Immortal Journey

Chapter 137 Who dares to harm my sister?

Chapter 137 Who dares to harm my sister?

The Array Master's Examination Hall has never been so crowded and noisy.

First, the head master Yutang Patriarch led the team and ordered the deacon disciples to send a female disciple into the formation master trial tower, then sat cross-legged on the main seat directly above the hall, closed their eyes and waited.

The five sect disciples who came in were familiar with the deacon disciples. Except for one of them was Zhang Dacheng, a fifth-level formation master, the other four disciples also had the qualification level of a second-level formation master.

Since there are very few disciples in the sect who have obtained the qualifications of formation masters, almost every formation master and deacon disciple is very familiar with them.

Today's situation, the deacon disciples are a little unclear.

It stands to reason that when the sect master comes in person, everyone should be as terrified as he is, but after Zhang Dacheng came in, he was not afraid at all, and instead sat cross-legged in the hall with the disciples behind him, looking like he was waiting to see a good show.Could it be that the head of the sect has some control in his hands, so he is justified and not afraid?However, no one dares to act presumptuously in front of the head of the sect, even if they are very courageous, right?

What the deacon's disciples didn't know was that now Zhang Dacheng was on the verge of riding a tiger, even if he swallowed his anger, it would be difficult to recover the matter.So after much deliberation, he made up his mind that if he wanted to make a fuss, he would make a big fuss. When the time came, the truth would be on his side, and he would back down and express his willingness not to pursue it, so as to gain his own reputation.And the head of the sect will definitely look at him differently because of his generosity and etiquette. After all, it was the head of the sect who asked Ren Ling to take the qualification level of the formation master, right?

Immediately after them, many sect disciples came one after another, some of them just witnessed what happened in the Hall of Masters, and many of them came to watch the excitement after hearing about it.

In short, there are more and more people, more and more crowded, so that the deacon disciple who has always thought that the Hall of Examiners is magnificent and spacious, sweats and admits that he is too short-sighted and knowledgeable, and when he is anxious, he does not know how to drive those idlers away. Go or try to maintain order as normal?

After the headmaster here came, he looked like an old monk in meditation, and seemed to have no problem with the influx of people.Over there, Zhang Dacheng and the others were both happy and worried. It was really difficult for him to be a deacon disciple, too difficult.

However, this is still the very beginning.

Although many disciples came to watch the excitement, but after all, the master was sitting there, most of them only dared to whisper and whisper, and overall it was not too chaotic.

But not long after, Chu Hong, the lord of Wufeng Peak, and his wife, Lan Lianhua, the lord of Qifeng Peak, arrived lightly. As soon as they entered the Hall of Examiners, their faces were stinky.The two walked to both sides of the main seat and sat down, and glanced coldly at Zhang Dacheng in the hall. It wasn't that the deacon's disciple was bold, but he read Chi Guoguo's word "court death" from those eyes.The deacon's disciple was so frightened that he couldn't move forward, but he couldn't retreat. He wiped his sweat again and again, and stepped forward on tiptoe to ask if it was necessary to clear the field.

"Clear the venue? Clear what venue?" Peak Master Lan squinted his eyes coldly, "There is excitement, so naturally people from all over the world should watch it together."

Well, the deacon disciple wiped off his sweat and retreated, and stood obediently at the entrance of the main hall, praying ten thousand times in his heart that nothing major would happen.

How could it not be a big deal to attract the three great Nascent Soul elders?I'm afraid it's a big deal, right?It's really an innocent disaster, why did it happen that it was his turn to be on duty today?

Looking wryly at the fellow disciples who filed in, his eyebrows, which had been stretched out for many years, were knotted in countless knots.

What is the background of the female disciple who was sent to the trial tower?
The deacon disciples pricked up their ears, trying to gather information from the crowd to ease their curiosity.

"I heard that the Zongmen Zhenshan formation was destroyed!"

"So powerful? As far as I know, the Zhenshan Great Formation was laid down by several generations of ancestors. How can a junior sister who has cultivated in the foundation establishment stage destroy it as soon as she says it? It's unbelievable!"

"I think so too. If it is so easy to destroy, how can our Xuan Dao Sect gain a foothold in the cultivation world?"

"So, it is said that the trouble came to the head of the school. The head asserted that the female disciple was innocent, but the uncle who made the trouble insisted on not accepting it, so the trouble came here."

"Then the uncle is too much, what are you doing with the leader? If there is really a problem with the Zhenshan formation, you should check it out and make a conclusion, right?"

"Hey, what the senior brother said is still reasonable, if it really ruined the Zhenshan formation, the head of the school would have sent the female disciple to death at this moment, so why would he come in person to 'give justice to that uncle'? "

"I'm afraid that the master uncle will end up being a human being! What good fruit can we have if we fight against the head of the sect?"

"That's not to say, that uncle is a fifth-level formation master. If he didn't think he is proficient in formations, he would not be able to argue in front of the head. Besides, the little foundation-building disciple heard that even a level-one None of them are formation masters, so it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong in the end."

"Strange, since that's the case, why does the sect master favor that female disciple?"

"I heard that the female disciple is Bai Feng's direct disciple!"

"It's the lucky one? No wonder the headmaster also looks at it differently. God, this is really a good show!"

If they don't listen to Shan Ke, the deacon disciples are even more entangled after listening to it. The relationship between them is chaotic and complicated. What if the headmaster finally vents his anger on him?

The examination method for formation masters is much more complicated than that of general division examinations. There are ten to fifteen formations in each level of formations. First, you have to break the formations, and after successfully breaking the formations, you have to test the formations.Only when the formation and formation are successfully completed can it be regarded as passing the first-level test.

This is also one of the reasons why very few disciples have been able to obtain the qualification level for many years, because its requirements are too strict and complicated, and it is very difficult to pass the first level. .

To use an analogy, it would take at least a day or so to pass the test of a first-level formation mage.And the higher the level, the longer the test will take.

The earlier you come out of the trial tower, the lower the level you will get.

What Zhang Dacheng hoped most was that Ren Ling was thrown out of the trial tower sooner, so that the matter could be settled.

However, he was disappointed.

One day passed, and Zhang Dacheng thought to himself, that damned woman has a bit of formation foundation, and I am afraid that it is possible to obtain a first-level qualification level.

Two days passed, Zhang Dacheng frowned slightly, could it be that the woman could persist in winning the honor of the second-level formation master?

Three or four days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the main hall, the disciples who wanted to watch a good show entered into a new wave of whispering. Zhang Dacheng felt a little restless, and opened his eyes involuntarily to check every hour. refining tower.

Five days have passed.

Six days have passed.

The atmosphere in the hall was rather strange, the eyes of the whispering disciples became more interested, Zhang Dacheng and the others turned paler and grayer, and the three Yuanying elders sitting in the main seat quietly closed their eyes and sat quietly.

"Tsk tsk! Tsk tsk!"

A black shadow leaped from mid-air and landed next to the main seat, and as the familiar plain fan closed its voice, the playful voice brought a bit of life to the hall that had been dull for several days, "What are you doing!"

"Father, mother, I heard that there is a lot of excitement in the Hall of Masters of the Formation Master just after I left the refining room. Is it possible to see everyone meditating here? Or is it better to make progress in group practice?"

"Yi'er," Lan Lianhua opened her eyes, glanced at her son who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, turned her beautiful eyes lightly, and said leisurely, "It's just that someone forced Ling'er to take the level of formation master, and insisted on embarrassing himself That's all. We Ling'er have a good heart, and we swallowed our anger to meet the strange demands of some 'uncles', and we don't know what will happen in the end?"

Chu Yi laughed exaggeratedly, "Mother, how did I hear that Ling'er has been in for six days and hasn't come out yet?"

"Yes, it is really admirable to be able to personally supervise the battle for six days."

Zhang Dacheng couldn't help but break out in cold sweat when he heard this. He originally estimated that the truth would come to light within a day at most, but now the longer the time dragged on, the more he could hardly absolve himself of the blame.

The majesty of the head can be challenged at will?Regardless of the fact that Patriarch Yu Tang closed his eyes and said nothing, I don't know how he will be annoyed now.

Alas, did you really answer that sentence, wrong step by step?
Zhang Dacheng couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hands, shook his head and opened his eyes, he was so frightened by the enlarged face in front of him, "You, you, you"

"How am I?"

Chu Yi took the time to smooth out his long sleeves and sat cross-legged with his chest upright. "I said, Junior Brother Zhang, you are very low-key when I see you on weekdays. I didn't expect you to be a real person who doesn't show your face! Can you invite the three great ancestors of the sect to testify and redress your grievances?" , presumably you can’t find another one in this sect besides Junior Brother Zhang. His ability is so strong that Senior Brother admires him! I really admire him!”

Zhang Dacheng's old face turned red and turned green, green turned gray, and said in a trembling voice, "Chu, Brother Chu misunderstood, misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding?" Chu Yi raised his voice and asked strangely, "Didn't you invite the head over here?"

"No, no," Zhang Dacheng wiped his sweat again with his sleeve, "yes, the master said that he would come, yes"

"The head is busy?" Jun's face was full of innocent confusion.

"How, how?" The old face smiled faintly.

"The head is not satisfied with the mage qualification level test?" His dark eyes blinked with question marks.

"W-Where is it possible?" His face began to tremble.

"Since the head is not too boring, and he has no objection to the exams in the Master's Hall of Masters, he wouldn't make a special trip here to chat his teeth, would he?"

"Of course not."

"So," Chu Yi stretched out his plain fan and patted Zhang Dacheng's shoulder with a smile, "Junior Brother Zhang, you must not underestimate yourself, all the ancestors in this hall, brothers and sisters from the same sect, are here because of you." It's all because of you, because of you."

"Because, because of me?" Zhang Dacheng trembled his hands, being dazed by Chu Yi, "Yes, because of me."

"Good job, senior brother just admires such a good junior brother who is responsible."

Chu Yi confused Zhang Dacheng to cry secretly, while Ren Ling in the trial tower over there became more and more enthusiastic.

To Ren Ling, the previous test of the fifth-level formation master was just a child's play. Apart from the time spent to break through the formations one by one, the actual cracking method is not difficult.The same is true for the so-called formation, which is to manipulate the puppets provided by the formation to arrange them, and to kill all the hostile puppets within the specified time is considered a success.

The operation method is similar, the difference is that as the level rises, the formation will become more and more complicated.

The more complicated it is, the more interesting it is, right?
Ren Ling clearly remembered that when she was just starting out, her master laughed and said that it should be no problem to win the seventh-level formation mage at her level, but ten years later, she doesn't know how many levels of formation mage she can reach in the master's opinion. ?
 Two more deliveries, closed today!

(End of this chapter)

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