Immortal Journey

Chapter 220 When Zhong Yu Met Bai Feng

Chapter 220 When Zhong Yu Met Bai Feng

"Young girl Ling, what you have to do is to use the Qingyu butterfly to set up a maze of spirits and defeat the head of Liuxiang, in the name of Zhenluo spirits."

Daoist Hongye said slowly that she had a comprehensive plan for all this, "Among the ten elders, only three elders including the head of the sect, Liu Xiang, were traitors that day. As long as they are dealt with properly, the remaining elders should take measures to appease them." Of the policy."

Ren Ling bit her lip, "Old Ancestor Hongye, I have just formed an alchemy not long ago, and there is still a certain gap in strength between the head of Liuxiang. I am afraid it will be difficult to win easily."

"There are ten elders at the Jindan stage in the Yinling Sect, and they will definitely not stand by. I wonder what the ancestor Hongye planned for this?" Bai Feng patted Ren Ling, and then asked a question.

"If there is turmoil in the Huang family, they will definitely lose a lot. Even if they forcefully expel the Huang family's rebellious party, the foundation will definitely be weakened. We don't need to rush for a while. When the time is right, we will definitely have miraculous results."

"The Red Leaf Patriarch means that the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind." Chu Yi clapped his hands and sighed, "After the two sides fight to the death, we will revive the prestige of the Kaishan Patriarch. Let those traitors feel it later. The taste of betrayal, good! Good! Good! Patriarch Hongye is very scheming, and Yi'er admires it."

"Girl Ling," Daoist Hongye smiled and turned to Ren Ling, "There is no need to worry too much about strength. The Huang family is expected to take action on the Yin Lingmen within a month, and our intervention may be delayed by a few days During this period of time, you can concentrate on practicing the Spiritual Lost Formation, and you don't need to worry about the rest of the matter for the time being."

"Old Ancestor Hongye, what about us?" It was about Ren Ling, and Chu Yi naturally regarded it as his own business, "What can I, Fengfeng, and Master do?"

"With your help, the chance of success is basically [-]%." ​​Daoist Hongye didn't intend to seek help from the sect, but now with the three major helpers, success is almost in sight, and he was in a good mood for a while. He said with a smile, "That's it, everyone's human feelings have been recorded."

The Red Leaf Patriarch left after explaining some specific situations and details clearly. Bai Feng and Chu Yi also left in a hurry. I had no choice but to focus on this first, and found an opportunity to hide in Moyujian, and train Qingyudie seriously.

A month passed quickly, and when Ren Ling came out from Moyujian, he found that the Ren mansion was extremely deserted, not only Chu Yi and Bai Feng were not there, even his parents were gone.

Send a sound transmission talisman to Bai Feng to tell him that he has left the customs, and then wait in Xinlan Garden.

In the end, after waiting for a whole day, instead of Bai Feng and the others, an unexpected guest came.

"Senior Sister Ling."

The slightly suppressed voice carried indescribably complicated emotions, the clear and dark eyes shone brightly, and the fair and flawless face did not lose half of its color due to the passage of time, on the contrary, it became more handsome and compelling.

Ren Ling sighed in his heart, he didn't expect Zhong Yu to break into Ren's mansion directly like this, his expression did not seem to be fake at all, but he couldn't move her.

Zhong Yu's angry cries outside the barrier could still be heard in his ears, but he still chose himself in the end, didn't he?Ren Ling can not blame him, after all, people are selfish, but they can no longer regard him as a friend.

"Friend Daoist Zhong, long time no see." With a calm smile, Ren Ling no longer referred to him as a junior.

Zhong Yu was taken aback for a moment, but then he smiled shyly, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. I am very happy that Senior Sister Ling has formed a golden core. Senior Sister Ling has been cultivating much faster than me, and now I have only just established a foundation. , It's really embarrassing."

"Young Daoist Zhong laughed."

"I..." Zhong Yu showed pain on his face, "Senior Sister Ling blames Yu for not helping me that day?"

"Don't talk about the past again," Ren Ling narrowed his eyes, "I don't know why Zhong Daoyou came here this time?"

"What's the matter?" Zhong Yu smiled wryly, "It's just that I heard that Senior Sister Ling had returned from a catastrophe, so I came here on the spur of the moment, it was abrupt."

Returning from calamity?Ren Ling smiled and said nothing more.

"Senior Sister Ling, are you planning to return to the sect when you come back this time?" Seeing Ren Ling's silence, Zhong Yu expressed his other intentions, "To tell the truth to my senior sister, I am afraid that the Yinling Sect will not be peaceful right now. It's better to go back."

"It's not peaceful?" Ren Ling raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Zhong Yu to report the letter. Isn't he worried that the leak would be bad for Huang Hetian?Or has the unrest already begun?Thinking of this, Ren Ling couldn't help but shudder, "Could it be that something happened to the Yin Lingmen?"

Zhong Yu shook his head, "It's still fine for the time being, but I'm afraid it won't be long. Anyway, if you want to go back, senior sister, don't be in a hurry."

"I see," Ren Ling straightened his face, "Thank you."

Zhong Yu was slightly happy when he heard the words, his eyes sparkled like ink stars, "Senior Sister Ling, don't you blame me?"

Ren Ling shook her head slightly, she just didn't want to get in touch with Zhong Yu again, as for being strange, it's out of the question.

"Then, that senior sister, after you return to the sect, you can fulfill your wish with me."

Ren Ling was quite surprised, but Zhong Yu stopped when he reached the edge of his mouth. He didn't say a word for a long time, but his face became more and more strange, so he could only ask, "What?"

"Just like before." Zhong Yu was a little uncomfortable, but he still said it bravely, "He Tian and Ren Qing have double cultivated, but I haven't yet"

Double repair?

Ren Ling suddenly understood the meaning behind Zhong Yu's words, and suddenly felt dumbfounded. He didn't care about the double cultivation of Ren Qing and Huang Hetian, and said, "You"

"Ling'er." The familiar clear voice interrupted her, and Ren Ling felt her shoulders tense, and she was embraced in a warm embrace. She raised her head and whispered in surprise, "Master"

Bai Feng put his index finger against her lips, and smiled like the wind, "This is?"

"Yes, I am Zhong Yu." Zhong Yu looked at Bai Feng in shock, his eyes became complicated and tinged with pain. It is normal for women to cultivate higher than men in Yin Lingmen, so he delusional to double cultivate with Ren Ling .

But now, this male cultivator in the late stage of alchemy not only makes him feel ashamed of his incomparable handsomeness, but also makes him, who is also a man, feel ashamed in terms of demeanor and demeanor.

Standing together with Ren Ling, he was a match made in heaven, so why should he be delusional?
With his legs trembling slightly, Zhong Yu held back the pain, "Senior Sister Ling, since this is the case, I will take my leave first, I wish you happiness."

Zhong Yu came as soon as he said it, and left as soon as he said it.

Ren Ling was a little puzzled, but the warm palms on her shoulders and the residual warmth on her lips disturbed her thoughts, "Master, where's the elder brother?"

"He still has something to do, come back later."

Bai Feng narrowed his eyes and glanced at the direction where Zhong Yu disappeared, with an elegant smile on his handsome face.After receiving Ren Ling's sound transmission talisman, he left the rest of the matter to Chu Yi, and immediately set off to rush back. Fortunately, he came in time.

"Oh," Ren Ling nodded, and briefly reported the progress of these days, "Master, from Zhong Yu's tone just now, it seems that they haven't started to do anything yet."

"It should have happened in the past few days," Bai Feng led Ren Ling out, "Ling'er, let's find a place to see your Spiritual Lost Formation for Master."

The most powerful part of the Lingling Mitrace Formation is that it has the assistance of a group of Qingyu butterflies who are gifted with the formation of formations.If one only artificially wins through advanced and complex formations, it will be difficult to achieve a low-level versus high-level, outnumbered fighting style.

Ren Ling began to practice the Enchanted Spirit Formation during the Qi training period. Apart from her extraordinary talent in the formation, she and Qing Yudie had an indelible intimacy almost from the beginning of their cultivation.

Both of these are of great benefit to her practice of the Lingling Lost Formation.

Therefore, when Patriarch Hongye asked her to defeat the head of Liuxiang through the Enchanted Spirit Formation, what she was worried about was not her lack of proficiency in the Enchanted Spirit Formation, but actually her mastery of the Enchanted Spirit Formation. She has already been proficient to the realm of returning to the truth, and with the improvement of her cultivation base, her comprehension in various formations has allowed her to master this formation thoroughly.

However, the head of Liuxiang is already a monk in the middle stage of alchemy, she has only formed alchemy not long ago, and there is indeed a huge gap in strength, so she is worried that she will not be able to complete the task.

"Ling'er, let's start."

Bai Feng led Ren Ling to a wide flat ground, and casually laid a barrier, standing upright against the wind, with his clothes fluttering.

"Yes, Master."

Standing opposite Bai Feng, Ren Ling took a breath calmly, and raised her hand lightly. In an instant, hundreds of Qingyu butterflies flew around her side, reflecting that petite and delicate face like spring flowers and black as dots. Mo's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and he disappeared into the mist in the sky.

Bai Feng pursed his lips slightly, quite satisfied with the formation formed by his apprentice in an instant, because even he couldn't determine how Ren Ling disappeared in an instant.I thought to myself that it is not empty talk that the ancestor of Yinling used to make the Yinling sect shine among the three schools and three sects by virtue of the Yinling lost trace array.

Master and apprentice come and go. From a distance, colorful butterflies are floating in the mist, and the two snow-white figures are flickering. Sometimes the speed is as fast as lightning, and sometimes it is leisurely and slow. family walk.

If a mortal sees it, he will definitely feel that it is a fairy in the sky, a beautiful illusion.

If a monk below the alchemy stage sees it, he will move away at least several tens of feet without thinking about it, because the endless pressure is like a wave rushing in all directions, and it is best not to die from internal injuries in the aftermath of the battle Evacuate immediately.

Ren Ling did his best in this battle, and made no reservations at all to bring out his comprehension of the Enchanted Spirit Formation to the extreme. In addition to the massive killing moves, he also used various unpredictable and strange formations, Even Bai Feng had to shudder and fight with all his strength.

What he had to do was not just to test Ren Ling's ability.

First of all, he must attack the weakness of the Yinling Misty Formation from various angles and possibilities, so that Ren Ling can have a deeper understanding of his own weaknesses in a short period of time, and learn to face the powerful Majestic endless powerful offensive.

Secondly, he also needs to observe the main points of the Lingling Lost Formation, and try to further improve the whole set of formations.

Ren Ling was definitely no more worried about challenging Liuxiang than Bai Feng, so he would do his best to make the most complete preparations for his apprentice.

His handsome eyes locked tightly on the pretty figure who was concentrating on it, revealing a very faint... some kind of emotion that he could hardly detect himself.

(End of this chapter)

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