Immortal Journey

Chapter 208 The Art of the Shark Sound

Chapter 208 The Art of the Shark Sound
"It turned out to be a human cultivator?"

The male shark suddenly opened his mouth, and Ren Ling quickly stepped forward to salute, and said in a low voice, "I'm Ren Ling, I didn't intend to break into this place, please senior Haihan."

"It's okay, I set up a trap to let people who are destined to come in, and you just happened to meet my requirements."

Ren Ling suddenly felt a wave of spiritual consciousness entangled herself, and left almost instantly. Knowing that it was the senior who visited her, she consciously restrained her breath, "Senior, what do you mean...?"

"Thinking of me, Jiuer, who has been sitting for more than ten thousand years," the male shark's voice was clear and pleasant, and even his tone of voice had a kind of innocent taste, "You are still the first person who is destined. Even though you are a human monk, I am quite disappointed." , However, at any rate, someone finally came."

He paused for a moment, and then continued with a self-deprecating tone, "Every thousand years, I will be able to enter this place and see my request, and until today, as long as you don't covet the demon pills in my courtyard, and you are smart enough to detect the demon pills People who change Dan are eligible to enter the real Langyu Palace. And you have done it all."

Ren Ling lowered his head, although when he saw the male shark on the main seat, he could see that he was a senior who had already sat down and only had a trace of spiritual thoughts left, but when he heard him say that he was Jiu'er, his eyes suddenly rounded Open, "You, you are the ninth senior?"

"Why, you know me?" Jiu'er asked suspiciously.

Ren Ling quickly replied, "To tell the truth to seniors, the next time I come to the noble land, I am looking for something."

"Looking for what?"

"Nine sharks and green tears."

"What?!" Jiu'er's voice was trembling, and it was still pleasant, like a gurgling torrent, "Who, who entrusted you to come here?"

"This..." Ren Ling raised his head slowly, looking at the motionless, expressionless face, knowing that his answer might disappoint him, "It's the king of the demon clan."

"The king of the demon race?" Jiu'er was confused, "Human?"

"Well," Ren Ling nodded in response, "Yes, the king of the human demon race."

The voice fell behind, and the hall was silent for a long time. When Ren Ling thought that Jiu'er was no longer willing to pay attention to her, he heard him speak again. First he sighed, and then said, "I thought it would be her. But , why does the king of your human demons know about the Nine Shark Blue Tears? Why are you looking for it?"

"This junior doesn't know too well," Ren Ling said hesitantly, remembering the conversation between Jin Chen and Shark King, "It seems that it was entrusted by an old friend."

"That's all! That's all! I expected too much!" Jiu'er seemed to be no longer interested in this topic, and fell into a soliloquy, "I've been here for a long time, but I'm still obsessed with it! Even if she comes, everything Also bewildered!"

"Senior Nine..."

"Little girl," Jiu'er said again after a while, "Jiuyu Qinglei is floating under my palm, but even if you can see it, you may not be able to take it away."

Hearing this, Ren Ling raised his eyebrows and looked curiously. The right hand of the male on the throne was stretched out, palm facing down, hanging on the armrest, and there was a crystal clear teardrop-like thing floating between the palm and the armrest. There is a very small green leaf in the thing, verdant and lifelike, it looks exactly the same as the nine sharks green tears described by the devil.

"You can't take Jiuying Qinglei with you," Jiu'er said, "However, since you are destined to come here, I will pass on to you the most profound and brilliant exercises of the merman clan in Jiuying Qinglei, which can be regarded as a gift." This kind of repayment. I wonder what you want, little girl?"

"The kung fu of the merman clan?" Ren Ling was puzzled, "Please forgive me for being abrupt, as far as I know, the Nine Shark Green Tears should be the gift of love from the nine seniors, isn't that the case?"

"That's right, Nine-winged Green Tears is indeed a gift of love that I prepared for my marriage proposal back then, but unfortunately... she did not accept it. Of course, Nine-winged Green Tears is not a pure gift of love. On a piece of green leaf, there is recorded the most outstanding kung fu of my mermaid clan. I wanted to entrust her with the kung fu, but it was a pity that she was in a hurry to leave, so she just said that she would keep it with me for the time being. Come get it."

"You...have you waited so long?"

Ren Ling frowned lightly, suddenly felt that the tears of the nine sharks were too heavy, how could she just take it away as an outsider?

Jiu'er chuckled, "The little girl must be complaining that she is a heartless person, right? In fact, it is not true. I have been waiting for her for nearly ten thousand years since I died. She looks weak, but she has a strong temper." , I will never go back on what I promised. The reason why I have not come for so long is because I am afraid..." From a chuckle to sorrow, "That's why I reduce the limit every thousand years, and it is also for the sake of this exercise. lost to the world."

Ren Ling bit her lip. Generally speaking, the skills of different races are not the same, especially the profound skills of the race will be set and developed according to the uniqueness of the race, and it is even more impossible for foreign races to easily learn. I have learned it, "Senior Ninth, since it is a nobleman's exercise, why not leave it for the descendants of the nobleman to learn? I am not a mermaid, so I am afraid I will not be able to learn your exercise."

"Yes." Jiu'er said firmly, "Besides, this exercise cannot be learned by my race for the time being. As for the reason, maybe you will know in the future."

"Little girl, don't try to shirk. Being able to come to this palace is the fate between you and me. This exercise is also of great use to you," Jiu'er saw that Ren Ling was lost in thought and did not reply, so he continued Said, "I, Jiu'er, only have one request for you, that is, in your lifetime, if you encounter a mermaid clan asking for help, please do your part, will you?"

Ren Ling smiled wryly, Jiu'er's request didn't sound too much, but she didn't make it clear, "The junior is just a little monk, so what if he may not be able to help?"

"That should not be mentioned."

"Senior, to tell you the truth, this junior is entrusted by others to take away Jiuying Qinglei," Ren Ling looked at the floating Jiuying Qinglei, "If I agree to your request, can you..."

"After learning the exercises well, as long as you have the ability to take away the nine sharks and green tears, just take them out."

The mermaids are born with a good voice, and both men and women can sing moving songs. However, in ancient times, singing was one of their most powerful weapons against enemies.

What Jiu'er asked Ren Ling to learn was the art of 'Yingyin' that had been lost among the mermaid clan today.

'Shark sound' can be regarded as a method of using sound to launch an attack. The object of its attack is not the body itself, but the soul living in the body.

For example, it can attack the consciousness of human monks.

You must know that the spiritual sense is very fragile. If you can sneak into the monk's spiritual sense to attack and kill, then it will cause a higher level of damage than any powerful spiritual weapon.

Once the spiritual consciousness is damaged, it is extremely difficult to recover. If most of it is damaged, it will cause the monk's cultivation to regress, or even be completely scrapped.

"If you want to practice the art of 'Shark Sound', you must first learn to sing my Shark Song." Jiu'er said slowly, "I will pass on your first song, and you will practice in the side hall later. Come find me later."

Jiu'er's singing voice is comparable to the sounds of nature. After singing a song, it will linger around the beam.

Ren Ling has an excellent memory, and he memorized the tune after only listening to it once.After arriving at the side hall, he cleared his throat and began to practice singing according to the tune.

Having never sung before, Ren Ling wasn't sure if he had the talent in this area, but he also felt that even if he didn't have the mermaid's natural and graceful singing voice, at least it shouldn't be a big problem to sing the song in its entirety.

But in fact, the problem is really not small.


After Ren Ling finished practicing for the [-]th time, Xiaobao finally couldn't help but interrupt.

Ren Ling raised his eyebrows and asked, "Xiaobao, but you can't sing well?"

Xiao Bao struggled for a while, "It's not that he didn't sing well, it's just..." He scratched his head sadly, "Master, the first time you sang it and the one hundred and eighth time you sang it sounds exactly the same, the master's voice is very nice, there's nothing wrong with that." , This song sounds like it is indeed sung like this, but, but, I always feel..."

"What do you think?" Ren Ling also felt weird, but couldn't find where the strange thing was, "Xiao Bao, why can't I sing the same song like a shark?"

Xiao Bao nodded again and again, and it also felt the same way, "Would it be possible to have a mermaid to sing their unique flavor?"

"Maybe?" Ren Ling was a little discouraged, "However, it's more likely that I don't have the talent to sing."

"It's also a talent to be able to sing songs with twists and turns so ordinary." Three days later, when Jiu'er finished listening to Ren Ling's singing, there was a hint of interest and thought in her tone, and she said with a smile, "Xiao The girl's voice is very pleasant, and the tune is correct. The biggest feature is that people will forget it after hearing it. It is very interesting and interesting. I have met someone like you before. I didn't expect to listen to it again today. I feel so sad comfort."

Ren Ling frowned, not knowing whether it was a compliment or a derogation, "Senior Ninth, I'm afraid this junior won't be able to learn the mermaid's song, and I'm afraid the 'shark sound' technique..."

"I have to give it a try." Jiu'er smiled for a while before calming down, and his attitude towards Ren Ling was much more friendly than before, "I will teach you a set of formulas, and you can practice for three days, three days Find me later."

The tactic is to be used in the singing. After Jiu'er's explanation, Ren Ling understood about five or six out of ten, and spent three days digesting it. When he returned to the hall again, except for the song, he still couldn't sing well. Besides, the results of the technique of 'Shark Sound' were beyond Jiu'er's expectation.

"Sing it again." Jiu'er asked after pondering for a while.

Ren Ling sang it again honestly.

The hall fell into a long silence.

Seeing this, Ren Ling began to think about how to give up. She knew that her singing voice had always been a problem. Perhaps because of this, there were bottlenecks and thresholds in the practice of the 'Ying Yin' technique. She didn't feel too depressed, after all, she Non-mermans naturally don't have that natural ability.

"Senior Ninth, why not stop here?"

"So far?" Jiu'er seemed to wake up from deep contemplation, and was quite puzzled by Ren Ling's words, "What do you mean?"

"The younger generation has limited abilities, so I'm afraid it's not suitable for learning the art of 'Shark Sound'," Ren Ling said carefully, "Maybe when the next destined person comes, let her try again?"

Jiu'er laughed, "Why? Seeing that I don't speak, do you think your cultivation is not good?"

Ren Ling was silent, isn't this obvious?

"The reason why I don't speak is because I haven't figured it out yet. How can a person who sang my mermaid's song until he heard it forget it, how can he easily use the 'merman's voice' technique?"

 Thank you oxos for your review vote and Chen Xi for your reward :)
(End of this chapter)

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