Immortal Journey

Chapter 142 Happy to meet Xiaobao

Chapter 142 Happy to meet Xiaobao
Xiaobao wandered around the old stone monster under the tree, "It's just these small stones? What about the secret method? Don't say you don't know the secret method just because you have stones?"
"Of course there are secret methods and secret methods!" Old Freak Stone patted his chest with one hand, panting hard, "Okay, okay, you kid, didn't you just go to ask for something? Compared with you, that girl Ren Ling is more kind and generous." There are too many! Here, take it!" Casually shot a ray of light into Xiaobao's hand, "This "Little Motian Secret Method" is enough for you."
"I told you sooner!" Xiao Bao put away the jade slip with a smile, "Grandpa Shi is a real person who doesn't show his face, but he is actually very powerful!"
Xiao Bao quickly glanced at the "Little Ferris Secret Method", clicked his lips in satisfaction, and flew slowly towards Aoki.
Seeing Xiaobao flying over, Aoki snorted angrily, the whole giant tree trembled, and turned to look into the distance.
Xiao Bao didn't take it seriously, and walked around the green tree trunk in small steps, touching the bark for a while, touching the branches for a while, a pair of big round eyes turned around, but he couldn't speak.
Aoki was so angry, he waited and waited but he didn't see Xiaobao saying anything, he wanted to vent his anger but couldn't bear it, and was upset by Xiaobao's fumbling around, so he finally turned into a roar, "I Lao Mu doesn't have any skills, that is, he can add some wood essence to the magic weapon training, love it or not!"
"Really?" Little Treasure jumped up and jumped in front of Aoki, "Grandpa Mu, what's the benefit of adding your wood essence to the magic weapon?"
Aoki blows his beard and stares, "I have no experience! If I add some of my Wood Essence when refining the defensive magic weapon, it will have the effect of rejuvenation!"
"Wow! Grandpa Mu, you are also very powerful!" With a wave of his fleshy claws, Xiaobao recorded the matter in the jade slip, handsomely jumped upside down, swirled in mid-air, twisted his little butt, and said with a cheerful smile, " Grandpa Mu, Grandpa Shi, and Aunt Hua, welcome three capable people to live in Moyujian! I, Moyujian, have a beautiful spirit and a full range of resources, which is very suitable for you to clean up. If you have anything to do, feel free to ask My treasure housekeeper, as long as my treasure housekeeper can do it, I will definitely go through fire and water!"
"That sounds good!" Aoki snorted, "What kind of good things can you do?"
Xiaobao smiled, and blinked at Aoki, "I dare not take it as a good thing, but it is not difficult to get some 'Golden Wind Jade Dew', but I don't know if this 'Golden Wind Jade Dew', Grandpa Mu, you and Aunt Hua Rare?"
"Golden wind and jade dew?!" Aoki and Hongying raised their voices at the same time, extremely surprised.
You must know that spirit monsters like Aoki and the others who have become spirits for tens of thousands of years are very, very slow in their cultivation. If they practice in today's cultivation world, it may be even more difficult to make progress.That's why the three monsters tried their best to enter Mo Yujian, because the aura in Mo Yujian was rich and abundant, comparable to the ancient world of comprehension.
And even in Moyujian, the three monsters can only use long years of consumption in exchange for a little improvement in their cultivation base. This is impossible, after all, they are not as good as human monks who can use various exercises to cultivate and advance.
Of course, there is no way at all.
Rare treasures like 'Golden Wind and Jade Dew' are of great help to them, and if they can drop one drop, it is at least equivalent to decades of cultivation!
However, it is difficult to find the configuration of 'Golden Wind and Jade Dew' even in the ancient cultivation world, so how can this little treasure butler have it?Just that it can say this name is enough to make Aoki and the others startled.
"Although my treasure housekeeper is not talented," Xiaobao squinted his eyes and smiled, "It's not a problem to get some golden wind and jade dew for Grandpa Mu and Aunt Hua from time to time. I'll ask you two to accept it later. As for Grandpa Shi... "
Let's not talk about whether Xiaobao can really get Jinfengyulu, but seeing that it looks confident, Aoki and Hongying have already believed it.When Shi Kong heard that his name was called, he quickly raised his head and smiled cheerfully, "Can you get Jin Xianghuo? Or Fan Qingyan is also good!"
Xiao Bao shook his head, if there were these two things, it wouldn't be enough to eat by itself, so which round would it be Shi Kong? "Grandpa Shi, that's the divine fire from the upper realm. Where can I get it? It's just that, your colorful ginseng fruit tree, Xiaobao can turn it into a hundred-light ginseng fruit tree! How about it? Rare? Do you like it? Do you need it?"
Not only was Shi Kong not disappointed, but his eyes sparkled and he nodded repeatedly, "Rare! I like it! I need it!"
"According to my guess," Xiaobao smiled calmly, "This colorful ginseng fruit tree is probably originally a Wanguang ginseng fruit tree? But because of external factors such as soil and climate, it can only be reduced to a colorful ginseng fruit tree? If you use it regularly If it is watered by Qiongxi Spring, it will be upgraded to a hundred-light ginseng fruit tree in more than ten years. The taste of the hundred-light ginseng fruit is compared to the current seven-color ginseng fruit..."
Xiao Bao took a leap and picked a colorful ginseng fruit, opened his mouth and swallowed it, "The taste is not satisfactory! Not satisfactory!"
"Baiguang ginseng fruit?" Old Monster Stone felt sorry for the ginseng fruit that fell into Xiaobao's mouth, and at the same time was moved by the scene it described.
Xiaobao's guess was not wrong, the colorful ginseng fruit tree was actually grown from the seeds of the Wanguang ginseng fruit tree.
Shi Kong didn't have any major hobbies in his life, the only special thing was delicious food. The Wanguang ginseng fruit was originally a sacred tree in the upper realm. Thousands of years have only cultivated this colorful ginseng fruit tree.
Although the taste is much worse than that of the Wanguang ginseng fruit, but... Shi Kong is already extremely satisfied.Now hearing Xiaobao say that he can be promoted, his heart itch.
"Boy, if you really can upgrade this old man's tree into a hundred-light ginseng fruit tree, then if there is anything you need to take care of in the future, just come to the old man!"
What Ren Ling saw when he entered Mo Yujian was this harmonious scene.
"Master!" Little Treasure's eyes were sharp, and through the slight fluctuations in the air, he had already discovered that Ren Ling had slipped into the Moyu Stream, and flew in front of Ren Ling with a sassy stride. In Ren Ling's arms, "Xiao Bao can't miss his master!"
Ren Ling was taken aback for a moment, then smiled like a flower, hugged Xiaobao with both arms and rubbed it, and said happily, "Xiaobao, you have woken up! Master has been looking forward to it for a long, long time!"
Xiao Bao rolled over in Ren Ling's arms happily, with a small section of belly exposed on his back, and he smiled happily, "Master, it's been too long for Xiao Bao to advance, but Xiao Bao can advance so quickly. That's great!"
"Of course Xiaobao is amazing!" Ren Ling hugged Xiaobao, sat down on the grass, and asked seriously, "Xiaobao, did the fire hurt you that day?" Ren Ling kept thinking about this matter. Uneasy, now that Xiaobao has finally woken up and advanced, her heart is much lighter.However, he wondered if it was because of Tianhuo that it took Xiaobao such a long time to advance?
Xiao Bao squatted on Ren Ling's knees, raised his round face and shook his head, "Master, that day's fire was good for Xiao Bao, if it wasn't for its blessing, how could Xiao Bao advance so quickly?"
"That's good!" Stretching out his index finger and pointing at Xiaobao's fleshy nose, Ren Ling smiled sweetly, and carefully looked at the upgraded Xiaobao.
Hugging the heavy body that was still a small ball, looked left and right, pondered for a long time, and finally couldn't help asking, "Xiaobao, so you are a fish?" ? "Well, the scales are so beautiful..."
"Master!" Xiaobao pursed his mouth and shook his head like a drum, "Xiaobao is not a fish! Xiaobao just, just hasn't grown very majestic yet! Master will know what Xiaobao is in the future, so don't tell me now. Master! Let's talk about something else, by the way! Xiaobao congratulates master for advancing to the late stage of foundation establishment, master is also very powerful!"
"There's more." Xiaobao was still the same, talking like a cannonball, there was no room for others to interrupt, "Just now Xiaobao greeted Grandpa Aoki, Grandpa Shi Kong, and Auntie Hongyinghua. They have a meeting gift, master, look."
Handing the jade slip of "Little Motian Secret Method" to Ren Ling, Xiaobao introduced, "This is the secret method of manipulating the space secret stone. Although it is not comprehensive, it will be very useful after you learn it. Master, you should study hard, okay?" ?”
"Given it by Grandpa Shi?"
Ren Ling took the jade slips and browsed with a trace of spiritual power, "Master has never learned the secret method of space stones, so it will take some time to read."
"Yes," Xiaobao smiled, "Grandpa Qingmu said that when the master forges magic weapons in the future, he can provide wood essence as one of the materials. Auntie Hongyinghua is willing to provide nectar to Moyu and them. They are all good!"
Ren Ling stayed in Moyu Stream for ten days.
In addition to practicing, he also started to study "Little Motian Secret Method", and played with Xiaobao Moyu from time to time, and the days passed quickly.
When she left Mo Yujian again, she finally received the news of Bai Feng's return.
Hastily rushed to Bai Feng's cave, "Master, you are back!"
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows lightly, it was rare to see his disciples so excited and looking forward to it, remembering the news he just heard when he came back, he smiled and said, "But come to tell Master about obtaining the tenth-level formation mage qualification?"
"Ah!" Ren Ling blushed and shook his head again and again, "Master, Ling'er only got the qualification level of the tenth-level formation mage in the late stage of foundation establishment, and Master obtained the qualification level of the tenth-level formation mage just after foundation establishment In comparison, it's really far behind! If it wasn't for being forced to help, Ling'er would not..." Sticking out her tongue, "Master once told Ling'er not to take the exam for the formation master. It violates the master's order, and Master will not Blame Ling'er?"
"One moment and another moment." Bai Feng shook his head, "Flexibility is the right thing to do."
"Thank you, Master!" Ren Ling squatted down and made a salute, playful and cute, and asked with big eyes blinking, "Ling'er just wanted to ask, can Master take Ling'er to visit Master?"

 Thank you zy h for the pink ticket!Hug~~What~~^^
(End of this chapter)

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