Chapter 144
Ren Ling ran wildly, with the sound of howling wind in her ears, and her cheeks were shattered and sore, but there was only one firm belief in her eyes, which was to look for the light that was once fleeting.

The boundless darkness spread from the bottom of her feet to the front where she couldn't see the edge, as if mocking her overthinking her abilities.

Unknown birds flew over the branches of the surrounding giant trees, making dull and tearing calls, as piercing as sand and gravel passing through glass.I don't know when, the rows of giant trees began to stretch out their branches, as if trying to block her way, entangled her, scratched her skirt, and even scratched her skin.

Ren Ling took out the Xue Po double knives and used all his strength to chop straight ahead, cutting down a large bush in an instant.Remote control the Star Luo Stone in front of him, and run fast while calculating and practicing.

Under the control of the blue light, the Xingluo Stone was like a guiding light with a ghostly green light, slowly leading her in the direction to go.

Ignoring the obstacles around him, ignoring the bumps on the soles of his feet, Ren Ling calculated and ran with all his heart, big beads of sweat rolled down from the corners of his forehead and eyebrows, and a steady stream of spiritual power was crazily drained. His thin body was like that piece of paper. Flying like a human.

With the passage of time, the aura in her body became less and less, and there seemed to be no aura to replenish in the dark environment. She gritted her teeth and poured a drop of the ten thousand year spirit liquid, and all her attention was focused on the profound and complicated starry sky. In the calculation of Tianshu method.

"Yes! Found it!"

The Xingluo Stone in front of him suddenly burst into light, Ren Ling quickly united his thoughts, stopped and jumped in mid-air, his body slowly rotated around the Xingluo Stone, and performed complicated calculations in his hands.

"Chilan and Baizhuo," the pale lips whispered softly, "the meeting of these two stars can save our sect from catastrophe! However, in the star match, these two stars are far away, how can they meet? The real meaning The two stars above refer to things, or people?"

Xiumei frowned, beams of spiritual power hit the Xingluo Stone, and it took nearly half an hour before Ren Ling suddenly realized, "Bai Zhuo Xing has already taken root in the door, but Chi Lan Xing has only recently borrowed external force Draw it into the gate. Now that the two stars have appeared, will the sect's catastrophe be able to pass through smoothly?"

Wiping his drenched forehead with his hands, Ren Ling rubbed his brows, "From the Xingluo formation, Bai Zhuoxing seems to be trying to resist Chilanxing, why? Bai Zhuo wants to be alone"

"Ling'er, come back."

The voice of the old man Tianji came from the sky, penetrating into Ren Ling's heart heavily, and his thoughts were disturbed for a moment. Ren Ling was stunned to find that the Xingluo formation was broken, so he had to land lightly, raised his head and agreed, "Grandpa Yin, Ling'er is here!" .”

"Girl," Old Tianji looked at the pale Ren Ling, knowing that she was exhausted, "Go and rest for a while, and then start teaching later."

Ren Ling bit her lip, with worries in her eyes, she shook her head and said, "Grandpa Yin, Ling'er is fine. It's just that"

Peeping at the Heavenly God Tree with her fingers, her mind was full of the scene that happened just now, and said hesitantly, "The catastrophe of the Zongmen within ten years, Ling'er saw that the meeting of Baizhuoxing and Chilanxing was needed to be saved, but what Ling'er didn't understand was , the Baizhuo star seems to reject the rendezvous with the Chilan star.”

The eyes of seeking knowledge fell on the face of old man Tianji, "Grandpa Yin"

"Hey, let's not talk about it for now." Old man Tianji shook his head and sighed frequently, and put away the Xingluo Stone in Ren Ling's hand, "Ling'er, since you don't want to rest, today grandpa will teach you how to use the Xingluo Stone. 49 hexagrams."

The Xingluo Guantian Formation that Ren Ling used in Peeping the Sky Shenmu just now is the first hexagram in the Seven Seven 49 Formation. The array of hexagrams was in her mind, and she put aside her doubts in Peeping at the Divine Tree for a while, and turned to enter the state of learning with excitement.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Ren Ling, under the guidance of Old Man Tianji, generally mastered the deduction and divination of the first ten hexagrams.

"The rest of the hexagrams are recorded in this jade slip," Old Man Tianji smiled and handed the jade slip to Ren Ling, "Girl, you have to study hard when you go back."

"Ling'er will." Ren Ling took the jade slip respectfully, "Grandpa Yin, thank you for your guidance."

The old man Tianji stroked his beard comfortingly, and looked at Ren Ling contentedly. Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, God finally had eyes and sent him a genius in Tianji!It's not in vain that he has a unique knowledge, and finally he can have a legacy.

This girl is very talented in divine calculation and deduction, she can always understand every point, understand by analogy, and the important thing is that she is willing to work hard and study diligently, even this attitude is very similar to him, she really deserves to be Yin Shangchen's good disciple!

If Ren Ling hadn't been pissed off by that brat Bai Feng the day Ren Ling entered the school, it would be great if he officially included this girl under his name?
White boy!
Gritting his teeth, he thought about the loss in a bet with Bai Feng, and after getting angry, he couldn't help thinking, if that kid had talent in secrets, with his super calculation ability, he must be a master of secrets.Pooh!Old man Tianji shook his head involuntarily when he thought of this, even if Bai Feng was talented, he wouldn't teach him!See if he doesn't know how to respect teachers!Look at his apparently indifferent eyes after he won!snort!
Ren Ling looked curiously at Old Man Tianji, whose face was changing every now and then, "Grandpa Yin, what's the matter with you?"


Yin Shangchen woke up from his thoughts, and coughed, "It's all right. Regarding the hexagrams of the Xingluo Stone Formation, each hexagram must be understood by oneself. What grandpa said these days is only what grandpa feels personally. After going back, apart from comprehending, I have to think more about it, do you understand?"

Nodding vigorously, "Ling'er knows."

"Well." Seeing that it was getting late, Old Man Tianji stood up, "Then this month's lecture will come here first. Ling'er, are you staying in the door recently or do you have a task in hand?"

"Ling'er is ordered by Master," Ren Ling replied, "tomorrow I will go to Phoenix Mountain."

"What?" The old man Tianji looked puzzled, quickly figured out with his hands in the long-sleeved robe, and suddenly paused, "Ling'er, wait a minute."

He knew that Bai Feng had a heart of loving his disciples, but he never expected that at this juncture, he would choose to send Ren Ling out to avoid the disaster of the sect. This person—— the insistence on things is so stubborn that it is incomprehensible .

However, the prophecy of "the catastrophe of the sect is difficult to discover, and the twin stars come out of the sky" will not be changed because of Baizhuoxing's intentional rejection of Chilanxing.
Pick up the Heaven-peeping Divine Wood on the stone table, "Ling'er, take away the Heaven-peeping Divine Wood and the Xingluo Stone, remember, make good use of what you have learned to peek into the secrets of the sky, this is what our generation of secrets should do." duty of."

In the early morning of the fourth day of the lunar new year, Ren Ling left the sect alone and went to Phoenix Mountain.

Phoenix Mountain is more than a thousand miles south of the Xuandao Sect, and it is a mountain famous for its phoenix trees.The phoenix tree blooms and bears phoenix fruit, which is one of the main medicinal materials of some kind of healing elixir, so monks go to Phoenix Mountain to pick phoenix fruit all year round.

Ren Ling had never been there before, and all this information was learned by accident.

She drove Tayun Pa to hide her whereabouts and fly all the way south. She devoted herself to studying the hexagrams of the Xingluo Array in Pan, and the time passed quickly and was not boring.After flying continuously for a day and night plus half a day, although the spirit was still refreshed and sharp, but seeing the sun was shining, I thought about finding a place to wait for the sun to slant before moving on.

"The mountains and forests here are quiet and cool." Ren Ling put away the cloud-walking handkerchief, and lightly landed on a tall branch of a big tree on a certain hill. "The scenery is also good, suitable for taking a nap."

Pursing her red lips and leaning against the thick branch, Ren Ling stretched and slowly closed her eyes.

"Um... ah... don't... please... Ah! Come on! Come on! Ah..."

One after another, strange voices pierced into the ear curtains, Ren Ling opened his eyes suddenly, and released his spiritual consciousness carefully. When he touched the grass three feet away, he suddenly shook his body and quickly retracted his spiritual consciousness.

She didn't expect that the place she was looking for, which she thought was quiet, actually, unexpectedly, there were people in the grass not far away, doing messy things in broad daylight!

Only then did I use my spiritual sense to probe lightly, and saw a male cultivator at the alchemy stage wearing a gorgeous brocade suit galloping violently on top of a female cultivator at the Foundation Establishment stage with disheveled hair and clothes. Grabbing tightly into the muddy ground on both sides, moaning sounded intermittently from his mouth.

God!That male cultivator shouldn't have noticed her instantaneous spiritual glance, right?Although it was only a brief moment of contact, the evil spirit emanating from the male cultivator's body made Ren Ling feel awe-inspiring.

What should I do?
If you leave here now, I am afraid that no matter how light the movement is, it will attract the attention of the alchemy male cultivator!But if she continued to stay like this, how could she guarantee that the male cultivator wouldn't feel her presence when he was doing business?

There was a loud groan in his ear, Ren Ling's heart was in turmoil and it was difficult to make a decision, so he had to take out a mid-level Extinct Breath Talisman and slapped it on his body, praying that the two of them would leave soon.

But the sky didn't follow people's wishes, the two of them seemed to have no end, from the midday of the sun to the gradual westward slant, and when Ren Ling's hair was about to break, they just couldn't stop.

He heard the woman let out a mournful cry several times, and then everything became quiet. Ren Ling thought it was finally over, but fortunately, it wasn't a little while before the moans sounded again.

It's endless!
It's endless!
What Ren Ling couldn't stand was not the waiting, but the torture of the endless voice piercing through his brain!

Stretching out her hands to tightly cover her ears didn't work, and closing her eyes and meditating silently didn't work. It seemed that no matter how she dodged, the voice could penetrate her ears like a demon.

Since you can't avoid it, let's deal with it head-on!Two hours later, Ren Ling finally gave up his hard resistance and started counting the number of times the woman screamed.

"One, two,... 55, 56..." He yawned lazily, his brows and eyes slightly closed as if sleepy, "Eh? No more? Is it over?"

After waiting for half a cup of tea and still not hearing any sound, Ren Ling exhaled forcefully, turned around and jumped off the tree trunk.

Before he could stand still, his eyes fell into a pair of sinister black pupils that seemed to be similar to each other!

(End of this chapter)

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