Immortal Journey

Chapter 203 The Ancient Cave Mansion of the Nine Holy Ancestors

Chapter 203 The Ancient Cave Mansion of the Nine Sacred Ancestors

In the early morning of the next day, King Yu sent someone to invite Jin Chen to go to discuss, but within an hour, he lined up to send Jin Chen back with a smile, and asked Yao Zhi to take them to the ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs immediately.
Water-avoiding beads are a kind of spiritual beads that will form a transparent water bubble to wrap people in it after being worn on the body. In the water bubble, people can breathe normally like on land.
In fact, it is not a big problem for Ren Ling and the others not to use water avoiding beads. They can survive underwater with their external breath closed, but they are not used to it after all.
But Jin Chen is different. He has a deep cultivation base, and he has no problems in the water as he is on the ground.
The depths of the sea are not as dark and dull as imagined. On the contrary, it is crystal clear everywhere, as if living in the starry sky.
Colorful coral clumps, green seaweeds, groups of bright fish, everything looks beautiful, and the most beautiful thing is the colorful orbs that are visible from time to time in the coral clumps.
The female sharks are all shy and timid, and they often see female sharks hiding behind coral bushes to visit secretly.On the other hand, the male sharks, seeing that the leader of the team led by Yao Zhi led them, they all leaned forward to point out.Of course, intimidated by Yao Zhi's status and majesty, he didn't dare to be too arrogant.
"The ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Ancestors is about hundreds of nautical miles away from here." Yao Zhi looked calmer today, and he still has the demeanor of a family highness. "It will take some time to go from here."
Jin Chen nodded, he knew that the mermaids were a race that would make a big migration every thousand years, therefore, if you saw a quiet ancient city on the bottom of the sea, it might be where the mermaids once lived.
"They are moving too slowly on the bottom of the sea." Yao Zhi looked at Ren Ling and the three princes meaningfully, "If you don't mind, why don't we carry a few people forward?"
"So, thank you, Your Highness."
With the merman on their backs, the group of them arrived at the Nine Sacred Ancestor's ancient cave area within half a day.
Yao Zhi stopped, looking at Jin Chen with a flash of surprise in his eyes.
He didn't let anyone bear Jin Chen's burden, just wanted to save his face, when the mermen hunched Ren Ling and the others behind their backs, he quietly ordered all the mermen to move forward at full speed.It should be noted that the lower body of the merman is in the shape of a fish, and their speed in the water is not half slower than that of large cetaceans.However, Jin Chen seemed to be strolling leisurely, graceful and elegant from beginning to end, but he didn't take the next step at all.
There is an ancient castle in the water in front of you, and the huge building complex looks mysterious and quiet in the rippling water waves.
"This is the ancient cave of our family's nine sage ancestors," Yao Zhi said proudly. "Although it has been more than ten thousand years, this cave is still looking like new because of the ancient methods."
"The cave is huge, and there are hundreds of prohibition formations inside. Even my mermaid clan can't explore all the places." A light flashed in the eyes of Yi Zhi, but there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, "The devil can do whatever he wants." Visiting, whether we can find the Nine Sharks and Green Tears is not guaranteed."
"It's natural," Jin Chen seemed to have never seen the mockery in his eyes, and his expression was peaceful, "Just now the king has agreed, as long as the nobles let me wait in the Nine Sacred Ancestor's cave to find the nine sharks and green tears, then I will end it." The old man's wish, no matter whether he finds the Nine Shark Green Tears in the end, he will offer the Shark King Ling with both hands, and it is absolutely true."
"Father and I really admire the Demon King's promises." He said with a smile, "In this case, we will not bother the Demon King. The door of the ancient cave of the Nine Sage Patriarchs has been opened, and we hope that the Demon King will be able to do so within a month. come out."
"no problem."
Jin Chen turned around and led Ren Ling and the others towards the gate of the castle.
Suddenly heard the voice of Yao Zhi, "Devil King, the ancient cave of the Nine Sacred Patriarchs is full of mysteries, please be careful."
"Thank you, Your Highness, for telling me."
The gate of the castle closed slowly behind them. Ren Ling glanced back, pondered for a moment on the meaningful gaze of Yao Zhi, and then was attracted by the exclamation of the three princes one after another.
There is a sea of ​​silver trees in front of you!
The huge silver trees that can support the sky are arranged neatly in rows and rows. The trunks of the silver trees are like dots of starlight shining with silver streamers. Occasionally, some small fish swim back and forth among the trees, which is so beautiful. It's unimaginable.
A flat stone road was opened in the middle of the silver tree sea, about five feet wide, Ren Ling and the others walked up the stone road slowly, and after walking less than three feet, she whispered, "Wait a minute, there seems to be a formation here. "
"Really? Where is it?" The three princes were obedient, stopped and looked around curiously.
Jin Chen smiled and said nothing, he stood behind the crowd and had no intention of pointing out.
Carefully observing the cut stone slabs at the bottom of the feet, Ren Ling thought while saying, "I'm afraid there is a strange formation on the stone slab road, let me try it."
Taking a deep breath, she gazing carefully on the stone road for a while, then suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, thinking to herself, "There are many formation-breaking techniques that you can try after forming an alchemy. Although I don't have time to study them in detail, In my impression, there is a method called Xunwu test method. When building the foundation, I found this method very interesting. It is quite similar to the Fengxing step taught by the master. I tried it before, but failed because of the lack of spiritual power. I can try it this time Try it."
The Xunwu test method can be roughly known from the name as a test method related to speed.Speaking of it, it is indeed similar to Fengxingbu. Its testing principle is very simple, but it is not easy to implement.
Generally speaking, if you accidentally touch the organ, it will trigger various attacks set by the formation.And the fast fog test method is a method to detect the location of the mechanism at an extremely fast speed, and then quickly evacuate at the critical point when the mechanism is triggered.
It provides a footwork that is specially used to break the formation. In addition to the extremely ingenious footwork, you also need to master the methods of triggering and dodging various mechanisms. In addition, you must have enough cultivation to support it. A test method.
In fact, it has two main points. The first is that the speed reaches a certain extreme, which is used to dodge instantly when the trigger is critical; the second is to quickly and continuously trigger all the mechanisms below after escaping from the current attack. , which means that all the organs in the formation are in a state of activation and recovery in just a moment, and it is very easy to capture the defects of the formation.
The third son looked at Ren Ling who was lost in thought after standing still, and Qi Qi looked back at Jin Chen, seeing him with his arms folded around his chest, and scratching his head at the same time, he stood upright.
Just when they were expecting how Ren Ling would break the formation, Ren Ling suddenly disappeared out of thin air!
"Teleportation?" Jin Jie opened his eyes wide, "Father, Aunt Ren teleported?"
Generally speaking, monks in the alchemy stage can also teleport, but the distance will be shorter.But Ren Ling has just formed the alchemy, and in the usual sense, he has not yet stabilized the initial stage of alchemy, so being able to teleport is more surprising.
However, Jin Chen's answer surprised the third son even more, "It's not teleportation, it's just a kind of footwork. If you look carefully, can you see the trajectory of Miss Ren?"
Jin Ji rubbed his eyes, "Father, what is Aunt Ren's trajectory? Ji'er can only see that there is nothing ahead, ah, no, there is, there is movement."
"That fog-like mass, is it Aunt Ren?" Jin Ruo was the calmest, but his eyes were wide open.
"Miss Ren has a very high attainment in formation." Jin Chen narrowed his eyes and nodded in approval, "Father will be satisfied if you can reach her current level in the late stage of alchemy."
While the father and son were discussing Ren Ling, Ren Ling quickly returned from the formation.
Her shiny black eyes shone with an indescribably moving brilliance, and she was inexplicably excited by the successful test in the formation just now.
"The cracking method of this stone road has been figured out, let's go there."
After a long stone road, a crystal palace appeared.
Going up the steps, she found that the gate of the palace was closed. Ren Ling tested it a little, and found that there was a strange restriction on the door, which she had never touched before.
So, he turned his head and looked at Jin Chen, "Devil King, can you undo this restriction?"
Jin Chen took a few steps forward, raised his long sleeves slightly, and a ray of black light shot out from the sleeves, and within three moments, the palace door opened by itself.
"Father is so powerful!" The three sons said in unison.
However, Ren Ling paused. Judging from Jin Chen's method of lifting the ban, he couldn't help but wonder, "This ban...could it be..."
Jin Chen smiled, "What does Miss Ren want to say?"
Ren Ling tugged at his braids, "What I want to ask is, isn't this restriction set by the Nine Sacred Patriarchs?"
"That's right," Jin Chen smiled faintly, "It's just a restriction set up by people later on. The mermaids have a special way of dealing with the restriction. If you know it, breaking the restriction is nothing more than a matter of hands and hands. But as far as I know , Jiu'er has studied the restriction very deeply, if he sets a restriction, even the mermaids may not be able to break it."
The crystal palace is full of various jewels and crystals, which are luxurious and dazzling. The five people looked at it hastily, but there is nothing worthy of attention inside, so they left the crystal palace.
After walking for a short distance, several forks appeared in front of him. Jin Ji ran ahead and shouted loudly, "Father, there are seven or eight forks here. Which way should we go?"
"Let's part here." Jin Chen seemed to have known the terrain here, "You each choose a fork in the road, and we will meet here in a month's time."
"Miss Ren," Jin Chen turned and stared at Ren Ling, "Nine Shark Green Tears are about the size of a thumb, in the shape of teardrops, and there is a green leaf embedded in the bead, so it should be easy to identify if you touch it."
Ren Ling nodded and said, "I understand."
"Jie'er, Ji'er, Ruo'er," Jin Chen then explained to the three princes, "Whether you find the Nine Sharks and Green Tears or not, this ancient cave is worth a visit. It's okay to take away something good, just take it away." When it's a chance."
"Yes! Father."
Ren Ling shook his head dumbfounded, this bandit-like education is so direct that it makes people laugh!That's right, even in the world of cultivating Taoism, she would also have such thoughts, including herself, but to be able to say it as a matter of course, I am afraid that only Jin Chen has the courage in the world.
The five people nodded their goodbyes to each other, Ren Ling picked one of the side roads and walked forward quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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