Chapter 139
Half a month ago.
Xuandao Yifeng Conference Hall.
After listening to Chu Yi's report, the ten Yuanying elders present - representing the peak masters of the ten peaks - were silent, and the atmosphere was heavy and stiff.
After a long time, the ancestor Hongye opened his eyes and said in a low voice, "It is said that Juyou Valley was the battlefield of the last battle between immortals and demons ten thousand years ago. That battle destroyed the world and turned the world upside down, almost razing the entire Diancang Continent. Flat land. After 49 days of bloody battles, the Lord of the Demon Realm, Su Motian, was finally sealed under the Juyou Valley, and the current Diancang Continent was also rebuilt after that time."
This past event is not new to the elders. In fact, the people on the Diancang Continent basically know a thing or two about the legend of Juyou Valley.
However, legends belong to legends, how can the traces covered by the long years give people a deep sense of reality?
The patriarch Yutang responded with a 'huh', and said, "The sect history of this sect once mentioned that even though the demon-thirsty sky was sealed under the evil-suppressing stone in the north of Juyou Valley back then, the battle between immortals and demons The damage was so severe that the immortal power could not fully exert its suppressive power, and there was a gap left in the evil-suppressing stone, during which a small amount of devilish energy would flow out every hundred years."
Only the head of the sect is qualified to know the so-called secret history of the sect's inheritance. If it weren't for the critical situation, Patriarch Yu Tang would not have announced it.
All the patriarchs have never heard of this matter, and after hearing the words, they couldn't help but frown, Chu Hong's eyes sparkled, "Master Yu, if he already knew that the evil spirit was leaking from the evil spirit, why didn't the sect take corresponding actions?" ?”
Patriarch Yutang sighed, "How can we mere ascetics be able to suppress the Lord of the Demon Realm? Back then, the patriarchs of the sect could only watch from a distance, and could not move forward at all.
After the demonic energy flowed to the north along the airflow, he withdrew his troops and left to return to the sect to record the matter.They can only rejoice that the devilish energy will not affect the realm of Xuan Dao Sect, but they did not expect..."
"But I didn't expect it," Lan Lianhua glanced at the old man Tianji who was sitting in the middle of the hall, and shook his head, "There will be a disaster today?"
"If it hadn't been for the Tianji old man who calculated the catastrophe in our sect decades ago," the ancestor Yu Tang said in a deep voice, "he would not have been arranging disciples to observe secretly all these years, but he did not expect that the ancestors of the past Fortunately, it turned out to be a possible disaster!"
"Now the Zhenxie Stone seems to be loose," Fang Yu patriarch pondered for a moment and said, "From Yi'er's observations, it may be related to the devilish energy that leaked to the north. Although the devilish energy is subtle, it has survived thousands of years. Perhaps it has already become the biggest source of magic in the place of demon cultivators north of Juyou Valley. If the demon cultivators take advantage of this, it will indeed be extremely detrimental to our Xuan Dao Sect."
After Fang Yu's ancestor finished speaking, the hall was completely silent for a moment.
Daoxiu and Moxiu have guarded their respective areas for thousands of years, and they have nothing to do with each other, but they are still harmonious.
Because of the advantages of heaven and earth in Juyou Valley, whether it is a Taoist cultivator or a demonic cultivator, it is not easy to easily step into the opponent's territory.However, the land where the demon cultivators live is small and lacks resources. The demon cultivators in the north have been invading all the year round, and there is the Juyou Valley in the south, which is difficult to cross.If this time the Evil Suppressing Stone is used to loosen the demon energy and invade Xuandao Sect in one fell swoop, the consequences will be disastrous.
"It's not easy for the demonic cultivators to cross Juyou Valley," Chu Hong said. "At most, they would use the fact that the demonic energy leaked to the south to harass them. It is extremely difficult for a large number of demonic cultivators to march into our Xuandao sect at the same time."
Sitting horizontally in the center of the hall, Old Man Tianji stretched out his hands and rubbed his ears and eyes, as if he had just woken up, and yawned loudly, "Maybe Moxiu has found a way to cross Juyou Valley, just waiting for Moxiu to cross Juyou Valley." When a large amount of Qi leaked south, it invaded my sect."
Everyone's expressions changed, and Patriarch Yu Tang took the lead to ask, "Old Man Tianji, can you please describe to me the secret you saw again?"
If it is true what Old Man Tianji said, Xuan Dao Sect is really in danger.
"The life is in a state of charcoal, and the sun is not visible." Old man Tianji sat upright cross-legged, his eyes stern, "The master of the demon world suppressed by the evil stone of Juyougu is the demon god of the upper realm. On the day when the evil stone loosens and rises, the devilish energy accumulated for thousands of years leaks out, which is enough to cover and spread the entire realm of my Xuandao Sect. That devilish energy will suppress the energy of my Xuandaozong's spiritual veins. The devilish energy will not disperse for a day, and the spiritual energy will be hard Now, think about it, how can I, a Taoist cultivator, survive without spiritual energy?"
"How can we dissipate the devilish energy?" Bai Feng, who had never said anything, looked at Old Man Tianji calmly. He and Chu Yi rushed back from the northeast station just for this purpose, "If we can isolate the creatures in the Xuandao Sect's realm, Apart from the devilish energy, how can I dispel the devilish energy and return my spiritual energy?"
"The magic stone." Patriarch Yutang looked at Bai Feng, "The magic stone is the treasure of my Xuandao Sect's gate, and it is also an immortal weapon. It can continuously absorb the magic energy, and it should be able to dispel the magic energy." effect."
Chu Yi and Bai Feng looked at each other. Even the two of them had never heard of this kind of treasure, "Master Yu, how do you use the magic stone? Can it really absorb all the magic energy in a large area?" Absorption? How long will it take?"
"This..." Ancestor Yu Tang frowned, he had never used the magic stone before, and all he knew was from the secret records of inheritance.
"Put the magic stone at the boundary between Juyou Valley and my Xuandao Sect," Tianji old man stroked his beard, "it's best to be at the boundary of the sea. The old man estimates that the evil stone can last at most a cup of tea if it loosens. After time, it will definitely be bound again by the Suppressing Evil Immortal Curse. I am afraid that even the subtle devilish energy that leaked to the north will be insulated. It covers the territory of my Xuan Dao Sect, and I can't go south any further."
"The magic energy of a cup of tea time can cross Juyou Valley and cover the entire territory of my Xuandao Sect?" Chu Yi opened his mouth wide in surprise.
Lan Lianhua gave her son a blank look, flicked her fingers, and asked him to close his mouth, "How can you and I easily measure the turbulent waves of demonic energy in the upper realm? What's more, it has been silent for thousands of years? What to do now? The most important thing is to arrange the magic stone properly, and then discuss how to protect the safety of my sect disciples and the residents of Danyue Town."
"Peak Master Lan said so," Chu Yi rubbed his red and swollen lips, and grinned, "Peak Master Lan is not only beautiful, but also quick-witted, and my younger generations really admire him!"
Lan Lianhua rolled her eyes again, cast a sidelong glance at Chu Yi, and hinted, "What kind of occasion is this, shut up my old lady!" '
Chu Yi stuck out his tongue and obediently stopped talking.
Patriarch Fang Yu shook his head slightly, "Feng'er, according to the method you discussed with your teacher before, place the magic stone at the top of the sect's formation at the northernmost border of the Xuandao Sect's boundary and Juyou Valley."
Bai Feng nodded calmly, "I know."
"Boy Bai," Old Man Tianji raised his eyebrows when he saw that the matter had already been decided, "Why did you take my Ling girl to the Northeast garrison recently?"
"Feng'er is going to deploy the hidden formation within the foot of the Zhenshan formation," said Patriarch Yutang himself, who arranged this for Bai Feng. The Great Mountain Formation. Later, the Deacon Hall will send four teams to go to the four major bases to inspect the Zhenshan Great Formation, and Feng'er still needs to go to the other three major bases to deploy hidden formations."
"Hidden formation?" Ancestor Hongye half opened his eyes, "What's the use of it?"
"The hidden formation is planted within the foot of the Zhenshan formation," Bai Feng explained, "If outsiders invade our Zhenshan formation, they will be sent to the Zongmen Headquarters in the shortest possible time for faster response."
The ancestor Hongye nodded slightly when he heard the words, "I think it is to prevent the intrusion of the northern demon cultivators, I understand."
"So," Chu Yi couldn't help but concluded, "When the demonic energy invaded on a large scale, we activated the Zhenshan Great Formation to cover the entire sect's territory from the demonic energy. Then wait for the magic stone to absorb all the demonic energy. Absorb it, and then withdraw the Zhenshan formation to avoid this catastrophe, is that right?"
Chu Hong glanced at his son and nodded lightly, "This is just the most basic protection method. The specific situation is not completely clear now."
"Understood." Chu Yi nodded again and again, "We will only know what the power of the devil energy looks like when the time really comes."
"The other thing to worry about is," Lan Lianhua glanced at her son, "if the demon cultivator invades in one fell swoop, will the Zhenshan formation be safe and sound."
"However," Chu Yi raised his hand, "I still don't know how long it will take for the magic-attracting stone to absorb the magic energy. If the magic cultivators come, we have to go up and fight with them. It will be bad for us if the magic energy stays for a day." Very unfavorable."
"It will take at least dozens of days." Old Man Tianji sighed, "For us, it will be a tough battle."
Ancestor Yutang nodded, "That's the end of today's discussion. Feng'er, follow me to the Hall of Deacons, and then go to the three major garrisons to set up formations. Also, how will Peak Master Fang make arrangements?"
"Reverend Hongye and I went to Juyou Valley to investigate," Fang Yu's patriarch clasped his hands, "I'll leave early tomorrow morning."
"Very well, thank you both."
"By the way," Patriarch Fang Yu walked up to the old man Tianji, "Tianji, you once said that when the Chilan Star and Baizhuo Star appear, our sect can be saved. This matter..."
"Uh," old man Tianji glanced at Bai Feng, only to see that Yubai's face was slightly cold, his clear eyes were fixed on him, he stroked his beard, winked at him, and smiled, "God's calculation will take time." It’s good to say when we arrive.”
"That's right, it's better for me to make arrangements early." The blue lotus floated lightly.
Chu Hong stepped forward at the same time, "Old man Tianji, hurry up, don't you still want to go to Phoenix Mountain?"
"That's right, Grandpa Tianji," Chu Yi stretched out his hand and half hugged the old man Tianji and walked out, "Yi'er is fine, I will go to Phoenix Mountain with you, and I can ask you for advice on the way!"
Ancestor Fang Yu looked at the scene in front of him in puzzlement, and he just asked casually, why did the three members of the Chu family and his apprentice seem to have communicated well with Old Man Tianji in private?Could it be... there is something to hide from him in the middle?
 Happy March [-]th! ^^
  One more today.

  Thank you for the bookworm's blind spot evaluation ticket, yin12333's pink ticket and reward, hug, what~~^^
(End of this chapter)

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