Chapter 219
Ren Ling didn't intend to expose what Ren Qing had done to her face, but saw her pretending to cover up, so she used a little trick to make her tell the truth for a while.
Seeing that the second aunt appeared, she stopped talking and stayed by her mother's side as a log.
Ever since the rumor of Ren Ling's death, Second Auntie's thoughts have been on the family. Although the Ren family is not a big cultivation family, in her opinion, the family is quite solid.Without Ren Ling, as long as Ren Qing builds the foundation, the old lady will not be able to pass on the family business to them in the end?
But she didn't expect Ren Ruxue to succeed in building the foundation strangely, which made her both shocked and angry, worried that the old lady would directly pass the family business to Ren Ruxue, and it would be difficult for her Qing'er to take over.
Fortunately, Ren Ruxue has kept a low profile these years, and she has never left Xinlan Garden, and the old lady has never mentioned the matter of inheriting the family business, which made her hopeful again, and only thought of ways to increase the weight of the second room. Code, so smoothly take over everything.
The second aunt knew everything about Ren Qing's participation in Huang Hetian's plan, and after thinking about it for a while, she strongly agreed with Ren Qing's involvement.Anyway, Ren Qing and Huang Hetian couldn't be separated, so they just played a good role in it. If something happened to Huang Hetian, would Ren Qing still worry about his future?
If one can become an important disciple of the Yin Ling Sect, the future will be bright.
It's a pity that everything is second aunt's selfish delusion, Ren Ling's high-profile comeback this time almost makes her sleepless nights.
Second Yiniang thought her mind was dark, but in fact Ren Ruxue had a clear mind long ago, and she didn't argue because she really didn't like the family property of the Ren family.But what Ren Ling left her at the beginning was no less than all the property of the Ren family, and she didn't have the intention to inherit anything at all.
The family banquet was successfully concluded with everyone having their own ideas. After the meal, Ren Ling walked to Xinlan Garden with his mother on his arm.
"Mother, Ling'er actually knows the way to get rid of the imprint of Yin Yang fruit."
"You mean the Haori bird from Baihua Cave?" Ren Ruxue remembered Ren Ling mentioning that her Yin-Yang fruit imprint was eaten by the Haori bird, so she said with a smile, "Actually, the matter of the Yin-Yang fruit imprint is just a I just mentioned it to reject your father."
"Mother," Ren Ling stopped, frowned slightly, looked at Ren Ruxue seriously and said, "Are you really so against going back to Xuan Dao Sect with Dad?"
Ren Ruxue smiled faintly, "Ling'er, do you know why your father asked your mother to kiss the Xuan Dao Sect?"
"Reunion for the family." Ren Ling thought stubbornly, but gradually murmured to Ren Ruxue's clear eyes, "Ling'er always thought that mother liked father, and mother always misses father sadly, why don't you live with father What about it? Although Dad may not be like Mother." She pursed her lips bitterly, since she knew that Fang Yu didn't have a deep impression of Ren Ruxue, she understood Ren Ruxue's heart better, "Mom, at least we are Together, we are a family. Families in the world also have life and death, that should not be fetters."
Ren Ruxue sighed, and hugged her daughter tightly, "When will my Ling'er grow up and become sensible? Mother is so relieved. Linger, if you think about it these days, mother, you won't be disappointed. "
When they arrived at Xinlan Garden, they found that Fang Yu, Bai Feng, and Chu Yi were discussing something in detail. The mother and daughter looked at each other and walked over quickly.
"Ling'er," Fang Yu first looked at Ren Ruxue meaningfully, and then called Ren Ling kindly, "The relationship between the Huang family and the ancestor of Yinling has been investigated."
"Father, is it true?" Ren Ling's eyes lit up, she seated Ren Ruxue, and quickly asked, "Can you tell Ling'er?"
Fang Yu nodded with a smile, maybe it was because of blood relationship, he liked this smart and lovely daughter even more, no matter how he looked at it, he thought it was good, "Feng'er, tell Ling'er carefully."
"Yes," Bai Feng sorted out the collected information in his mind, cleared his throat, and said, "The ancestor of the Huang family was just an ordinary disciple of the Yinling Sect at that time. Patriarch Ling revived the banner of Yin Lingmen, but in fact, she might not have even seen Patriarch Yin Ling herself."
Ren Ling nodded while thinking, "Master, thank you for inquiring about this news for my disciple."
"The most important thing," Bai Feng pursed his lips slightly, and continued, "The reason why I got the first-hand information so quickly is because there are already a group of people in the sect investigating the conspiracy of the Yinling sect. "
Before Bai Feng could tell Fang Yu about this, he saw Ren Ling and Ren Ruxue coming, so he said it at this moment, which immediately attracted everyone's expressions to look at him like a torch.
"The real Hongye is investigating this matter, the reason is unknown."
"Red Master Hongye?" Chu Yi frowned in confusion, and slapped his palm with his plain fan, "Isn't she ready to attack Huashen? How can she still have the mind to deal with such mundane matters?"
"Could it be..." Ren Ling tugged at his braid, "Is it because of the ancestor Yinling?"
She never mentioned the acquaintance between the ancestor Yinling and the real Hongye, and told what she knew, and asked suspiciously, "It is because I am worried about the Yinling gate created by the ancestor Yinling, so Hongye really Are talents involved in the investigation? But, as the eldest brother said, the real Hongye should have no time to care about it. Father, what do you think?"
Fang Yu shook his head, "It's hard to say, I'm afraid it's because of her. However, I'm afraid we will know why soon."
Bai Feng paused slightly, "Master, could it be that you have sensed the real Hongye?"
Fang Yu chuckled, and nodded approvingly at his apprentice's keenness, "We should be there in a quarter of an hour."
Sure enough, the real Hongye came soon, and after greeting Fang Yu and the others in a hurry, he directly explained to Ren Ling the purpose of his visit.
"Girl Ling, this deity has just returned from the Yinling's place," Hongye Daoist said, "You once said that Yinling's last wish is to restore the Yinlingmen, right?"
Ren Ling nodded, "Yes, the younger generation promised that the ancestor of Yinling would restore the original Yinlingmen for her. But the younger generation doesn't have the strength yet, so I'm really ashamed."
Daoist Hongye nodded slowly, what Ren Ling said was indeed true, and with her newly formed alchemy, she was still far from achieving Luo Yunling's goal.And this matter is a goal and a long-term task for Ren Ling, and she will work hard step by step.
"What if the deity helps you?"
After looking around at the crowd, Hongye Daoist said something surprising.
Ren Ling opened his mouth slightly, "Patriarch Hongye, what do you mean?"
Daoist Hongye smiled lightly, "Actually, I can't say that. It should be that this deity wants to ask you to help me restore the spirit gate for Luo Yan in advance."
"Luo Yunling is my dearest friend." Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Hongye Daoist said slowly, "Originally, this lord was planning to retreat and attack Huashen, but he was always concerned about the tragic death of Yinling in his heart, and gradually became a demon. If this matter is not handled properly, there will be no hope of impacting the gods, so starting a month ago, this deity dispatched resources in the sect to investigate the matter of the Yinling gate, seeking a way to recover."
Hearing these words, everyone nodded in understanding. It should be known that demons are extremely important when advancing, and it is normal for Daoist Hongye to do this.
"Elder Hongye already has a plan?" Fang Yu asked with concern about his daughter.
Daoist Hongye nodded, "Girl Ling, Luo Yinling has already passed on Qingyudie, Yinling's Lost Formation to you?"
"Yes, Patriarch Hongye."
"That's good, so we will be famous as teachers. It's much better than the reason why the Huang family's name is unfair."
"Old Patriarch Hongye," Bai Feng asked, "but doing so may cause a problem. We are members of the Xuandao Sect. Those who don't know may think that this is a fight between the sects."
Daoist Hongye agreed, "Feng'er is thinking about it. This is also what I am worried about, so I said that I will ask Ling girl to help me."
"Patriarch Hongye, do you mean to restore the Yinling Gate in the name of my younger sister?" Chu Yi frowned, "My younger sister is now a member of my Xuandao sect, I'm afraid it's not appropriate?"
"Yirling Ling used to be a member of the Yinling Sect," Daoist Hongye naturally considered all these things clearly, "For the Yinling Sect, Lingyatou is still a disciple of the Yinling Sect, but she is missing. At the time of her disappearance, Ling Yatou happened to acquire the mantle of Luo Yinling, the founder of the Yinling Gate. This is a fact, and it is also the basis for convincing everyone.”
"I don't agree." Ren Ruxue stood up abruptly with a slightly cold face, "Ling'er has only just formed a pill, so if she is pushed to the forefront like this, what should I do if things fail? How can Ling'er be independent at such a young age? bear?"
Ren Ling froze, stretched out his hand to hold his angry mother, and whispered, "Mother, this is Ling'er's responsibility, please don't do this."
"Ru Xue," Fang Yu stood up and comforted her, "With me here, there is no need to worry about this."
"You..." Ren Ruxue glanced at Fang Yu, "Ling'er is my daughter, of course I feel sorry for you! You, you..." She paused slightly, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she turned and left in a hurry.
Fang Yu smiled apologetically at Daoist Hongye, and left behind Ren Ruxue.
"Old Ancestor Hongye," Ren Ling smiled sheepishly, "My mother is worried about me, so don't worry about it."
Daoist Hongye shook his head, "It's fine."
"Can you tell me more about your plans?"
"There are two elders at the Yuanying stage in Yinlingmen. One is Daoist, she is a middle-stage Yuanying cultivator, and one of the four major casual cultivators. Disciple, one of the culprits who assisted the four major casual cultivators in invading the Yinling Sect. These two are the target of the deity, and they must die." Daoist Hongye said coldly, in order to avenge Luo Yinling, she had already made a comprehensive plan .
"As for the ten elders of the major peaks today, only a few of them were traitors back then, and they will also be eradicated together. The rest did not participate in the rebellion back then, so they can be forgiven."
Ren Ling was slightly startled, and thought for a moment, "Patriarch Hongye, how do you arrange the younger generation?"

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(End of this chapter)

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