Immortal Journey

Chapter 212 Bai Feng and the Demon God

Chapter 212 Bai Feng and the Demon God

The corridor was deeper and farther than imagined, and it took almost another half an hour before reaching the end and seeing the door Jin Chen was pointing at.
This door made of black grindstone has a strange shape, with fangs depicting ghost faces on it, and the devilish energy is so strong that it almost covers the entire door.
In the very center of the door is a palm-sized copper block with a eye, inlaid with black jade, which should be the keyhole that Jin Chen mentioned.
Ren Ling looked at it carefully for a moment, then took out the Nine-Screw Green Tears and the Yaoyue Seal calmly, placed the Nine-Scream Green Tears on the Yaoyue Seal and spread them flat on the ground, then sat down cross-legged.
He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for half a stick of incense, and then slowly output a wisp of red and green manzhu aura from his fingertips, hitting the green tears of the shark.
The red and green aura lingers and circles several times in the transparent Nine Shark Tears, and finally enters into the green leaves, which seem to tremble slightly, emitting a very thin blue light.
Seeing this, Ren Ling quickly adjusted the direction of the Yaoyue Seal, guiding the blue light towards the keyhole, and the blue light was instantly absorbed by the keyhole, but there was no change.
"It seems that there is nothing wrong with this operation," Ren Ling thought, "The rest should be a matter of spiritual strength and time."
Withdrawing his spiritual power, Ren Ling looked at the dark door, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of place would be inside, what would be there?
Why did Jin Chen send her here in a hurry, but he didn't come in?If his ultimate goal was to get her to open the door, what about after that?Is it to release something inside, or does Jin Chen want to use this to get in?
After entering the cave, her spiritual consciousness was basically isolated, so she couldn't detect what was going on inside the door.
Forget it, according to Jin Chen's request, open the door first.
Ren Ling closed her eyes. All along, she always had a premonition of the crisis in advance. Although this mission was weird, she didn't feel bad. Even, there seemed to be an inexplicable urge to open this door in the deepest part of her heart. .
After adjusting the breath again for half a quarter of an hour, the spiritual power of the whole body reached its peak state, Ren Ling finally opened his eyes, and a thick red and green spiritual energy shot at Jiuyu Qinglei instantly.
The green leaf was stimulated, and turned into a blue light to shine on the keyhole, and it continued like this for a long time.
An hour, two hours passed.
Half a day, a day passed.
The keyhole was still shining with black light, but it didn't change because of the continuous blue light.
Ren Ling calmly continued to output spiritual power, and the black pupils on her white as jade cheeks were as calm as ink, and it was completely impossible to tell that the spiritual power in her body had been consumed by more than [-]%.
"Jin Chen once said that my cultivation is too low," Ren Ling thought to himself, "so it may take all his strength to open this door. I hope he didn't overestimate my ability."
As time continued to flow, the spiritual power in her body was lost bit by bit, and she frowned slightly. What if she couldn't open the door after all her spiritual power was consumed?
If it wasn't for the fact that Jin Chen has considerable confidence in getting along these days, she should have asked clearly before entering the cave, but thinking of the situation when Jin Chen hurriedly sent her into the cave, she probably wouldn't have had the chance to ask.
Sighing from the bottom of my heart, I moved my eyes to the black jade keyhole, "There is less than [-]% of the spiritual power left in the body, if you really can't open this door, go out and find Jin Chen before making plans."
After thinking about this, Ren Ling finally let go of the stone in his heart, calmed down again, and slowly increased the output of spiritual power.
A little, a little, a little, a little,
until exhausted.
It still doesn't work.
Ren Ling suddenly softened to the ground, and looked up feebly, the black jade keyhole remained motionless, just like when he came.I closed my eyes and rested for a while, then sat up weakly and straightened up, ready to adjust my breath to restore my state.
At this moment, when she heard a creaking sound, Ren Ling was startled suddenly, opened her beautiful eyes, and saw a thick black mist sweeping out from the crack of the door, almost at the same instant, her eyes were blackened by the mist , The whole fell into a coma!
When Bai Feng ran in, what he saw was the scene of Ren Ling being unconscious on the ground surrounded by a cloud of black air.
He hugged Ren Ling in shock, and found that the meridians in her body were empty. After a little deliberation, he knew that she must have been attacked by the devil's energy and fainted.
Injecting some spiritual power into the red baby ring on her wrist, he didn't let out a sigh of relief until the red baby ring turned slightly to dispel the devilish energy.
He took out the jade bottle from his bosom, poured out two red pills and fed it to Ren Ling, picked her up, and turned to leave.
"Since you're here, why don't you leave without seeing your old friend?"
Bai Feng squinted his eyes suddenly. Although the voice came from inside the door, it felt very far away, and the tone was so unquestionable that even his heart was hard to refuse.This feeling is not good, he raised his head, the corners of his lips were faintly bloodshot, in order to find Ren Ling, he had suffered a lot of injuries all the way, if he didn't return to the place where Chu Yi was waiting in time, both the master and the apprentice would have some troubles Danger.
"What? Haven't seen you for a long time, have you lost your courage? Don't you even dare to see me?"
Bai Feng paused, glanced at Ren Ling whose eyes were still closed, turned around and pushed the door open.
Inside the gate is a not-too-big hall, with a circular high platform in it, filled with a thick demonic energy, and a wild and flamboyant figure can be vaguely seen.
"Who are you? When did you know me?"
"Why?" The wild figure laughed deeply, "You know how to seal the exorcism into the depths of your consciousness, but you didn't seal the memory of me? Could it be that you don't even remember her? Haha, really yours."
Bai Feng frowned, "You drove that ghost boy just now?"
"Just take a moment to see how weak you are now."
In order to save Ren Ling, Bai Feng and Chu Yi arrived at Juyou Valley two months ago, and the hardships they have endured along the way are beyond description.Just before turning into the cave, I encountered the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Ghosts. Bai Feng recalled the thrilling process in the formation just now, his face froze, "Who are you?"
"With your intelligence, even if you don't remember me, you should be able to guess it, right?"
The wild figure turned slowly, Bai Feng stared, and found that the body under the devilish energy seemed to be engulfed in a sea of ​​flames and burned. He raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, "Could you be... the devil god addicted to the devil?"
"Sure enough, he's still smart." The demon god, Ji Motian smiled, "That's right, it's me, Motian."
Bai Feng's body stiffened suddenly, his pupils constricted as he stared at the wild figure. Demon addicted sky is the lord of the demon world. It is rumored that he was sealed under the Evil Suppressing Stone thousands of years ago. Although the shadow in front of him is not a real person, since he was sealed, he is How did you transmit your own image?
"You are from the demon world, and I am a monk from the human world. It should be that they don't know each other." He said neither humble nor overbearing. He didn't panic because he knew that the other party was a demon god. Instead, a strange thought came to his heart, and his tone There is also a hint of temptation in between.
"A monk in the human world?" The demon addicted sky laughed, "Have you never doubted why you are self-taught in all kinds of forbidden spells of immortality? Breaking the forbidden spell of immortality, the spell of absolute ring, and the spell of exorcising ghosts, these fairy spells Forbidden law is not necessarily well understood even by people in the real upper realms, but you use it as easily as you can, have you really not thought about the reason?"
"You mean..." Bai Feng stared blankly, even though he had doubts, he never thought about it in this direction!
"Okay, I don't want to say more about this." Demon addicted sky seemed a little upset, "Since you only remember the sealing technique, and you don't even remember me or even her, then you can think about it slowly. I'll tell you I’m not here to knock your teeth. I have something to return to you.”
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, the expression on the face of the wild figure under the demonic aura was hard to discern, but he could clearly feel the solemnity in his casual tone, and felt two golden lights flashing past, shooting into him almost unavoidably. And Ren Ling's dantian.
what is that?Bai Feng hurriedly looked inside, but there was nothing unusual in his dantian.
"It's no wonder you can see your broken cultivation base now!" The demon-thirsty sky snorted, "After you conceive, you will slowly fuse with your Nascent Soul."
"Fusion? What exactly is it?" Bai Feng frowned. The golden light was clearly visible, but it disappeared instantly after entering the body. Is it true that as Su Motian said, his cultivation base is too low to detect it?But this body is his own, how can there be such a ridiculous thing?
"I don't want to tell you now." Su Motian snorted, and his eyes seemed to fall on Ren Ling, "I said you, you guy, really impressed me, but why don't you even remember her?"
"Her? Are you referring to the apprentice Ren Ling?"
"Little disciple?" Demon addicted day laughed loudly, "That's right, let's be a disciple! You fellows have all changed inexplicably, but I'm still the same, so boring. Let's go, let's go." , come to me when you think about it, it’s too boring to talk to you now!”
"What's the relationship between you and the demon king Jinchen?" Bai Feng didn't leave immediately because of the order to chase away the guests from the demon addicted sky. In fact, he had too many doubts about all this.
"This is not important."
"You did everything possible to get the little apprentice to open this door, just to see us?"
"Meet us just to return our things?"
"You who have been trapped for more than ten thousand years," Bai Feng's lips curled up suddenly, "Are you a bit too free?"
"Why are you still so annoying?" Demon addicted sky snorted, "Don't think I'm doing it for you! If it's not for repaying her favor, you can slowly cultivate like a human for thousands of years before ascending!"
Bai Feng's expression changed, "You mean that golden light will help us ascend faster?"
"This is your thing! Idiot! Don't give it away!"
After finishing these words in a hurry, the figure of Qiu Motian gradually disappeared, and Bai Feng raised his voice, "I thought you wanted us to let you leave Zhenxie Stone."
"What?" The figure of Su Motian came back with a whimper, "You underestimate me too!"
"It's not wrong for you to be suppressed."
"That's my pleasure!"
Bai Feng shrugged, "I just want to ask, what's the matter with my apprentice not waking up?"
"Her?" Su Motian seemed reluctant to say more, "She will wake up naturally after she leaves here, don't worry. You..." After a pause, an invisible light and shadow suddenly shrouded Bai Feng from top to bottom, " Don't move around, I'll show you what's wrong!"

Bai Feng frowned, this feeling of being completely controlled made him very unhappy, "Let me go."

"Tsk tsk! Let me just say, how could you treat her..." Demon addicted sky shook his head, "See if I can help you."

I just felt that my mind suddenly fell into a void. When I suddenly woke up, there seemed to be something floating in my heart. Bai Feng wanted to catch it, but found it was very vague, "What did you do?"

"You will know sooner or later," the demon-thirsty sky waved his hand, this time he was really tired, "Maybe sooner, when you 'little apprentice' wakes up, remember to look into her eyes, and you will understand what I did What's up?"

 Thank you Guolu Libra, Fifth Young Master Nihua, Fifth Young Master Nihua for the pink ticket, please~~~^^
(End of this chapter)

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