciples from the same school who were looking for her, the leading male cultivator was full of momentum, and he was actually at the alchemy stage.
"You are Ren Ling?" Uncle Jie Danqi looked up and down for a moment, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, "I am ordered by the sect to lead a team to inspect the Zhenshan formation. You will patrol with us tomorrow. .”
Inspecting the Zhenshan formation?

There was a question mark in Ren Ling's mind, "Master, the patrol task Ren Ling received has not yet ended, and it seems that it is against the rules to join the team that patrols the Zhenshan formation."
"My surname is Zhang." Uncle Jie Danqi, Zhang Dacheng frowned, with a proud tone, "Go to the deacon disciple to hang up the previous task and follow our team. This is an order from the sect."
"Since that's the case," Ren Ling knew that the words of the sect master's uncle should be credible, although he still didn't know the specific situation, so he nodded and said, "Ren Ling is going to hand over the task, and tomorrow he will go with the master's uncle."
Early the next morning.
In the team that inspected the Zhenshan formation this time, except for the team leader, Shishu Zhang, who was in the alchemy stage, the other four disciples were all late foundation establishment disciples. Ren Ling broke through to the late foundation establishment two years ago, so he and the rest The next disciples are regarded as peers.
The seniority in the sect is very strict, the younger and younger generations will observe etiquette, and the same generation will respect each other. Therefore, Ren Ling doesn't quite understand why the four accompanying disciples have an inexplicable hostility and contempt for him.
Maybe it's because I'm overthinking it?
Ren Ling frowned, and quickly followed at the end of the team, heading towards Cuoji Mountain.
"Nephew Ren."
Arriving at Cuoji Mountain in a blink of an eye, Uncle Zhang surnamed Zhang stopped, a little satisfied with Ren Ling's low-key behavior, "Come here."
"Do you know why the sect sent the uncle to lead a team to inspect the Zhenshan formation?"
Ren Ling was taken aback for a moment, shook his head and said, "Return to Master Zhang, Master Nephew doesn't know."
"Nephew Leng, tell her." Martial Uncle Zhang squinted at Ren Ling, raised one corner of his mouth, and motioned for a disciple behind him to come forward and explain.
The disciple who was named took a step forward respectfully, first bowed politely to the uncle surnamed Zhang, and then raised his chin slightly to look at Ren Ling, "Master Zhang is a fifth-level formation master. Send someone to invite Uncle Zhang who is in retreat, and lead me and other juniors to inspect the Zhenshan formation."
"Hmm..." Uncle Zhang surnamed half closed his eyes, "Nephew Leng, explain the main points of this mission to Nephew Ren."
"Yes." The disciple surnamed Leng coughed twice, and said loudly, "The inspection mission of Zhenshan formation is not the same as the usual patrol mission. It can be said that it is not at the same level. Not all disciples can participate in the task of patrolling Zhenshan formation. Only those disciples who have achieved something in formation can be selected by the sect to join the team."
"This time, the Zongmen sent four small teams to inspect the Zhenshan formations in the northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest regions. We are very lucky to be able to follow Master Zhang, a master of the formation, to carry out the mission. I learned a lot about formations in middle school."
"You have to have a day to understand it, can you learn it?" A female disciple diagonally behind laughed, "Although we are not talented, we are all second-level formation masters. Uncle Zhang is in the formation. You have excellent academic attainments, and you have taken good care of us. Please teach us a lot during this mission, so that you can advance in the formation. As for the layman, it is really worrying, and it must be in vain. It's time, right?"

The uncle surnamed Zhang was very helpful to these words, and did not blame the female disciple for interjecting, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ren Ling, "Nephew Ren, I wonder what level of formation master the nephew is qualified for?"
"I have been going in and out of the array master's examination hall all year round, but I have never heard of a array master named Ren Ling." The female disciple didn't wait for Ren Ling to answer, and then said without permission, "What about you? Have you ever seen her?" ?”
"The disciple has never been tested for the level of a formation master."
Ren Ling lowered his eyes and understood why everyone was slightly hostile. She thought that she, a member who jumped in the middle of the line, was not welcome.
In fact, what she didn't know was that what the sect sent out with the surname Zhang was to let Ren Ling be the leader of the team, and this matter was what really angered everyone.
Everyone ridiculed each other, but seeing that Ren Ling didn't respond, they felt that it was meaningless, and gradually stopped talking.
The uncle surnamed Zhang who closed his eyes and opened his eyes deeply said, "Okay, everyone be quiet. Since we are members of the same team, we must take care of each other and focus on the mission of the sect."
"Yes, uncle."
All the disciples bowed their heads and said yes.
"Let's test the position of Zhenshan's great formation, you should step back a little bit."
Master Zhang surnamed took out a pentaprism, and poured spiritual power into it with the palm of his hand. After a while, the mirror reflected a huge light arc and shone forward, and the place reflected by the light arc faintly showed interlaced and complicated transparent light paths.
That was the first step, Ren Ling stood at the back, watching carefully.
His eyes fell into the formation points arranged by Master and her these days, and he nodded secretly in his heart. It seems that the method taught by Master is very correct, and all the formation points are firmly embedded in the big formation according to their needs.
It was the first time for the disciples next to him to see a corner of the Zhenshan Great Formation, exclaiming in surprise that one will fall and the other will fall.
Uncle Zhang surnamed smiled proudly, and said loudly, "The Zongmen's formation is stable and reliable, and there is nothing unusual about it."
Nothing wrong?Ren Ling raised her eyebrows. Although the formations laid by her and her master were subtle and difficult to distinguish, they were not impossible to discover. Now that the entire formation is revealed, anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see it, okay?
"Let's see Master Uncle do his part to contribute to my Zongmen's Great Formation."
As soon as Uncle Zhang surnamed finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the raging spiritual power shot from his palm to his feet.
"Oops! It can't be like this!"
Ren Ling opened her eyes wide and gritted her teeth secretly. She was ordered by her master to implant an invisible formation. The method was to cut open a small part of the original formation and then bury the formation.Now that the entire invisible formation has not yet been completed, this uncle added a layer of spiritual protection to the formation, which will only make the formation more unstable.That is to say, the thicker his layer of spiritual protection is, the bigger the gap in the middle will be due to the impact of spiritual power.
The point is, this will make it more troublesome for Ren Ling to implant the matrix.
In fact, even if there is no formation point implanted in the formation, from Ren Ling's point of view, the method of strengthening the formation with spiritual power like Uncle Zhang's surname is not very advisable.Zhenshan Great Formation was deployed thousands of years ago with the joint efforts of several Huashen elders and Yuanying elders. Its power and intensity are invincible in today's cultivation world.Uncle Zhang surnamed is just a monk in the early stage of alchemy, and his spiritual power is limited. In addition, he has no choice but to add spiritual power at will, which is actually as insignificant and insignificant as sticking a few feathers on a solid city wall. meaningless.

Ren Ling couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Uncle Zhang, since the ground is solid, there should be no need for additional protection, right?"
"What do you know!" Uncle Zhang surnamed was quite annoyed, and he turned around and scolded, "Don't disturb Uncle Uncle while he is performing his mission, shut up."

Ren Ling knew that he couldn't change Zhang Shishu's insistence on going his own way, so he stopped talking and stood still, thinking about how to deal with the next task of setting up the formation.

It took about an hour for Shi Li, the uncle surnamed Zhang, to withdraw his hand in satisfaction. He smiled proudly under the eager eyes of the crowd, and then led the crowd to the nearby hilltop, used a pentaprism to form a formation, and urged everyone to follow his example and release their spirits against the formation. Force to do reinforcement work.

Ren Ling had no choice but to be one of the team members. Even though he didn't agree with this method, he didn't dare to disobey his uncle's order easily, so he had to add strength to the formation together.

After spending a whole morning, Uncle Zhang was quite satisfied with today's mission, so he led everyone back to the camp, announcing that they would be dismissed one by one after gathering early tomorrow morning.

There is an unwritten rule for the disciples participating in patrol missions in the camp. As long as they complete the assigned missions every day, they can freely arrange the rest of the time.Most people will go back to their respective caves to meditate and practice. Of course, some people will go out to find a clean place to practice.

When Ren Ling returned to his cave, he received a sound transmission talisman from his master.

"Ling'er, time is running out, so Master asked the Hall of Deacons to organize five disciples to help you set up the formation. It is not appropriate to announce the hidden formation at the moment, so Ling'er, you can send your team members to do patrol work and cooperate."

Assist her in setting up positions?
Ren Ling rubbed the center of his eyebrows, he really didn't understand Master's voice transmission.If it is said that someone was specially sent to assist her in setting up the formation, then why did she hide the matter of hiding the formation?If it is impossible to make public what she is going to do, then the so-called team patrolling the Zhenshan formation seems to hinder her more from doing things than assisting her?

Also, why didn't Zhang's surnamed uncle say that he came to help?But an appearance that let her join the team because she was a high-ranking person?What is going wrong here?
Ren Ling scratched his head, took out a sound transmission talisman and said, "Master, the disciples will do their best to set up the formation, and it is estimated that it will take another seven days. But, the disciples who are patrolling the Zhenshan formation, can you let them go back to the sect first?" Door?"

Sending out the sound transmission talisman, Ren Ling sat down cross-legged, hoping to wait for Master's reply before making a decision.

About a quarter of an hour later, the master came back via voice transmission, "Ling'er, the task of inspecting the Zhenshan Great Formation is the intention of the Sect Leader, as a teacher, I will now go to the other three garrisons to set up formations, and I will talk to you in detail when I come back. Remember, you must set up the array before returning to the sect."

Ren Ling crushed the sound transmission talisman in his hand, lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then left alone for Cuoji Mountain.

It landed on the west side of Cuoji Mountain, and took out the isolation magic circle to cover the entire mountain.Once someone approaches the magic circle, there will be violent fluctuations. With this layer of protection, Ren Ling can start working with confidence.

The shroud formed by Uncle Zhang's previous release of spiritual power must be cleared before the layout of the array can be carried out.

Ren Ling's stay took more than half a day, and it took nearly two hours just to remove Zhang Shishu's spiritual power. Next, he set up five formations according to the previous rules. , the night has already fallen.

Returning to the camp in a hurry, I happened to run into Lu Guangan, a male student from the same team.

"Junior Sister Ren..." Lu Guangan walked towards Ren Ling, "Why did you come back so late?"

Ren Ling nodded politely, "Brother Lu, you just went out for a while, but something happened?"

Lu Guangan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"That's it, excuse me, Junior Sister." Ren Ling waved his hand and walked towards the cave where he lived, but he didn't realize that the pair of suspicious eyes behind her were fixed on her for a long time.

 It will be delivered at three o'clock, sincerely looking for pink~

(End of this chapter)

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