Immortal Journey

Chapter 207 The male shark is as beautiful as jade

Chapter 207 The male shark is as beautiful as jade (Fenqi plus more)

"What? You said she has entered the Langyu Palace?" Yao Zhi hurried to Linshuixuan, and his expectant mood suddenly sank after hearing the reports from the two subordinates. He said angrily, "I didn't ask you to use Did the singing draw her here?!"

Hearing the words, the two subordinates quickly knelt down and said tremblingly, "The subordinates indeed used their singing to attract the woman to the vicinity, but then a group of blood wolf whales came, and the woman followed the blood wolf whales to the Langyu Hall." Go, the subordinate is incompetent! I beseech Your Highness to forgive me!"

Yao Zhi frowned tightly, shook his hands and said, "That's all! Get up and answer first!"


"Langyu Hall is guarded by three lion kings, how could that woman be allowed in?"

This made Yao Zhi quite puzzled. You must know that the three lion kings don't even sell the face of the Shark King. The lion king subdued and let them enter the Langyu Hall for a look.

He has lived for many years, and he has only entered the Langyu Palace once. It is said that Shark King has only been there twice in his life.

"This subordinate also finds it very strange." The two subordinates looked at each other and described what they saw, "After the woman entered the Langyu Palace, the three lion kings were still sleeping outside the door, but we tried to When he followed in, the Lion King quickly woke up and roared at us, so..."

Of course they didn't dare to break into it. Even the Shark King dared not easily offend the capabilities of the three lion kings. A confrontation head-on would be tantamount to courting death.

Yao Zhi nodded, understood the concerns of the two, and thought about it, "Could it be that the woman knows how to restrain the three-headed lion king? You said that she sneaked in when the three-headed lion king was asleep. Could it be that she used some witchcraft to make the three-headed lion king The lion king fell asleep?"

The two subordinates hesitated, because they were afraid of attracting Ren Ling's attention, they kept hiding far away, and did not see the situation in front of the Langyu Palace so clearly, "Also... maybe," stretched out their hands and scratched their heads, If it wasn't for that woman's special method, how could the three-headed lion king let her into Langyu Palace?Thinking of this, he hesitated and replied, "I heard that human monks are cunning and often practice all kinds of crooked spells. I'm afraid they don't even know how to control the three-headed lion king."

Yi Zhi pondered, raised his eyes and looked into the distance through the red and bright water curtains. This Linshui Pavilion was a place he deliberately arranged. Things, disappointing but also feel a little weird.

As he said before, there are many places in the ancient cave mansion of the Nine Sacred Ancestors, including the Langyu Hall, which even the mermaids cannot go to at will.

When he was young, he once entered the Langyu Palace with the Shark King, and he still remembered everything inside, thinking to himself, "Although Langyu Palace is not easy to enter, there is nothing special in it. It will not be inside. Therefore, even if the human woman enters, it will not spoil the good things of our family. However, the fact that she can control the three-headed lion king with witchcraft is something that people have to guard against. If she is kept as It will be much more convenient for my concubine to enter the Langyu Palace in the future, if my father finds out, he will definitely not object to me keeping her in the clan."

"Both of you hurry up and wait in front of the Langyu Hall." After thinking about it, Ji Zhi stood up abruptly, "If the woman comes out, she must be brought here. My Highness will go down to see the situation of the remaining people, and then come back. "

It is said that Ren Ling and Xiaobao walked into the high fence, and they were shocked by the monster pills that formed mountains and seas in front of them.

"Master, I finally know why those blood wolf whales risked their lives to fight the three lions," Xiaobao yelled, and circled the pile of demon pills several times, "According to my rough estimation, there are at least Thousands of demon pills! With these demon pills, it is no problem to become a god! Master, you said that the three-headed lions are so powerful, could it be that they used the demon pills for food?"

Ren Ling chuckled, "Little Treasure, even though the demon pill is nourishing, it must be digested. Also, you have been so patronizing to look at this demon pill, don't you find something special about it?"

"Anything else special?" Little Treasure's eyes were almost smashed into the Yaodan Mountain and he couldn't get them out. Hearing Ren Ling's reminder, he looked around, "Master, why is there no sea water here?"

"That's right!" Ren Ling stretched out his index finger and flicked Xiao Bao's head, "This is the most abrupt part, Xiao Bao, you are a little money fan! Seeing the demon core, the soul flew away."

Xiaobao grinned, "Master, I haven't seen so many demon pills at such a young age, so that's why it's like this. By the way, how can this place be no different from the land? It's so strange."

"It seems to block the sea water with an enchantment." Ren Ling looked up, and there was a faint light cluster in the sky, which confirmed what he was thinking, "Xiaobao, let's go to the palace first."

"Then what about these demon pills? Don't you take them into Mo Yujian?"

Ren Ling shook his head and sighed, "Little Treasure, there are three lions guarding here, do you think we can easily take every plant and tree? It's not easy to come in and have a look, so hurry up and look inside to see if there are nine sharks and green tears Bar."

"Master is right," Xiaobao instantly sobered up when he thought of the fate of the blood wolf whale who coveted the demon pill, "Let's go quickly."

The White Jade Palace is magnificent and extravagant, but Ren Ling is quite disappointed, because not only is there no Nine Shark Green Tears in it, but it is also hard to find anything that would interest a cultivator.

Even Xiaobao sighed frequently, "These mountains of gold and silver may be no problem for mortals to buy a country, but they are of no use to us. I thought the palace guarded by the three lions would have some treasures. Thinking about it, there is nothing else besides the mountain of demon pills."

"Chengshan's demon pill..." Ren Ling read thoughtfully, and walked out of the palace with Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, let's go over to the demon pill to have a look."

The master and servant quickly flew to the front of the Yaodan Mountain, Xiaobao blinked and was attracted by the countless Yaodan, and Ren Ling stood on the side indifferently, his eyes lingered on the Yaodan for a long time, always feeling that something was overlooked what.

"Master, are you thinking of taking some demon pills?"

"Xiaobao, that's what you think in your heart." Ren Ling glanced at Xiaobao, rubbed his chin with plain hands, still thinking.

Little Treasure blushed and smiled, "Master, what are you thinking about so preoccupied? Tell Little Treasure?"

"Little Treasure," Ren Ling said, "Do you still remember what the demon pills of the dozens of blood wolf whales that the three lions killed just now looked like?"

"Oh?" Xiao Bao tilted his head and thought for a while, "It's blood red, with a strong smell of blood."

"At that time, the three lions directly threw the blood wolf whale's demon pills into the high fence," Ren Ling recalled, "However, the more than ten blood wolf whale demon pills could not be seen on the surface of this pile of demon pills. Why?"

When Ren Ling reminded him, Xiaobao also felt weird, flew around the Yaodan Mountain, and said, "Master, there is really no such thing. Could it be that there is another world in this Yaodan Mountain?"

Ren Ling stretched out his hand and sucked Xiaobao into his arms, then jumped back and sat down on a branch of a big tree, "Let's observe here."

There is no difference between day and night at the bottom of the sea, even if the sea is cut off within this high fence, it is still impossible to judge the sky from the light.

Both the master and the servant looked at the Yaodan Mountain quietly, and time passed bit by bit, but there was no change. Just when Ren Ling decided to give up and leave, Xiaobao suddenly called out, "Master, look!"

As soon as Xiaobao's voice fell, his body had already bounced out. When Ren Lingfei was about to pass by, he saw it pointing to a green demon pill on the edge of Yaodan Mountain and said, "When did this demon pill turn green?" ? It was obviously purple just now!"

"Little Treasure, are you sure?" The Yaodan Mountain has been under her observation all the time, and she can't feel the slightest movement, but some kind of restriction or formation to isolate the spiritual consciousness has been set in the high fence, so she can detect herself The results are not entirely certain.

Xiaobao nodded again and again, "Sure, very sure. Just now Xiaobao was thinking that if the master asked him to take a few demon pills, he must take this purple one. It looks like the demon pill of an eighth-level monster. No small matter."

Could it be that there is something wrong with Yaodan Mountain?

Doubts flashed through Ren Ling's mind, and he landed lightly, squatting down and gently touching the smooth jade floor.

"This, here is empty!" The muffled echo brightened her eyes, she looked around for a while, leaned over and fiddled with it for a while, and finally touched the edge of the jade plate, and looked at Xiaobao, the two With all hands, they pried open the roughly two-foot-square jade plate.

"There is a passage inside!" Xiaobao couldn't help covering his mouth, and was afraid of being heard by the three lions, so he asked in a breathless voice, "Master, shall we go down?"

The passage was not too spacious, and it was also paved with jade. After walking down for a while, the master and servant were completely shocked by the demon pills piled up into a 'giant mountain'.

If it was enough to surprise them when they first stepped into Gaoli and saw Yaodan Mountain outside, then their mood at this moment is more than ten times that of before!
Because there are more than ten times more demon cores under the ground than above!
"Won't the demon pill break if it's left like this?" Xiaobao was so surprised that he said something stupid, the corner of his mouth twitching, "Is it okay to waste everything like this? Will it be struck by lightning?"

Ren Ling was speechless, pulled Xiaobao into his arms, and continued to walk forward, "No matter what, we can't care about it. These demon pills always make people feel weird, so it's better not to touch them."

One person and one beast walked along the long passage for a quarter of an hour, and finally reached the end.

"There is no way," Xiaobao jumped up and bumped, "It seems to be a loose jade floor, master, let's push it out."

Pushing away the jade floor and flying out, the first impression of the master and servant is that this passage is a trick!
The place where they are now──isn't it the palace that they came to on the ground just now!Even the layout is exactly the same, gold bricks and silver treasures, emeralds and pearls, emerald curtains and green curtains, there is no difference.

Just when Xiaobao cried out that he had been fooled, Ren Ling froze his body suddenly, and looked up at the noble chief seat inlaid with gold and diamonds, and there was a mermaid who hadn't been there before!

The merman is so beautiful that it cannot be described in words. His cloud-like wavy hair covers half of his face, his delicate and crystal-clear facial features are breathtakingly beautiful, and his slightly parted thin cherry lips seem to tell a story that has never been said in thousands of years. words.

Xiao Bao exclaimed, "Don't they all say that male sharks are ugly and ugly, he is also too good-looking!"

(End of this chapter)

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