Chapter 136

In the following days, in the morning, Ren Ling followed the inspection team of Zhenshan formation to reinforce the formation, and in the afternoon, he quietly left the camp and went to Cuoji Mountain to continue to set up formations.

After returning to the camp for two consecutive nights, Ren Ling met the senior brother named Lu Guang'an. Ren Ling was surprised, fearing that it would affect the layout of the camp, so he was extremely careful when leaving and returning to the camp, deliberately avoiding being discovered.

By the afternoon of the seventh day, there were only two positions left to complete the task assigned by the master.Ren Ling came to Cuoji Mountain early, and after setting up the isolation circle, he skillfully set up the circle. After careful inspection, he raised his lips in satisfaction, "It's finally finished! Now I should be able to go back and report to Master, and I will ask to see you by the way." See Daddy?"

Thinking of Fang Yu, whom he had never met before, he unconsciously took out the old sword tassel that his mother had given him, looked at it carefully in the sun, and stroked it, "I don't know how my mother is all these years? Maybe, after seeing my father, I can Go back with daddy to see mother? If you can take mother over to Xuan Dao Sect, then..." Thinking of the scene of gathering with parents, the sweet little face is filled with a happy smile, "that is the most beautiful girl in the world. It's a beautiful thing."

"It's just." Thinking of Fang Yu's ancestor's reputation and prestige, a feeling of uneasiness came to his mind, "What if Dad doesn't want to? Mother will be sad if she finds out."

"Alas..." All kinds of thoughts were mixed, and I couldn't make sense of them for a while, Ren Ling just fell into thinking in a daze.

'boom! '

A violent roar shook off Ren Ling's ecstasy, she stood up quickly, flicked her hands to hide her feet, turned around and saw a huge wave surging towards her!
Drive Feng Xingbu will dodge the huge waves, but the aftermath vibration also made her steps jerk, and she almost fell down.

"Well, you Ren Ling! You actually sabotaged my Zongmen's formation of Zhenshan behind your back? You are guilty!"

"Uncle Zhang?"

Ren Ling was confused when he saw who came.

The disciples surnamed Zhang who were leading the inspection of the Zhenshan Formation lined up in a row, and everyone looked at her with arrows, as if she was a traitor of the master.

"Uncle Zhang misunderstood." Ren Ling took a step forward, "Ren Ling didn't do anything to destroy the Zhenshan formation. I don't know why Uncle Zhang said that?"

Uncle Zhang surnamed with his hands behind his back, "Lu Guangan, tell me."


Lu Guang'an arched his hands, and made a generous statement, "My nephew discovered that Junior Sister Ren had left the camp in a sneaky way seven days ago. At that time, he didn't know where Junior Sister Ren had gone, so he waited at the gate of the camp. I didn't see Junior Sister Ren until late at night. When I return, I feel suspicious in my heart.”

Uncle Zhang surnamed coughed, as if he was quite satisfied with Lu Guangan's meticulousness, "Okay, let's continue."

"But the nephew still believes that the younger sister will not do such a rebellious thing out of jealousy and dissatisfaction with us," Lu Guang'an raised his chin uprightly, "so he didn't report the matter to Uncle Zhang. However, In the next few days, Junior Sister Ren will remain the same. The most suspicious thing is that Junior Sister Ren's haunting is even more mysterious. If it wasn't for her nephew sneaking behind her today, she wouldn't have discovered that Junior Sister Ren did such a deceitful thing! "

"Ren Ling! Do you have something to say?"

Uncle Zhang surnamed Zhang flicked his long sleeves and looked at her sadly, "Although you have no ability to comprehend the formation, we have never disliked you, and we still included you in the team according to the order of the sect. But no Thinking of daring to harbor evil intentions! This crime is punishable!"

Ren Ling frowned tightly, and was speechless to Zhang Shishu and Lu Guangan's singing together. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, "Master Zhang is not a two-word nephew, please ask Uncle Zhang?" Is there any evidence to prove that my nephew destroyed the mountain formation? As my uncle said, my sect's mountain formation is solid and reliable, so how can my nephew destroy it? What is my nephew's plan?"

Uncle Zhang surnamed didn't expect that Ren Ling would stop talking if he didn't speak, and blocked him back as soon as he opened his mouth.Indeed, from their point of view, Ren Ling didn't know the formation at all. With her level, even if she knew the position of the formation, she probably didn't even have the ability to make the formation visible, so how could she destroy it?
Coughing suddenly, the uncle surnamed Zhang glared at Lu Guang'an. If he hadn't vowed that Ren Ling must be weird, he wouldn't have mobilized everyone to come here. If he couldn't close the show now, his reputation would be ruined.

Lu Guang'an, however, smiled calmly, walked up to the uncle surnamed Zhang and murmured for a while before stepping aside, and cast a sideways glance at Ren Ling. If he wasn't really sure, how could he speak rashly?

"Nephew Ren, since you want evidence, Uncle Zhang will give you evidence." Uncle Zhang surnamed sneered, took out a pentaprism, and shone it across the sky with his infused spiritual power. After a while, the formation was revealed again.

"Good job, Ren Ling! It really gave you great courage!" Everyone opened their eyes wide and whispered in low voices after seeing the battle.

"It actually destroyed the spiritual power layer that my uncle took painstakingly to strengthen the formation that day," the uncle surnamed Zhang didn't look at it, but got angry when he saw it, "It's really unreasonable!"

Ren Ling felt a light flash in front of her eyes, and several disciples rushed up and pressed her tightly. The light was like a strange rope, which instantly bound her hands tightly behind her back.

The uncle surnamed Zhang was about to burst into tears. In his opinion, Ren Ling's actions were tantamount to slapping him in the face in public. Therefore, the slight uncertainty that was originally there was put aside, "Do you have anything to say?"

There was indeed no problem with the layout of the formation points, and they were not discovered by these fellows who claimed to be masters of the formation technique. Ren Ling nodded secretly in his heart, but in a flash he smiled slightly at the fact that he still cared about the formation point problem under such circumstances.

"Uncle Zhang, the spiritual protection layer is not necessary in the first place"

"Presumptuous!" Uncle Zhang saw that Ren Ling didn't know how to repent, and still challenged his authority without fear of death. A slash of light struck Ren Ling's guts, and a fishy sweet taste came out of her mouth. She suppressed the discomfort, Looking directly at the uncle with the surname Zhang, he asked in a cold voice, "Could it be that Uncle Zhang is going to execute him privately?"

"Hmph! I, Zhang Dacheng, am not that kind of person!" Zhang Dacheng's old face was a little bit uncomfortable. After all, bullying a bound nephew from the same sect was really bullying the younger, "Let's go! The elders of the door come to make a decision!"

As a result, Ren Ling was escorted back to the sect like a sinner.

When they arrived at the sect's boundary, the uncle surnamed Zhang led the crowd directly to the Xuandao Yifeng Master Hall, and asked the master to meet him in front of the master uncle on duty.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Patriarch Yu Tang finally came to the Hall of Mastery, and also drove out many disciples who had been watching Ren Ling being bound during this time, leaving only a few of them.

He casually removed the binding rope between Ren Ling's wrists, and the ancestor Yu Tang sat upright, "Zhang Dacheng, why did you do this?"

Zhang Dacheng took a step forward, and angrily stated what he discovered today, with thorns in every sentence, piercing Ren Ling's body completely, every word hidden, implying that Ren Ling didn't know what was good or bad.It took nearly a stick of incense to spit, and then he concluded his statement with satisfaction, "I'm afraid Nephew Ren is harboring evil intentions, please learn from the master!"

Patriarch Yutang's face remained unchanged, his eyes glanced at the people below, and he said, "I ordered Zhang Dacheng to lead the team to the station. Did I ever tell you that Ren Ling would be the leader to assist her in patrolling the Zhenshan formation?"

"Uh," Zhang Dacheng didn't expect that his words of solid evidence would not be taken seriously by the head, and he was a little dazed for a while, "Back to the head, I did say so."

"But judging from what you said just now, it seems that you did not perform the task according to the requirements of the deity? If you are headed by Ren Ling, why do you question her actions?" Patriarch Yutang asked indifferently.

"Here," Zhang Dacheng blushed, "returning to the sect master, Ren Ling doesn't know anything about formations. If we obey her orders, I'm afraid the consequences will be even worse."

"What crime should I do if I ignore the words of the master?"

Ancestor Yu Tang's voice became even softer, but the invisible coercion enveloped the entire hall, frightening Zhang Dacheng and the others' legs trembling, and hurriedly knelt down, "I'm guilty! I beg the master to forgive me! It's just that Ren Ling It’s true that you have ulterior motives, and the head of the sect needs to learn from it! Ming’s lesson!”

Patriarch Yutang flicked his long sleeves, "Wait here, wait here, Ren Ling, come with me, I want to ask you in person."

Ren Ling stood up and said yes, and followed the ancestor Yu Tang into the inner hall.

"Ren Ling," Patriarch Yu Tang put away the invisible coercion, and asked her with concern, "The hidden formation has been deployed?"

Ren Ling lowered his head, and replied respectfully, "Return to the head, the hidden formation in the Northeast Station has been set up properly. Because the master once told the disciples not to make this matter public, so Uncle Zhang and others misunderstood. "

"It's okay," Patriarch Yu Tang nodded, "Thank you for your hard work. If it wasn't for time constraints, I wouldn't have rushed to send Zhang Dacheng and others over there. Your master will tell you the details later. However, today's matter has become a big deal , I'm afraid I have to wrong you a bit."

Ren Ling raised her head in confusion. Just now, she was waiting for the Sect Leader to come in person in the Hall of Sect Leader. Many disciples who came and went saw her embarrassment. Now that it has been spread, I don’t know what to say about her, but now the words of Patriarch Yutang sound like Let her not quite understand, "Master, what do you mean?"

Patriarch Yu Tang didn't speak directly, but he looked calm and calm, and smiled at Ren Ling, "If you can't calm down the thoughts of your brothers and sisters in the same sect, it will also be detrimental to your future practice in the sect. You can come out with this deity."

The two of them stepped out of the inner hall, the uncle surnamed Zhang and others were still kneeling in the hall, when they saw Ren Ling coming out with the ancestor Yutang, their brows and eyes were full of resentment, as if they dared not speak out.

"Zhang Dacheng, the deity already understands this matter," Patriarch Yutang flicked his sleeves lightly, lifted everyone up, and said, "Ren Ling's approach is not wrong, adding a layer of spiritual power to the Zongmen Zhenshan formation. Hardening is not good practice, you know that?"

"Master, you, you..." The uncle surnamed Zhang opened his mouth, turned his head to look at Ren Ling with a cold face, his eyes were red, and shouted loudly, "I don't accept it! Then Ren Ling doesn't understand the formation, don't you know it better than me?" she?"

Several disciples behind him spoke in support at the same time, "Please learn from the master!"

"Since everyone is dissatisfied, I will give you a way to prove it." Patriarch Yu Tang smiled lightly, "Ren Ling, you can go to the formation master examination hall to obtain a level and see if you really have the qualifications for formation techniques." !"

 There is another update at eleven o'clock in the morning.

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(End of this chapter)

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