Immortal Journey

Chapter 141 The majestic treasure housekeeper

Chapter 141 The majestic treasure housekeeper
Mo Yujian.
A beam of golden light flew up into the air in front of the quiet Ten Thousand Years Spirit Tree and burst in all directions. With a strange howl, countless waves splashed from the Lingrui Pool, and a light blue light and shadow flew into the sky, jumped into the air and stopped suddenly. Turning around in a beautiful arc—it wasn't Xiaobao who had been asleep for more than ten years after swallowing the sky fire, but who was it?
Xiaobao's original pink appearance has changed, all the fluff on his body has disappeared, and it has been covered with pale blue and golden scales, and a soft little fleshy wing has grown on his back, but the short limbs are useless. very different.It opened its mouth and spewed out a spring of water. The water spring seemed to have spirituality and turned into a water mirror not far in front of it. The small round body hurriedly looked forward to the shadow in front of the water mirror.
The chubby mouth bent into a big arc when he saw the beautiful scales sideways, "It's not too far behind, it's just..." He stretched out his short hands and legs, and frowned, "This should be sharp. Claws! Claws! Why are they still so soft that they are not powerful at all!"
Looking up at the sky with watery eyes, he shouted, "Actually, he is..."
"Little Treasure!" Accompanied by the voice of surprise, dozens of Qingyu Butterflies flew over quickly, and the leader was Mo Yu, "Xiao Treasure! You're awake!"
"Moyu!" Xiaobao's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his little fleshy claws, he smashed the water mirror, turned around and flew towards the butterflies of Moyu, "Moyu, Moyu, Moyu! I miss you so much! Where is the master? She Where? Little Treasure wants to kill her too!"
Mo Yu smiled softly, "Xiao Bao, congratulations on advancing! The master didn't come in, but ah, the master has been talking about you, Xiao Bao, almost every time he returns to Mo Yujian these years."
"Really?" Xiao Bao beamed with joy, and touched Mo Yu's wings with his little paws, "Mo Yu, tell me about what happened in these years, I slept for more than ten years, nothing major happened in our Mo Yujian change?"
An hour later.
The three monsters Aoki, Shi Kong, and Red Baby shuddered at the same time, Shi Kong opened his sleepy eyes, reached out and grabbed a colorful ginseng fruit in his hand, opened his mouth and gnawed it off, "I said, Lao Mu, Red Baby, do you feel Is your back cold?"
The red baby was swaying in the breeze, and the bright-coloured petals were as translucent and tender as the baby's skin. "I just felt a sudden chill in my heart. It seemed to be... a bad premonition. Lao Mu, how about you?"
"Mind is a little confused," Aoki frowned, "The three of us felt something at the same time, could something unexpected happen?"
"Accident! Of course it's a big accident!" A sullen voice interrupted the chat of the three monsters, and Xiaobao descended from the sky in a majestic manner, with his hands on his waist, and yelled arrogantly, "You three monsters! You actually took advantage of my treasure housekeeper's absence to deceive my master's kindness and want to live in my Moyujian?! It's really unreasonable! Look at my treasure housekeeper driving you out today!"
As soon as Xiaobao finished speaking, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of ice, which first lifted the old stone monster into the sky, then the ice spring suddenly condensed in mid-air, and the old monster stone was frozen in mid-air.
Seeing this, Aoki shouted coldly, and a long vine quickly rolled towards Xiaobao, "He Fang kid, how dare you bully us?"
"Isn't it just a broken tree that dares to spoil in front of my treasure housekeeper?" Xiaobao laughed, dodged the flexible vine lightly, opened his mouth again, and this time shot out nearly ten ice arrows, swishing in a blink of an eye. The long vine was pierced and cut off, "Why, do you want to try again? Don't think that my treasure butler can't do anything to you because you are so tall, I will still freeze you into a popsicle!"
Seeing that Aoki remained silent, Xiaobao spoke again, "How about trying my Myriad Poison Ice? It is said that wood essence is a natural tonic for you!"
"Ice of Ten Thousand Poisons?!" Aoki trembled violently, his voice trembling slightly, "You, what did you use to immobilize Old Monster Stone just now? Could it be..."
"Isn't it the Myriad Poisonous Ice!"
Xiao Bao folded his paws on his chest, and raised his chin proudly, "Do you want to try it? You can see that old stone spirit is still, it must be very cool!"
"Wan Poison Ice!" Red Baby cried out, no wonder Shi Kong was restrained by the sudden appearance of the treasure housekeeper with a spring of ice, you know, Wan Poison Ice can corrode everything in the world, even if it is tens of thousands of years like them It is also difficult to resist the spirit monster that has become a spirit. "You, who are you?"
"I'm talking about this beautiful Auntie Hua," Xiaobao clicked his tongue twice, and circled around the red baby, "I told you just now that I am the housekeeper in charge of Moyujian! The master authorized me to do the inventory To record every plant and tree in this Mo Yujian, all objects must be approved by my housekeeper before they can be registered and collected in my Mo Yujian."
The red baby was swollen by Xiaobao, "Okay, okay. Butler Bao, why don't you put the old monster down first, and we can discuss it in detail? Ren Lingwa'er signed a contract with the three monsters , she acquiesced that when I lived in Moyujian, I didn't mention you, Bao Steward, so it must be an omission, right?"
Red Baby's tone was gentle, and every word and every word made sense. Xiao Bao tilted his head and thought for a while, then glared at Aoki, "Humph! If it's not for the sake of the beautiful Aunt Hua, I will definitely let you enjoy me first." Myriad Poisonous Ice!"
As soon as the words fell, Shikong fell to the ground with a thud, and got up with half support on his waist, "Ouch! My old bones are about to fall apart, boy, your poisonous ice is really annoying! Hate!"
"Okay, okay," Hongying quickly said, "Shi Kong, are you okay? Butler Bao didn't know that we signed a contract with Master Mo Yujian, so he did this."
Old Monster Stone pursed his lips, jolted and moved under the colorful ginseng fruit tree, turned his head and remained silent, still angry in his heart.
In fact, the three spirit monsters are tens of thousands of years old spirit monsters, each with supernatural powers, if they really get along with Xiaobao, even Xiaobao won't be able to please him.It's just that firstly, Xiaobao's advanced Wan Poison Ice really restrained them, and secondly, when they signed the contract with Ren Ling, they also swore that they would never hurt anything in Mo Yujian, so they could only let Ren Ling Watching Xiaobao be arrogant for a while.
And where is Xiaobao really thinking about cleaning up these three old ghosts?It’s just to make a show of authority first, so as to pave the way for my future plans. Seeing that although the three of them are reluctant, they can be regarded as subdued, so they raised their chins, “Since the master signed the agreement with the three monsters like you, If you sign the contract, then my treasure housekeeper will save you from offending, come on, register first!"
Flying in front of Qingmu, Xiaobao stretched out his fleshy claws and grabbed a piece of jade slip between his claws, "You, what's your name? What's your background?"
Qing Mu had never been treated like this before, he was angry and angry, the leaves on the tree trembled, and the red baby next to him quickly spoke to comfort, "Old Mu, he is just a child, why should you be angry?"
"Take it as a face for Red Baby," Aoki took a deep breath, "My name is Aoki!"
"Housekeeper Treasure," Hongying smiled softly upon seeing this, the petals swaying gently in the breeze, "Auntie's name is Hongying, that old stone monster," looked at Shi Kong, who was pretending to be dead with his eyes closed, and said with a smile, "He It's called Shi Kong."
"Qingmu, Hongying, Shikong," the little fleshy claws waved in the air, and several light rays penetrated into the jade slip. Xiaobao turned to look at Hongying, "Auntie Hongying, what are your specialties? For Mo Yu What contribution can Jian make?"
"Special... long?" Hong Ying paused, "Auntie is just a spirit flower, if you really say it has special skills, it can be used as a formation, it can be used as medicine..."
"Hey," Xiaobao interrupted the hesitant Hongying, "Auntie Hongying, your nectar should be regarded as a rare treasure in the world. Is it possible for Qingyu butterflies to pick it? Every plant and tree inside has its function and contribution..."
"Picking honey?" The red baby has never thought about this matter. As a flower that has been around for tens of thousands of years, she has already cultivated the Dao. "Of course it's fine, it's a trivial matter."
"Okay! Auntie Hongying, Wannianhuajing, can provide nectar to Qingyudie to improve her cultivation." Xiaobao waved his paw and recorded it in the jade slip.
"What about you! Stone! What else do you want besides eating?" Xiaobao floated in front of the old stone monster who was pretending to be dead, and sprayed water jets on it. You brat! Don’t bully the old man with that poisonous ice again!”
"Okay, okay, ordinary water can scare you like this," Xiaobao looked at him contemptuously, "Old man Shi, what's the use of you, isn't it just old age?"
"Bah bah!" The old monster Shi glared angrily, and it must have been pissed off by Xiaobao, who had always been honest, and roared, "I, Shi Kong, is the secret stone of space bred by heaven and earth! The secret stone of space for tens of thousands of years! Have you heard of it? Have you ever seen it? Don’t just yell here with little knowledge!”
"Space secret stone?" Xiaobao's eyes glowed, but his tone was pretending to be hesitant, "Old man, don't bully me, how can there be a space secret stone as big as yours? You blow it yourself, right?"
"Blow, blow...? Blow your head!" Shi Kong was completely pissed, and stretched out his old hand tremblingly, "To say you have little knowledge is to say that you have little knowledge! A giant space secret stone like my old monster Shi is from the upper realm Rare! Hmph!"
"Really?" Little Treasure continued to hesitate, "Then how do you use such a large space secret stone?"
"How to use it?" As if offended, Old Monster Stone turned his head abruptly, "Naturally, an immortal from the upper realm can use it! Do you think any cultivator can drive me? It's a good idea!"
Satisfied with the answer, Xiao Bao rolled his eyes and shook his head, "It's trash after talking for a long time! This is not the upper world, old man, you can only eat and wait to die!"
Old Monster Stone turned around abruptly, took a big breath, "You, you, you want to piss me off! Who said that Old Monster Stone is useless here? Although you can't directly use Old Monster Stone to open up the secret space , but my children and grandchildren's small space secret stone combined with space secret method, it is very easy to tear the void!"

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(End of this chapter)

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