Immortal Journey

Chapter 227 Returning to the Xuandao Sect

Chapter 227 Returning to Xuan Dao Sect

After listening to Ren Ling's description, Chu Yi couldn't get enough of it. On the spot, he listed at least five ways to make Huang He's life worse than death and then die later. Ren Ling, who was speechless, and Bai Feng who simply closed their eyes and meditated, smiled and said, "Okay, it's not bad to make that guy blow himself up in an instant, girl, you're just a matter of concern. As for other methods, I will show you next time I have a chance." show you."
Ren Ling smiled, "Thank you first, brother. By the way, did the real Hongye leave anything for me before leaving?"
Daoist Hongye returned to the Ren Mansion with Fang Yu, and then left early, saying that after returning to the sect this time, he would retreat and try to advance.Ren Ling thought of the ancestor's last wish, and couldn't help but thank Daoist Hongye for his help. Otherwise, it would take at least a hundred years before she would have the ability to restore the Yinling Gate.
"No," Bai Feng opened his eyes and smiled as warmly as water, "She's done with her mind, and now she's in a peaceful and natural mood, as if she's in a state of transcendence."
"That's really a good thing. I hope that there will be another ancestor who has transformed into a god in the sect as soon as possible." Ren Ling smiled happily, with a warm heart.
"Hua Shen!" Chu Yi stretched his waist greatly, and turned his eyes back and forth on Bai Feng and Ren Ling twice, "It seems that it is time for me to practice and advance, otherwise, sooner or later, I will be given by my little sister." Chaoyue, at that time, it would be embarrassing. I plan to say goodbye to my parents after returning to the sect, and go out for a trip. Fengfeng, little sister, what are your plans?"
"I'm going to retreat," Bai Feng pondered for a moment, "There are faint signs of a breakthrough today, and I will try to conceive a baby after returning to the sect."
Ren Ling and Chu Yi opened their mouths wide at the same time, "Master, congratulations, Master!" His eyes were like lit stars, and the corners of Ren Ling's mouth were curved. Even if you stay for more than a hundred years, it is difficult to make a breakthrough, "I wish Master a successful baby birth as soon as possible."
Chu Yi, on the other hand, seemed to be stupefied. After a short while, he suddenly grabbed Bai Feng's hand and asked in doubt, "Fengfeng, are you okay? Is your physique too strange? You just entered Bai Feng about ten years ago. In the late stage of alchemy, how could it be possible to attack infant formation in just ten years? You must know that infant formation is no different than alchemy formation, once you fail, the consequences will be worrisome. Do you want to ask your master for advice?"
Bai Feng smiled, knowing Chu Yi's worry, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Yi, I know my own situation, so don't worry. If it doesn't work, I will stop decisively. Master is a newlywed, so don't bother It's good for him to be an old man."
Chu Yi still frowned slightly, looked at Bai Feng for a moment, and let out a sigh of relief. He knew that Bai Feng was a person who would only do it if he was sure. Even though he was worried, he still trusted him, "Be careful in everything."
Bai Feng smiled elegantly and nodded slightly.
In fact, not to mention Chu Yi, even he has doubts about the fact that his cultivation speed is many times faster than ordinary people. Ever since he met the demon addicted sky, some unbelievable scenes will appear in his mind from time to time. Sometimes it's some kung fu tips, sometimes it's some medicinal pills, and there are all kinds of strange situations that bother him.
And since then, he has found that his golden core is continuously consolidating and refining itself almost every moment, and the sign that it is about to move is clearly that it is about to break through.
Eyes fell on the disciple's face who was first surprised and then worried, Bai Feng smiled deeper, "Let's go, it's almost time to go."
After returning to Xuan Dao Sect, Fang Yu wanted to set up a banquet to entertain guests from all parties. One was to officially announce that he and Ren Ruxue had become a couple of dual cultivators, and the other was to clarify Ren Ling's parent-child status. Unfortunately, Ren Ruxue firmly opposed it. Ren Ling, who seldom refuted the elders' opinions, also stood by Ren Ruxue's side. With the unanimous position of the mother and daughter, it was finally changed to a simple gathering that only invited elders from various peaks in the sect and some close friends.
Although there were not many people, it was lively and lively, and we had a lot of fun.At the party, Ren Ling received many gifts from the elders of all parties. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as making a lot of money.
It wasn't until half a month later that the atmosphere of celebration gradually subsided.
In order not to disturb the life of his parents, Ren Ling went back to his original cave to stay in except for the first few days. Looking back on his experience from the magic city, the improvement in cultivation was much faster than expected. However, he has never had time to consolidate his cultivation realm with peace of mind, so he made up his mind to choose a day to retreat, and earnestly comprehend the key points of various exercises learned during these days.
After making up his mind, Ren Ling rushed directly to Baifeng Cave Mansion, because he knew that he would also retreat in a few days, thinking about reporting to Master.
"Ling'er, you have adjusted your breath and practiced Qi these days, but have you noticed that the golden core is different?"
After listening to Ren Ling's words, Bai Feng pondered for a moment, then asked.
Ren Ling was slightly stunned, tilted his head and thought for a while, "Master, Ling'er has just formed a golden core, and I only feel that it is solidified day and night, and its absorption of spiritual energy is dozens of times faster than that of the foundation building period, but I don't know this. Is it normal, is this what Master asked?"
"Dozens of times faster than the foundation building period?" Bai Feng frowned slightly, and said with a sigh of relief, "Ling'er, it's a good thing for you to retreat this time, but if you find that the golden core grows too fast, it means that the absorption of spiritual energy exceeds If you can handle the situation, remember to leave the closed door immediately. If the teacher has already left the closed door at that time, you can come to ask the teacher, if the teacher is still in the closed door, please ask the teacher to respect you, do you understand?"
Ren Ling obediently agreed to Bai Feng's solemn instruction, but when he opened his mouth to ask the reason, Bai Feng shook his head and whispered, "I don't know about this matter for the time being, I'll talk to you after I leave the retreat. In addition, your retreat this time , the time should not exceed one year, and I must come out after one year, can I agree to be a teacher?"
Ren Ling agreed, and the master and apprentice left.
Moyujian is a scene of tranquility and tranquility, Xiaobao and Yan Qi have retreated, Shikong is still sleeping, Qingmu and Hongying are also resting quietly.
Ren Ling flew to Baohai Sea and found that Cong Song was fishing on the sea. Seeing her coming, he just nodded silently and didn't say much.
Returning to the world where he was most at ease, Ren Ling spent three days idle before he began to concentrate on entering the state of cultivation.
This trip outside can be regarded as an experience, and the biggest gain is nothing more than killing flowers and leaves.She had practiced both Hua Zhu and Ye Mie when she was in the Netherland, but she had no time to study the "Hua Zhu Ye Mie" method that combined the two skills.Now that all distractions are gone, it is a good time to concentrate on practicing the Dafa of "Flower Killing Ye Mie".
It took three months to study and comprehend this set of exercises alone, and then she began to practice in Moyu Stream. Interestingly, when she first performed the Dafa, she took the sleeping red baby and Aoki woke up.
The book of Hua Zhu Ye Mie was written by Manzhu Shahua, and they have the same origin as Hong Ying and Aoki, so Hong Ying and Aoki are very interested in this set of exercises.Although Ren Ling's cultivation is still weak in their opinion, and his performance on Hua Zhu Ye Mie is not mature enough, but Hua Zhu Ye Mie's use of flowers and trees is very subtle, so they often practice against Ren Ling.
With the guidance of the two elders, Ren Ling's mastery of Hua Zhu Ye Mie is getting better and better. After half a year, he can basically exert [-]% of the power of this set of exercises.
Time passed quickly, and ten months passed in a blink of an eye.
Ren Ling practiced kung fu during the day and adjusted his breath at night, steadily consolidating his cultivation in the early stage of alchemy.
After one day's practice, Hongying and Qingmu looked at each other when they saw Songfei coming from a distance, then turned and left gracefully.Although there are a lot of people in Moyujian, except for Xiaobao, everyone basically does their own thing and does not interfere with each other, so Ren Ling is not surprised by this scene, and turned to greet Congsong with a smile, " Cong Song, is there something wrong?"
Cong Song stared at her intently, with a hint of strangeness in his eyes. After exploring for a while, he suddenly said, "I felt some familiar aura, so I came here to take a look. You seem to be a little different recently, have you noticed it yourself?"
"Different?" Ren Ling was confused, "Which aspect are you referring to?"
"It seems to have a fairy spirit." Cong Song frowned, not sure, "I just vaguely perceive it, and I also wonder why it is so."
"Fairy spirit?" Ren Ling raised his eyebrows and raised his palm, "My black Yue ring can breed fairy spirit, but because of it?"
"No." Cong Song glanced at Heiyue's ring, "The celestial spirit emanating from your body is very weak, sometimes you can feel it, and sometimes you can't feel anything, like it doesn't exist now. If possible , pay attention to yourself."
After saying this, after Song nodded, he turned and flew to Baohai, leaving Ren Ling with a puzzled expression.

At night, Ren Ling habitually went back to the Wannian Lingshu to adjust his breath. After a full week, he suddenly remembered what he said from Songbai Rili, and for a moment of curiosity, he looked carefully at the golden pill in his dantian.

Her golden elixir is different, from the innermost blue elixir, to the light green ball layer, then the thin milky white essence layer, and the outermost layer is the red and green Manzhu essence layer, because the colors are complex and diverse , so she never deliberately looked carefully.

After looking at it carefully for a long time now, she really found something strange.

"It seems really strange," Ren Ling frowned, "There seem to be some inconspicuous golden spots on the essence layer of Manzhu, which are too small to be found unless you look carefully. It's just that the golden spots sometimes appear and sometimes don't. It's really unpredictable."

Dispatch a trace of spiritual power to chase around outside the essence layer of Manzhu. Whenever she is about to touch the golden dot, she will find that the golden dot disappears in an instant. Can control.

There are things in his dantian that he cannot control, which is not a good thing for any monk. Ren Ling thought about it all night, and suddenly recalled what Bai Feng said before the retreat. So he decisively left Mo Yujian, ending the ten-month retreat.

"Go and see if Master's retreat is over, and then decide whether to ask Dad or not."

(End of this chapter)

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