Immortal Journey

Chapter 218 Goodbye Ren Qing

Chapter 218 Goodbye Ren Qing
Just as Ren Ling was about to go to Ren Ruxue and tell her about her plan to go to the Yinling Gate, Fang Yu and Bai Feng came back together.
"what is this?"
Ren Ruxue looked at the white jade bottle that Fang Yu handed over, and raised her eyebrows in confusion.
Fang Yu said, "The elixir that unlocks the imprint of Yin-Yang Fruit."
"How is it possible?" Ren Ruxue took the bottle, opened the cap, and a burst of fragrance overflowed, "It is said that there is no antidote for the imprint of Yin Yang fruit, where did you come from?"
"Reverend Yangliu." Fang Yu looked at Ren Ruxue seriously, "You said that you don't want to follow me back to the sect because the yin and yang fruit imprint will limit your cultivation, even if you have good pills and exercises , and it is impossible to cross the foundation building period. Now that the problem has been solved, why don't you follow me and Ling'er back to live in Xuandao Sect?"
Ren Ruxue was speechless for a while, looking at Fang Yu with complicated eyes, and stood up abruptly after a while, "Let me think again."
It turned out that when Fang Yu saw Ren Ruxue that day, he straight to the point proposed the idea of ​​taking her to Xuan Dao Sect.Although Ren Ruxue was delighted, she did not agree after calmly thinking about it.
She told Fang Yu that although she was lucky enough to build a foundation now, her growth in cultivation would be restricted because she had planted yin-yang fruits with her two juniors when she was in Yinlingmen.No matter how hard she tries, she will at most linger in the foundation building stage in this life, and it is impossible to make further progress.
So she didn't want to leave Yanzhou, disturbing Fang Yu's life like this, it would be nothing but nothing, so why bother?
Fang Yu didn't take it seriously. Although he didn't have too much affection for Ren Ruxue, he didn't reject her. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for her to force her to do something that day.
He still remembered that Ren Ruxue disappeared after that night, and he also inquired and searched for it, but he returned to Xuandao Sect only after he failed, and gradually forgot about it.
However, Ren Ling's arrival almost jolted his memories, and the enthusiastic, laughing, and bold woman in his impression slowly came to life.
Having a wife and daughter may not be such a bad thing.
Even though he has always disapproved of the matter of the dual cultivators, and believes that the Dao of Longevity should be faced alone, but the world is impermanent, and he will not blindly persist when encountering such changes.
Cultivating the Tao pays attention to following one's heart, the most sad thing is the heart demon.
If he insists on ignoring his wife and daughter, it may also create a demonic influence on future breakthroughs.
Then it's better to let nature take its course. It can be said that the most deeply rooted thinking in his heart has not changed, but he decided to make some adjustments based on the actual situation. This is one of the reasons why he invited Ren Ruxue to return to Xuan Dao Sect.
Ren Ruxue and Fang Yu have different considerations on this point. Her cultivation is not high, and she doesn't have much hope for longevity. In addition, her temperament is self-willed and easy-going, and she is unkind to Taoist companions. The couple said that they never had paranoid thoughts.
Unable to pursue a bottomless longevity, her goal is to live a happier life in a short life.Ever since she decided not to double cultivate according to the requirements of Yin Lingmen, she knew that her cultivation base might not be able to surpass the Qi training period in her whole life, so when she met Fang Yu, she had the idea of ​​making a promise with her body.
Later, Ren Ling left behind the Jade Slip Technique and the Foundation Establishment Pill, and it took her nearly a year of hard work and repeated attacks three times before she successfully established the foundation. This was the final cultivation level she knew and accepted.
If the two juniors who planted the yin-yang fruit with her were unable to establish a foundation, then she would be drawn by the imprint of the yin-yang fruit, and it would be impossible for her to take even half a step forward on the basis of foundation establishment.
So although Fang Yu's invitation touched her heart, she did not accept it. Instead, she told him the truth about her situation and politely rejected him.Fang Yu left silently, but came back with the elixir that unlocked the imprint of Yin-Yang Fruit, which undoubtedly fueled her hope again, almost making her want to agree to return to the sect on impulse.Holding back the words in her mouth, she left in a hurry, wanting to think about it.
"Reverend Yangliu?" Ren Ling looked at the backs of her parents leaving one after another in amazement. Chu Yi and Bai Feng might not know, but she knew very well that Reverend Yangliu was the only elder of the Yuanying stage in the Yinling Sect. First, although Daddy is also in the Nascent Soul Stage, but he was able to get the antidote of Yin Yang Fruit from Master Yangliu in just a few days, which really makes people wonder how he did it.
"Fengfeng, why did you come back with Master?"
Bai Feng glanced at Chu Yi, and said in a low voice, "I met Master at Yin Lingmen, and he asked Master Yangliu for the antidote of yin and yang fruit, but the other party didn't know what to do, so Master repaired her and took the pill. come back."
"Repaired?" Chu Yi rubbed his chin and asked with a smile, "I remember that Master Yang Liu is the Nascent Soul cultivator with the highest cultivation level in Yinling Sect. I don't know what his actual ability is?"
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, "According to Master, it's okay. We fought for a day and a night. It will take at least a hundred years for Master Yangliu to recover."
"Hundred years?" Chu Yi exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Doesn't that mean that I have abolished her? Master has become more and more powerful recently."
"That's right," Bai Feng nodded, remembering the news he had inquired at the Yinling Gate this time, "The members of the Huang family have already started to play tricks secretly. Master has half-crippled Master Yangliu this time. Big obstacle."
Chu Yi's face froze, and he asked seriously, "Fengfeng, tell me about the Huang family's plan."
"The Huang family has set up a lot of hidden stakes in the Yinling Gate." Bai Feng and Ren Ling glanced at each other, "Huang Hetian is not the first, and of course he will not be the last. But judging from their current situation, if they want to overthrow the entire It's not easy for the Yin Lingmen. Although I don't know the reason, it can be observed from various clues that the Huang family is a little anxious, and I am afraid that there will be troubles in the near future."
Ren Ling frowned, "Master."
Chu Yi patted Ren Ling's hand, "Little sister, don't worry. Fengfeng, I have also heard some news these days. The Huang family has joined forces with some disciples who fled when the ancestor of Yin Ling was in trouble. Their strength is not weak. They There is a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage and several monks in the Core Formation Stage. If there is a head-on conflict, neither side will be able to reap the benefits. Now that the master has repaired an ancestor of the Yinling Gate, I am afraid that the Huang family will be more confident gone."
"Brother, Master, how did you know all this information?" Ren Ling finally couldn't help asking, these secrets must be hidden deep inside each family, and they have mastered [-]% to [-]% of them in just a few days. It made her very curious.
"Xuan Dao Sect's disciples are all over the world," Bai Feng smiled lightly, and explained to his disciples, "We have the most complete and dense information channels, and it's easy to find out about them."
Ren Ling suddenly realized, lowered his eyes and thought carefully for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and asked, "Master, can you understand the relationship between the people of the Huang family and the ancestor of Yin Ling?"
"Yes." Bai Feng understood Ren Ling's concerns, took out a sound transmission talisman and quickly sent it out, "Huang Hetian, Zhong Yu and Ren Qing have already established their foundations, Ren Qing is a little strange, he is the latest among the three to establish their foundations , and her cultivation method seems to be inappropriate, if you continue to practice, I am afraid that there will be no further progress in cultivation."
"Oh?" Chu Yi became interested, "This is interesting. Could it be that someone has already repaired her first?"
Bai Feng shook his head, "I don't know for now."
"She has received news of Ling'er's return, and she thinks she will go home soon. Huang Hetian and Zhong Yu will also learn about Ling'er's situation."
Ren Ling frowned slightly, remembering that Huang Hetian and Zhong Yu couldn't help recalling many episodes of his practice in the Yinling Gate, his heart was surging for a moment, and he let out a sigh of relief, "The one that should come can't be avoided. It's just how to do it, I haven't done it yet. decided."
In the evening, Mrs. Ren asked someone to invite Ren Ling and Ren Ruxue to the main hall because Ren Qing had returned.
Ren Qing is shorter than Ren Ling, with a pretty appearance, with a mature look in his eyes, because he built the foundation late, he looks much older than Ren Ling, like a young woman at 27 or [-].
After seeing Ren Ling, her eyes were full of surprise and excitement, and she hugged her arm tightly and said happily, "Mother said that when sister Ling came back, I didn't believe it, so I hurried back, I didn't expect it was really sister Ling I'm back! My sister is really happy!"
Ren Ling smiled lightly, pushed Ren Qing's hand away calmly, and did not speak.
Seeing this, Ren Qing's face changed as soon as he said it, and two lines of tears flowed down suddenly, looking miserable, "I went to Baihua Cave with sister Ling that day, but I didn't expect my sister and sister to disappear. My sister was sad for a long time. The cave refuses to leave, if the uncle inside the door insists on taking my sister away, my sister will definitely find her."
"Really?" Ren Ling looked directly at her, still smiling lightly.
That day when she was in the trapped spirit world, she heard every word Ren Qing and Huang Hetian said outside, but now Ren Qing's words made her even more disgusted from the bottom of her heart.
"Okay, okay! It's good that Ling'er is back," the old lady Ren walked forward with a smile, "Why are you still mentioning that? But Qing'er, you should learn from Ling'er, Ling'er has already formed a golden core , you are still in the early stage of foundation establishment, you are far behind."
When Ren Qing heard the words, haze flashed across his eyes, but he smiled humbly in an instant, "Grandmother, Sister Ling has always been a role model for Qing'er, and Qing'er will definitely practice hard to improve herself. However, Qing'er is very curious, but Sister Ling is What kind of good opportunity did you get to cultivate so quickly?"
Ren Ruxue frowned, quite displeased with Ren Qing's rude questioning, and was about to speak when she saw Ren Ling lightly pressing her hand, and stopped talking.
Ren Ling curled his mouth and looked at Ren Qing softly, "Ling'er is really curious. That day, Ling'er was looking for Qing'er, so she fell into the scheme of the gangster. Ling'er remembers very clearly, when Qing'er kept going The battlefield screamed miserably, and I don't know what happened?"
"What?" Mrs. Ren looked at Ren Qing puzzled, "Qing'er, didn't you say that you had been with other classmates before Ling'er disappeared?"
"I, I am, no, it's what Huang Hetian said about my sister's death," Ren Qing suddenly covered his mouth, widened his eyes in horror, and shook his head desperately, but the truth came out unconsciously, "I , I can be with Brother Zhong Yu, so, so..."
"You're crazy! What nonsense are you talking about?" The second aunt slapped her across the face and pulled Ren Qing aside, "Mother, Qing'er just came back and was so happy to see Ling'er that she was talking nonsense What! It's getting late, why don't we have dinner first and then catch up on the old days?"

(End of this chapter)

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