Chapter 149

When Ren Ling woke up, she was in a pink gauze tent, the bed was covered with soft and smooth materials, and the room was burning with a touch of incense. She felt refreshed and light, and for a moment she didn't know where she was.
It wasn't until he saw Lian Ji's slightly worried face that what happened in the Great Upside-Down Formation came to his mind, his face became hot all of a sudden, and he said, "Sister Lian's formation is really powerful, Ling'er is not strong enough."
"Silly sister," Lian Ji stretched out her hand to support Ren Ling who was propped up, and set the pillow up so she could sit on it, with a deep apology on her face, "It's not sister Ling's fault, it's my sister's negligence, I shouldn't let her go Trying that formation method actually harmed my sister, and my sister must bear the blame."
Ren Ling was puzzled, and asked with confusion in his eyes, "What does sister mean by this?"
Lian Ji hesitated for a moment, then said, "Sister Ling, do you know that you have fallen into a love gu?"
Love Gu?Could it be that the long-term love that Huo Tong said is a kind of love gu?
"Sister Lian, to tell you the truth, my sister was accidentally harmed by someone a few days ago, and she was poisoned with a kind of poison called Rijiushengqing. Is this what my sister is referring to?"
"Sure enough, it's time for love," Lian Ji asked earnestly with a solemn expression, "Does my sister understand this Gu?"
Ren Ling bit her lip, thinking back to what Huo Tong said, "Sister heard from the thief that this day-long relationship will occur every three months, and if you don't get the antidote within ten years, your whole body will fester and die."
"Basically, that's right," Lian Ji sighed, with guilt in her eyes, "Sister, if she didn't catch this Gu, her formation would not be able to help her, it's because the Gu worm was driven mad by the formation, That's why my sister can't control herself."
Ren Ling was stunned, and Lian Ji continued to say, "When my sister was impacted for the first time and adjusted her breath with her legs crossed, she had already passed the most difficult part of her formation. The reason why she suddenly fell down was because my sister's formation made the original The still Gu worm was activated, Sister Ling, I'm sorry for you." Looking at Ren Ling, Lian Ji's nose sore, she paused.
"Sister, do you mean that the love gu will attack early due to the traction of the formation?" Ren Ling is so clever, he quickly figured out the key points, and smiled slightly, "My sister didn't know beforehand, so don't blame my sister."
It's just that it was the first time Ren Ling felt the power of love gu, thinking of the chaos that day, he couldn't help but tremble.
"Sister, don't be afraid." Lian Ji took Ren Ling's hand and explained in detail, "Sister's formation method awakens the love gu in my sister's body. I am afraid that the time for the first attack will be shortened from three months to about one month. There will be no change in the attack time afterwards. But love Gu is not easy to unravel, and we still have to think of ways to make it work. Sister, can you tell my sister who set the Gu?"
"Huo Tong, the lord of Zhongtong City." Ren Ling had no intention of hiding it.
"It turned out to be that traitor scum!" Lian Ji gritted her teeth, "My sister also risked that person's way back then! My sister was lucky to be able to escape from that scum, and I can think of a way to solve the Emotion Gu that has been born for a long time, but My sister must remember not to go to that Huo Tong. There are too many women who died under the hands of that scum, even if he kept saying that he would help my sister detoxify, it would not be credible."
Ren Ling nodded, she naturally knew this, "My younger sister knows, listening to my elder sister's meaning, it seems that I know quite a lot about that Rijiu Shengqing Gu, can you talk to my younger sister?"
"Rising love with each passing day is a kind of love Gu of my Ten Thousand Beast Sect's Spiritual Gu Sect," Lian Ji smiled, and said frankly, "I will tell my sister, my sister is also a disciple of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, and I have some relationship with Huo Tong. The formula of love is changeable, so even if the elder sister knows the basic formula, she can't prepare the corresponding antidote for her. Once she is affected by the long-term love, it will be cultivated in the body into love gu, which will be controlled by the person who dispensed the medicine. Traction, affecting the poisoner to gradually fall in love with the dispenser, once the root of love is down, there is no antidote."
Ren Ling nodded, and there was a record in the jade slips of the ancestors of Yin Ling, "My sister knows that, she won't approach Huo Tong easily."
"That's right," Lian Ji nodded, "As long as you don't get close to the dispenser, the long-term love won't work, and you don't have to worry about falling in love. But you still have to find a way to get the antidote. Moreover, every time When March strikes..."
Ren Ling's face became hot, and when he thought of that feeling, he suddenly panicked, thinking to himself, it would be terrible to have to hide in a place where no one was there at that time.
Lian Ji comforted her, "My sister doesn't have a Taoist partner yet, right? I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable every time I have an attack, but this sister can help me a bit."
"elder sister?"
"Sister can prepare a kind of pill," Lian Ji smiled, "it can relieve the uncomfortable feeling during the attack, but it can only treat the symptoms, and it can only be suppressed a little. You still have to carry it by yourself. Do you understand?"
"Thank you sister," Ren Ling sincerely thanked, "It's better than having no countermeasures."
"Rijiushengqing happens every three months, and each episode lasts about an hour. As long as you get over it, you'll be fine." Lian Ji sighed, and looked at Ren Ling distressedly, "Sister goes to make the medicine first, and sister has a good rest."
"Qinglang," Lian Ji stepped out of the room and walked towards Layman Qinglian who was waiting at the side, "Do you have to keep Sister Ling for half a month? It's better to let Sister Ling return to Xuan Dao Sect as soon as possible. He refused to take out the antidote. After a long time, Lian'er was worried that something might change."
Layman Qinglian pondered for a moment, "Keep her first, Bai Feng must have something important to entrust to me. I'll send a sound transmission talisman to Bai Feng right now, and we'll wait for him to reply before making any plans."
"Alright," Lian Ji nodded, "I'll go make the prescription. If Sister Ling stays for a while, I can still try to solve the formula for Huo Tong's long-term love. It's just that this possibility is not great. Just try your luck. In fact, there is another way," Lian Ji lightly held Huan's hand around her waist, looked up at Qing Lian and said, "Would Qing Lang be willing to listen to crooked ways?"
Ren Ling lived in Lian because Lian Ji needed a period of time to prepare the relief medicine, and the matter of love gu really made her quite at a loss. It would be good if there was a remedy for it. .
In order to reassure Ren Ling, Lian Ji chatted with her every day, and taught her a set of breathing methods, urging her to practice seriously.
Even so, Ren Ling still has a lot of time alone every day, because it is not easy to enter Moyujian, so in his free time, he studies the remaining hexagrams of Xingluo Stone.
"Sister Ling," Lian Ji came in through the curtain with a bowl of medicine early this morning, and said with a smile, "Come and drink the medicine while it's hot."
Ren Ling readily said yes, and drank it in one gulp without fear of hardship, wiped his mouth and smiled, "Sister Lian, Ling'er has already mastered the breathing method you asked me to practice, now can you tell Ling'er when to drink it? Have you used it?"
Lian Ji put down the medicine bowl, took out a silk handkerchief and asked Ren Ling to wipe the medicine juice from the corner of her mouth, "Sister Ling, sister didn't tell you at first, because she was afraid that you wouldn't practice after knowing it. Now that you have mastered the method, you won't let it I'm not telling you. That breathing method is a secret method that my Wanshou Sect doesn't pass on, it is specially used to deal with love Gu, its real function is to transfer love Gu."
"Does it mean that the love Gu in me is transferred to another person?" Ren Ling frowned, "How can this be done?"
"Sister Ling, don't be in a hurry, listen to my sister carefully."
"The love Gu in the younger sister, which is long-lasting love, only works on women. If it is transferred to a man, it will not be effective. And because the love Gu in a man's body cannot be nourished by the yin and blood, it will also slow down. Slowly wither and die. So, if my sister has a chance to find a good relationship, she might as well give it a try."
"Taoist companion?" Ren Ling smiled wryly, she had never thought about this aspect, she couldn't just find someone to make do with it, right?
Lian Ji patted Ren Ling and encouraged, "There are many things in life that happen by accident that are not planned by us. My sister knows that it is difficult for a cultivator to find a Taoist partner, but no one knows when Yuelao will come. My sister That's an example."
"Letting my sister learn the method of breathing is just one of the solutions. It would be better to find the scum to get the antidote. Come, sister will tell you how to use the method of breathing to force out love gu."
Lian Ji began to explain in a low voice, Ren Ling was still an innocent woman, how could she know so much?His face gradually began to turn red, and in the end it was so red that he was almost bleeding.But Lian Ji is an open-minded woman, she is not limited by the common rules of the world, and because the direction of her study since she was young is to know the relationship between men and women well, in the process of telling the story, she simply shared some personal experiences one by one. Pass it on to Ren Ling.
In fact, although Lian Ji knows a lot about the relationship between men and women, she is not a promiscuous woman. If she hadn't met layman Qinglian, she would probably only understand it theoretically but not actually feel it.In her opinion, men like to use rules to restrict women, but they enjoy themselves very much. Therefore, it can be said that they are mavericks who have thrown the so-called rules aside since they were young.

It took half an hour to finally explain clearly, Lian Ji smiled and pinched Ren Ling's flushed cheeks, "Sister Ling, the relationship between a man and a woman is the ultimate beauty in the world, if you meet a lover by fate, you should feel it well, There's nothing to be shy about. What you have to remember is that the transfer of love Gu must last for at least seven consecutive days and nights before it can be fully exported, don't forget."
The method of transferring love Gu sounds feasible, but in fact it is more difficult than getting the antidote from Huo Tong.
What it requires is not only a |relationship|relationship between a man and a woman, but also the foundation of unswerving feelings between each other, in order to transfer the love Gu with the method of exhalation.
But if a cultivator wants to meet a Taoist couple who are in love with each other, it is really rare.First of all, people who practice Taoism are keen on advancing, and have no time to care about the relationship between men and women; secondly, even if they find a suitable Taoist couple, their relationship with each other is at best better than others, and they must have deep feelings—— It's almost impossible, who wants to waste so much time talking about falling in love?Hurrying to practice is the right way.
Therefore, this breathing method of transferring love Gu is only a slim hope after all, Ren Ling thought so.

 Thank you Boring Cao and Yuya Rosemary for the pink tickets, hug~~MUA~~MUA~~
  There is also an update ticket for my little _W. Shower is here to say thank you (MUA~), there will be two updates today, to repay my dear friends for your enthusiastic support.

  However, Shower is very, very sorry to tell you that due to recent work and physical reasons, basically only one chapter (3000+) can be guaranteed to be updated every day. Therefore, dear friends, it is a waste of update tickets~~ Shower As long as you have time and energy, you will consciously explode code words!
  The second update at 12:[-] noon, dear friends, please subscribe and support, thank you in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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