Immortal Journey

Chapter 151 Going to Xuan Dao Sect

Chapter 151 Going to Xuan Dao Sect

"The turbulent tide of devilish energy has almost completely covered the realm of Xuan Dao Sect."

Ren Ling stood on the cloud-walking handkerchief, holding Xiaobao tightly with both hands. The terrifying scene in front of her made her feel confused, "I missed it. If I hadn't met Huo Tong, if I had known that Master had written the challenge book for me, I would have Think carefully about the cause and effect, if you have calculated the disaster of the sect when studying the Xingluoshi hexagrams, will all the things in front of you now not exist?"

Xiaobao raised his head, and gently held Ren Ling's fingers with his little claws. He knew that Ren Ling was in a sad and complicated mood, "Master, it's not the master's fault. It was a coincidence that I met Huo Tong. The matter of challenging the book, the master Wasn't he thrown into the formation before he had time to say no? Later, because of Lian Ji's big formation, the master's poison was triggered, and this series of things happened one after another, and the master could not choose it himself!"

"As for the Heaven-peeping Shenmu and Xingluo Stone," Xiaobao tilted his head, trying to relieve Ren Ling's depression, "Didn't the master figure it out in the end! So, the master worked hard. Most importantly, the You can't hide from what's coming, and it might not be the right time for Master to come back now."

Ren Ling raised his lips and smiled forcedly, "Xiaobao, thank you. The master also knows that it is useless to think about what happened. The Xuandao sect has thousands of years of foundation, and there must be countermeasures against sudden changes. Besides, before and after However, in half a month, it is absolutely impossible to destroy it so thoroughly, the demonic energy is coming fiercely, the first priority must be to activate the Zhenshan formation to isolate it."

"I hope it's still too late," Ren Ling bit her lip, remembering the divination she had made just now. Although Xuan Dao Sect is in the darkest moment, the light she was chasing has not yet appeared. If she is not wrong, she should What else can be done, "It's just that I don't know where Master is now." The only thing that can't be calculated in the hexagram is Master's whereabouts. This is also the variable that she is most worried about. "I have to find Master as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Ren Ling breathed a sigh of relief, picked up Xiaobao, "Let's go there."

"Wait! Girl, let's go out and have a look."

Aoki's voice came from his mind, Ren Ling paused, stopped, and released the three spirits from Mo Yujian.

Seeing the situation in front of them, the three spirits couldn't help but gasped, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Sure enough, it's the spirit of the demon god," Qing Mu said with a heavy expression, "It's so turbulent, it's really worrying. How about this, I'll go to wait and see, girl, you go there again."

Hong Ying nodded in agreement, and said softly, "Girl Ling, this demonic energy is extremely heavy, your cultivation base is too low, and traveling through the period for too long will damage yourself, so don't be impulsive."

Shikong blocked Aoki's castration, "Qingmu, let me go. This demonic energy spreads for hundreds of miles, and it must be investigated by Juyougu. Old Shi, I can tear apart the space and go directly, much faster than you. Wait for a while, Lao Shi will come as soon as he goes."

After Shi Kong finished speaking, a silver light flashed across the sky obliquely to the right, and Shi Kong disappeared instantly.

After waiting for about two cups of tea, Shi Kong appeared in front of everyone again, "This devilish energy really comes from the Suppressing Evil Stone in Juyou Valley."

"Really?!" Red Baby's voice was trembling, and he asked anxiously, "Did the Demon God come out?"

Shi Kong shook his head, "No, although it is impossible to know how the evil energy came out of the evil spirit stone, but now that the evil spirit stone is firmly suppressed, it is absolutely impossible for the demon god to come out. Old Shi can only see the origin of the evil energy Yu Zhenxie Stone, spread to the south and covered the Xuandao Sect boundary."

"It's okay, it's okay," Aoki's tense nerves relaxed a little, "I once heard the Master said that the Suppressing Evil Stone has an elastic binding spell, and if someone tries to move the Suppressing Evil Stone, the binding curse will automatically activate effect, bind the Evil-Suppressing Stone tightly again."

"I've also heard about this binding curse," Hongying said. "Could it be that there are remnants of the demon world who want to save the demon god? But since the anti-evil stone still exists safely, there is no need to worry about the demon god reappearing in the short term."

"After seeing the Zhenxie Stone," Shi Kong recalled that when he left Juyou Valley, he had glanced at the situation of Xuandaozong from afar, "the old man tore apart the space and came back directly, but accidentally saw that there seemed to be a battle between Xuandaozong and Juyougu. It seems that it should be a group of demon cultivators and Taoist cultivators of Xuan Dao Sect fighting."

"Perhaps it is the northern demon cultivator who wants to take this opportunity to fight for the territory. It is unknown." Aoki looked at Ren Ling, "Girl Ling, your cultivation level is too low. There is no need to worry too much. It is best to find a safe place to take refuge temporarily, and return to the sect after the demonic energy dissipates."

Ren Ling shook his head, his eyes were firm and far-reaching, "Thank you, Grandpa Mu, Ling'er has made up his mind. Can the three elders go back to Moyujian first?"

The red baby flew to Ren Ling and took out a small flower crown, "Girl Ling, this is the red baby ring, which can block the evil energy. You must be careful when you go there after wearing it."

"Thank you, Auntie Hongying," Ren Ling took the red baby ring, and used his spiritual power to launch it towards the top of the cloud-treading handkerchief. Suddenly, a bright red light shrouded it, "Ling'er will be careful, the three elders will enter first. Let's go."

Ren Ling took Xiao Bao and Xiao Hei and flew towards Xuan Dao Sect.

As soon as he entered the area covered by the magic energy, Xiao Hei began to hit the barrier of Tayunpa frantically, just like a tourist who was about to starve to death in the desert when he saw a source of water, he jumped up and down clamoring to get out.

Although Ren Ling had formed a contract with Xiao Hei a long time ago, he could only feel Xiao Hei's emotions and could not communicate with him through words. I don't know if it was because Xiao Hei's type was too special, or because of Xiao Hei's cultivation level. The reason is too low (if Xiao Hei knows that Ren Ling thinks so, he will definitely ask to kill him with tofu to show his ambition).

"Xiao Hei, master can let you go out," Ren Ling stretched out his hand to grab Xiao Hei, who was fluttering like a wind, and looked directly at the pair of black eyes that were blinking eagerly, "but you must not stay one foot away from the master. Can you do it?"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Xiao Hei opened his mouth and yelled, as if protesting something.

Ren Ling frowned, understood Xiao Hei's thoughts, and relaxed the conditions, "Sanzhang, no matter how far away, the master must come back in time when he calls."

"Aww." Xiao Hei nodded obediently, with his paws stretched forward, and his body swaying up and down.

"Go." With a flick of Ren Ling's fingertips, a hole was cut in the barrier, and Xiao Hei went out like a shooting star.

As soon as Xiao Hei came out of the barrier, he yelled excitedly, and then swallowed the magic energy at least five times larger than his body with a big mouthful!

Ren Ling didn't know whether to be lucky or helpless, picked up Xiaobao and flew forward.
"Sure enough, the Zongmen Zhenshan formation was opened." They entered the Xuandao Sect's territory at about the southeast foot, very close to the southeast garrison. Although the terrain was difficult to identify under the intrusion of demonic energy, Ren Ling performed many tasks here. times, but it is also possible to determine the location.

Flying towards the center of the sect along the height of the junction between the protective cover of the Zhenshan formation and the magic energy, Ren Ling found that the scene seen through the protective cover of the Zhenshan formation was different from the usual one.There was not a single disciple in sight, and the sect was as quiet as a dead city.

He was very worried, and walked forward without saying a word. It stretched for hundreds of miles from the southernmost edge of the Xuandao Sect to the northernmost edge, and it would take half a day to get there at the fastest.

And along the way, Ren Ling found that the devil energy was indeed trying to penetrate the enchantment that invaded the Zongmen Zhenshan formation, but fortunately, the Zhenshan formation was thick and solid, and the impact was not great.

And the layer of demonic energy that you can see when you look up is at least a few feet high. There are sand and rocks flying in the middle of the layer of demonic energy, and there are many trees and vines in it.

This scene was even more horrifying than what Ren Ling had seen in the Sky Peeping God's Tree, and the desperation that permeated the surroundings made people shudder uncontrollably.

In this dark and terrifying world, she is the only one who exists.Familiar anxiety spread in his body, and Ren Ling recalled the meager light of hope in the God's Tree, which was ahead.

Running, running crazily, driving Tayunpa to fly at the fastest speed in the magic energy, one man and one beast had awe-inspiring faces, and no one was interested in opening their mouths.

After Tayunpa, Xiao Hei followed closely, flying like a small bazooka, devouring the magic energy all the way.

After a long time, I finally saw all kinds of fighting scenes in the distance.

Crowds of demonic cultivators were laughing and clamoring in the dark demonic energy, as if the demonic energy gave them endless energy, aggressively oppressing the Xuandao Sect disciples to retreat steadily, and even many demonic cultivators Immediately began to attack the Zhenshan formation, trying to break through in vain.

Ren Ling flew over quickly, and met a lonely demon cultivator blocking her way.

The demon cultivator had a blue face and sharp ears, and smirked at Ren Ling, "Such a little bit of cultivation is also released to fight, could it be that there is really no one in the Xuandao Sect!"

Moxiu was at the early stage of alchemy, and he was not polite to Ren Ling at all, and directly released a powerful coercion to kill Ren Ling in an instant.

At this moment, although Ren Ling's cultivation base is a lot lower than that of Moxiu, he is not afraid of the coercion that is enough to make most of the foundation-building monks tremble and fear.

Suppressing the discomfort, Ren Ling sneered, took out the Xue Po swords, and greeted Moxiu without saying a word.She had escaped under Huo Tong's hands, so she was naturally not afraid of a demon cultivator who was a level behind Huo Tongxiu, and was eager to find her master, and even attacked with all her strength when she made a move!
At the same time, Xiao Hei, who came after him, suddenly flew in front of the demon cultivator, opened his mouth and took a big breath of magic energy, and swallowed a handful of the strange knives that the demon cultivator suddenly shot out, slurping his mouth to digest After falling, he flew head-on with a whoosh!
"Crazy Soul Beast!" The demon cultivator was startled by Xiao Hei, put away the strange knife and snorted coldly, "No wonder Xiao Xiaoxiu dared to come out, so it was because of this Crazy Soul Beast! But let's see what I can do!"

The Moxiu released a few strange rat-like beasts, and the group of little beasts pounced on Xiao Hei, surrounded him, and sprayed blue-black mist gas from their mouths. Seeing this, Xiao Hei didn't Hurry up, spread out your claws, and two clouds of thick black smoke roll towards the blue-black gas!

After stopping Xiao Hei, Moxiu Jie Jie laughed strangely, and once again sacrificed those strange knives, and struck with Xue Po's twin knives in the air. The force was violent and violent, sweeping countless demonic energy and slashing towards Ren Ling. Down.

"Master, be careful!" Xiaobao opened his mouth and sprayed ten thousand poisonous ice at the demon cultivator, freezing the strange knives in the air for a moment. Once again, he used Xue Po's two sabers to slash past him.

Moxiu was originally at the alchemy stage, more than enough to deal with Ren Ling, and now the time and place are favorable, under the intrusion of devil energy, it is extremely unfavorable to Ren Ling.

But Ren Ling has Xiao Hei and Xiao Bao, both of whom pose a lethal threat to Moxiu, Xiao Hei and the group of little beasts fought back and forth for a hundred rounds before gaining the upper hand.And Xiaobao's Myriad Poisonous Ice is extremely accurate, no matter how the demon cultivator dodges, his attacking magic weapons cannot escape the freezing of Xiaobao's Myriad Poisonous Ice.If it wasn't for the fact that Xiaobao's cultivation level was not so low, he could at most freeze the magic weapon for a moment each time, then the demonic cultivation would not be able to reap even more benefits.

Although Ren Ling was only in the foundation building stage, his Xue Po double knives were sharp and agile, and with the cooperation of Xiao Hei Xiaobao, he fought the demon cultivator for several cups of tea without showing any signs of defeat.

"Hmph! I have other things to do! I'll fix you next time I see you!"

The demon cultivator puts himself first. This demon cultivator was repaired in the main battlefield and fled everywhere. I met Ren Ling and wanted to vent his previous displeasure. Who knew but couldn't take it easily. After weighing the pros and cons, he simply ran away. Let's go, his purpose is not to siege the city and loot the pond, but to follow the large army is just a selfish delusion to get a share of the success.

Ren Ling looked at Moxiu and fled away in the blink of an eye, frowning, not intending to chase and kill him.

Turning around and flying close to the main battlefield, in the midst of countless fights, I saw a familiar and friendly face at a glance, "Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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