Chapter 228
After leaving Moyujian, Ren Ling walked out the door and found several sound transmission symbols floating at the door. After breaking it, it was Qin Lianyan and Yiyi who were not in the sect before Ren Ling retreated. Therefore, Ren Ling has not seen them since returning to Xuan Dao Sect.
Thinking of the two friends, Ren Ling was in a good mood for a moment, and hurriedly replied the sound transmission talisman, and after a while, the two of them arrived.
"Stinky girl! Makes me miss it!" Qin Lianyan hadn't seen Ren Ling for a long time, so she rushed over excitedly and hugged her. On the contrary, Yiyi had matured a lot, standing beside her with a smile, her eyes were full of excitement and enthusiasm joy.
"I miss you very much too." Ren Ling's face turned red from being strangled by Qin Lianyan, and he looked at Yiyi and smiled, "It's good for you two, I heard that I got a good job and went away, so I can't find you when I come back."
"What's the good job?" Qin Lianyan let go of Ren Ling, looked at her carefully, and said, "Ling'er, your face doesn't look old at all, do you have any good beauty skills? I'm looking at it now She's almost becoming your aunt!"
Yiyi covered her mouth and laughed, "Ling'er, don't listen to her nonsense. That day she was still smug about her charming and feminine style, which is exactly the type Mo Zhantian loves most."
Ren Ling snorted, "It must be our Lianyan who is so stinky. Yiyi, Lianyan, come in quickly, let's chat inside."
The three of them took each other into Ren Ling's cave, prepared spiritual tea and spiritual fruit snacks, sighed for a while, and each talked about the things after the farewell.What Qin Lianyan and Yiyi were most concerned about was Ren Ling's experience in the magic city, but the things in the magic city were really complicated. In the end, Ren Ling only briefly described some of the process, and did not explain the details that were too detailed.But this also made the two people amazed. After all, they have been in the sect and have no illusions about the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm.
"No wonder you advanced so quickly, Ling'er," Qin Lianyan sighed, and said with emotion, "I think you just established your foundation when you entered the sect, and your cultivation level is still far behind mine. Now it's over. Dan, and me, still hovering in the middle stage of foundation establishment, so shameful."
Yiyi pushed and teased, "What is the middle stage of foundation establishment? Isn't it that you are going to retreat and break through to the later stage when you come back this time? The most embarrassing thing is me. I have just advanced from the early stage of foundation establishment to the middle stage. It’s still too early to break through to the late stage of Foundation Establishment!”
"Liangyan, Yiyi," Ren Ling curled his lips into a smile, "Don't run on each other, you two, look at your satisfied looks, you are trying to mess with me, right?"
"Huh? Was it discovered?" Lianyan laughed straight, "We are afraid that you will stop playing with us if you become an uncle, so let's have a bitter scene first."
"It turned out to be useless!" Yiyi said.
The three looked at each other and smiled, and couldn't help but burst into laughter at the same time, and the warm friendship flowed in each other's hearts.
"Speaking of which," the three of them played around for a while, straightened their faces, looked at Ren Ling and said, "This time your master went to save you, and Yiyi and I also contributed, but that time Grandpa Tianji Quite pissed off."
These words aroused Ren Ling's curiosity, "Liangyan, what's going on?"
"We didn't know about this at first," Lianyan and Yiyi glanced at each other, "until that day when your master came to the two of us and said that to cast a spell to find your whereabouts, two men and two women must work together to find you." Finished, so we followed your master to his cave."
"Master Chu is already waiting there, looking nervous and anxious," Yiyi answered, "Of course, Lianyan and I trust your master, and I heard that he never does anything uncertain, but we didn't expect that." In order to find you, your master actually used ancient forbidden methods."
"When your master arranged everything properly, he told us that we only need to inject a ray of spiritual power into the golden disc he prepared," Lianyan recalled, "We were just about to start when Grandpa Tianji rushed in. As soon as I saw your master, I cursed with trembling hands."
Ren Ling blinked in confusion, "What did Grandpa Tianji say?"
Yiyi thought about it intently, "As soon as he came in, he first looked at the golden disc, then his face changed drastically, he shook his fingers and said to your master, 'Feng'er! You are crazy! How dare you use the golden disc to trace Dafa? Aren’t you afraid of being backlashed if you fail?! With your current cultivation, you can’t use it at all! Even the old man can’t control it, you know? Otherwise, the old man would have used it to find Ling’er long ago!’”
"Golden wheel tracing method?" Ren Ling frowned, she had never heard of this method.
Qin Lianyan shook her head, "We don't even know what the ancient method is. We only remember that Grandpa Tianji had a bad complexion and was so angry that his beard flew straight away. But your master is still there, as if everything is under his control Seems like. Later Grandpa Tianji saw that your master was indifferent, so he dragged him to the nearby cave, and the two of them talked for at least an hour before coming out, and finally your master cast spells."
"Grandpa Tianji is guarding the Dharma with his beard and staring eyes." Yiyi smiled, "Grandpa Tianji is very interesting. I heard from your master that if he hadn't done his best to protect the Dharma, I am afraid that the Golden Wheel Seeking Trace Dafa would not be completed so smoothly. .”
"However, we didn't know how dangerous it was until the end of Dafa." Lianyan still had lingering fears when she recalled that scene, "After your master got your trace, he smiled happily. Just when we were all cheering, he Then he fell alive. Grandpa Tianji took him away immediately. Uncle Chu said with a wry smile, we are fine because your master concentrated all the counterattack power of the forbidden law on himself. He himself estimated that it would take at least a month to recover. recover."
"A month later, your master and Uncle Chu went to Juyou Valley. At that time, the sect assigned us a task," Yiyi said, "That's why we didn't see you until today, Ling'er."
After hearing this, Ren Ling fell into silence, thinking of all the things Master had done to him, his gratitude could no longer be described.
Seeing that she was silent, Qin Lianyan and Yiyi also sat quietly aside, holding up their teacups and sipping lightly.
"Huh?" Suddenly, Lianyan put down her teacup, leaned close to Ren Ling, brushed away her hair, "Ling'er, your earrings look familiar."
Yiyi heard the words and also went forward to visit, "It seems that your master also wears one?"
"That's right!" Lianyan clapped her hands together, "I said it looks so familiar. Last time I saw your master wearing an earring, Yiyi and I thought it was strange in private. I didn't expect that this is just a pair with you. Uh, a pair of earrings." That's right..." Sudden and Yiyi looked at each other again, and they stared at Ren Ling strangely at the same time, seeing that something was wrong with her, "What's wrong with you two?"
"You," Yiyi hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively, "Ling'er, you and your master are..."
"But what?"
"But, that," Lianyan saw that Yiyi was embarrassed to speak, swallowed, "like me and Mo Zhantian?"
"You and Mo Zhantian?" Ling'er frowned in confusion, "Liangyan, you haven't said what's going on with Mo Zhantian now? Your plan has succeeded?"
Qin Lianyan blushed, "Let's not talk about me first, now we are talking about you, do you have that kind of relationship with your master?"
Ren Ling was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood Qin Lianyan's words, and smiled, "How is that possible?"
Qin Lianyan snapped and said, "Why is it impossible? Aren't your earrings a couple's earrings? Besides, your master took great risks to use ancient forbidden methods to save you. let's go?"
"Well," Yiyi also nodded, "When the Golden Wheel Seeking Trace Dafa found your trace, your master smiled happily. I heard that he is a serious person, and I was shocked by his smiling face at that time. Never knew he had a side like that."
"Ling'er, is it possible that your master likes you but you don't know?"
"Impossible!" Ren Ling waved his hand, confused by the two people's nonsense, and quickly changed the subject, "But Lianyan, you haven't said anything about you and Mo Zhantian yet, tell me quickly .”
"He's still the same," Qin Lianyan blushed slightly, "It's just that I've annoyed him a lot these years, and I don't mind that I follow him around when I have nothing to do. Is it considered an achievement?"
Ren Ling nodded with a smile, and Yiyi added, "Where's the end of this? It is said that Mo Zhantian also helps this little girl to study, and the two of them can discuss Taoism and heart formulas without rest for three days and three nights. Listen to me I'm so envious, I'm just waiting to drink their Shuangxiu wedding wine."
"Lianyan, congratulations." Ren Ling giggled, sincerely happy for Lianyan, she knows better than anyone else that Lianyan's journey has not been easy, and she hopes that she and Mo Zhantian can have a better future.
Qin Lianyan smiled beautifully, "That guy said that he will think about the alchemy of double cultivation and so on later, so I must quickly advance to the late stage of foundation establishment, and I can't lag behind him too much."
"That's great, by the way, Yiyi, what level is your magic circle master?" Ren Ling knew that Yiyi was different from Lianyan. She was not interested in double cultivation, and her only hobby was studying magic circles.
"Eight-level magic circle master!" Yiyi raised her chin proudly, "My goal is the tenth-level magic circle master who is the youngest and lowest in the Xuan Dao sect!"
"Tsk tsk, thank you for being so brave to say it," Qin Lianyan teased, "The magic circle master with the lowest cultivation level is not afraid of blushing."
"Then what's the matter?" Yiyi smiled, "My cultivation base is slowly increasing, and my progress on the magic circle has surpassed many of my classmates."
The three of them laughed and made noise, and the night passed in a blink of an eye. Ren Ling remembered the strange golden dots on the golden alchemy in his dantian, and after saying goodbye to the two, he flew straight to Baifeng Cave Mansion.
Arriving at Bai Feng's place, he found that the gate of the cave was closed tightly, and the master had obviously not left the customs. Ren Ling let out a sigh of relief, remembering that Bai Feng said before that he wanted to attack Jieying, it didn't happen overnight, and many monks retreated for several years. For decades, I don't know when I will be able to see Master.
After wandering for a while, he turned around and flew towards Sanfeng, "Maybe ask daddy first."

(End of this chapter)

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