Immortal Journey

Chapter 152 The Father and Daughter Meet

Chapter 152 The Father and Daughter Meet
"Little sister?"

Chu Yi looked at Ren Ling in surprise, and suddenly hit his opponent with a heavy blow, so that he was unable to fight back. He turned his head and greeted the disciple behind him who was ready to take over at any time, and quickly pulled Ren Ling to dodge from the melee. He quickly crossed the protective barrier of the Zhenshan Great Formation, and dodged into the Great Formation's ring protection.

While running all the way, he saw countless fellow masters fighting bloody battles with the demon cultivators tenaciously. The level of tragedy was unprecedented. Ren Ling heard his own violent heartbeat and was excited for this heroic scene.Taken to the temporary rest place by Chu Yi, many uncles were sitting cross-legged and adjusting their breath, almost everyone was injured, "Brother, you are injured!"

Ren Ling took out the silk handkerchief and wiped the blood on Chu Yi's forehead, worried, "Brother, when did the demon energy come? Those demon cultivators"

"Little sister, it's okay, it's just a minor injury." Chu Yi shook his head, remembering that Bai Feng said that Ren Ling would not come back in a short time, he frowned, "Little sister, did your mission go well? Why did you come back so soon?" ?”

Ren Ling didn't answer immediately, looking at Chu Yi with clear eyes like water, thinking that the elder brother knew about what the master did, "Everything went well, so I came back early. Brother, I want to know about the catastrophe of the sect." The ins and outs, please tell my little sister. Also, where is Master?"

"Little sister, the situation is urgent now. Half of the disciples above the alchemy stage in the sect have come to deal with the demon cultivator, and half of the ten elders have come to sit in the town." Chu Yi pulled Ren Ling to the corner and said in a low voice, "The demon cultivator is here." Ten days ago, the Qi surged from Juyou Valley. The group of demon cultivators came here in the magic energy, just to take advantage of my sect's unpreparedness and take down the Xuandao Sect. I will tell you the specific details later, you first follow The deacon disciples return to the sect headquarters, and all disciples below the alchemy stage are not allowed to come out without authorization, and everything will be discussed after the demon cultivators are defeated."

"I won't go," Ren Ling grabbed Chu Yi, raised her slender face, and asked persistently, "What about Master? Is he outside? I want to see Master."

"Fengfeng..." Chu Yi frowned, "He's not here, he has other tasks."

"What task?" Ren Ling was eager, "Ling'er has something important to find Master, brother, tell me where Master is, I will go to him."

"No!" Chu Yi was rarely serious, and flatly refused, "That place is not safe, you are not allowed to go. Listen to the elder brother, go back to the sect first, and talk about it later if you have anything to do."

"Brother!" Seeing Chu Yi's reaction, Ren Ling knew that Master must be doing something extremely dangerous. Although she didn't know whether the so-called double star meeting in the prophecy had anything to do with that matter, the situation of the sect was at stake now. She absolutely can't hide in a safe place and ignore it, "Brother, please tell Ling'er where Master is. Master sent Ling'er away on purpose, and Ling'er knows it. It's just that in the prophecy, the two stars must meet to save The sect is in catastrophe, Ling'er has to find the master, big brother, you can tell Ling'er, big brother!"

"You know all about it?" Chu Yi was startled, looking at the stubborn expression on the little Bai Yu's face, his heart tightened, and he frowned, remembering Bai Feng's explanation before leaving, and sighed, "Silly girl, don't think so much, Fengfeng can do very well by himself. Don't talk about unnecessary things."

"Yi'er!" With a steady voice, Ren Ling and Chu Yi turned their heads to look at the same time, and it was Fang Yu's ancestor who came, "Yi'er, your mother is injured, go and have a look."

"Is your mother injured?"

"Is the godmother injured?"

Chu Yi's face turned pale, and he firmly held Ren Ling's hand, "Ling'er, you must listen to the elder brother and go back with the deacon disciple. The elder brother will talk to you later."

After Chu Yi finished speaking, he left quickly, leaving Ren Ling and Patriarch Fang Yu behind.

"You are Ren Ling?" Fang Yu's patriarch knew that Bai Feng had accepted Ren Ling as his direct disciple, but he had never seen her except in the Master Selection Competition.


Ren Ling never expected to meet Fang Yu's ancestor in such a situation. He raised his head and looked straight at that resolute and kind face. After a long time, he suddenly knelt down on his knees and said, "Ren Ling I have seen Master."

"Get up." Patriarch Fang Yu gently raised his sleeves, held up Ren Ling, and stared thoughtfully at the familiar girl in front of him. He seemed to have a strange feeling in his heart, "How old are you?"

"Ah?" Ren Ling mumbled, age is rarely paid attention to in the cultivation world, and this seems to be the first time he was asked how old he was after leaving home, "Ling'er is twenty-nine this year."

Ancestor Fang Yu stroked his beard, nodded and said, "Very good, at a young age, you have cultivated in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and your future is boundless. Where do you... live?"

"Yanzhou, Ling'er is from Yanzhou City."

Ren Ling felt his heart pounding, looked up at Patriarch Fang Yu, expecting what he would say, bit his lips, and asked tentatively, "Has Master ever been to Yanzhou?"

Patriarch Fang Yu pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I've never been there before."


Lowering his head in disappointment, he stretched out his hand to touch the spike of sword his mother had given him, Ren Ling didn't know if it was appropriate to take it out now.She had waited hard for more than ten years, and finally got the chance, but the sect was facing a catastrophe, and my father was afraid that it was the time to be worried.And she was also thinking about the whereabouts of her master.

It's not a good time after all...

After thinking for a while, holding Jiansui tightly in his palm, Ren Ling asked, "Master, can you tell Linger where Master has gone?"

"Feng'er?" Fang Yu's ancestor didn't take his eyes off Ren Ling's face, trying his best to think about the flashing message deep in his memory. He didn't feel disrespectful to Ren Ling's straightforward question, but felt natural and cordial , "He went to the edge of the northeast station to deal with the magic stone."

"The magic stone?" Ren Ling pursed his lips and asked in confusion, "Master, what is the magic stone? What's wrong, so let the master deal with it?"

Ancestor Fang Yu sighed, only the elders and core disciples in the sect knew about it, and they shouldn't have told Ren Ling, but facing the face in front of him, he seemed willing to tell her anything.This feeling is really strange, but after thinking about it, I don't understand. So, thinking that Ren Ling is also his own disciple, he said, "The magic stone was originally used to absorb and dissipate the magic energy, but now it has been ten days. However, the demonic energy has not decreased at all, so your master went to check it out. Linger, your cultivation level is too low to stay here for a long time, so you should return to the sect with the deacon disciple quickly. Pay attention to safety, remember gone?"

"Ling'er will."

Patriarch Fang Yu nodded, turned around and left in a hurry. Ren Ling wanted to call him, but was confused by the chaotic voices in his head.

"Magic Attraction Stone! Xuan Dao Sect actually has a magic Attraction Stone! That is obviously the treasure of Shangyun Immortal, how could it end up in Xuan Dao Sect?" It was rare to hear Aoki so excited, and Ren Ling's attention was drawn away.

The old god Shi Kong was there, and he said leisurely, "Hey, Aoki, why are you excited? With the Magic Stone, the Xuan Dao Sect will be saved! It's a good thing, isn't it?"

"I thought so too," Hongying said with a smile in his voice, "I'm afraid that Yun Xianzun accidentally lost the magic stone in the first battle, and it happened to fall into the hands of Xuan Daozong! It can restrain the magic energy. Absorption is also a merit."

"Saved?" Aoki disagreed, "The magic attracting stone is not an ordinary fairy weapon, do you think you can draw away the magic energy by holding it? How can it be so easy to be saved? Didn't that kid just tell Ling girl that he has been a demon for ten days?" Is the anger still not dissipated, I see, there is a fairy weapon but no magic, want to be saved? It's hard!"

"That's right," Hong Ying seemed to be thinking for a while, and spoke slowly, "The magic stone can only be used with the magic magic method, and Shangyun Xianzun's magic magic magic method, few people in the fairy world can use it, let alone here?"

After chirping for a while, finally stopped because of Hong Ying's words, Ren Ling suddenly felt his eyes clear, and the information he just received swam in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel heavy.

Master doesn't know the great method of attracting demons, even if he went to the magic stone, it would be futile!What should we do?

Aoki was still weighing the magic stone in his heart, seeing Shi Kong in a daze, he pushed him, "Hey, Shi Kong, why didn't you talk just now, why didn't you talk?"

Shi Kong rubbed his nose and chuckled, "What are you talking about, let the two of you finish talking, I have nothing to say, go back and eat fruit to sleep!"

"Wait," Red Baby called to Shi Kong. After the three spirits were sent back to Mo Yujian by Ren Ling, because they were concerned about the situation outside, they all stayed at the entrance and exit, and it was because of this that Ren Ling could hear them. Discussion voices, "You have served Shangyun Xianzun for a while, and you should know more about this magic stone than we do. Is there any good way to activate the magic stone?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Shi Kong shook his hand, "The old man doesn't know anything, go eat some fruit."

"Grandpa Shi," Xiaobao's voice sounded suddenly, sweet and bright, "After the seven-colored ginseng fruit trees are soaked in Qiongxi Spring, don't they taste much better than before?"

As soon as he talked about the colorful ginseng fruit tree, Shi Kong became energetic. Thinking of the delicious ginseng fruit these days, the glutton was hooked again, "It's much better! It's much better! It's still my baby, you are good to grandpa, you are so caring !"

"Of course," Xiaobao said more and more, "Grandpa Shi is brilliant, powerful, open-minded, generous and hearty, what is Xiaobao doing, I will pour more Qiongxi Spring when I turn around, so that Grandpa will soon be able to do so." Eat hundreds of ginseng fruits!"

Shi Kong was so praised that he smiled, holding his thumb up and praising Xiaobao repeatedly.

"Grandpa Shi, do you think it's okay?"

"Good! Good!"

"Since grandpa is so happy, why don't you tell everyone how to use the magic stone?"

Shi Kong smiled all over his face, "Okay! What? How to use it? Grandpa doesn't know." Suddenly he turned his head and waved his hands vigorously.

"Grandpa is so powerful, how come you don't know?" Xiaobao turned around, smiling cutely and obsequiously, "Didn't grandpa just say that he would be saved if he had the Demon-Inducing Stone Xuandao Sect, grandpa must know how to use it to say that yes, right?"

Shi Kong looked at Xiao Bao's funny face and was speechless for a moment.

Xiaobao hurriedly continued like a cannonball, "Grandpa is so powerful, he will definitely not disappoint Xiaobao! Grandpa is now the savior of Xuan Dao Sect, very majestic!"

"You little cunning!" Shi Kong was amused by Xiaobao's expression of excellent singing and singing, and paused, "There is a way, but it's very difficult!"

 Aww, girl Ling finally met her father!Sahua?? Ask for pink, please recommend and reward~~~


(End of this chapter)

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