Immortal Journey

Chapter 205 Blood Wolf Whale

Chapter 205 Blood Wolf Whale
The dark blue light curtain was several feet long and wide. When Ren Ling and Xiaobao looked at it intently, human figures gradually appeared on it. The human figures moved in different ways, and there were directions indicating the flow of spiritual power in the body.

It flickered for about a few moments, and new patterns filled the entire screen. After a stick of incense, thousands of humanoid patterns appeared.

The jet-black blue light swelled and disappeared into the sea water.

"Xiao Bao, what are those patterns?"

All the patterns were engraved in the minds of Ren Ling and Xiao Bao, without missing a single bit, but Ren Ling had never seen such a pattern before, and felt quite novel.

Xiao Bao shook his head, since the ink blue light curtain appeared, it was no longer under the control of spraying water on Ren Ling, feeling extremely free, and ran to Ren Ling, "It should be a record of some kind of cultivation technique."

Ren Ling jumped out of the small puddle lightly, and the water-repelling beads worked again, a thin layer of blisters wrapped her up, "Cultivation techniques? Why are they spread in the form of patterns?"

Xiaobao laughed straight, "Many non-human monks in ancient times were not good at writing, and even if they could understand it, they were not used to using it. This method of drawing patterns is more commonly used. As for the patterns drawn in human form, it is easy to see. Understand the method of using spiritual energy. After all, there are too many kinds of spirit beasts and monsters, and the meridians in the body are also different. With people as the basic reference, it is naturally much faster to learn."

Ren Ling felt more and more fresh, recalling the pattern of exercises in his mind, "Unfortunately, I don't know what the purpose of this set of exercises is. Is it easy to practice?"

"Try it and you will know! Master," Xiaobao rolled on the dirt hill. He broke through the natural barrier for the first time and finally did not return empty-handed. He was in a good mood. "The environment here is good. Let's study the exercises before we go on the road." OK?"

"Not right," Ren Ling shook his head and vetoed, "I still have a task to do, so I don't want to waste too much time. Let's see it later?"


Little Treasure pursed his mouth in disappointment, he was full of interest in the skills obtained in the natural barrier, if he wanted to put it aside and not let him study it, it would be as uncomfortable as scratching his boots.However, it didn't dare to disobey Ren Ling's orders, so it bent down on Ren Ling's shoulder and said weakly, "Okay."

Xiaobao's appearance amused Ren Ling, hugged it in front of him, and said seriously, "We will rest here for an hour, and then we will start. During this time, you can roughly refer to the pattern of the exercises you just got, but it is not suitable to go deep into it." Mind training, okay?"

Thousands of patterns sounded like a lot, but it was actually not that much for monks.Unless the cultivation method of the pattern is extremely difficult, and it takes a certain amount of time to penetrate each one, otherwise, if you just browse and filter thousands of patterns one by one, it will be completed quickly.

However, the cultivation method of the thousands of patterns conveyed by the ink blue light curtain is extremely simple. After one person and one beast took about sixty moments to look at each other carefully, they looked at each other with the same shocked expression.

"Master, Xiaobao can practice this set of exercises in half a day." Xiaobao didn't continue to read, but sat down opposite Ren Ling in a serious manner.

Ren Ling nodded, Xiao Bao's estimate was good, for her, half a day was enough.

"So...?" Xiao Bao blinked.

"Practice before leaving."

The main reason why Ren Ling made this decision was not because of the short training time, but because of the effect of this set of exercises.

This set of exercises can stimulate the water spiritual power in the body to form water clusters similar to the inner layer of earth mountains. The water clusters are different from sea water and are a special substance.

Using this special water, coupled with the corresponding exercises, one can move extremely fast in the sea water.

Since entering the bottom of the sea, it is inconvenient to use the magic weapon of flying. Ren Ling really needs a fast traveling technique that can maintain a long distance.That's why I had the idea of ​​practicing this set of exercises as soon as possible.

Half a day later, one person and one beast left the natural barrier with a smile on their faces.

At first it was rather clumsy to drive the kung fu to swim forward in the water. After more than a dozen rounds, Ren Ling really felt like a fish in water, happily competing with Xiaobao in the sea who could swim faster.

Little Treasure was already well versed in water skills, so he didn't make a fuss about learning the exercises immediately after reading the exercises hastily. From his point of view, this set of exercises was rather useless, and compared to his own swimming ability, it was also worthless. Not much more.It's just that it knows that it is very helpful to Ren Ling, so it learns to play in the same way.However, after actually studying it, it found that this set of exercises could help it shoot the Ten Thousand Poisonous Ice more accurately and sharply, and it was very happy in its heart.

"Huh? Xiaobao, can you hear the sound?" Ren Ling swam for a while, and stopped to rest by the edge of a coral bush.

"Is there?" Xiaobao was very angry, running around in the coral bushes chasing after the fish, when he heard Ren Ling calling, he listened carefully, "It seems to be singing?"

Ren Ling nodded and smiled, "Let's go and have a look."

"Master," Xiaobao asked as he followed Ren Ling, "Could it be the mermaids singing? Don't they all say that the mermaids have a naturally good voice, and they sing very nicely?"

"Impossible," Ren Ling stared into thought, the Nine Sacred Ancestor's ancient cave residence should not be inhabited by mermaids, but the beautiful singing sounded similar to what he heard in the place where the mermaids lived. It can be said that it sounds many times better. "But apart from the merman, I really can't think of anyone else who can sing such a touching song."

With doubts, the master and servant followed the sound and found that they were gradually swimming towards a very remote sea area.

"There is still a way here!" Passing through the center of a huge coral group, dodging fish along the corner, and a hidden but wide sea area appeared, Xiao Bao sighed, "If it wasn't for the singing, It is impossible to come here, master, do you think that singing will deliberately lead us over?"

"Maybe." It's not that Ren Ling has never considered this possibility, but in this ancient cave, she was wandering aimlessly. no difference.The reason why he followed the singing was because he wanted to do so intuitively, "Xiaobao, listen, the sound seems to come from that coral cave."

The coral colonies inside the ancient cave are much taller than those outside, and many of them are like hills. The coral colonies in front of us are even worse, rolling like mountains.

Xiaobao listened intently for a while, and agreed, "It seems to be true, Master, shall we go there?"

Ren Ling raised his hand, signaled Xiaobao to be quiet, and switched to voice transmission in his mind, "There is movement, let's lie in ambush here and observe."

Hiding far away behind a piece of coral, the master and servant waited with bated breath.

After a while, a blood wolf whale nearly ten feet long appeared in front of the eyes. The blood wolf whale showed its sharp red teeth, and its bright red eyes shot fiercely and sharply. All the fish have to stay far away.

"Level [-] monster!" Little Treasure whispered in surprise, "Master, what should I do?"

Level six monsters are equivalent to the cultivation base of the middle stage of alchemy, and it is even more difficult to deal with bloodthirsty whales like blood wolf whales.

Ren Ling glanced at the coral cave that was still emitting beautiful singing, and carefully considered whether to go in and explore.

Habitually twiddling his fingers and counting for a short moment, his beautiful eyes flashed a strange light, "Little Treasure, let's go and fight it!"

The moment they appeared, the Blood Wolf Whale also spotted them at the same time. Although the Blood Wolf Whale was huge, it moved incredibly fast. It jumped in front of the master and servant in a short time, with a mouth full of blood. Zhang Kai bit them fiercely.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still taken aback by the rapidity of the blood wolf whale. The master and the servant fled in two separate ways. Bite to Ren Ling.

Ren Ling narrowly avoided the bite again, moved back a few feet, stretched out his hands, opened his mouth and shouted, "Ye Mie! Get up!"

Manzhu Bieye flew out of her mouth quickly, and suddenly the green leaves all over the sky swirled and danced, and the leaves turned into sharp knives in an instant, smashing through the waves and hitting the blood wolf whale with great momentum.

The green leaf flying blade surrounded the blood wolf whale. Even though it swung its huge body vigorously in an attempt to deflect the green leaf flying blade's attack, its body was still scratched with countless shallow marks.

The Blood Wolf Whale has rough skin and thick flesh, and the green leaf flying blade's damage to it is limited, but Ren Ling didn't want to use the leaf to defeat it. Treasure, spray ten thousand poisonous ice on its wound!"

With Xiaobao's order, when he opened his mouth, several streams of ice spewed out. The poisonous ice could corrode everything in the world. If it penetrated into the wound, it would accelerate the spread of the poisonous gas.

How could the blood wolf whale know so much?

After going back and forth, seeing that the skills of the master and servant seemed to be no more than that, they didn't pay attention to them at all, they ground their red sharp teeth, and rushed towards Ren Ling again.

Ren Ling curled his lips into a smile, and this time he didn't dodge or dodge, but poured out [-]% of his power to hit Manzhu Bingye, and made a magic trick with both hands, "Huazhu, get up! Go!"

I saw that when the blood wolf whale's big mouth was about to swallow Ren Ling whole, countless red flowers flew into the blood wolf whale's mouth in the blink of an eye, and at this critical moment, Ren Ling flew backwards in an inconceivable ingenuity At a distance of nearly ten feet, he called out to Xiaobao in his mind, "Xiaobao, stay away."


The blood wolf whale suddenly made a series of extremely strange sounds, its whole body exploded with a bang, and pieces of flesh and blood were scattered everywhere. With a loud bang, the remaining half of the body fell to the ground and died.

"Master, what kind of move is this? It's too powerful!" Little Treasure was shocked by this sudden change, and flew into Ren Ling's arms adoringly, "Master is great!"

Ren Ling patted Xiaobao's head and said with a smile, "It's also thanks to Xiaobao's Myriad Poison Ice, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to kill this blood wolf whale."

Flying to the corpse of the blood wolf whale, he took out the demon pill and put it away. Just as he was about to store the whale bone, Ren Ling paused suddenly, and without a word, he pulled up Xiaobao and flew towards a remote direction at high speed!
 Thank you Jianxie Boys, Chalanda, zb4869, orwellz, gracefan for your pink tickets~~?^^~~ Before May 5th, the pink tickets will be double counted. If you have extra tickets, please support the shower, thank you very much !bow!

(End of this chapter)

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