Chapter 202
"I don't know if the devil king is coming this time, what needs my family's help?"

Everyone took their seats in the main hall, and after a short rest, Shark King opened the door and said straight to the point.

This remark hit Jin Chen's heart, he never liked procrastination, so he replied bluntly, "This king is here to get something."

Shark King was puzzled when he heard the words, the Dian Cang Continent and the Far West Ocean are tens of thousands of miles away, the two races may not have had any entanglement for thousands of years, how could he have something belonging to the Demon King? "I don't know what the devil is referring to?"

Jin Chen coughed lightly, glanced at Ren Ling who was sitting beside him, and said frankly, "I don't know if King Shark has an ancestor named Jiu'er?"

The Shark King was startled, "Could it be that the Demon King is talking about the Nine Sacred Patriarchs of my Shark clan?"

"Exactly." Jin Chen nodded, "This king is here to take something left in the hands of the noble Nine Sacred Patriarchs."

"The Nine Sacred Patriarchs died ten thousand years ago," the Shark King frowned, "How can the Demon King and my Sacred Patriarch be old?"

"To be honest with the Shark King, it's not that this king has an old relationship with the Nine Sages of the Nobles. This King was also entrusted by someone to come here to obtain the item with the order of the King of the Sharks." Jin Chen said slowly, "This item is originally from the Nine Sages of the Nobles. What my ancestors personally gave us that day, this king is just taking it back for the old man."

"If you mention the Shark King's Token," the Shark King pondered, "it may be related to the Nine Sacred Patriarchs. You must know that the Shark King's Token was sent by the Nine Sacred Patriarchs. Demon King, can you explain what you want to take?"

"Nine sharks and green tears."

The Shark King's pupils shrank slightly, and he was silent for a moment, "The Demon King said that the Nine Shark Green Tears were a gift from the Nine Sacred Patriarchs? What is the proof?"

Jin Chen narrowed his eyes, and said calmly, "If this king is not mistaken, the Nine Shark Green Tears is a gift from the noble Nine Sacred Patriarchs to his old friend."

"Impossible!" Yan Zhi, who had been quietly beside the Shark King, couldn't help but opened his mouth. Seeing the Shark King glaring at him angrily, he gritted his teeth and turned his eyes away.

"The child has nothing to say, please forgive me, the Demon King." Shark King turned his head and reprimanded Yao Zhi for a few words, who looked at Jin Chen angrily, and turned to leave.

After Yan Zhi left, the Shark King said, "I never thought that the Demon King knew so much about the habits of our Sharks. That's right, when a man from our clan is courting, he will indeed turn blood into tears as a token of love. However, this method It has not been circulated for a long time, so my son just made the abrupt remarks."

"The Nine Sacred Patriarchs are the ancestors of the nobles," Jin Chen said without rushing. "Back then, the mermaid clan still used blood to turn tears into pearls, which can be proved by the heavens. Isn't that true?"

"indeed so."

"And apart from being a token of love, the men of the merman clan will not easily turn tears into beads, because it will consume a lot of heart blood." Curling the corners of his lips, Jin Chen continued, "However, Jiu Yuqing The tears are indeed the love of the noble Nine Sacred Patriarchs for my old friend, pouring out half of his heart and blood, using green leaves as a medium, turning them into pearls, and giving them to my old friend."

Shark King frowned, and after thinking for a long time, he answered, "Since it has been given away, why did the Demon King come here to look for it again?"

"At that time, the old friend did not agree to the marriage proposal of the noble Nine Sacred Ancestors, so he did not take the Nine Sharks Qinglei away," Jin Chen counted them one by one as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes, "It's just that the Nine Sacred Ancestors of the Aristocrats said something first, even if we can't get married That's great, the Nine Sharks and Green Tears are also belongings of an old friend, as evidenced by heaven and earth."

Without waiting for King Shark to inquire carefully, he said again, "My old friend entrusted the noble Nine Sacred Patriarchs to keep the Nine Shark Green Tears, and promised that he would come to fetch them one day. Therefore, this king will only come here today."

"So that's how it is." Shark King nodded, showing embarrassment, "The Nine Sacred Patriarch has been sitting for a long time, and the Nine Shark Blue Tears that the Demon King said is not in my hands, what should I do?"

Jin Chen smiled, as if he had a plan in mind, "Of course, this king is not here to cause trouble. I have a heartless request, can you let us go to the cave where the noble Nine Sacred Patriarchs lived?"

"The Devil King means that the Nine Sharks and Green Tears are in the cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs?"


"No...possible," Shark King shook his head, "Besides, the cave of the Nine Sacred Ancestors is a sacred place for our clan's sacrifices. It is really inappropriate for outsiders to enter. This king cannot explain to the clansmen."

"What if the Shark King Token is exchanged for this matter?"

Jin Chen folded his arms around his chest, his eyes flashed.

"You..." Shark King hesitated for a while, sighed deeply and said, "Devil King, even if you can enter the Nine Sacred Ancestor's cave, you have to wait for my family to pay special salutes. I have to discuss this matter with you." The elders discussed it, why not stay here today and talk about it some other day?"

After the central people escorted Jin Chen and his party down, Shark King sat alone on the throne, rubbing his frowning brows, and Yan Zhi pushed open the curtain and stepped in, "Father, why are those human monks standing in front of me? Spoiled by people and regions?"

"Zhier," the King Shark sighed, looking at the disdain and impulsiveness on the face of his strong and straight son, he shook his head and said, "You are indeed reckless today. Not to mention that the person who came is the king of the demon clan, we should not easily To fight against him, he has the Shark King's Token in his hand, even if we want us to greet him wholeheartedly, it's not too much to treat him with respect!"

"The Shark King Token, even though the Shark King Token is powerful," Yao Zhi said unwillingly, "he can't compare to the prestige of the father, right? Father is the king of our shark clan, how can we let the outsiders shout at will? Besides, they If you come here, you will cry for the nine sharks, and your heart will be punished!"

The Shark King laughed straight, "Zhier, you don't know. There has only been one Shark King Token since ancient times. Back then, because our clan was in danger of being wiped out, it was said that it was people from the fairy world who helped us find it. The breath of survival. It is because the Nine Sacred Ancestors gave the Shark King Token as a gift. He once said that he can command the Shark Clan with this. , if it is violated, it will bring about the disaster of genocide."

Yao Zhi's face turned pale, "Father, how could the Nine Sacred Patriarch cast such a poisonous curse?"

The Shark King sighed, "We can't question what the Nine Sacred Patriarchs did, so we may not be able to shirk the fact that the Demon King came to look for the Nine Shark Green Tears this time."

"But the Nine Shark Green Tears didn't mean that it was engraved with our clan's most profound cultivation method. How could it be a thing of love as the devil said? I think he is clearly sophistry. Yan Zhi analyzed, "Father, isn't it suspicious that the Nine Sacred Patriarchs handed over the Shark King Token to the people of the fairy world, but now it appears in the hands of the Demon King?"

"There is no way to verify this. For our merman clan, we only recognize the order of the merman, not people."

"Could it be that they are really asked to rummage in the ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Ancestors?"

"Zhier," the Shark King tapped his index finger, "Even if they go to the ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs, they may not be able to find the Nine-Scream Green Tears. We have been searching for the Nine-Scream Green Tears for more than a thousand years but we have not found any." I've been there."

"That's true," Yan Zhi bit his lips and thought, "It's even more impossible for them to find things that we can't find ourselves. The question is, are they willing to leave like this if they can't find them? Will they return the Shark King Order to us? ?”

"Father will negotiate with them tomorrow, Zhi'er, go down and prepare. If the agreement is reached, let them enter the Nine Sacred Ancestor's cave as soon as possible to find the Nine Shark Green Tears."

"My son has a plan," Yan Zhi moved closer to King Shark, and said in a low voice, "Father, human monks are cunning, we might as well strike first, and let them go to the ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs without returning. In this way, the Shark King Token will naturally return to our hands."

"No." Shark King vetoed, "Wouldn't this be discrediting our Shark clan! The Demon King's cultivation is unfathomable, and even his father might have to try his best to deal with it. If he is not fully sure, how can he break through easily?" My family land, Zhi'er, you must not ignore it."

A strange light flashed in Yi Zhi's eyes very quickly, and he replied, "My child knows, and I won't do anything foolish. Please rest assured, father. But, if they accidentally fell into the trap of my mermaid clan, what should they say?" ?Father, you also know that even if we enter the ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs by ourselves, we must be extremely careful, and many forbidden places are not dared to trespass even today."

"Then..." Shark King said slowly, "It's not our business."

"My child understands." Yao Zhi raised the corners of his mouth and smiled sinisterly, "By the way, father, can the human woman be left to the child?"

Shark King frowned, and cast a sidelong glance at Yao Zhi, "Absurd! There are many wives and concubines in your house, even if they are human women, why are you greedy for those whose origins are unknown?"

"That woman has a special flavor, is it comparable to the ordinary human woman we are looking for?" Yao Zhi recalled Ren Ling's innocence and elegance, and swallowed, "Father, my mermaid clan is already lustful. It will help you improve your cultivation, that woman is a monk, so I'm afraid it will be even more..."

"Let's not talk about this for now!" Shark King waved his hand, "You go down and prepare, remember to play by ear, and don't act recklessly!"

"Father, the mermaids are really weird, they obviously have a human body but no feet." Seeing that there were only a few of them left in the hall, Jin Ji finally spoke freely, "That big fish tail looks really ugly. Even if the female shark has a beautiful appearance and an outstanding figure, it's still uncomfortable to look at."

"What do you know, second brother," Jin Jie shook his head, "I think female sharks look pretty like that, what's the matter with fish tails, isn't it the same when women wear group clothes! Male sharks are hideously ugly, especially That highness is ten times uglier than his father."

"Don't judge people by their appearance." Jin Chen said indifferently, "Yu Zhi's cultivation base is not low, but his temperament is too unstable to achieve great things."

Jin Ruo took it seriously, "Father, is an impulsive person like Yao Zhi not to be feared?"

"No." Jin Chen narrowed his eyes, "Although this person is impulsive, he is also insidious. It is wise to be careful of his schemes to frame him."

"Aunt Ren, why don't you speak?" Jin Ji asked curiously as he pushed Ren Ling who had been silent all this time.

When Ren Ling heard the words, she pulled her mind back. When Jin Chen confessed the story of the nine sharks and green tears, she felt a strange feeling in her heart ready to move, but when she carefully captured it, there was nothing.

"I just don't know if the cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs will be open to us to search for the Nine Sharks and Green Tears?"

Jin Chen smiled slightly, "They will not refuse the order of the Shark King. I guess there will be news tomorrow morning."

 Thank you for the pink ticket from my single father who lost gold ^^~~ Well, please subscribe, recommend, ask for pink~

(End of this chapter)

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