Immortal Journey

Chapter 147 Lianju

Chapter 147 Lianju
One after another blue waves leaped out of thin air one after another from different ponds, converging in the air to form a giant water wall. Seeing this, Ren Ling quickly turned around and flew up, avoiding the countless waves splashing down from the water wall.

All of a sudden, the ponds that were divided into many were connected together, and a green and shimmering mirror lake appeared in front of you.

There are lotus flowers curling up on the surface of the lake, pink and white, sweet and moving.The lotus leaves are swaying with the wind, with round water droplets rolling on them, which is cute and funny.

A narrow small wooden bridge stretches along the water, Ren Ling lightly jumped from mid-air, walked slowly along the wooden bridge, and walked towards the green wooden round gate leading to the wooden bridge.


Standing in front of the green wood round gate, Ren Ling squinted at the words written in the ancient seal above, "It seems that Lay Qinglian is indeed a person who loves lotus."

He reached out and knocked on the ring on the door, and after waiting for a moment, the wooden door creaked open, and an old man in black came to answer the door.

The old man's face was serious and indifferent, and his cultivation base was in the early stage of alchemy. He coughed, looked at Ren Ling calmly, and asked, "Where did the fairy come from?"

"Senior," Ren Ling bowed politely, "This junior asks to see Layman Qinglian, and as entrusted, there is one thing that must be delivered to Layman Qinglian."

"My master doesn't see any outsiders." The old man said coldly, "Is there anything I can bring in for you and hand it over to my master."

Ren Ling frowned slightly, remembering Master's instructions, "I'm really sorry, this junior was entrusted by Master, and must hand over this object to Layman Qinglian, and please pass it on to Senior."

"The old man has already said that my master doesn't see any guests!" The old man's face turned cold, and he was a little angry, "Could it be that the old man is suspected of lying to you! Since you don't want to hand over the things to the old man, then where did you come from and where do you go back!"

After saying this, the old man flicked his long sleeves, turned and left, and the wooden door closed automatically.


Ren Ling didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so rigid. He didn't know what to do for a while, and looked at the tightly closed door, and couldn't help but get entangled.

The master had ordered to hand over the black wooden box to Lay Qinglian, she would not be able to let him hand it over as the old man said, but judging from the old man's attitude just now, he is not someone who can easily change his original intention, I'm afraid it's really like what the master said, Lay Qinglian has a weird personality, and even the gatekeeper has followed his temperament.

If you want to complete the task, I'm afraid you have to think hard.

Ren Ling knocked on the door a few more times, begging the old man to pass on kind words, but the old man refused coldly behind the door, not even bothering to open the door.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Ren Ling tugged at his long hair in distress, stared at the wooden door for half an hour, sighed and murmured, "I can only stay here first, I hope the old man will see you Sincerely waiting, I am willing to make an exception.”

The night fell quickly, and Ren Ling sat down on the edge of the small wooden bridge with his knees bent, thinking in distress how to see Lay Qinglian, but after thinking about it for a long time, there was no good way, so he couldn't help but let out a long breath, looked up at The velvety beautiful night sky is stupefied.

How long has it been since you have enjoyed the night so purely?

I still remember when I was a child, I would pester my mother to the yard to count the stars, look at the moon, and listen to many interesting stories told by my mother.

At that time, she still didn't understand mother's heart, so she would willfully ask where father had gone, and kept asking, what did mother say at that time?Ren Ling hugged her knees and thought about it. At that time, my mother always said that my father had gone to a far away place, farther than the stars in the sky, and it would take a long time to come back.

Tired faintly pulled out a shy smile, and his translucent black pupils flickered dimly. When will the family be reunited?
Tears did not know when they began to slide down the cheeks, drop by drop on the wooden boards of the small wooden bridge, dripping through the boards.

"Fool, why are you crying so hard?" Ren Ling wiped away the tears on his face indiscriminately, grinning to himself, "I will see my father soon, maybe I will be reunited with my parents soon, you have to be happy Yes! Hurry up and complete this task, and return to the sect earlier."

After saying this, Ren Ling stood up, patted the wrinkled skirt, jumped on the spot, and waved his small fists to cheer himself up, "It will definitely succeed! Think again!"

So, she walked slowly back and forth along the small wooden bridge, lowering her head and thinking about various methods. Suddenly, her eyes fell on the wooden floor, "Why is there a small hole here? I have paid attention to this wooden bridge during the day. The wood is hard and dense, how can it change now?"

As a cultivator, his five senses are extremely sharp. To give a simple example, an ordinary monk knows every ant within a radius of his own. The higher the cultivation level, the wider the range.

Especially when he was in a situation where he couldn't completely guarantee his own safety, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe the monk's insight into his surroundings as fine as a hair.

Ren Ling entered the formation today, so it is naturally the same. From entering the formation to breaking the formation, everything around her is completely under her control, so this small change in the wooden floor is in her opinion. But it is by no means a trivial matter.

Walking the wooden bridge back and forth again, she found that except for the small hole where she sat just now, the wood was as hard and dense as she had seen in the daytime.

Feeling really weird, Ren Ling squatted down curiously, stroked the small holes with his slender index finger, concentrating on the memory, and after a while, he let out a low cry and exclaimed, "Could it be water-soluble wood?"

Water-soluble wood is a special kind of wood, which is made of rare water-soluble trees in the West Mountain Jedi. This kind of wood cannot be melted by fire, but can be easily dissolved by water, so it is called water-soluble wood.

Water-soluble wood is very rare, rare in the world, and Ren Ling has only read about it from ancient books, and although he guesses it now, he is not sure.So with a flick of one hand, he picked up a small handful of pool water and poured it down on the wooden bridge. In a blink of an eye, the water touched the wood and pierced through.

"It's really amazing. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, it would be unbelievable." Ren Ling squatted down and looked at it carefully for a while, "Water-soluble wood is easy to dissolve in water, and this layman Qinglian just made it into a wooden bridge. On top of this Wang Bitan, the intention is puzzling. He is really a person who does not follow the rules. Could it be," Ren Ling turned his head to look at the green wooden round door, "the wooden door should be the same. Is it made of water-soluble wood?"

The clear and beautiful eyes narrowed slowly, and after serious thinking for a while, "If this is really the case, then" the pink lips tightened tightly, revealing a self-deprecating wry smile, and said in a low voice, "I thought I was breaking the formation, but in fact I was still in it." It's just wandering in and out of the well-designed array!"

A beam of blue light shot out from the fingertips, rolled up a small water splash, and flew towards the green wooden round door, only to see that the water splash touched the wooden door, piercing through it in the blink of an eye.

"I didn't expect it to be true," Ren Ling pursed his lips lightly when his conjecture was confirmed, "The old gatekeeper didn't reveal any tricks, there was truth in the falsehood, and falsehood in the real. , Layman Qinglian's accomplishments in formations are admirable. I think I am familiar with formations, but I don't know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky beyond the sky. I am ashamed."

The east gradually turned white, and Ren Ling finally spent two hours successfully cracking the array set up by Lay Qinglian.

All the way up along the winding path, came to the end, the real 'Lianju' gate appeared.

"Although this green wood round door is not much different from the previous one, it is more secluded and elegant." Ren Ling stood still at the door, "I wonder if Layman Qinglian is willing to see me? It's funny to think about it. In the previous formation, even if I begged the old gatekeeper hard, he couldn't really introduce layman Qinglian for me. Because layman Qinglian wasn't there at all, I really made things difficult for the old man, haha."

The door opened slowly, and it was still the serious old man who came out, looking at Ren Ling indifferently, as if he had never seen her before.

Ren Ling grinned and said respectfully, "Senior, this junior is being polite. I wonder if I can introduce layman Qinglian to this junior?"

"Fairy follow me." The old man said lightly, turned around and walked back, Ren Ling hurriedly followed after seeing this, thinking that this time he could finally complete what the master told him, and felt a lot more relaxed for a while.

There are ponds and rockeries in the lotus house, small bridges and flowing water, fields of lotus leaves, and the fragrance of lotus.A bamboo forest is planted in the distance, and the wind blows, rustling and refreshing.All the pavilions, terraces and pavilions are indecent, what a paradise-like place.

The old man led Ren Ling all the way forward, twisting and turning for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a pavilion.

"The master is waiting in the inner hall, please move the fairy."

Ren Ling nodded his thanks and walked in alone.

The inner hall is not big, and the desks, chairs, and books are all made of green bamboo. Before taking a closer look, I heard a quiet male voice, "What is your name, fairy?"

It was a thin young man, dressed in a light-colored brocade robe with dark patterns, his complexion was extremely fair, his eyebrows and pupils were pure black, his whole body looked like that green bamboo, peerless.

His cultivation level is not high, Ren Ling secretly estimated in his heart that he is probably lower than her, and he is in the middle stage of foundation establishment. .”

"Master?" Layman Qinglian raised his eyebrows slightly, "Who is your master?"

"My master's surname is Bai and his name is Feng."

"Bai Feng?" Layman Qinglian shook his head, his eyes were confused, "I'm really sorry, I've never known anyone named Bai Feng, maybe the fairy made a mistake?"

Ren Ling was taken aback. When Master asked her to give the black wooden box, his tone was naturally familiar, as if he was giving something to a friend. How could he not recognize it?According to the map given by Master, it is clearly the right place!He took out the black wooden box and handed it over, "Lady Qinglian, please just call me by name. My master really asked me to hand this item to you. Maybe you can see the reason after looking at it?"

Layman Qinglian took the black wooden box and opened it in front of Ren Ling. Inside was a piece of yellow silk letterhead. He unfolded the letterhead and read it carefully. His fair face was smiling and angry. After pondering for a long time, he looked at Ren Ling calmly. , "It turned out that it was actually a letter of challenge."

 Thank you 1983313344, Sanwuxiaofan, Yeluoyingcuo, madmen among idiots for their rewards, and the pink tickets for Chunxiaqiuyu, everyone hugs~~Mo~~Thank you very much!Try to code!

(End of this chapter)

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