Immortal Journey

Chapter 211 The Covenant of the Demon King

Chapter 211 The Covenant of the Demon King
Mo Yujian.
Ever since the three-headed lions were about to take away all the demon pills from Songti, Xiao Bao was as excited as if he had been pumped with chicken blood. In less than one night, he built a wooden house to accommodate the demon pills, not to mention that it was still in the northwest sea—— On the coast named Baohai by Xiaobao, three cabins were built for Congsong for him to live in.
Ren Ling looked at Xiaobao who was busy busying around like the wind, and stopped it for the third time, "Xiaobao, the master has something to say."
"Master..." Xiaobao swept away from Ren Ling like a gust of wind, picked up a small pile of sorted demon pills and rolled back, "Can we talk later? Xiaobao is almost done."
"Three hours ago, you also said that it was almost finished," Ren Ling folded his arms and watched as he packed the demon pills into jade bottles in different categories and labeled them in the wooden house. He was really busy round and round, "I only have one thing to say, Xiaobao."
"A word?" Xiaobao stopped suddenly. In fact, he had never dared to speak directly to Ren Ling, because he was afraid that Ren Ling would threaten to return it to Congsong. Dan's, if it is forced to retreat, it will definitely vomit blood and get internal injuries!However, Ren Ling doesn't seem to be planning to teach it now, so take the time to listen, and take the time to sort out his face, Xiaobao flew to Ren Ling obediently, "Master, please order."
"Order?" Ren Ling squinted at it. Can its little thoughts escape her observation?When Congsong said that he was going to take away the Yaodan, Xiaobao had a sneaky talk with Congsong for a long time, and he didn't need to think about what this little money fan was doing, "Okay, let's get back to business, it's not too early for a month , I am going to leave here to meet the Demon King and the others, and I will leave in a while."
"Ah? So fast?" Xiaobao opened his mouth, hesitantly looked at the confiscated demon pills, and exhaled, "Master, Xiaobao will go out with you."
"Will you give up your demon pill?" Ren Ling smiled.
"Master first." Xiaobao was very sincere now.
"No need," Ren Ling shook his head, "I'm going to find the Demon King and the others right away. You'd better stay in Moyujian to avoid any trouble."
"Master," Xiaobao pursed his lips, turned around and faced the wall dejectedly, stretched out his claws and poked wildly, "Does the master despise Xiaobao?"
"How come?" Ren Ling laughed, "It's just that the Demon King and the others have never seen Xiaobao, so it's better not to go out."
"Shouldn't you come back to the place where you guys are about to meet, Xiaobao?" Xiaobao turned back quickly, blinking his eyes, "There are many monsters in the deep sea, and if you encounter a blood wolf whale again, Xiaobao can help."
Ren Ling couldn't hold back Xiaobao, so he finally agreed.
The master and servant left the Langyu Hall and returned to the Coral Corridor along the original road. The journey was quiet and normal.Out of the coral cave, before swimming far, I heard the faint singing again.
"Master, listen!" Xiao Bao tilted his head, "It seems to be coming from over there."
Ren Ling stopped and listened carefully for a while, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, "That's right, we thought it was coming from this coral cave, but we heard it wrong."
"Want to take a look?"
"No need," the smile deepened at the corner of his mouth, but a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes, "Xiaobao, fortunately we didn't really follow the sound to find it at that time."
Resolutely pulling Xiaobao back and forth, Lu swam quickly, Ren Ling silently withdrew his consciousness from a coral group far away, "This song is full of confusion, if you don't understand the song of the shark, you will be easily attracted. "
"Master, are you saying that it was really sung by the sharks? How could there be sharks here?" Xiao Bao whispered, "I know! It must be that the shark king is worried, so he wants to do something here. !"
"Eighty percent."
Ignoring the erratic singing voices following them from far and near, Ren Ling accelerated forward more and more.
If Senior Ninth hadn't taught her the skill of 'Shark Sound', she wouldn't be able to recognize it easily today. As for where she wants to use singing to lure her, what traps or who are waiting for her to be fooled, she is completely ignorant now. not interested.
Obtaining the Nine Shark Green Tears is considered to have completed the task of this trip, and now she is devoted to meeting Jin Chen, so she can ask if she can be released back to Xuan Dao Sect.
Her trip to the magic city should finally come to an end, right?I don't know what happened to Master?
Lost for a moment, it was not until Xiaobao grabbed her fast body that she suddenly asked, "Xiaobao, what's the matter?"
"Master, we're almost here," Xiaobao pointed to the front, "Xiaobao should go back to Moyujian."
Ren Ling rushed to the fork in the road where everyone parted that day, and found that Jin Chen and the three princes were already waiting at the same spot, and what was interesting was that Yi Zhi was also there, but his expression was quite embarrassed.
Seeing Ren Ling's arrival, Jin Chen raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and Ren Ling quickly glanced at Yan Zhi, signaling with his eyes that he had taken the Nine Shark Green Tears.The corners of Jin Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and he said politely to Yao Zhi, "It's really cheeky to ask His Highness to come in and help this king in person. The ancient cave mansion of the Nine Sacred Ancestors opened my eyes, but it's a pity that even though there are natural treasures, there are still people who have no chance. I can’t get it! I’ve been waiting to come here for a long time, it’s better to leave as soon as possible.”
Hearing these words, Yao Zhi's eyes flashed with arrogance at first, and then he seemed regretful, "In that case, please come with me, Demon King."
Soon after returning to King Shark's palace, King Shark and his son whispered a few words hastily, seeing Jin Chen handing over King Shark's order to say goodbye, they didn't stay any longer, and the central people sent them out.
"Zhi'er, are you sure they didn't find Jiuyi Qinglei?"
After the crowd dispersed, the Shark King still confirmed uneasy.
Yao Zhi nodded, and explained in detail how he secretly followed behind everyone to observe, skipping the part of being repaired by Jin Chen.
Shark King suddenly interrupted Yao Zhi with a sharp voice, "You said that woman entered the Langyu Palace? The three-headed lion king didn't stop her?"
Yao Zhi was taken aback by the angry question, and quickly replied, "The human woman probably used some kind of witchcraft to lull the three lion kings to sleep, that's why..."
The Shark King flicked his sleeves violently, "What is the cultivation level of the three-headed lion king, how could he say so easily?! Come on!"
The King Shark summoned his guards and told them to quickly stop the Demon King and others who had already been sent away, and then he glared at Yan Zhi, "You idiot! Then Jin Chen said, 'Even if there are treasures in heaven and earth, there is no chance The person still can't get it' doesn't mean he didn't get the Nine Shark Green Tears! I'm afraid something happened to the Langyu Palace! Come with the father!"
However, Jin Chen had long expected that the Shark King would soon find out that something was wrong, so he used a method to stun the escorting Sharks not long after he left, and led Ren Ling and the others back at full speed.When Shark King woke up, they were thousands of miles away.
"The demon king, the seal of the demon moon, the manzhu and the leaves, and the nine sharks and green tears have all been obtained," Ren Ling said straight to the point, "I don't know what tasks the demon king needs me to complete before he can let me go back to the Xuandao sect." ?”
"Are you anxious to go back?" Jin Chen raised his eyebrows.
"Naturally." Ren Ling smiled calmly.
Jin Chen was silent for a moment when he heard the words, "The king of Japan promised that as long as you insist on leaving the magic city after obtaining these three things, the king will not force you to stay. Why did Miss Ren say what she just said?"
Ren Ling smiled, she had thought about this question long after the Demon Moon Seal, it was quite interesting for the Demon King to ask, "The Demon King asked me to fetch three things, but I don't need these three things. Presumably it should be Do you want me to use these three things to do something for the Demon King? And what I want to do must be assisted by these three things? Is that right?"
"Miss Ren is indeed as smart as I thought." Jin Chen praised, "That's right, the three things were taken for one thing."
"whats the matter?"
Jin Chen didn't answer Ren Ling, but his urgency was no less than hers.After rushing back to the magic palace, he led Ren Ling to the bead field without even arranging a rest.
"Devil King, are we going to Juyou Valley?"
The familiar road made Ren Ling unable to bear asking again, this time Jin Chen smiled lightly, "That's right."
"Here," Ren Ling narrowed her eyes and looked forward. This is the place she told Bai Feng that night that looked like a gate, and Jin Chen led her through it. "Devil King, where are you going?"
"Just ahead," the bright daylight was blocked by the deep forest, and there was a chill around him, Jin Chen walked fast, circling in the dark mountain road, "Miss Ren, what I want to trouble you with is not complicated , I will explain it in detail later.”
Finally, she stopped in front of a cave, and Ren Ling looked around. She had followed Jin Chen for half an hour, and now it was about the deepest part of the mountain.
If her sense of direction is correct, she is already at least a few feet below the ground.
"The next journey needs to be completed by Miss Ren alone."
Jin Chen opened his mouth to call Ren Ling's attention, "Go straight from this cave, and you will come across a door. You put the Nine Shark Green Tears on the seal of the demon moon, and mobilize the power of the Manzhu essence in your body to inject it into the cave. Nine sharks are in tears. At this time, the seal of Yaoyue will reflect a light, so make sure that the light is aimed at the keyhole on the door. Do you understand?"
Ren Ling nodded. Although he had never done this before, it didn't sound complicated.
"What you need to pay attention to is that you have to open that door to complete this task." Jin Chen solemnly explained, "Your cultivation is limited, and it is very likely that you will exhaust all your spiritual energy to do this. force."
Ren Ling raised her eyebrows, "What about after that? If I open the door, what should I do next?"
"I don't need to let the girl take care of me from now on, and this king will also fulfill his promise to you."
Jin Chen paused suddenly, as if he had detected and sensed something, he hurriedly pushed Ren Ling towards the cave, "It's not too late, Miss Ren, let's go quickly."
Ren Ling was full of doubts at this moment, but Jin Chen's coercion made her walk forward almost uncontrollably.
Looking at the deep and long dark corridor, it seemed that there was a call that went deep into her heart calling her. She frowned and walked forward step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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