Immortal Journey

Chapter 148 Master is too strange!

Chapter 148 Master is too strange!


Ren Ling was completely in a daze, and was dumbfounded for a while, "Master Qinglian, do you mean that my master has issued a challenge letter to you?"

With Master's indifferent and calm temperament, even if someone came to the door to declare war, Master would probably respond with a flat "No".This is not Ren Ling's own fantasy, it is really evidence-based.

As the most proud disciple of the ancestor Fang Yu, the master of the three peaks of Xuandao, there are quite a few disciples from the same sect who come to ask for a competition every year, but Ren Ling has never seen anyone that his master promised to compete with.

Some small-minded disciples thought that the master's refusal to agree to the competition meant that they looked down on him, and they yelled and killed him outside the gate of the cave and refused to leave. I can think about it in the big formation of thunder and fire. If you can't break through, you'd better go back and practice hard, don't waste time."

This remark could make many fellow disciples roll their eyes in anger, and gnash their teeth to say that they want to destroy the Tianlei Ganghuo formation, but in the end they all went back in despair.

It was not easy for even Nascent Soul cultivators to break through the thunderstorm formation that day, let alone the disciples of the same school who had cultivated well?
This is not bad, Ren Ling once heard from Chu Yi, because the master has always been the best among the disciples of the same period since he started, and there have been countless disciples of the same period looking for challenges from the master since he was a child.In the earliest days, the master would not refuse others to challenge, but after playing for a while, he found that the strength was too different and it was really boring, so he no longer wanted to compete with others.

After several rejections, some disciples with ulterior motives gathered a crowd to intercept the master's provocation, angered the always indifferent master with his words, and single-handedly knocked down the assembled crowd, threatening that whoever would bother him again would be the end!
The eldest brother said that the master at that time was much cuter and more handsome. Compared with the coldness later, Chu Yi sighed every time he thought of it.

It's hard for Ren Ling to imagine such a master, but it should be impossible for the master to travel thousands of miles to find someone who is not as good as him to write a challenge letter!
"It's not your master who challenged me." Layman Qinglian looked at Ren Ling with a strange expression, "Your master wrote the challenge to me for you."

"Impossible." Ren Ling shook her head. If there was something real, it was impossible for the master not to tell her, "Lady Qinglian, did you make a mistake?"

"How can I make a mistake?" Layman Qinglian grinned, and the gloomy white light made Ren Ling's heart tremble, "Your master said in the letter that he has long admired Layman Qinglian's high reputation in formations, and sent his disciples to come Come to challenge, Layman, don’t be polite, lest you lose your prestige. Layman Qinglian read the last sentence very slowly, and the voice was cold and tense, as if he was chewing the meaning carefully.

Ren Ling was sweating in his heart, and laughed again and again, "Maybe, maybe Master made a mistake."

"Wrong? How could it be wrong. Your master didn't make a mistake, and I didn't make a mistake. I think it's the first time that I, Qinglian, have been so underestimated since I became famous. It's really interesting! If that's the case, I'll let you Try my ten-direction trapping fairy array, if you can pass the test within five days, come and challenge this layman!"

"Hey! Wait! Lay Qinglian, I don't..."

I don't want to compete with you!Before Ren Ling finished speaking, the living room in front of him disappeared suddenly, and the whole person was immersed in a sea of ​​fog.

She drooped her shoulders annoyed, she was really not interested in this Lao Shizi formation competition, can you just let her go back to the sect as soon as possible?Why did Layman Qinglian throw her into this "Ten Fangs Trapped Immortal Formation" arbitrarily without listening to her words?
Why did the master somehow ask her to challenge this... Layman Qinglian?Is he famous?Ren Ling had never heard of this person before, but based on the tone of the other party, he might have a good reputation, otherwise he would not have been caught by the normal tone of the master.

In fact, when it comes to Fenghuang Mountain Layman Qinglian, he is indeed well-known in the cultivation world.Although Layman Qinglian's cultivation level is not high, he is the only direct disciple of Zhentongzi, a master of formation.It is said that his skill in formation is at least [-]% of that of the real boy when he was alive.Therefore, there are many people who come and ask for advice all the year round, and there are also those who challenge, but I am afraid that it is the first one with Bai Feng's tone.

"Ten Fangs Trapped Immortal Formation," Ren Ling walked slowly in the dense fog. After struggling, she had no choice but to accept the reality. Even if she didn't want to challenge, she came up with the formation method and said it after seeing Layman Qinglian "I know about the Trapped Immortal Formation, but I don't know if it is similar to this 'Ten Directions Trapped Immortal Formation'."

After spending about an hour wandering around, Ren Ling finally confirmed that the 'Ten Directions Trapped Immortal Formation' was an improved and optimized formation based on the 'Ten Directions Trapped Immortal Formation'.

"Hey, it's really set up with the trapping fairy formation as the core," Xue Bairou gently circled in the thick black hair, shaking her head slightly, "it's a very troublesome formation."

"The Trapped Immortal Formation is not an evil formation dedicated to killing, on the contrary, it is more gentle, and its main purpose is to form a formation with poverty," Ren Ling whispered, "Trapping people in the formation and being unable to get out, over time, will wear away people's will to survive. This is the trouble, although there is a way to break the trapped fairy formation, but it will take a long time to break the formation."

"And this Layman Qinglian is even better," he let out a long breath, "Using fuzzy and transient directions to disturb people's sense of direction may not be very useful in ordinary formations. But in the trapping immortal formation However, the effect of sleepiness has been greatly strengthened. If the original trapping fairy formation can trap me for three days, then the ten-direction trapping fairy formation will have to be extended for at least two days. That is to say, five days It’s probably the fastest way to go out.”

"However," he kicked up a small stone with his toe, caught it with one hand, and threw it obliquely forward to the right. Ren Ling watched for a moment, nodded and smiled, "Although the method of orientation is troublesome , However, there is an ingenious method, if you use it well, you may be implicated yourself, and I," two cute dimples appeared next to the pink lips, "the fastest, I can go out in two days!"

In this room, Layman Qinglian stood on the side of the corridor, closed his eyes and asked, "Uncle Luo, how is Ren Ling doing now?"

Uncle Luo, the old gatekeeper who opened the door for Ren Ling, replied respectfully, "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, it seems that you are testing the master's formation."

"Judging from the fact that she was able to break through my water lotus formation in one night," Lay Qinglian said lightly, "she is indeed a master of the formation. I just don't know if she can break out of the formation as soon as possible under my ten-direction trapped fairy formation. Then Bai Feng, it's really annoying to think about it! I thought he asked his apprentice to send a letter here to apologize, but he didn't pay attention to me. Instead of saying sorry, he even said that I am not as good as his apprentice, which is too much Yes, too much."

"But I don't think the master is really angry." Uncle Luo smiled slowly, lowering his head and said, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have given that fairy a chance to challenge her."

"Angry, of course I'm angry, but," Lay Qinglian said with a smile, "Bai Feng, whose eyes are above the top, asked me to keep his disciple for at least a month. I've known him for so long, and this is the first time I've heard him beg for help. You can't help but give him face, right?"

Uncle Luo raised his eyebrows slightly, "Just now the master pretended not to know her master in front of the fairy, but her master told the master to hide it?"

Layman Qinglian shook his head, "The last time Bai Feng broke my battle and hurt my foundation, I thought he would come to apologize in person, but I didn't expect to send his disciples here. He was angry so he said he didn't know that person." He waved his hand, "Uncle Luo, you continue to observe Ren Ling's movements and report to me at any time."

In the vast dense fog, a few faint green lights flickered, moving from far to near. This is the unique method that Ren Ling has developed to deal with the ten-direction trapped fairy formation.

She used the Xingluo stone combined with the newly learned hexagram image deduction method to calculate the real direction, and easily restricted the special arrangement of Layman Qinglian's chaotic direction.

Originally, it required a lot of calculations to arrange from the specially designed chaotic direction, and if one step was wrong, the direction would change instantly, and everything had to be overthrown and restarted.But now Ren Ling cleverly combined the calculation method in the Xingluo hexagrams, not only can break through the many demonic obstacles to obtain the direction, but also use the chaotic method to lay out the points of the trapped fairy formation.

Originally, it was time-consuming to find the points of the trapped fairy formation, but in order to use the chaotic direction method to strengthen the difficulty of the trapped fairy formation, Lay Qinglian naturally had to base the layout on the basis of the trapped fairy formation. Ren Ling grasped the main point, one to ten, ten to one hundred, so after Ren Ling figured it out, he said that the formation could be broken in two days.

In the gazebo by the lotus pond.

The gold and white gauze embroidered with lotus hanging on all sides flutters with the wind, and the flying lotus petals on the gauze seem to have a lingering fragrance, which is intoxicating.

There was a man and a woman sitting in the pavilion. The man was the Layman Qinglian who sent Ren Ling into the Immortal Formation of Ten Directions yesterday. The woman was about [-] years old, with a pointed oval face and a classical and elegant temperament. There is brilliance in her eyes, but she is a woman with her own opinions.When the gaze was cast on Layman Qinglian, it was full of affection and dedicated.

"What?" Layman Qinglian put down his teacup in surprise, and stood up abruptly, "Uncle Luo, you said that Ren Ling has already broken seven or eight out of ten of the ten directions' trapping immortal formation?"

"Return to Master," Uncle Luo replied, "Indeed, it has been confirmed."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it," Layman Qinglian thought of Ren Ling's petite appearance, "Such a beautiful woman has such abilities, she is a formidable future generation."

"Little beauty?" The classical woman looked thoughtful, glanced sideways at Uncle Luo outside the pavilion, held a grape and put it in Lay Qinglian's mouth, "Qinglang, eat a grape."

"Qinglang," seeing Layman Qinglian swallowing the grapes with satisfaction, the classical woman smiled coquettishly, "Lian Er also wants to meet a woman who can make Qinglang admire her for a while. Since she is here to challenge the formation, how about Send Lian'er to try the 'Reversing the Universe Formation' personally? The 'Reversing the Universe Formation' is a formation that took a lot of effort in Lian'er's mind recently, and it happens that no one will try the formation."

Layman Qinglian frowned, and objected, "That woman is my friend's apprentice, I'm afraid she hasn't had a Taoist partner yet, how can I let her go into that formation? It's not good to hurt a woman's heart."

"As long as you are determined, how can you get hurt so easily? Could it be that Qinglang is interested in her?" Lian Ji's eyes turned red immediately, and she pouted aggrievedly.

"You..." Layman Qinglian looked at Lian Ji lovingly, "Take good care of her, she is really hurt, I won't be able to explain to my friend later."

(End of this chapter)

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