Immortal Journey

Chapter 150 Master's True Intention

Chapter 150 Master's True Intention

After Lian Ji left, Ren Ling sat in a daze for a while, thinking of Lian Ji's kindness in teaching her the secret method of the Wanshou Sect, he was very grateful.

But it is absurd to expect a person who has never appeared or even may not exist in the matter of detoxification, and it is a serious way to find a way to get the antidote from Huo Tong.

Recalling the scene of the thrilling escape in Jusha Tower at that time, I had a faint idea in my heart.If you want to get the antidote, I'm afraid it's better to have something that Huo Tong urgently needs in exchange for it, the possibility of success is higher.Looking back, I asked Lian Ji how to tell if the love gu was cleared so she would be fooled again, Ren Ling thought to himself, feeling a little more at ease.

"Master! Something is wrong!"

Xiaobao's flustered voice came from his mind, Ren Ling immediately withdrew his thoughts, and asked in a low voice, "Xiaobao, what's wrong?"

"Master, come in quickly! Little Treasure can't explain clearly, it's Grandpa Mu and the others who said something is wrong!"

Ren Ling frowned slightly, and raised his eyes to look at the tightly closed door. According to past habits, after Lian Ji came here once, she should not come to look for her again today, and it is not too big of a problem to enter Moyujian.

Randomly laying down a concealed defensive circle, Ren Ling dodged into Mo Yujian with a thought.

Seeing Ren Ling coming in, Xiao Bao stretched out his small meaty claws to grab her fingers, and rushed forward, yelling, "Master, Grandpa Mu and the others said that the Demon God might be born!"

"Devil God?" Ren Ling was puzzled, and followed Xiaobao quickly to the place where Aoki and the others took root. When they arrived, they found that Aoki, Shikong and Hongying were eagerly talking about something together, and asked quickly, "Mu Grandpa, Grandpa Shi, Auntie Hongying (this generation is insisted on by Hongying), what happened?"

"Girl," Hong Ying floated over, pulled Ren Ling towards him, and said with concentration, "We felt a familiar demonic energy at the same time just now. If we didn't make a mistake in our judgment, it should be the breath of the demon god from the upper realm."

"The demon god of the upper realm is addicted to the demon sky?" Ren Ling was still ignorant, "How could there be the breath of the demon god of the upper realm? Ling'er didn't see anything unusual outside."

"Girl Ling," Aoki straightened his face, "I did feel the demonic aura of the Demon-thirsty Heaven, but it didn't appear here. According to the judgment of the three of us, it probably appeared in the area of ​​the Xuandao Sect."

Shi Kong also opened his mouth and said, "The Devil-thirsty Heaven was suppressed by us, uh, all the immortals in the fairy world under Juyou Valley for more than ten thousand years. We participated in the battle between immortals and demons back then. The breath of the sky is really sensitive, girl, you don't know how terrifying the existence of the demon-thirsty sky was, and everyone's face changed when they heard it."

Hongying and Aoki nodded repeatedly, their faces could not hide the look of horror, "Girl, that battle between immortals and demons almost destroyed the entire Diancang Continent, the ability of the demon-thirsty sky is unimaginable to me, he can destroy the land with one hand In the realm of the Pingxuan Dao Sect, if he really turned out to be born again, I am afraid that this Cang Continent will be a catastrophe."

"It shouldn't happen," Aoki patted the red baby and comforted him, "If it's really the Devil-thirsty Heaven, the upper realms might not know about it, and they will definitely send all the immortals to fight against the enemy. Maybe, maybe it's just the leakage of the Devil-thirsty Heaven's demon energy gone?"

Shi Kong stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, "I can't rule out this reason. Although the three of us felt familiar with the magic energy, it was not strong. And the evil stone is the treasure of the wild. It is also difficult to break out of the rock. The old man remembered that the Master once said that the demon-thirsty sky was severely damaged, and it would take at least tens of thousands of years of sleep to wake up, so it should not be him."

"In that case, could it be that the demonic energy was leaking from the evil-suppressing stone?" Hong Ying pondered, and nodded in agreement, "In the battle that day, all the immortals in the fairy world were killed or wounded. In the end, the Supreme Master and the other nine immortals worked together. Driving the Evil-Suppressing Stone to suppress the Devil-eating Heaven is actually an effort to do so, could it be because of...?"

The three of them discussed each other one by one, and Ren Ling frowned more and more as he heard it, and with a twitch of his heart, he turned around and ran quickly to the wooden house.

Taking out the Heaven Peeping Divine Wood and Star Luo Stone, after taking a deep breath, he calmed down and began to calculate with concentration.

Sinking his spiritual consciousness into the Heaven Peering Tree, Ren Ling came to that dim world again.

Now she is basically familiar with Xing Luoshi's hexagram calculations, and after further research on the previous conclusions, she discovered something that shocked her!

It turned out that the master turned out to be the Baizhuoxing she had calculated, and what the Chilanxing pointed to was exactly herself.Ren Ling repeated calculations in disbelief several times before he had to believe that he might be one of the twin stars who could save the sect from catastrophe in the prophecy.

And judging from the hexagrams, the catastrophe of the sect is no longer a prophecy, but a fact that happened a few days ago!

It's impossible for Grandpa Yin not to know that she and Master are twin stars. If he knew, why didn't he keep her?Before she left the sect, she took the secret class with Grandpa Yin, and she also told Grandpa Yin about her trip to Phoenix Mountain——

No, Ren Ling frowned tightly, always feeling that he seemed to have overlooked a very important clue.

That day, she had discussed with Grandpa Yin about the repulsion of the double stars. At that time, Grandpa Yin didn't want to talk more, so he taught her the hexagrams of stars and stones. This was one of the suspicious points; After the Zongmen incident, she seemed to have a strange expression, and then... Ren Ling suddenly opened her pretty eyes. Grandpa Yin gave her the Heaven Peeping Tree and Star Luo Stone only after he knew she was coming to Phoenix Mountain!
Could it be that Grandpa Yin wanted her to figure it out by herself?
Then, could it be that the master asked her to come to the so-called challenge because he didn't want her to participate in the catastrophe of the sect?Master is worried that she will not be able to save the sect?No, Ren Ling shook her head, denying this idea. She was both moved and sad in her heart. I am afraid that Master sent her away from Xuandao Sect out of love.

No, she wants to go back!
Ren Ling stood up abruptly and walked out of the Moyu Stream.

"Sister Lian! Sister Lian!" Running on the promenade and calling, Ren Ling found Lian Ji who was watering the flowers in the corner flower garden, "Sister Lian, Ling'er is leaving soon, thank you for taking care of me these days, in the future If there is a chance, I will definitely come to thank my sister. Goodbye!"

"Wait!" Lian Ji didn't understand why Ren Ling, who was fine just now, suddenly yelled away, remembering that Qing Lian asked Ren Ling to stay for half a month, and now it's only been about ten days, "Sister hasn't prepared enough pills yet. , can you wait a few more days?"

Ren Ling shook his head, his eyes determined, "Sister Lian, let me tell you nothing, there may be a change in the Xuandao Sect, Ling'er really must leave."

Lian Ji's heart trembled, she looked at Ren Ling, gritted her teeth after thinking for a moment, "Sister, wait a moment, sister will bring you the pills. Remember, come to see sister after the matter is over."

After resigning from Lian Ji, Ren Ling hurriedly drove Ta Yunpa to the Xuandao Sect before he even had time to see Lay Qinglian.

After turning on the invisibility function of the Tayun handkerchief, he flashed into Mo Yujian.

"Grandpa Mu, Grandpa Shi, Auntie Hongying," Ren Ling flew to the side of the three monsters. She was looking around on the cloud walking handkerchief just now, but she couldn't feel the slightest magic energy. "Can you feel the magic energy? Can you tell Ling What's the situation?"

Aoki said, "Girl Ling, the devilish energy is faint, sometimes disappearing, and it is still far away from the current location, so it is normal not to feel it."

"Master," Xiaobao flew over obliquely, grabbing Xiao Hei who had been sleeping for a long time with his fleshy claws, "Xiao Hei woke up, excited, and said there is something delicious."

Xiao Hei is about the size of a pair of fists now, his whole body is black and shiny, revealing two round eyeballs, which are also jet black, the little black nose twitches and grinning, looking excited .

"Demented Soul Beast?" Shi Kong flew up to the side of the Demented Soul Beast and circled around, "It likes to eat ghost and devil energy, this kind of spirit beast, no, no, the Demented Soul Beast is actually a monster, but it is an extremely rare species .”

Red Baby said, "To make the Chihun Beast react like this, I'm afraid it's only attracted by the devilish energy."

"Insane beasts are no less sensitive to demon energy than we are," Aoki stroked his beard and said, "Girl, let's hurry to Xuandao Sect to know the truth."

Ren Ling nodded, picked up Xiaobao hastily, thought for a while, and carried the Chihun Beast out of Moyujian together.Now she is flustered and can't calm down to practice at all. She keeps reminiscing and analyzing the recent events in her mind, and the more she feels that Grandpa Yin has predicted all this.

However, since Grandpa Yin knew she was Chi Lanxing, why did he watch Master transfer her away without stopping him?Is it because you worry about her?As a celestial master, the most important thing is to be calm and ruthless. Why did Grandpa Yin do this?
He let out a long breath, everything is predictable, since it has been calculated that the meeting of Baizhuoxing and Chilanxing is required to save the sect from catastrophe, even if the master tries to turn the tide, he cannot change the fateful trajectory.

Master's indifferent face slid across his eyes, Ren Ling clenched his fists, "Master, Ling'er understands your love and protection, but Ling'er can't stay away from running away and be alone as you hoped."

There was a faint brilliance on the fair and delicate face, Ren Lingping put away all distracting thoughts, and wholeheartedly drove Tayunpa to fly towards the Zongmen.

In the evening of the next day, when the setting sun was hanging obliquely on the horizon and slowly descending, the boundary of Xuandao Sect also faintly appeared on the other end of the horizon.

Xiao Hei was bouncing vigorously inside the Tayun Handkerchief, his limp head kept bumping into the barrier of the Tayun Handkerchief, babbling in a language that no one could understand.

As for Ren Ling, holding the round little treasure in his arms, one person and one beast silently watched the scenery gradually appearing on the horizon, feeling his heart constricted, and even his breath was silently deprived of it.

How could the place that was once full of aura and greenery become what it is today?

The blood-colored sunset seemed to be the only light in front of my eyes. The light hit the billowing black smoke clouds, like a blood-colored golden edge on the thick black clouds, dazzling, dazzling, and filled with the breath of death.

Under the thick black clouds is a turbidity, and the black air is penetrating to the ground in rolls, as if it can pass through all things, destroying living things, killing living things, and ruling the whole world in darkness!
 Powder 7 plus more delivery.

(End of this chapter)

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