Immortal Journey

Chapter 204 Natural Barriers

Chapter 204 Natural Barriers
(Second watch for pink ^^)
"Master, let Xiaobao come out?"
Ren Ling walked along the side road for about a quarter of an hour, and suddenly heard Xiao Bao speak, "Master?"
"Xiaobao, you haven't retreated yet?" Ren Ling was slightly surprised, and brought Xiaobao out while talking, "But want to play here for a while?"
"Master," Xiaobao blushed, "I don't like to play that much anymore!"
"In order to prepare for advanced retreat, Xiaobao has been very busy these days!" Lying peacefully in Ren Ling's arms, with his belly open for Ren Ling to stroke, he smiled and asked for credit, "Xiaobao has worked very hard to hold Xiao Hei All kinds of rare and exotic plants in the area he manages are registered, and he said goodbye to Grandpa Qingmu and Aunt Hongying. By the way! Master, when Xiaobao advances, Moyu will temporarily act as the housekeeper Let’s have a job, now that Mo Yujian has grown up, it’s impossible not to have a housekeeper to manage it.”
"Okay," Ren Ling sighed, her previous guess was indeed correct, presumably Xiao Hei must have been tortured enough, "Then Xiaobao, did you come out and talk to me?"
"Originally it is," Xiaobao turned around with a grunt, and looked at the surrounding environment curiously, "Master, Xiaobao found that there seems to be something strange here."
"Well," Xiaobao nodded, flew out quickly, and flew back again in a blink of an eye, "There are natural barriers, and there seem to be many more, it's too shocking!"
After walking around Ren Ling excitedly, Xiaobao yelled, "Master, that is a natural barrier! Xiaobao has never seen it with his own eyes! I didn't expect it to exist here!"
"Xiaobao," Ren Ling grabbed Xiaobao who was spinning so dazzled her, and asked in a good-tempered manner, "What is a natural barrier?"
"Master doesn't know?" Xiaobao made an exaggerated expression, tilting his head and thinking, "Natural barriers are a bit like the formation that the master is most proficient in, but it doesn't need to be completed by laying out formations everywhere, eh, it can It's a bit like a restriction, but in short, it's a place similar to a formation and a restriction!"
Pulling Ren Ling forward, Xiaobao continued, "It is said that the natural barriers were all built by powerful non-human monks in ancient times. They are inseparable and invulnerable as if they were made by nature."
Ren Ling nodded half-understood, "Then how did you identify the natural barriers? How can there be any here?"
"There's one in front," Xiaobao flicked his paw anxiously. "The characteristic of a natural barrier is that if you can detect it, it's hidden. If you can't detect it, you may pass through it without feeling it. This is not like formations and restrictions." , You have to keep people inside. Natural barriers, to paraphrase the words of our ancestors, those who are destined will get it!"
"Whoever is destined to get it?" Ren Ling asked with a smile, "What can people get in the natural barrier?"
"That's a lot," Xiaobao leaped forward happily, "The details depend on what the monks who built the natural barrier left behind, but the ancient and powerful men must have written a lot, which is very impressive. expect!"
"It's here!" Little Treasure suddenly stretched out his two little arms, and stood motionless in mid-air. "Master, wait. Little Treasure can see if he can break through this natural barrier."
Xiaobao stood across the sky, scratching east and west with his claws, his movements were strange and funny, Ren Ling covered his mouth and watched for a while, and gradually opened his eyes wide.
I don't know when it started, Xiaobao's two little claws flew out extremely ancient runes, and those runes seemed to be scattered in disorder, and when they almost disappeared, they suddenly reappeared from all directions along the original path. way back.
I saw Xiaobao leaping backwards, humming, and those talismans returned from the original way suddenly gathered into a huge light spot, and the light spot flew forward rapidly along with Xiaobao's spiritual power, "bang" There was a sound, as if hitting a certain enchantment.
Before Ren Ling had time to see what was going on, a dirt mountain appeared out of thin air, Xiao Bao turned his head and waved, "Master, it's done! Let's go in and have a look!"
The earth mountain is bare, and at first glance there is nothing, it can only be regarded as a large soil bag, but it is extremely strange, the soil of the earth mountain is fine and dry, and it is completely insoluble in the ocean.
Ren Ling became suspicious, and stared at the earth mountain, penetrating the surface of the soil layer, and found that there were oval-shaped water masses one after another inside the earth mountain!
"Xiaobao, wait." Calling Xiaobao back who was rushing forward, Ren Ling said, "Xiaobao, this earth mountain is so strange, we should be careful. Look at the water mass inside that earth mountain, it's not It will be absorbed by the soil, which is completely contrary to the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements."
"Is there?" Xiaobao didn't notice anything strange in his panic, he raised his eyes to look at what Ren Ling said, and gathered the spiritual power in his eyes, "It's so weird! Xiaobao digs a water ball to take a look."
Two small claws dug hard on the dirt hill, and after a while, half of the water mass was exposed, and Xiao Bao cried out in surprise, "Master, look!"
The water mass is no different from the sea water to the touch, but the color is darker. After it is exposed to the soil, it quickly merges with the surrounding sea water.However, water and soil are still incompatible with each other.
"It's really weird, why don't we go back the same way?" Ren Ling was thinking about looking for Jiuyi Qinglei, and had no intention of exploring things beyond his control for the time being.
"Don't, don't worry," Xiaobao held onto Ren Ling resolutely, raising his pitiful eyes, "Maybe it's just an ancient cultivator's trick, since they're all here, let's go up and have a look before deciding whether to leave or not? "
"Little Treasure." Ren Ling hesitated.
"Master, please!" Xiaobao continued to bark his eyes, "Just go to the top of the mountain, if we still can't find any treasures, we will go back, Xiaobao swears!"
At the top of the mountain, except for the bare soil slope, there is still not a single tree, let alone any rare treasures.Like wilted grass, Xiaobao kept saying that the ancients deceived me, and followed Ren Ling to and fro unwillingly.
Suddenly, a strange wave rolled up countless dust, and the master and servant suddenly became vigilant. They didn't even have time to communicate with each other, as if they were tightly bound by an invisible big hand, unable to break free!
"Ah!" Ren Ling screamed, pushing, turning, moving, and moving with all her strength, but she couldn't dodge the invisible grip no matter what. When she recovered, she found that she was "planted" into the earth mountain .
Everything below her knees was buried in the mud, and her toes felt wet. She looked down and saw that she happened to be standing on a water ball below the ground.The moment the soles of her feet came into contact with the water mass, the water-repelling beads lost their effectiveness, and the bubbles that had been protecting her body burst completely. Ren Ling quickly switched to internal breath circulation, feeling that the salty sea water soaked herself thoroughly. .
On the other hand, Xiaobao was thrashing desperately in mid-air, yelling loudly, "Master! Xiaobao can't move anymore! Someone caught me!"
Ren Ling was anxious, but he couldn't move, "Xiaobao, I can't move either. Think about it, is there such a situation in the records of natural barriers? Is there a corresponding solution?"
Xiaobao yelled, as if his throat was being choked, "No, no, ah."
Ren Ling was taken aback by its sudden sharp scream, and before he had time to ask what was going on, he saw Xiaobao opened his mouth, and a spring of water gushed out, pouring right on her body.
"Master, master," Xiaobao said dumbfounded, hesitating and hemming, "I, I didn't do it on purpose, it pinched my stomach and forced me to spray... poof!"
Before he finished speaking, another stream of water spewed out, and once again, it drenched Ren Ling's body squarely.
"Master! Little Treasure didn't do it on purpose! Pfft!"
Ren Ling simply closed her eyes, the water spring sprayed by Xiaobao was bitingly cold, and every time it washed down, there was a feeling of icy coldness penetrating into the skin, the water flowed along her and penetrated into the soil, forming a small hole in a short while. Small waterhole.
Xiaobao was even more depressed, no matter how much he turned his head to change the direction of the water spray, it ended up falling on Ren Ling by some strange coincidence.
One man and one beast continued like this for an hour, and Ren Ling felt like a tree planted in a mountain of dirt, being watered and watered.
"It won't be until I grow branches and leaf buds that all this will stop?" Ren Ling sighed as he thought about it with a slight mockery.
It is impossible for her to take root and sprout, but gradually, she found a little strangeness.
Originally, she thought that the water spring sprayed out by Xiaobao directly merged with the water mass on the bottom of her feet, but in fact it didn't seem to be the case.As more and more water springs washed over the body, the water mass on the soles of the feet seemed to 'live' at a certain moment.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that it 'alive'. When Ren Ling felt strange, he found that the water clusters began to spread up along the soles of his feet in strands.
The color of the water mass is dark blue, which is deeper than the sea water. Seeing that the dark blue water is about to rise to the waist, Ren Ling called, "Xiaobao, take a look, what are these things on my body?" thing?"
Because Xiaobao couldn't avoid the water spraying on Ren Ling no matter how much he controlled himself, he closed his eyes tightly half an hour ago, trying to avoid everything that made him weak.Hearing Ren Ling's voice, he hurriedly opened his eyes again, "Huh? Pfft!"
Another stream of water spewed out, and Xiao Bao had a bitter face, but his eyes were staring hard, "This, this seems to be some kind of shadow fluid? Master, you can try to spray this water into the air to confirm whether it is true or not. Shadow liquid."
"Shadow liquid?" Ren Ling shook her head. She couldn't mobilize a little spiritual power when she was caught by an invisible hand, otherwise she wouldn't let herself be so 'planted' for an hour without any countermeasures, "I can't use it now Lingli, Xiaobao, is there any other way?"
"..." Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I can try, but the water that washes over the master may be more violent."
"It's okay."
With Ren Ling's approval, Xiaobao changed his passive spraying state, sucked up enough energy, and suddenly sprayed towards Ren Ling's knee.
That invisible big hand is also strange, as long as the water spring can spray Ren Ling, it will not change the direction of Xiao Bao's water spray. In this way, Xiao Bao uses active control to spray the water spring from Ren Ling's knee upwards, gradually Pushing the wisps of water into the air.
When all the water was impacted on top of their heads, an ink blue light curtain appeared in the water waves!

(End of this chapter)

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