Immortal Journey

Chapter 206 Three Giant Lions

Chapter 206 Three Giant Lions
The master and servant hid behind a coral in the distance, nervously restraining all breaths, and at the same time, they felt waves of strong coercion approaching at an extremely fast speed, and the ferocious aura made their backs unconsciously swell drenched.
After a while, when the majestic coercion almost made all creatures in this water area unable to breathe, a group of bloody blood wolf whales appeared within sight.
"God! There are so many blood wolf whales!" Xiaobao exclaimed in Ren Ling's mind, "There are three or four of the seventh-level ones alone. Master, let's leave quickly. If they seek revenge, we will definitely not be able to eat them." Walk!"
"Don't worry, little treasure."
Ren Ling squinted her eyes to see that the group of blood wolf whales were swimming around the carcass that she had killed, and the leading seven blood wolf whales didn't seem to care so much about their dead companions, but frequently looked at the entrance of the coral cave.
What is in the coral cave?Ren Ling couldn't help thinking, from the analysis of the behavior of these blood wolf whales, the first blood wolf whale seemed to be in charge of guarding in front of the coral cave, and the following group of blood wolf whales both coveted the things in the cave and It seems a little afraid.
"Master, what are you thinking?"
Xiaobao also observed that the group of blood wolf whales did not get angry because of the death of their companions, and said in amazement, "They are really cold-blooded, don't they plan to eat the carcass separately?"
"will not."
Ren Ling saw that the leading blood wolf whale had already started to swim towards the entrance of the coral cave, "Xiaobao, let's follow and have a look."
After all the blood wolf whales passed through the coral cave, the master and servant waited for a short while, looked at each other, nodded and flew towards the coral cave.
After entering the coral cave, I found that it was not as good as the previous coral groups. The coral nodes and scales here were densely piled up to form a long corridor. The corridor was not wide enough, just enough for a blood wolf whale to pass through. .
Those blood wolf whales moved extremely quickly, and disappeared in the depths of the distant coral group in the blink of an eye.
Ren Ling and Xiaobao were not in a hurry, knowing that if they followed too closely, they would be easily discovered. Although killing a level six blood wolf whale was not a big problem, a group of mixed blood wolf whales of level six and seven would not be a good idea. To deal with, safety first.
"Master, did you notice that the singing became quieter after you came in?" Xiao Bao was resting on Ren Ling's shoulder, pulling small fish from the coral to play with from time to time.
"Indeed," Ren Ling nodded in agreement, "It's almost impossible to hear the singing if you don't listen carefully."
The long straight corridor split into two forks at the end. After a little identification, walk to the fork on the left. Within a short time, the scene in front of you suddenly opened up, and a white jade palace appeared tens of feet away.
The palace is surrounded by high fences, and in the center is a giant bronze gate. The group of blood wolf whales are hovering in front of the bronze gate, looking eager to try.
"It's really unique." Ren Ling exclaimed, looking through the high fence to the white jade palace behind, the precious brilliance was faintly visible, "Xiaobao, don't move forward, we are here to wait and see what happens."
As soon as the words fell, the leading seventh-level blood wolf whales were seen lined up side by side, and at the same time they rushed forward and hit the bronze door.
There was only a loud rumbling sound, and the copper door opened automatically the moment the blood wolf whale was about to touch it, and a huge fire gushed out at the same time, forcing the level seven blood wolf whales back several feet.
"What's that?!" Xiaobao's eyes widened, and he looked at the huge monster that appeared inside the bronze door after the huge fire burned out. "Lion? A lion with three heads?"
The three giant lions almost blocked the entire copper door, took a few steps forward slowly, and spit a few breaths at the group of blood wolf whales, with disdain in their eyes, as if mocking their overreach.
The blood wolf whales retreated a short distance and formed a square formation led by the seventh-level blood wolf whales. The blood wolf whales in the lead opened their bloody mouths and led the team behind them to pounce on the three giant lions. .
The three giant lions looked up to the sky and howled a few times, and the three huge mouths spewed out more violent fire balls than before. The fire balls seemed to be very unusual, and the blood wolf whale didn't dare to get a little bit off.They moved slowly and couldn't dodge, and a few sparks bounced off their bodies. As soon as the sparks touched the body of the blood wolf whale, they turned into sharp swords and poked a bloody hole in it!
Ren Ling couldn't help taking a deep breath, what kind of fire were those three giant lions spouting?She was amazed that a little spark could cause so much damage.
Although the group of blood wolf whales were injured, they became more and more courageous as they fought, and they continued to attack the three giant lions, even if they were burned with blood by the flames, they didn't care.There were even two seventh-level blood wolf whales rushing forward to bite the bodies of the three giant lions, braving the pain of being burned by the fire.
The most powerful thing about the blood wolf whale is its sharp red teeth. It bit the arm of the three giant lions and tore them apart frantically, but the three giant lions seemed to be made of stone, and they didn't even have the shallowest wounds!
This action finally enraged the three giant lions. He raised his head to the sky and roared three times, and the three huge lion heads suddenly flew out from his body, grabbing a blood wolf whale and throwing it into the air in an instant.
How huge is the body of the blood wolf whale?Played by the three giant lions, it was like a toy. It was torn into several pieces by the three big mouths before it even fell halfway down.
The three giant lions killed the three blood wolf whales in the blink of an eye, and the remaining few were so frightened that they hurriedly backed away and wanted to evacuate.
However, the three giant lions are in a rage, how can they allow these Xiaoxiao novels to come and talk and leave?
As a result, the blood wolf whales one after another faced the same ending. Countless corpses and blood polluted the nearby seawater, and the strong smell of blood rose to the sky.
A quarter of an hour later.
When the last blood wolf whale was dismantled into pieces, the anger of the three giant lions finally calmed down a bit. The three giants retreated to the lions and spewed a huge fire at the piled up corpses in front of them.
The flame quickly incinerated the piles of corpses, leaving only a dozen or so round and brilliant demon pills.
The three giant lions stretched out their paws, grabbed two of them and played with them for a while, then flung them casually behind the high fence. In this way, all the demon pills were thrown into the high fence.
"Doesn't it actually eat those demon pills?" Xiaobao was stunned for a long time, then exclaimed in disbelief, "Those are great tonics! What kind of monster is it, how can it be so powerful?"
"It looks like a monster guarding this palace," Ren Ling stared intently. The three giant lions did not go back after finishing the blood wolf whale. Maoxiu slowly closed his eyes, "It seems to be going to sleep."
"Sleep as soon as you say it," Xiaobao sighed, resting his chin, "It's even started to snore, master, do you think we will be discovered in the past at this time?"
"What? Do you think it doesn't know we exist?" Ren Ling smiled. With the abilities of those three giant lions, they probably already took into account their every move.If she read it correctly, the lion closed its eyes and glanced at them, "I doubt it, if it doesn't go back inside, maybe it's waiting for us to provoke us and clean it up once."
"Ah?" Thinking of the fate of the blood wolf whale, Xiaobao shrank his neck, "No, I don't want to die so badly. Master, shall we go back?"
Ren Ling didn't answer Xiao Bao's words immediately, but still looked at the three giant lions motionlessly, thinking quietly.The three giant lions glanced over just now, with a strange kindness, she was not sure if it was her own illusion or it was true.And that white jade palace seems to have a huge mystery, which makes people want to take a look.
"Go and have a look."
"What? Seriously?" Little Treasure was astonished. He knew that Ren Ling was not impulsive, and he was a little confused about her decision.But Ren Ling had no intention of explaining, hugged Xiaobao in his arms, and flew out of the coral grove.
The master and servant approached cautiously, but the three giant lions didn't seem to be disturbed, and their snoring was still loud.
"Master, if it wants to sleep like this, can we go around it and go inside?"
Little Treasure also noticed something strange, but the sight of the three giant lions easily killing dozens of blood wolf whales was vivid in his mind, so he still didn't dare to act rashly, "It's a pity that it blocks the entire copper gate, shall we fly over?"
"No." Ren Ling shook his head, if he flew over the three giant lions, he might anger them, so he stood still at a distance of about three feet, "Xiaobao, I don't feel any hostility, what about you?"
"So is Little Treasure."
One person and one beast looked at each other and took another step forward.
The three giant lions finally opened their eyes half-awake when the manes fluttering in mid-air were within reach with the sound of snoring, and the master and servant hurriedly backed up ten feet to be vigilant.
But the three giant lions just glanced at them again, their thick eyelids closed again, and they fell asleep.
Ren Ling and Xiao Bao looked at each other, and bravely walked forward again. This time, Ren Ling pushed Xiao Bao back, and stretched out his hand to touch the manes of the three giant lions without fear of death. After looking at her, he let out a low murmur and went back to sleep.
"Master, it's so weird! It doesn't reject you!"
Xiao Bao shouted in Ren Ling's mind with great excitement, "Master, let's go in and have a look!"
Ren Ling pursed her lips and reprimanded softly, "Xiao Bao, don't worry."
Then she took a step back, cleared her throat and said, "Well... can you please move to the side? Let us go in and have a look?"
"Master, you're crazy!" Xiaobao didn't expect Ren Ling to speak to the three giant lions, "Even if it understands, it won't talk to you! We'll be fine if we don't eat it in one bite, and we want him Move the place, square, square...Master, it moved!"
When Xiaobao screamed and screamed, the three giant lions rubbed their huge bodies on the ground, revealing half of their bodies, which made Xiaobao almost fall to the ground.
Ren Ling hugged Xiao Bao and bowed to the three giant lions, "Thank you."
A man and a beast stepped in through the bronze gate sideways.
After a while, two blue figures shot down from mid-air, hovering at least three feet away from the three giant lions, hesitating, "The human woman went in?!"

 Thank you for the pink ticket that looks like Tiger Eros, Mandancing Angel~Aiqin, the pink ticket will be updated at [-]:[-] in the morning, please subscribe for support.

(End of this chapter)

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