Chapter 213 Go Back
After Bai Feng left, seeing that Ren Ling was still awake, he found a dry place and set up an isolation circle to help Ren Ling adjust his breathing and recover.
When Ren Ling woke up, he looked into those familiar clear eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "Master! Why are you here?"
Bai Feng smiled faintly, staring straight at Ren Ling, the last words that Su Motian said echoed in his mind.
Ren Ling's eyes are undoubtedly very beautiful, black and white are distinct, clear to the bottom, with a sense of innocence, as if looking at them will forget the worries of the world, and there is only the most primitive and simple happiness in the world.
What the hell did the Demon Lord mean when he said he forgot her?
Bai Feng thought hard, trying to find the answer in those moist eyes.
"Master, what's the matter with you?" Ren Ling was a little surprised to see that Bai Feng hadn't spoken. The way he looked at her was different from before, as if he was probing, as if he was looking for something through her. For some reason, he started to panic.
"It's nothing." Bai Feng seemed to wake up suddenly, "Ling'er, you just woke up, and your body is still weak. Let's adjust your breath first and recover."
Ren Ling nodded, sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, secretly performing exercises.
Seeing this, Bai Feng stepped back a little, and silently closed his eyes.
Just now, when I looked directly at Ren Ling, it seemed that something was different. It felt as if a certain hole in my heart had been opened, and there was a strange emotion penetrating through, as if something that had been buried for a long time had been uncovered. It made his heart beat a little involuntarily and uncontrollably.
Why is this happening?
He closed his eyes abruptly, unwilling to think deeply.
Half an hour later, Ren Ling recovered in a hurry, but when he opened his eyes, he found that Bai Feng seemed to be in a daze. Thinking of the strangeness when he first saw Master, he was quite puzzled, "Master, did something happen? ?”
"Huh?" Bai Feng suddenly woke up, "It's okay, Ling'er, since you have adjusted your breathing, let's continue on our way."
Ren Ling stood up, walked to Bai Feng's side, and raised a sweet smile, "Master, you haven't told Ling'er why you came here? Also, what happened after Ling'er fainted just now?"
Bai Feng smiled slightly, his unparalleled handsome face was full of gentle warmth, but when he looked at Ren Ling, he looked away unnaturally, "I came here with your elder brother, let's go first Join him and talk slowly after returning to Xuan Dao Sect."
"Brother is here too?!" Ren Ling was pleasantly surprised, but didn't notice Bai Feng's discomfort, so he pulled his sleeve and walked forward, "Where is he? Master, let's go!"
Bai Feng looked down at the little white jade hand on the sleeve, and frowned slightly, "Ling'er, wait a moment."
"someone is coming."
As soon as the words fell, a black shadow came across the sky, Jin Chen stood not far in front of them with his hands behind his back, his gaze passed over Bai Feng, and fell on Ren Ling's face, "Miss Ren, you have worked hard."
Seeing this, Ren Ling took a small step aside and stood in front of Bai Feng, "I have seen the Demon King, the door has already opened," suddenly remembering that Bai Feng hadn't told her what happened after she fainted, so she had to turn her head and look back. Hope, "Master..."
Bai Feng nodded lightly to her, looked at Jin Chen coldly and said, "The person who should be seen has already been seen, please rest assured, Demon King."
"That's good."
After Jin Chen finished speaking, he fell into silence, and after a while, he said, "So, I hope that the two of you can ascend as soon as possible, so that you can come to rescue my master. If you return to Xuan Dao Sect, you can leave directly from my teleportation array. It is the token of the teleportation array, if you want to come here in the future, you can also use that teleportation array directly."
Two bright lights flashed across, and Ren Ling and Bai Feng each held a token in their hands.
Ren Ling was very confused, "Demon King, what did you mean just now?"
Jin Chen raised his eyebrows, pursed his thin lips, and silently glanced at Bai Feng, "You just need to know, fellow Daoist Bai. It's getting late, so I won't send the two of you away."
Ren Ling felt confused, the joy of seeing her master made her feel so at ease that she unconsciously ignored too many things, Bai Feng's indifferent response to Jin Chen's inexplicable words made her feel full of doubts.
During her period of coma, it seemed that some very important things happened to her that she didn't know.Is it because Master is not suitable to speak here, or is he unwilling to speak?
Does the ascension that the Demon King refers to refer to her and Master?Who is the master in the mouth of the devil?Why should they go to the rescue?How could Master appear here so precisely?
Hesitating to speak but looking at the fast-moving Bai Feng, Ren Ling finally couldn't help but say, "Master, Ling'er wants to know."
Bai Feng raised one eyebrow amusedly, and stopped lightly to look at the rare and stubborn disciple, that serious expression was so familiar that he felt inexplicably at ease.
In the past three years, he has been looking forward to such a moment in his spare time.
However, everything was not as he expected. There were so many changes during this period that he felt overwhelmed, not to mention Ren Ling who was kept in the dark.
"Ling'er, as a teacher three years ago, I worshiped the old man of Tianji as a teacher, and learned the magic calculation of Tianji."
"Ah!" Ren Ling opened his mouth wide, pulled Bai Feng's sleeves, and shouted in disbelief, "Master, don't you believe that Tianji is calculated by God? Besides, didn't Grandpa Tianji say that you can only learn it if you have the root of wisdom? Yay! No! The most important thing is, Master, you started after Ling'er, are you considered as Ling'er's in seniority... Cough cough," coughed for a while by the thought of jumping, and said no with a flushed little face The word "Junior Brother" comes out.
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, with great momentum, he patted Ren Ling's shoulder leisurely, and asked, "What is Ling'er's? Huh?"
Ren Ling had never seen such a master before, as if expecting her to make a fool of herself, she stuck out her tongue and said, "Master Ling'er! Master, why do you want to learn magic calculation?"
"Isn't it to save you?"
"Ah?" Ren Ling was dumbfounded, "Master, don't you come here to find your apprentice by learning the divine calculation? Could it be that you were the one who found the apprentice just now?"
"Otherwise, what's the use of that thing besides measuring it to help reasoning results?"
Ren Ling fell down in an instant, swallowed hard, and looked at Bai Feng who still had a lot of disdain for Tianji's magic in his bones, wondering whether Grandpa Tianji would be so angry that his master would blow his beard and stare.
However, if the master can find her through the divine calculation, presumably, his attainments in this area have already surpassed her, at least her current ability is not enough to do this.Hey, I couldn't help but feel a little depressed when I thought of this, but I soon became excited again, Master!Of course it is the most powerful. With such a master, the disciples should feel proud.
"What are you thinking about?" Bai Feng pulled Ren Ling towards the corner. After three years of not seeing this little apprentice, he still has the problem of being distracted. It feels... so good.
"Master, what did the demon king Jinchen mean just now? Who is his master?"
Bai Feng frowned, and said softly, "The Demon God is addicted to Demon Heaven."
"The demon god is addicted to the demon sky?" Ren Ling covered his mouth, "Although they are both demons, they are from different realms! Besides, the demon god has not been suppressed under the evil stone for more than ten thousand years, so how could Jin Chen be with him? Intersection?"
"Jin Chen is not a real human being." Bai Feng thought deeply, this point was guessed by Tianji at the beginning, and the two of them tried to calculate it many times in the past three years, and the final calculation result did point to this point.
"Master!" Ren Ling suddenly remembered that he had counted once when he knew Jin Chen, and the result of that time ended without a problem, could it be the reason? "Then what is he...?"
"My teacher guesses that he may be a 'human' created by the demon god with his own essence and blood through some kind of magic. He has part of the demon god's ability, and also inherited some of the demon god's memory," Bai Feng recalled the appearance of the demon addicted sky, Frowning, "Perhaps it can be regarded as a pawn left by the demon god in the human world."
"Chess piece?" Ren Ling repeated Bai Feng's words, and suddenly became a little confused, "What about the three princes? Could it be that they were also made by the demon god?"
Bai Feng shook his head, "From their situation, it's unlikely."
"Is that so?" The three princes' expressions of respect and love for Jin Chen appeared in their minds, and they couldn't help feeling sad. Would they be sad if they knew that they were not Jin Chen's own?
"Ling'er," Bai Feng led Ren Ling through the last mountain road, and saw Chu Yi's anxious figure in the distance, "Look."
"Little sister!" Chu Yi screamed and ran over almost as soon as he saw them, grabbed Ren Ling's shoulders and spun around several times, "But I miss you so much! Listen to what Big Brother said! It’s all right now, let’s suffer outside alone!”
"Brother!" Ren Ling's face flushed instantly, remembering that she secretly ran to find Bai Feng, "Ling'er finally came back, so don't laugh at me!"
Chu Yi laughed heartily, put Ren Ling back on the ground, and took a deep breath, "I finally found you now, otherwise your master will definitely become a lunatic if this continues."
"Master?" Ren Ling blinked suspiciously.
Bai Feng frowned and reprimanded, "Yi, stop talking nonsense."
Chu Yi shrugged, shook his head and sighed, "Let's not talk about this now, Fengfeng, I'm afraid the way back will be a bit troublesome."
"Why, what happened to those puppets?"
"It's okay, let's give it up," Bai Feng pursed her lips, "Let's go back with the teleportation array provided by Demon King Jinchen."
"Him?" Chu Yi was puzzled, "How could he do such a good thing? Could there be fraud in it?"
"No." Bai Feng shook his head, "Let's go there first, it's not far from here."
The three of them hurried forward, and Chu Yi asked all the way, "Fengfeng, how could Jin Chen be so kind? We almost fell into his hands several times along the way! Let us take the little girl back so easily? Impossible! There is probably something wrong with the teleportation array, it's better to be careful!"
"The situation when we came here was not caused by Jin Chen," Bai Fengyi said flutteringly, without pausing on his feet, "It was the temptation of the devil god addicted to us."
"Devil God addicted to Demon Heaven!?" Chu Yi stammered, "You, what kind of joke are you talking about!"

 Thank you amylu for your evaluation ^^, please recommend~~

(End of this chapter)

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