chapter 145
Ren Ling was startled, and before he could react, he was dragged into the opponent's embrace!
"let me go!"

A strong arm tightly wrapped around her waist, pressing her body tightly against his. Those evil black eyes were full of interest, as if a hunter was enjoying the pleasure of the prey struggling. His voice was low and deep. Sexy, "I've been away for so many years, I didn't expect that Fairy Ren still has a habit of voyeurism. I wonder if my performance just now can satisfy Fairy Ren?"

It's him!

Huo Tong, the lord of Zhongtong City!
Ren Ling found that no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape the other party's restraints, but instead made their bodies get closer and closer, and that handsome and wicked face became more and more intoxicated, which made her extremely ashamed.

"City Master Huo, please show some respect!" Ren Ling gritted his teeth, put his hands on Huo Tong's chest, raised his head and tried to pull a fake calm smile, "Ren Ling passed by here accidentally, I'm really sorry to disturb you."

"Passing by?" Huo Tong lowered his face slowly, his eyes filled with regret, "I thought the fairy was peeping on purpose, so I can judge how well I'm working hard. For this reason, I did my best to show off my glory, for fear of disappointing the fairy After all, the fairy has been waiting here for a few hours and can't bear to leave, so naturally I have to behave well and live up to the fairy's intentions."

It's just bullshit!Ren Ling was annoyed, thinking that Huo Tong might have discovered her existence when her spiritual sense swept over her, maybe earlier!At that time, Ren Ling just glanced lightly, and didn't realize that the person lying on the female cultivator was Huo Tong.If she knew, she would leave this place quickly even if she took a risk, instead of just hiding her breath and traces with the Extinction Talisman.

What to do now?
Liang Ziren Ling, who was married to Huo Tong back then, was not so naive as to think that the other party would easily forget him. She had already learned about Huo Tong's insidiousness, and now that the enemy met, it was not easy to escape.

He took her down without a single face-to-face, afraid that he thought that his cultivation base was much higher than hers, so he was not worried that she would be able to cross his Five Fingers Mountain.Ren Ling gradually calmed down from the panic at the beginning, analyzed the situation briefly, and had a little confidence in his heart. As long as he kept calm, he might be able to find a chance to escape.

"What is Fairy Ren thinking?"

Huo Tong smiled lazily, his eyes gliding over that delicate and beautiful little face inch by inch.Although there are too many female cultivators who are as beautiful as immortals, there are very few women like Ren Ling who are as pure as a mountain stream, as bright as the rising sun.She is so beautiful, like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world and doesn't understand the world, it makes people want to touch her very much.

Especially with such a delicate and soft body, the eyes moved along the small chin, slid over the slender and slender neck, and were slightly dazzled by the crystal clear skin under the sun.

"Master Huo, please respect yourself." Ren Ling frowned, and Huo Tong's presumptuous eyes made her feel sick and uncomfortable, "Can you let me go first? I have something to say."

"Let go?" Huo Tong's voice was low and slow, the delicate cream-like skin in front of his eyes was glowing with pearly luster, and the faint scent of body that seemed to be absent made his heart itch, and he lowered his handsome face close to the thin neck Taking a deep breath, "Fairy Ren is so fragrant and alluring, how can I be willing to let go? If I let go, wouldn't I be too ignorant of compassion?"

"You..." Ren Ling stepped back to dodge Huo Tong's approach, and her hot breath sprayed on her neck, causing goosebumps, "Huo Cheng has a high position and authority, so he shouldn't bother to do forced things, right? Broken the reputation of the city lord?"

"Reluctantly?" Huo Tong smiled heavily, and slowly opened the distance from Ren Ling, but his arms were still wrapped around his slender waist, "Just now that woman said no to the city lord at the very beginning, can you I know, what happened to her afterwards? She kept pestering me to tell the city lord not to stop."

Ren Ling suddenly heard the woman's coquettish call, clenched his fists with his fingertips deeply into his palms, turned his head and said stiffly, "City Lord Huo should let go of this junior first, the junior just made a mistake just now. Also please don’t care about the large amount, Lord City Master.”

"Of course I don't care about it," Huo Tong pretended to sigh regretfully, "Since Fairy Ren insists, this city lord will naturally not force others to make things difficult."

Huo Tong loosened his arm slowly and gracefully, looked at Ren Ling with a smile on his face, spread his hands, and said innocently, "Is Fairy Ren satisfied now? Since we are destined to meet again, why don't we go back to the City Lord's Mansion with me to reminisce about the past?"

Ren Ling smiled, and quickly retracted the fingertips inside the long sleeves to pinch a talisman, "Master Huo sincerely invites you, if you don't, junior"

Before he finished speaking, he decisively smashed the treasure talisman and threw it at Huo Tong's body, using the soles of his feet to retreat as fast as he could, and at the same time, broke another talisman, and the figure disappeared within a hundred feet in an instant .

Huo Tong had expected Ren Ling's reaction, he calmly flashed the huge offensive of the two talismans, and his eyes were full of interest, "The more choking pepper, the more delicious it is. It depends on where you can escape .”

Ren Ling fled hundreds of feet away, but he didn't dare to take it lightly, and drove Tayunpa to fly away quickly.

After flying for less than half an hour, Huo Tong's voice appeared like a ghost, "Fairy Ren, don't you want to play hard to get with me?"

'This Huo Tong is really not Yi Yu's generation. Ren Ling stared vigilantly at Huo Tong, who was smiling wickedly, and thought to himself, "Today must be a tough battle, no matter what, you can't be easily taken away by this person." '

It didn't take a moment for her mind to flash, Ren Ling used the Xue Po Swords and slashed at Huo Tong fiercely!At the same time, summon the peony and black jade butterflies, and set up a maze of spirits in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that Fairy Ren is still not willing to give in easily," Huo Tong easily dodged Xue Po's fierce slash, his eyes revealing deep thought, he did not expect that this little female cultivator at the foundation establishment stage used the magic weapon with discipline, He had to restrain his mind and resorted to attacking magic weapons to confront him. "In that case, let Fairy Ren see what I'm doing, and let's talk about the rest later."

Although Huo Tong seemed to be in a leisurely manner, with provocative expressions in his eyes from time to time, his subordinates were ruthless and vicious. Even though they only used five points of strength, every attack was fierce, and Ren Ling was forced into one after another every time. A Jedi with no turning back!
Ren Ling gritted her teeth and used all her strength to resist with all her strength. If she hadn't practiced sparring with her master frequently, she might not be able to hold on for ten rounds against such a powerful alchemy monk.

Under the guidance of Shaoyao, the surrounding Qingyudie gradually formed the Enchanting Array. Although it was not easy to control the Enchanting Array to cast a spell on Huo Tong with Ren Ling's foundation-building cultivation, Ren Ling The one chosen this time is not the art of desperation, but a kind of confusion called 'disturbance'. The 'disturbance' does not directly affect the mind of the opponent, but through the maze of the spirit lost track, at certain moments and certain angles, there will be a confusing formation that 'disturbs' the opponent's vision and judgment.

Ren Ling had experienced Huo Tong's strength more than ten years ago, so naturally she didn't dare to fight against others. The only thing she hoped was that the Lingling Lost Formation could find a breathing space for her.

It can be said that Ren Ling's urgent countermeasures were not wrong. He neither thought too much of himself, nor underestimated himself. Therefore, despite Huo Tong's hard work, he still managed to maintain it and would not lose in a short time.

As for Huo Tong, he was surprised at Ren Ling's attacking skills and strength at first, but after a hundred or so rounds, he gradually looked at him differently.It has to be said that Ren Ling is the first monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage who can still walk around without being defeated under his five-point spiritual offensive.

Since beauties like to fight, he will accompany them wholeheartedly.

A strange look flashed in his eyes, Huo Tong slowed down his attack, he was able to resist Ren Ling's attack with ease, and became interested in chatting, "Speaking of Fairy Ren, there is still an old score between you and me. remember?"

Ren Ling didn't dare to be distracted, and he didn't feel lucky because Huo Tong's offensive slowed down. Instead, he intensified the attack, thinking hard about the escape strategy.

"Fairy nobles forget things." Huo Tong was not annoyed when he saw that Ren Ling had never heard of it, "I didn't ask the fairy for an answer to the matter that the fairy killed two of my disciples back then."

Whoever killed him?Ren Ling frowned, gritted his teeth and said, "This junior doesn't know what City Lord Huo is referring to."

"In the past, the fat and thin Toutuo of my sect was just admiring the fairy's peerless appearance, so he was killed by the fairy outside Zhongtong City. Doesn't the fairy think that no one in the world knows about this?"

'It's them! Ren Ling was shocked, and immediately recalled that when he first entered Zhongtong City, he was hijacked by two gangsters to become a furnace, and they were killed in a fit of anger. Could it be that the two gangsters were relying on Huo Tong ?This Huo Tong actually has a habit of collecting stoves!Could it be that the woman just now was poisoned with lust|poison?

Huo Tong is so shrewd, from Ren Ling's slightly hesitant expression, he knew that she had remembered the past, and smiled loudly, "I don't need to pursue the matter of killing my disciples, but the fairy still has to accompany me to the mansion next time, to catch up on the old days how?"

Ren Ling saw that Huo Tong put away his offensive and greeted him with one hand in a gentle and refined manner, so he put away the Xue Po double sabers and Qing Yudie, "Master Huo's cultivation is advanced, and this junior is naturally not an opponent. Since Master Huo sincerely invites you , it is the younger generation's fault that the younger generation repeatedly evaded it."

Huo Tong smiled lightly, "Fairy Ren is so upright, I will definitely do my best as a landlord."

Reaching out her hand to brush the hair beside her ear, Ren Ling showed a faint smile, "City Master Huo is polite."

As soon as the voice fell, 49 Xuanbing needles in his hand were shot out suddenly, and in an instant, the lore formation in the Xuanyan formation was formed!He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and immediately he was full of blood, and the Xuanbing Needle attacked Huo Tong like a hell Shura!
This attack was extremely short, but it was extremely powerful, no less than a full blow by a monk in the alchemy stage!
 One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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