Chapter 217

(Fan Qijiageng) "Mother is only in the Qi training stage, how can you play tricks on your father's Nascent Soul stage monk?" Ren Ruxue smiled slightly, "Of course you can only rely on the exercises taught by the Yin Lingmen Heck!"
"Cultivation technique?" Ren Ling was thoughtful, "Mother, isn't that technique limited by cultivation?"
"Mother didn't know that at the time. I just heard from the teacher that after practicing the third level of the exercises, you can use them across levels." Ren Ruxue recalled that she was one of the few who could reach the third level of the exercises at the ninth level of Qi training. People, so the sect valued her very much at first, so when they learned that she escaped from the sect and refused to practice double cultivation, they were angry and expelled from the sect, "Your father was very serious at that time, and he was full of concentration. It didn’t work, so it was only a moment of curiosity that I started to play tricks.”
At that time, Fang Yu came to Xinyue Town in search of a strange herb, and because he found out that the person who happened to have this strange herb was also looking for something in the underground black market, so he stayed and prepared to make further contacts.
Only then did Ren Ruxue have the opportunity to get along day and night.
It's just that after many contacts, the seller was unwilling to sell the strange grass easily, and if he really wanted it, he would have to exchange it for something.And there are very few things he asked to change, not only Fang Yu didn't have it, but even the underground black market was temporarily out of stock.
So, in exchange for the rare herb he had been looking for for a long time, Fang Yu decided to find what the other party wanted in person.
In order to ensure that nothing went wrong during this process, Fang Yu had to take Ren Ruxue with him when he had to obtain first-hand information on the underground black market from time to time.The reason is that Ren Ruxue can communicate with the underground black market through a unique method, which is unknown to outsiders.
Along the way, Ren Ruxue found it novel and interesting, and gradually understood Fang Yu's personality. The more she understood, the more amusing she found it, and she began to tease him with exercises from time to time.
In fact, with Fang Yu's cultivation base, how could he not see Ren Ruxue's careful thinking?It's just that he also knew that Ren Ruxue was pure and enthusiastic, but she was a bit mischievous because of her young age, so he tolerated her like a girl, and didn't tell her face to face.
Naturally, Ren Ruxue didn't know about this. She always thought that Fang Yu was as stable as a rock, so she became more unrestrained.
Of course, no matter how much she played tricks, she still knew how to measure, which was why Fang Yu followed her all the time.
It took them three months to finally find something for exchange, and they returned to New Moon Town together. Fang Yu also successfully got the strange grass that he had wanted for a long time, and was ready to return to Xuan Dao Sect.
At this moment, Ren Ruxue found that her heart had fallen on Fang Yu, but what could she do?
The huge disparity in levels made her dare not even think about the possibility of the two of them getting together, not to mention that after getting along for a while, Ren Ruxue knew better than anyone else that Fang Yu had no interest in Shuangxiu.
So, after deliberating in distress for a long time, Ren Ruxue decided——The Overlord bows hard.
In short, Ren Ling will never know how to cook the raw rice, because her mother's face is already blushing to the point of bleeding just at this point, and she explained a few words in a vague way, only saying that after success Then he left Xinyue Town and returned to Yanzhou Ren Mansion until today.
"Mother," Ren Ling listened intently, and could almost imagine the scene between mother and father at that time, and couldn't help sighing, "Mother's love for father touched my daughter very much. But, now that father is here, what are you going to do, mother? Can't, can..."
"Huh?" Ren Ruxue raised her eyebrows, "Do you have an idea?"
Ren Ling stuck out her tongue, turned around and hugged her mother, raised her face and smiled obsequiously, "Mother, why don't you follow daddy to Xuandaozong?"
Ren Ruxue was taken aback for a moment, this was something she had never thought of before, and said hesitantly, "Ling'er, this is impossible."
"Why?" Ren Ling looked disappointed, and held Ren Ruxue's hand, "Mother doesn't want to be with father and Ling'er?"
"Why wouldn't mother want to?" Ren Ruxue smiled calmly, "If it was possible, mother would not have left your father that day. It's not that mother doesn't know what kind of temperament he is, and a partner is the last thing he needs on the road of cultivation. of."
"Besides, although mother succeeded in establishing the foundation, her lifespan will last at most 200 years." Ren Ruxue shook her head and sighed, "200 years is just a blink of an eye for your father, and it may pass after a single retreat. How can you really be with your father?"
Ren Ruxue's words made Ren Ling fall into silence.
What mother said is indeed true, time is the most terrible enemy of a Taoist couple.This is also one of the reasons why most people who practice Taoism do not choose Taoist companions and live alone forever.
Taking a long breath to let go of his heavy heart, Ren Ling turned to ask, "Mother, haven't you told Ling'er how you succeeded in building the foundation?"
"Speaking of which, I have to thank my precious daughter." Ren Ruxue gently rolled up Ren Ling's jet-black and soft black hair, and pulled her to the side of the bed to sit down. I left a lot of magical artifacts, do you remember?"
Ren Ling nodded. She had succeeded in building the foundation at that time, and naturally she no longer needed the things she used during the Qi training period. She was also worried that it would be unsafe for her mother to be alone at home, so she kept everything she could.
"There's a foundation building pill inside!" Ren Ruxue laughed, "You girl, didn't you notice it?"
"Is there a foundation pill?" Ren Ling covered her mouth lightly, and said in surprise, "I really don't know, my child."
At that time, it was Xiaobao who moved things from the ancestor of Yinling, and it also completed the arrangement of the pills independently. After Ren Ling thought about it for a while, he really didn't hear Xiaobao mention the foundation pill.However, after thinking about it for a while, she understood the reason.
To Xiaobao, the Foundation Establishment Pill is not a great medicine at all!So it's normal not to tell Ren Ling specifically.
"There are three Foundation Establishment Pills!" Ren Ruxue raised three fingers and said with a smile, "If you still can't establish the foundation like this, then Mother is completely hopeless!"
"Mother, that's great!" Ren Ling was very happy in his heart. Mother's success in building a foundation meant that the two mothers would be together for a longer period of time.
Ren Ruxue sighed, "In order to spend more time with my precious daughter, I had to try anyway. Fortunately, I succeeded in the end."
"Mother," Ren Ling's pretty eyes rolled around, and she probed in a low voice, "Since the establishment of the foundation can be completed, maybe it will take time to form the alchemy. In this case, with Daddy..."
Ren Ruxue didn't refute this time, her eyes flickered, "Let's talk about it, mother doesn't know what your father is thinking. By the way, what is the relationship between those two young men outside and you? But my future son-in-law ?”
"What son-in-law?" Ren Ling blushed suddenly, "One is the eldest brother Chu Yi whom my daughter recognizes, and the other is Bai Feng, my daughter's master in Xuan Dao Sect, who is also Daddy's apprentice."
The mother and daughter separated for many years, and then chatted about each other's life in detail.
Fang Yu and Ren Ruxue left after a hasty meeting, and did not say when they would return. Ren Ling asked her mother, but she hesitated and refused to say more.Bai Feng also disappeared, but Chu Yi was left, and in just a few days, he subdued the entire Ren family.
Not only did Mrs. Ren like him very much, she kept shouting that she was blessed to have such a grandson, even the second aunt who had never been close to others looked at him differently, and was often amused by it.
It is not an exaggeration to say that Ren Ling is a glorious ancestor when he returned this time. He formed a golden core at a young age, which made the old lady Ren feel proud every time she thinks about it.Holding her hand every day to look at her, no matter how you look at it, how much you love this granddaughter, other relatives pop up out of nowhere, so that people come to visit every day, and people ask from the sidelines every day, and the life is very lively.
"Big brother."
One afternoon, when the old lady Ren went back to her room to rest, Ren Ling was sipping fragrant tea in the Wujiao Pavilion, and happened to see Chu Yi who had returned from outside, and hurriedly pulled him to sit down, "Master, where has he been? Why has there been no news?" ? Also, do you know about my dad’s news, big brother?”
"Your father, I don't know," Chu Yilang sat down with a smile, picked up a piece of nut and put it in his mouth, "As for Fengfeng, he left for the Yinlingmen a few days ago, sister, you never knew ?”
"What?" Ren Ling was taken aback, "Brother, what is Master doing at the Yin Lingmen?"
"Of course I will vent my anger on you, little sister!"
"No way?" Ren Ling thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Master, he is not such a person. If he really wants to vent his anger or something, he will tell me first."
"Tsk tsk," Chu Yi snapped away the plain fan, and tapped Ren Ling's forehead lightly, "Since when did the little girl become smart?"
Chu Yi collected his expression, and said in a low voice, "Didn't we take the sound transmission talisman that your second aunt sent to Yinling Gate for your younger sister Ren Qing that day? Later, we found out that many sound transmission talismans were sent to Yinling Gate one after another. , the eldest brother was curious and intercepted it for a while. Guess what the eldest brother saw?"
Ren Ling shook her head, how could she know?
"Conspiracy." Chu Yi snapped open the fan and shook it lightly, "Your second aunt and Ren Qing seem to have participated in the rebellion at the Yinling Gate, which sounds very consistent with the plan that Huang Hetian said, so your master will Sneak into the Yinling Gate to investigate."
Ren Ling's face turned pale. At that time she was trapped in Baihua Cave, Huang Hetian had told Zhong Yu about the plan in person, and she was confused and listened to it all.Unexpectedly, this matter has been brewing until now, but I don't know if the ancestor of the Huang family that Huang Hetian said has the ability to subvert the current Yinlingmen?
If talking about this, the ancestor of the Huang family probably belonged to the faction of the ancestor of the spirit, then... Ren Ling couldn't help but frown when she thought of this, she had no affection for Huang Hetian, and she would never tolerate the revenge of killing her.In this way, how to fulfill the last wish of ancestor Yinling needs to be carefully considered.
"Brother," Ren Ling stood up and said with a serious expression, "I'm going to visit the Yin Lingmen."
"Now?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows.
Ren Ling nodded hastily, "Yes, let me talk to my mother, and we'll set off now."
"Wait, brother will go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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