Immortal Journey

Chapter 140 Master is Awesome

Chapter 140 Master is Awesome
Chu Mansion.
Old man Tianji was dragged from the first peak of Xuandao all the way to the Chu family at the fifth peak of Xuandao by the three people of the Chu family.
"What, Grandpa Tianji, Yi'er didn't lie to you, right?" Chu Yi held a purple jade luminous cup in his hand. The liquid of the wine is different, and the aura on the surface of the wine is also very special, with a hint of peachy red light.
"The peach blossom juice brewed by Peach Blossom Fairy at Peach Blossom Post Station can be said to be one of the best spiritual wines in our Diancang Continent," Chu Yi held up the wine glass and shook it in front of Tianji Lao Er, then retracted it in front of him, closing his eyes lightly Hearing it, his expression was intoxicated, "Forget your worries when you hear it, and let it taste like a world, good wine! Good wine!"
"Good wine! Good wine!" Old Tianji stared salivatingly at the purple-gold luminous cup, and laughed, "It's not in vain that my old man has loved you, Chu boy, for decades. It's true that you can think of me with good wine. Filial piety! Filial piety!"
Lan Lianhua on the side pursed her lips when she heard the words, and cast a slanted glance at Chu Yi with her beautiful eyes. Seeing the begging look in Chu Yi's eyes, she let it go. She leaned gently on Chu Hong's shoulder, and looked coolly at Old Man Tianji and Chu Yi. Yi two people come and go.
"Of course!" Chu Yi smiled harmlessly to humans and animals, with handsome eyes, and handed over the luminous cup respectfully, "Grandpa Tianji has tasted all the best wines in the world, please give me a quick drink, does this peach blossom liquid live up to its name?"
The old man Tianji took the Luminous Cup with a smile on his face, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it lightly, then took a sip, closed his eyes to feel it for a moment, then opened his eyes suddenly, "Peerless wine! Even the Peach Blossom Fairy in the upper world will not be able to drink it." Makes such a good wine!"
"Really?" Chu Yi showed his white teeth, and his smile deepened.
"Good wine! Good wine!" Old Tianji tasted it carefully as if no one was there, and after a while the wine glass was emptied, and he stretched it out in front of Chu Yi, "Boy Chu, give Grandpa some more!"
Seeing the fish take the bait, Chu Yi took the luminous cup leisurely, and with his index finger across the rim, a sly look flashed in his eyes, "Grandpa Tianji, how can there be so much good wine? Half a cup is already good!"
"Only half a glass?" Old Tianji stared blankly, his appetite that had just been lifted could not bear the volley blow, "Only, only half, half a glass?" With his alcohol addiction, how could half a glass be enough?
" can't say that," Chu Yi chuckled, "There is still some wine, but you also said just now, Grandpa Tianji, that Yi'er is a filial child, so you have to save some for your parents, right, mother ?”
Lan Lianhua curled her lips into a smile, stretched out her arms and nodded her son's head, "You stupid son has a conscience!"
"Of course, of course, Yi'er is the only good son in the world!" Chu Yi winked at his mother.
Lan Lianhua gave her son a lazy look, she didn't know what his son was up to, so she said, "Tell me, how much peach blossom juice did you leave for parents?"
Chu Yi was overjoyed, and waited for his mother to ask, "It's not too much, it's just a small pot."
"One, a small pot?" Old Tianji's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he turned to face the two elders of the Chu family, with a greedy smile, "I mean the young couple of the Chu family, how about adding a little peach blossom liquid to the old man?"
"Win you?" Lan Lianhua and Chu Hong looked at each other, "This is a good wine that our precious son has worked so hard to find. We just mixed it up like this, so we are not willing to do it. But, " Seeing Tianji, the old man happily waited for the next sentence , then chuckled and said, "Our Chu family and old man Tianji made you have such a good relationship, and Ling'er was taught by you personally, old man Tianji, even if all this wine is dedicated to you, it is justified. It's just..."
"Just what?"
"This peach blossom liquid was obtained by my son through untold hardships. Old man Tianji, you have to be serious, right, husband?"
"That's what the lady said."
"What do you mean?" Old Tianji asked as if he didn't understand, "But let me exchange spirit stones?"
"We still lack spirit stones?" Lan Lianhua shook her head with a smile, "Seeing that you love this wine, we won't go around with you anymore. As long as you promise one thing, the peach blossom liquid will be given to you, respect Yours, how are you?"
"Okay! Okay!" Old Man Tianji was happy to go back with the wine, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Tell me quickly."
"It's about Chi Lan Xing." Lan Lianhua straightened her face and said in a crisp voice, "I beg you not to talk about it in the sect from now on, old man."
"Exactly," Chu Hong wrapped his beloved wife's thin waist, "Old man, when you predicted that our sect would have such a catastrophe, you once said that the Chilan star could rescue the sect and ascend to heaven, but when it comes to The fact that my family Ling'er is the Chilan star is really too unreliable. Ling'er is only a cultivation base in the foundation period, how can he have such great skills? Plus the divination thing, whether it is accurate or not is another matter. say, "

When Chu Hong talked about this, seeing old man Tianji's expression turned serious, he quickly laughed and laughed and said, "I didn't mean that, old man, you also know that I'm outspoken. What I mean is that I have to wait for the calculation. We can only consider it accurate if it really happens, right? Before this thing happens, our baby girl is involved, it’s not good, it’s not good.”
"It's very bad!" Chu Yi interjected, "Grandpa Tianji, all the elders in the sect have been mobilized now, and the sect should be responsible for the calamity. How can we let Ling'er girl respond? Right? Besides, my Xuandao Sect has stood firm for thousands of years, and there are countless capable people in the sect. Now that all aspects are well arranged, I will definitely get through it safely. Don’t tell outsiders about Chilan, old man. It's about the star, is it done?"
Seeing the same eagerness of the three members of the Chu family, old man Tianji sighed heavily, "You know that the calamity and the red star are inevitable no matter whether I say it or not. Knowing that you love Ling'er, and that girl Ling'er can be regarded as the old man's direct disciple, how could the old man not feel sorry for her."
The three members of the Chu family looked at each other, with unspeakable worries spreading in each other's eyes, "Grandpa Tianji, then what do you say to keep Ling'er safe and sound?"
"When did the old man say that something would happen to Ling'er?" Old Tianji shook his head, " tell you the truth, in the catastrophe, Ling'er may not be alone."
"With our Chu family covering Ling'er," Lan Lianhua put her hand on the hands of her husband and son, "Ling'er will be fine. I, Lan Lianhua, don't believe it.
If we can't protect Ling'er, how can we survive the catastrophe? "
"What madam said is right!" Chu Hong nodded in agreement, "Old Man Tianji, please don't announce this to the public, and leave the rest to us."
"Then all the peach blossom juice will be given to you, Grandpa Tianji," Chu Yi quickly added, "In the future, Yi'er will be the first one to offer it to Grandpa Tianji if he finds a good wine, will it work?"
Old Tianji's originally heavy face became vivid because of the peach blossom liquid, "This...hehe, old man, I..."
"Even if there is no peach blossom liquid, old man Tianji has already promised not to spread the story of Chilanxing. Could it be that you are willing to gamble and still refuse to admit defeat?"
The four people in the gazebo turned around at the same time, only to see Bai Feng approaching.
Old man Tianji rubbed his nose, "Boy Feng, why are you here so fast?"
"Fengfeng, what do you mean by that? You won the bet with Grandpa Tianji? He promised not to tell about Chilanxing?"
Bai Feng slightly hooked his lips, his eyes were dull, and he nodded in response.
"What kind of bet are you playing?" Chu Yi became interested, and asked again and again, "Grandpa Tianji can calculate the affairs of the world, so how could he lose?"
"Hey!" Old Tianji suddenly jumped, jumped in front of Bai Feng, blew his beard and said, "You boy, you can't say it! Otherwise, what I promised will be void!"
"Can the promised things be voided?" Bai Feng curled up one corner of his mouth. Under his usually calm face, there was a hidden heart that was smarter than anyone else... and a bit 'black', "I'm not afraid of hurting you. The old man's name?"
"You!" Old man Tianji was heartbroken. He regretted for a long time that his reputation was planted on the younger generation like this. "Boy Feng, because of our relationship, let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it. Linger's The old man will never open his mouth, how about it?"
Bai Feng narrowed his eyes slowly, and nodded with a half-smile.
"Then..." With Bai Feng's approval, Old Man Tianji turned his head to look at Chu Yi, "Boy Chu, that wine..."
Chu Yi laughed loudly, "I came here specially to honor you, Grandpa Tianji, of course I will give it to you."
Seeing this, old man Tianji smiled and narrowed his eyes. Fearing that the Chu family would repent, he quickly took the peach blossom liquid and disappeared.
"Feng'er," Lan Lianhua finally felt relieved when she saw that old man Tianji had disappeared, and Ren Ling's matter had come to an end, "You and Sect Master Yu went to the Hall of Deacons, and finished things so quickly?"
Bai Feng nodded, "Yes, I'm leaving soon, so I came here to say hello to my uncle and aunt."
"Fengfeng, quickly tell me how you beat Grandpa Tianji?" Chu Yi asked enthusiastically.
Bai Feng smiled lightly, "It's just a calculation competition with his old man. Old man Tianji thinks that his calculation speed is the best in the world, so I will try it with him."
"Reckoning!" Chu Yi's eyes widened. Old man Tianji didn't think he was the fastest in the world in reckoning, but he was absolutely the best in the world. "You, you cheated? How could you beat Grandpa Tianji? "
Bai Feng frowned slightly, and patted Chu Yi's shoulder, "Don't think that everyone in the world has the same style as you." Turning around, he bowed his hands to the two elders of the Chu family, "Uncle Chu, Aunt Chu, Feng'er's trip may take a while. , if Ling'er comes back, please take care of the two of you. Farewell."
"Father, mother!" Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, then pointed at the shadow that had already flown away, "How could Fengfeng's calculation be better than Grandpa Tianji's?"
"Stupid son!"
They spoke in unison, and two chestnuts rang out on Chu Yi's forehead at the same time, "Blue out of blue is better than blue, do you understand?"
"However, Fengfeng's calculations are even better than the old man Tianji," Chu Hong thought deeply, "It's really scary for future generations!"

 Rolling for recommendation~


(End of this chapter)

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