Immortal Journey

Chapter 226 Enmity Between Life and Death─Huang Hetian

Chapter 226 Enmity Between Life and Death─Huang Hetian

Huang Hetian straightened his waist, but his eyes flickered slightly, and he hardly dared to look directly at Ren Ling. He tried his best to hide his trembling body. I hide here and there so that the senior sister is easy to find. Seeing you now, it seems that the senior sister is not very welcome?"
"Hide, hide?" Huang Hetian's face turned pale, his expression flickered in panic, "Sect Leader Ren's words are serious."
"Isn't it?" Ren Ling stroked her hair on her ears and temples, "First, I was given the task of going out on patrol, but it's a pity that the recent patrols can only be carried out by disciples who have at least the middle stage of foundation establishment and above. Then I asked the disciples in the sect who were the least willing to go The task you are doing - guarding the Moon Night Grass in Meteor Bay, must be for the purpose of prohibiting the gatekeepers from entering and leaving at will within one year during the Meteor Bay mission?"
"You, you know?" Huang Hetian twitched his lips, "You follow me? It was you who raised the condition for patrolling the ground to the middle stage of foundation establishment? It was you who ordered the Moon Night Grass in Meteor Bay to be within three months. Needless to look after?"
"Junior Brother Huang, how can I have such leisure time?"
Ren Ling smiled softly, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, why don't we find a quiet place to catch up?"
"No, I don't want to go! I still have something to do, I'll take a step first," Huang Hetian turned around to leave, but found that he couldn't take a step no matter what, "Let go, let me go."
"He Tian?" Ren Qing happened to come here at this time, first saw Huang Hetian who was sweating profusely, and was puzzled, then saw Ren Ling who was quietly standing behind smiling, his face turned blue, "Sister Ling, you, Did you come to look for He, to look for your sister?"
"I'm looking for, of course, Junior Brother Huang."
"Qing'er, save me," Huang Hetian grabbed Ren Qing's hand like a drowning man and hurriedly said, "Master Ren wants to take me away, Qing'er!"
"Sister Ling," Ren Qing stood between Huang Hetian and Ren Ling, stretching out his arms, "Please let He Tian go, sister please."
"Shall I let him go?" Ren Ling's voice was soft and weak, "Then why didn't he let me go then?"
"Back then, he was just a young man. Sister Ling, your lord has a lot. For the sake of your own sister, why don't you spare He Tian?" Ren Qing's eyes turned red, and he pulled Ren Ling's hand forward, sincerely.
Ren Ling silently pushed her away, still smiling peacefully, "My own sister? My own sister will help outsiders to frame my sister, or even die for my own selfishness? Ren Qing, the relationship between you and my sister was lost in the sleepy spirit formation that day. It's completely over, if you don't want to make fun of yourself, please get out of the way, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."
Ren Qing's legs softened, never expecting that Ren Ling knew about it at the time, "Ling, sister Ling..."
"I don't have a younger sister like you, please call me head." Ren Ling brushed Ren Qing away, not wanting to talk nonsense, grabbed Huang Hetian by the collar and wanted to fly away.
But Ren Qing tightly hugged Huang Hetian's arm and didn't let go, "Sister Ling, no, head, if you want to take Hetian away, take me too."
"Since you insist on this, then come together."
Ren Ling glanced at the two of them coldly, flicked his long sleeves, and flew away in an instant.
About half an hour later, Ren Ling took Huang Hetian and Ren Qing to stop on an empty mountain, and raised his hands to set up a protective cover, "It's quiet enough here, so I can have a good time with the two of you."
Ren Qing and Huang Hetian leaned on each other, retreating timidly, Huang Hetian mustered up his courage, and knelt down with a thud, "Master Ren, it was my fault that day, please forgive me for a momentary mistake."
"Yes, it's our fault," Ren Qing was so frightened that tears flowed down his face. Although Ren Ling didn't speak, the raging coercion along the way caused her to burst into pain, "Master, please forgive us!"
"I'm curious, how can I explain the 'temporary loss' referred to by Junior Brother Huang?"
Ren Ling folded his arms around his chest, and looked at the two in front of him calmly and indifferently.
Huang Hetian heard the words, and hurriedly said, "I made a mistake at the time. It was really just to unravel the imprint of Yin Yang fruit with my senior sister. Who knows, who knows..."
"Really to unlock the imprint of Yin-Yang Fruit?" Ren Ling sneered, "How do I remember you telling Zhong Yu that there is no solution to the imprint of Yin-Yang Fruit in the world? Could it be that I got it wrong?"
Huang Hetian's face was pale, and he quickly glanced at Ren Ling, and his heart skipped a beat. He thought that it was because Ren Ling heard the conversation between him and Ren Qing outside the trapped spirit array that day because he was still alive at that time.Not long after Zhong Yu came, he saw with his own eyes that his Yin Yang fruit imprint had been removed, which should mean that Ren Ling had died, so Ren Ling shouldn't have known about his conversation with Zhong Yu.But on second thought, I wish I could slap myself immediately, because I was so afraid that I forgot that Ren Ling was living well in front of him now, how could he live and die in the trapped spirit array that day?For a moment, my mind was confused like a paste, "Master, Senior Sister, actually, actually, it was your sister who begged me!"
"He Tian? What are you talking about?" Ren Qing raised her teary eyes in confusion.
"It's you, it's you! It's you who begged me to double cultivate with Zhong Yu, and let me get rid of your sister for you!"
Huang Hetian's eyes suddenly turned red, and he grabbed Ren Qing and pushed him forward, "Senior Ling, your sister has been jealous of you since she was a child, and she wished you could be wiped out to inherit the Ren family business. She, she and her mother have communicated with each other long ago. It's not good for you in secret! After you died, they were still thinking about how to get rid of your mother, this statement is absolutely true, Senior Sister Ling, you must believe me!"
"You're talking nonsense!" Ren Qing's eyes widened in disbelief, and he stretched out his index finger and pointed at Huang Hetian tremblingly, "I didn't know when you harmed my sister! You lied to me that you could remove the Yin-Yang fruit imprint, Sister Ling, No, head, he lied!"
"What you and your mother planned is always true!" Huang Hetian didn't care so much, the coercion Ren Ling unleashed inadvertently made his mind confused with fear, and his whole body trembled, "We're going to die together!" He slammed Hugging Ren Qing's neck tightly, Hong stared at Ren Ling, "Anyway, she is your sister! Even if you are damned, you dare to do it in front of Mrs. Ren, right? As long as you let me go this time, I will Let her go. Otherwise, if she dies, she will die first!"
Ren Qing twisted her body, but found that Huang Hetian was shackles that made her weak all over, "Hetian, are you crazy? It was a waste of my sincerity to you, what have you done to me?! Sister Ling, don't believe him, he even He lied to you, he is a big liar!"
Ren Ling took a deep breath, from the time they met to now, she had only spoken a few words, Huang Hetian and Ren Qing had already turned into such a mess, which made her feel very chilled.
"Ren Qing, tell me about your plan with your mother."
Her voice was cold and soft, but there was an irresistible coercion. Ren Qing shivered, and told the second aunt's thoughts about wanting to be the head of the family all these years, and then burst into tears, "Sister Ling, I Mother is confused, so don't blame her. She is doing it for my own good, if you are angry, you can turn on me. My mother dare not really hurt my aunt, really!"
Ren Ling let out a sigh of relief, and silently shifted his gaze from Ren Qing to Huang Hetian.
"When did Junior Brother Huang know everything about my Renfu?"
Huang Hetian looked at Ren Ling in horror, and found that she didn't seem to be too much annoyed by Ren Qing, knowing that her provocations hadn't worked, so she gritted her teeth, "Ren Qing's life is in my hands, and today a life is worth a life! If you don't want to be ashamed of the ancestors of the Ren family, let me go today!"
"You really have nothing to fear," Ren Ling chuckled, "Unfortunately, I'm no longer interested in playing games with you. Huang Hetian, you almost killed me in the Baihua Cave that day, and your heart can be punished! Let go of Ren Qing and I can let you die Be happy, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."
"Let her go?" Huang Hetian smiled distortedly, "You're dead anyway, you have to be a backstop! Ren Ling, it's no good for you to offend me! My grandmother Huang Fengxian won't let you go!"
"Huang Fengxian?" Ren Ling rubbed his ears, "It sounds really scary, but I'm afraid you won't be able to see that scene. Huang Hetian, everything that happened today was caused by you, and you are to blame for everything!"
As soon as Ren Ling's voice fell, Huang Hetian had no time to react, and just watched himself turn into pieces!
Ren Qing only felt a light weight on his body, and fell to the ground before he could react. Looking back, where is Huang Hetian's figure?The scattered fragments made her shrink back suddenly in fright, "Sister Ling, He Tian, ​​He Tian..."
"What? He can kill me, but I can't take revenge?" Ren Ling smiled and looked at Ren Qing with an unpredictable expression.
Just now she used the heart-eating curse to stimulate the heart-eating ant powder planted in Huang Hetian's body back then, causing him to explode and die instantly. In order not to harm Ren Qing, she also set up a protective shield.
What Ren Qing refuted just now is basically true, and Ren Ling already knew what she and her mother were thinking.After all, they were blood relatives, and Ren Qing hadn't really hurt her, so...she didn't bother to fix her.
Looking at Ren Qing who was shivering with narrowed eyes, Ren Ling sighed in his heart, even if she let her go, Ren Qing might not live long.
If she was not mistaken, Huang Hetian played tricks on Ren Qing, otherwise it would be impossible to restrain her easily.
Gently flicking his fingers, a streak of spiritual power penetrated into Ren Qing's meridian, Ren Ling searched for a moment, then frowned slightly, "Ren Qing, you go back."
Ren Qing was startled, and raised his head excitedly, "Sister, are you willing to let Qing'er go?"
Ren Ling waved his hand and said indifferently, "From now on, I can do it for myself."
"Yes! Qing'er knows! Thank you sister Ling, no, thank you for not killing me!" Ren Qing cried again and again, seeing Ren Ling sprinting away from the distance, looking around blankly, she couldn't believe that Huang Hetian was like this died.However, thinking of Huang Hetian's nonsense to her before he died, his teeth itch with hatred. After thinking for a moment, he finally turned around and ran away quickly.

It was late in the evening when Ren Ling returned to Ren's mansion. He met his parents in a hurry, and discussed the matter of leaving for Xuandaozong the next day, but Chu Yi gossiped and pulled him aside, "Little sister, tell big brother quickly How did you take revenge, but refreshingly?"

(End of this chapter)

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