Immortal Journey

Chapter 209 Can Sing or Can't Sing

Chapter 209 Can Sing or Can't Sing

"Why, don't you believe what I said?"

Jiu'er was still smiling, "I've been silent for so long, just thinking about what the problem is. Although I'm not sure, I'm afraid it has something to do with your singing. The mermaid's song is characterized by its beauty and melodiousness." 'It is to launch an attack when the opponent falls into the singing and enters the soul with the singing."

Explaining the principle of the 'Yingyin' technique in very simple words, Ren Ling nodded, knowing that she already knew about it, "The characteristics of your singing voice are mediocre. When people listen to you singing, I'm afraid they will It's easy to be intoxicated, maybe you will be in a daze, or you may think about other things. In this case, it is extremely difficult for the technique of 'Shark Sound' to follow the singing and enter the soul, because your singing will not be noticed. Are you right? ?”

"That's right," Ren Ling agreed, and she was not ashamed because of it. In the short six days, she had devoted all her energy to comprehend and practice, so she was very calm, "So I think that juniors are not suitable for practicing this technique."

"Wrong," Jiu'er shook his head, "On the contrary, as I said just now, the 'Shark Sound' technique you cast has played its role miraculously, not 50.00%, nor 80.00%, but [-]% .Even if I first learned the art of 'scallop sound' back then, I couldn't reach this level. The peculiarity here is intriguing. Little girl, think about it for yourself, what is the reason?"

"Senior Jiu," Ren Ling couldn't help hesitating when she heard this, she thought it was just Jiu'er comforting her, "How could this junior use the skill of 'Shark Sound'? If that's the case, Xiaobao──my Spirit pet, it has been listening to my practice, but it doesn't feel the attack at all."

Jiu'er laughed loudly, "Do you really not feel the attack?"

Xiaobao thought that Jiu'er was calling him, so he quickly raised his fleshy claws and replied, "Returning to Senior Jiu, Xiaobao only thinks the master's voice is pretty nice, but the song he sings is really nothing special, and it's easy to get sleepy after listening to it for a long time. I really don't feel it." to attack."

"Oh?" Jiu'er was very interested, "You're eating..."

"My name is Xiaobao!" Xiaobao introduced himself resoundingly, "Senior Ninth, has my master really brought out the 'Shark Sound' technique? How do we perceive it?"

"Okay, Xiaobao," Jiu'er explained, "the first song is just an introductory song for the 'Shark Sound' technique, and its purpose is actually to test the practitioner's understanding of the 'Shark Sound' technique. It's normal not to feel attacked."

He paused for a while, then turned to Ren Ling and said, "Little girl, you haven't answered my question yet."

Ren Ling blinked, "Could it be that the nobleman's 'scallop sound' technique can't be performed entirely through beautiful singing?"

"I don't know how to understand this." Jiu'er sighed, "I think back when I was practicing the art of 'Song of the Shark', my master never said that I could use it with beautiful singing. It's just that I am a shark. The human race originally had a beautiful singing voice, so I may have misunderstood it. Anyway, since you are talented in the technique of 'Shark Sound', let's continue to try the second step."

"I'll teach you another piece of music, and after you've practiced it, I'll practice it with the formula."

Jiu'er sang a new song, and Ren Ling memorized it while listening. When he finished singing, he basically memorized the song completely.

"Okay, you go to the side hall to practice, this time it will take another three days?"

Ren Ling tugged at his braids, and said with a smile, "Senior Nine, the practice of singing is not very useful for the younger generation. The first time and the last time are basically the same. If you don't mind, why don't I sing it to you now. You can. If so, can you explain the formula directly?"

After Ren Ling sang it all over again, he found that Jiu'er was silent again.

"Master," Xiaobao said in Ren Ling's mind seeing that Jiu'er was silent, "It seems that this time you sang better than the previous one."

"Is there?" Ren Ling didn't feel anything, only felt that he was too far behind the singing voice of the mermaid, "Then are you sleepy?"

"Uh," Xiaobao scratched his head, "Little Bao can fall asleep after about 180 minutes for the first song, and it's better for the second song. Xiaobao did the math just now, and after about [-] minutes, Xiaobao will be able to fall asleep." Feeling sleepy."

Ren Ling hugged Xiaobao funny, and poked its small forehead, "Xiaobao, this is not the criterion for judging the quality of a singing voice. Let's just wait for Senior Ninth to speak."

Another quarter of an hour later, Jiu'er finally spoke, "Little girl, let's not learn the formulas yet. I'll teach you three more songs, and we'll talk after you finish singing."

This singing is the whole day.

The three songs that Jiu'er taught later became more complex and longer than the last, but Jiu'er sang for half an hour by himself in the last song.

However, Ren Ling remembered each capital very clearly. As soon as Jiu'er finished singing, she could immediately cover it completely.

Because he was too engrossed in the study of the song, he didn't notice Xiaobao's more surprised expression beside him.

It wasn't until the last song was sung that Jiu'er fell into deep thought habitually, and Xiao Bao suddenly jumped into Ren Ling's arms, and said in his mind, "Master, you are terrible, terrible!"

"What's so serious?" Ren Ling wondered.

"It sounds good! It sounds good!" Little Treasure couldn't express his words, and hurriedly wanted to explain his point of view. He even forgot to transmit the sound in his mind, and said directly, "The last song is no better than the one sung by Senior Ninth." Poor! The penultimate song can almost catch up with Senior Ninth’s singing voice, and the third last song is still a bit far away. Master, Xiaobao found that the harder it is to sing, the better you can sing! How could this happen?"

"Is there?" Ren Ling squinted her eyes. In her own opinion, no matter which merman song she sang, she sang it in her own way. There should be no difference.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xiao Bao nodded his head, "If you don't believe me, ask Senior Ninth?"

"Xiaobao is right." Jiu'er commented pertinently, "Little girl, you are the strangest person I have ever seen. Being able to learn the last piece so quickly is very difficult even for mermaids." It’s rare to have such a genius.”

"Senior Ninth praises it absurdly," Ren Ling shook his head and smiled, "People who practice Taoism have a good memory, and it shouldn't be difficult to memorize it. Most people can do it."

"No." Jiu'er disagreed, "Being able to memorize the whole piece of music is two different things from being able to sing it out immediately. Besides, your introductory songs are mediocre and the most difficult to learn." It’s incredible that you can sing so well.”

"In any case, this is a good thing," Jiu Erfu said again, "In this way, we can start explaining the formula."

The formula of the 'Shark Sound' technique is not lengthy, but it took half a month to explain the essence of it clearly.

And during this period, the effect of Ren Ling's attack with the 'squeaker sound' technique gradually deepened, so that when Xiaobao felt his consciousness was injured for the third time, he took a leave of absence and went outside to play with the three lions up.

It was very afraid of the three lions at first, but Jiu'er gave it a bell, which happened to be a restraint to subdue the three lions, so it met the three lions who had come back and closed the bronze door in the high fence. It was a lot of fun.

"I have learned [-]% in a short period of time, which is very good."

Today, after Jiu'er accepted the results, she said with comfort, "The rest, I just need to slowly realize it. Now my wish is fulfilled, so I can go home with peace of mind."

"Thank you Senior Nine for your patience and teaching."

Ren Ling bowed his head in thanks.

"Why are you so polite?" Jiu'er smiled, "I'm very happy that you can master this technique well, and there's nothing to say thank you for. Everything in the world has reincarnation."

"Little girl," Jiu'er said in a relaxed tone, seemingly interested in chatting, "When you first met me, did you find anything unusual?"

"Abnormal?" Ren Ling stared and thought about it, "Senior Jiu is not weak. The other male sharks that juniors have seen have excellent looks. But this one?"

"That's right, it's exactly this." Jiu'er paused for a moment, as if thinking about the past, "My appearance is very rare among the mermaid clan, so I was rejected by the tribe as a monster, and I was imprisoned at the bottom of the sea since I was a child." The depths are left to fend for myself."

"But I was in the depths of the sea, but I had another chance." Jiu'er smiled half-smile, "That year my mermaid clan was in trouble, and I was entrusted by my master to rescue me. The descendants felt ashamed of me, Sheng Li welcomes me back to the clan and treats me as an elder."

Ren Ling listened quietly without interrupting.

"It's a pity that my appearance still can't be accepted sincerely by the clansmen. Although I'm an elder, it's hard to have a friend. She happened to meet me when I was lonely and bored, and it was the first time that I felt the kindness of treating each other sincerely." camaraderie."

"Perhaps among other races, they don't think my appearance is weird, but if it's just that, I won't have a sincere admiration for her." Jiu'er's tone gradually softened, "It wasn't because I saved my clan before that I was accepted by the clansmen. Is it kind to you? Later I found out that the disaster was just a head. As the situation got worse, our mermaid clan was facing a catastrophe of extermination. For the sake of the people, I naturally fought hard, but I didn’t expect As an outsider, she actually tried her best to help me. It is impossible not to fall in love with such a woman."

Jiu'er breathed out, "These past events sound dull, right? It's also because you have learned the exercises that you originally planned to entrust to her, little girl, so you feel that you have the right to know the situation. My spiritual consciousness is about to disperse, I'm afraid you can't take these Nine Shark Green Tears away, but if you insist on taking them away, little girl, you can try. There are restrictions on the top, and I can't help you untie them with my current ability, so be careful."

"Thank you, Senior Ninth." Ren Ling fell to the ground again and bowed respectfully.

"The three-headed lion is my pet. If it wants to follow you, then take it away."

(End of this chapter)

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