Chapter 143
"Master is away, and I'm afraid he won't be back in the short term."
Bai Feng watched his disciple's gorgeous little face gradually become wilted with serious eyes, and asked thoughtfully, "Ling'er, is there something urgent to see Master?"
He couldn't help but think of the past ten years, although Ren Ling only asked about Fang Yu's ancestor three or four times, but each time he looked urgent.In the past, he had never thought about it deeply. It seemed that he had neglected it.
"I..." Ren Ling bit her lip, her eyes as black as lacquer flashed with hesitation, "Actually, it's nothing, if only I can meet you. Master..."
Bai Feng smiled lightly, "When Master comes back, I will definitely take you to visit him. Although it will take some time, it shouldn't be too long. Don't be sad."
"En!" Ren Ling nodded, and the haze on his face gradually dissipated, "Master, did you go out smoothly this time?"
"Naturally." Bai Feng turned around, "Ling'er, come with Master."

Ren Ling followed Bai Feng to the training room.

"These days, do you continue to practice Xue Po Dao?"

Stepping into the cultivation world, Bai Feng flew up and stood on the stone platform, "Come, let me see if you have made any progress."

"Apprentice is diligent in practice," Ren Ling quickly jumped up and flew to the other side of the stone platform, "Apprentice has already comprehended what Master taught me last time, so please accept Master."

For many years, Bai Feng has been teaching Ren Ling carefully, in addition to constantly helping her improve the flexibility and good use of the Xuan Yan Formation, she has also spent a lot of energy on the in-depth mastery and use of Xue Po Saber Technique.

In Bai Feng's view, this pair of Xue Po swords is indeed a rare and high-quality magic weapon, and the Xue Po sword technique that matches it is even more subtle and exquisite.The most important thing is that this pair of snow spirit swords is not only an excellent attack magic weapon for monks in the alchemy stage, but also suitable for monks in the foundation stage.

Generally speaking, only the monks who have reached the alchemy stage have enough spiritual power to drive the magic weapon, and the monks who have reached the foundation stage are far from enough in this regard.In other words, most magic weapons are useless to monks in the foundation period.Even if there are a few magic weapons that can be used by monks in the foundation building stage in advance, just like the four-cornered dart that Ouyang Jiaojiao used that day, they can at most exert less than [-]% of the magic weapon's power.

However, the Xue Po Dual Swords is not the same.

At the beginning, the information Ren Ling got from Hongye Patriarch was that he could at most use [-]% of the power of the Xue Po Swords, but one day when he was fighting in front of Bai Feng to improve his fighting skills, he completely used the Xue Po Swordsmanship again.This time, Bai Feng's interest was aroused.

After Bai Feng seriously studied the Xuepo double swords and Xuepo sword technique, and made some improvements to the Xuepo sword technique, after Ren Ling practiced it, he was able to exert the power of the Xuepo double sword to about [-]% of the level.

From then on, Bai Feng instructed Ren Ling to focus on practicing the Xuan Yan Formation and the Xue Po Dual Knife in terms of attack methods, and to improve his fighting skills in master-student sparring every half a month.

After several years of persistence, Ren Ling was able to barely use [-]% of the power of Xue Po's dual knives with all his strength, which has basically reached the highest level that Bai Feng thought.

The master and the apprentice stayed in the cultivation world for five days, before Bai Feng stopped with satisfaction.

As for Ren Ling, he was so tired that he could fall asleep lying on the ground at any time, he was really too tired.When her master is training his apprentices, he will change from his usual cold and indifferent temperament to that of a devil Shura, attacking her from various possibilities, angles, and aspects. Every time Ren Ling is knocked down Within three to five moments, he asked to stand up again to accept a new round of fighting techniques, and repeated this over and over until Bai Feng was satisfied.

"Master," Ren Ling and Bai Feng walked out of the training room side by side, and suddenly remembered the black ants he had picked up on Cuoji Mountain, and quickly took them out, "That day when I set up an array on Cuoji Mountain, I found a group of black ants. Ants crawled over, look, it is this kind of black ant."

Bai Feng frowned slightly, took the black ant queen and put it in his palm.After concentrating on it for a moment, his face was shaken, he took out a ring, and exerted spiritual power on it, and a light beam of light suddenly gathered on the black ant.

"Ling'er, tell me about the discovery of the black ants in detail."

Seeing this, Ren Ling recalled the situation that day, and replied verbatim, "Master, is there something wrong with this black ant?"

Bai Feng pondered for a long time, put away the black ants, and then took out a black wooden box and handed it to Ren Ling, "Ling'er, I need your help to go for something, Master."

"Send this black wooden box to Lay Qinglian on the west peak of Phoenix Mountain. Remember, he must accept it with his own hands before returning."

"Oh." Ren Ling pursed her lips, took the black wooden box and put it away, staring at Bai Feng with wide eyes. Did he just send her away like this before he told her what's wrong with the black ant?

Bai Feng laughed, and the corners of his lips were drawn up by the disciple's half-persevering, half-accusing eyes, "As a teacher, this black ant is not sure whether it is what the teacher suspects, and I still need to go to the elder to see."

Ren Ling nodded to accept this explanation, paused for a while, and asked, "Master, what kind of person is Lay Qinglian? Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

"Layman Qinglian is a loose cultivator, a powerful generation," Bai Feng said, "he has a bit of a weird personality, just be polite when Ling'er passes by."

"Does that apprentice want to leave immediately?" Ren Ling counted the days in his mind and said, "Tomorrow is the first day of junior high school."

Bai Feng immediately remembered that Ren Ling had to go to Tianji to practice for the first three days of each month, "Old man Tianji is in the sect?"

"Yes," Ren Ling replied, "the last time I saw Grandpa Yin, he told me not to forget this month's class."

"So let's go out again on the fourth day of the lunar new year." Bai Feng frowned, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and said with a sigh of relief, "Remember, you must deliver it by hand before returning."

The next day.

Ren Ling came to the Tianji Master Examination Hall early, entered the hall through the side door, and walked quickly to the side hall where the old man Tianji taught her on weekdays.

The Tianji Master's Examination Hall looks the same as when Ren Ling first started more than ten years ago. The door of the hall is still closed, and the thick dust and cobwebs all tell the disciples that this Tianji Master's Examination Hall is just a legend. The matter, in fact, has its appearance.

But no one knows that there is a hidden cave in this hall of examiners.

All kinds of tools for calculating the secrets, the big ones can be compared to the size of ordinary rockeries, and the small ones are as fine as dust, and they are piled up in the teaching side hall.

As soon as Ren Ling stepped into the side hall, she frowned tightly, because the air was filled with a strong smell of wine, she murmured, "Grandpa Yin is probably drunk again, right?"

His eyes flicked over the heavy shelves, and as expected, he saw Old Man Tianji lying crookedly on the bench, holding a wine gourd tightly in his hand.

"Grandpa Yin?" Ren Ling knelt down and helped Tianji to lie down, called twice but did not see him wake up, reached out to take the wine gourd from his hand and put it away, but unexpectedly, Tianji could hold it to death Tight, you can't even break it with your fingers, just shake your head and sigh softly, "Grandpa Yin has fallen asleep and doesn't know when he will wake up."

"Huh? Peeping at the Heavenly Tree?" Ren Ling looked at the stone table beside him, "Is this Xingluo Stone?"

The stone table is less than one meter away from the old man Tianji, and on it is the God Peering Tree, on which there are several oblong green stones, which seem to be in a mess, but after a moment of careful observation, Ren Ling can't help but Surprised, "Using star stones to set up a star-gazing array on the sky-peeping tree, what kind of secrets does Grandpa Yin want to see?"

This is the second time that Ren Ling has seen the Sky Peering Tree since Ren Ling learned the art of Tianji from the old man Tianji.Recalling the first time he watched the catastrophe of the Xuandao Sect under the guidance of the old man Tianji, Ren Ling couldn't help feeling tense, "Ten years, so it's almost ten years. Could it be related to the disaster of the sect?"

Glancing at Tianji who was still drowsy, Ren Ling sat down cross-legged, and after a moment of meditation, he looked at the God of Peeping Tree with Shen Ning eyes.

After a few breaths of time, after a familiar burst of pain, Ren Ling found himself in that dark and boundless place again, with endless screams, and strong winds that scratched his skin one after another. The most unbearable thing was the And the breath of despair that invaded the atrium.

Suppressing the discomfort, Ren Ling didn't run in a panic this time, but sat down cross-legged on the spot, took a deep breath for a moment, and flattened her palms, the several star stones that were originally on the God of Peeping Tree were actually in her hands , glowing green in the dark.

"Why did the sect suffer such a catastrophe?" Ren Ling was puzzled. In her opinion, everything in the sect was safe and stable, and there seemed to be no abnormalities. "With my current ability, I can't calculate the cause of the catastrophe, but Under such a catastrophe, we can try to figure out whether there will be a turning point."

A light blue light slowly rises from Su Bai's palm, supporting the several star stones, several small blue vortexes suddenly appear in the light blue light, and each vortex contains a star stone, the shining The green pebbles were originally stationary in the vortex of blue light, but gradually began to rotate as time went by.

As the astral stone rotates on its own, gradually it is no longer controlled by the blue light, but changes into various formations in the blue light group with wisdom, and the green light is getting more and more intense, until finally almost Cover the blue light and illuminate the entire dark world!

Ren Ling closed his eyes and counted for a long time, the sweat rolled down his forehead like beans, his slender and beautiful eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and his delicate and delicate face became paler with the passage of time.

Finally, several star Luo stones in the air suddenly burst into dazzling glare, and Ren Ling also opened his eyes, his tired expression couldn't hide his panic, "How could it be? How could it be an irreversible deadlock?"

Shaking her head frequently, she stood up with a whoosh, and Ren Ling ran forward quickly, "That day I first glimpsed the great catastrophe of the sect, and obviously saw a faint light, in front, I remember in front."

Just like the first time, Ren Ling ran crazily in the boundless darkness, with the only obsession in his heart, wanting to chase the saving light!

 There is another update at 11 am.Seeking pink, asking for recommendation, asking for subscription~~~嗤嗤~~~Wang the sky to roll~~~


(End of this chapter)

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