Immortal Journey

Chapter 235 Baby Baishu

Chapter 235 Baby Baishu
"Miss! You are here!"
In the afternoon of this day, after Ren Ling had finished watering the five-cornered field, as soon as he entered Baby Luxue's farmland, he saw No. 17 Baby Luxue poking his head out, smiling happily and calling her lively.
The green snow babies in the farmland are named according to their numbers, and NO.17 was the first one to stop her that day.
"Little Seventeen," Ren Ling walked over with a smile, "Why are you up? Everyone is still asleep."
Every time Baby Luxue inhales the spiritual mist, she will sleep for three to five days to digest it, which is actually a kind of self-absorption practice.
Yesterday Ren Ling just fed the spirit mist to the green snow babies in the field, and today he just passed by to take a look, but unexpectedly, Xiao Shiqi got out.
However, Xiao Shiqi is considered to be the one with the weirdest behavior among the green snow babies, so Ren Ling is not too surprised.
"Baby has been waiting for Miss Sister for a long time," Xiao Shiqi shook his head, looked around, and whispered, "Miss Sister, Baby has something to say to you."
"These days, Miss Sister often sends us Spirit Mist. The babies in other fields are very envious, so I asked Baby to ask for them, can Miss Sister go to sit with them too?"
Ren Ling blinked, "Little Seventeen, this farmland is full of fairy formations. If you hadn't told me how to pass through the formations, I wouldn't be able to get in at all. The same goes for other farmlands, I can't go there."
"Miss sister, don't worry. They actually hope that Miss Sister can help them, so they have this request. As for the fairy array, they will tell Miss how to get in. Therefore, they want to use the cracking method of the fairy array in exchange for Some Lingwu Lingquan. Miss sister, would you like it?"
The solution to the fairy array?
Ren Ling smiled. With her current level, even if she knows how to crack a fairy formation, it is just to avoid the dangerous area according to the number of steps they provide. In fact, it is not a real crack. Faculty in the Fa did not help much either.
However, knowing how to pass through the fairy formation safely is a good thing. Ren Ling stretched out his hand and stroked Xiao Shiqi's leaves, "Xiao Shiqi, which farmland are you talking about?"
"Miss sister, you agreed?" Xiao Shiqi smiled happily, "Everyone wants to see you, there are red jade, green raccoon, purple copper, white book, yellow jacket, blue plum, black sheath, and brown furnace! "
From then on, Ren Ling's life in Qionglai Xiandao became extremely lively.
The ghosts in the other eight farmlands mentioned by Xiao Shiqi are very welcome to Ren Ling. First, they don't see outsiders all year round, so they are very curious about Ren Ling himself.In addition, Ren Ling has a good temper and is responsive to requests—in fact, it is a matter of carrying some spiritual mist and spiritual springs, which is a convenient thing for Ren Ling, so every time Ren Ling comes out of Wujiaotian, he can hear calls from the nearby farmland scrambling Voice.
This day, as soon as Ren Ling stepped into the Baishu field, he saw Baishu No. [-] swinging on his toes and calling out to her, "Miss, I want a drop of Lingquan!"
Ren Ling smiled and took out the Lingquan bottle and dripped a drop on it, then touched Baishu No. [-]'s slender body, "Xiaoyi, you can sleep in peace."
The white jade bamboo slices are planted in the white book field. These white jade bamboo slices look transparent and white, with no lines or paths on them, but in fact they are engraved with heavenly scriptures.According to the different spiritual ranks of the white book, the content of the heavenly book will also change accordingly.
Xiao Yiyi thanked him, and retreated into the green grass with a sizzle, and the remaining dozens of white books all stretched their necks, waiting for Ren Ling's spiritual spring.
Ren Ling patiently poured spiritual springs on the Baishu babies one by one, sometimes talking to them a few words, and sometimes smiling to see them retreat quickly into the green grass after drinking the spiritual spring.Walking from left to right, from bottom to top, when he reached the upper left corner, he suddenly heard a scream from behind, Ren Ling looked back, and saw that the more than 20 white books that had burrowed into the green grass were all there They poked their heads out and poured towards a green grass in the middle.
"Little Thirteen! Little Thirteen!"
Ren Ling rushed over in a hurry, only to see Xiao Shisan lying dying outside the green grass among the group of Baishu babies, with a strange purplish red color on his body, "What's wrong with Xiao Shisan?"
"I, I..." Xiao Shisanban rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I stored three drops of the spiritual spring given by Miss Sister, and I wanted to take it together with today's drop, and then try to rush into it. First class, but, but..."
"Are you crazy?" Xiaoyi is the boss of Baishutian, his eyes widened when he heard this, "Xiao Fei said that we can only drink one drop of that spiritual spring at a time! Drinking too much is not only useless for cultivation Otherwise, it will cause great harm!"
"Hey, man," Xiao Shisan pursed his lips, and his body tilted down even more, "Isn't it because Xiao Fei rarely comes here on weekdays, and he also wants to advance quickly..."
Ren Ling was at a loss for words for a while, and she couldn't get rid of Xiao Shisan's current situation. Besides, she got along very well with the monsters in the farmland these days, and asked in her heart, "Then is there a way to deal with it now? Xiao Shisan is so Go down, can you digest the Lingquan by yourself?"
As soon as the words came out, the Baishu babies around immediately exploded. You talked about the solution plan one by one. Ren Ling listened carefully for a while, and found that all the suggestions except finding Xiao was not a great fairy. Doesn't seem right outside.
But Great Immortal Xiao Fei never said when he would return when he left, and even the spirits in the farmland didn't know where he went, so it was not easy to find him back?
"Is there really no other way?" Ren Ling clarified his questions one by one, and the field was suddenly quiet. All the babies looked at me and I looked at you, except for their sad faces.
Suddenly, a baby Baishu on the edge stood up and said in a low voice, "I have a way. I heard that there is a purple flower in the depths of the Lingwu forest. Its juice seems to be able to dissipate spiritual energy. Maybe, maybe, and maybe not necessarily?"
"Little 35, you mean the loose spirit flower?" Xiao Yi quickly answered, "It's true that the loose spirit flower can dissipate spiritual power, but it's just that Xiao Shisan might regress in this way, and also I don't know if there will be any other harm."
"Scattered spirit flowers are guarded by nine-headed spirit snakes, so it's not easy to get them!" Xiaoer also knew this kind of grass, and said.
"As long as I can live," Xiao Shisan opened his eyes wearily again, "It doesn't matter if you lose some cultivation, I will practice step by step in the future."
"Okay then," Ren Ling stood up, "I'll go get the Spirit Flower."
Ren Ling had never been to Lingwu Forest in the daytime, but after stepping into it, he found that it was different from the night, the sun was shining through the leaves, and the surrounding scenery was clear and peaceful.The same thing is that the fragrance of green pine is still permeating, which makes people refreshed.
Step by step, she walked deep into the forest in the direction guided by the Baishu babies, and suddenly, she stopped in her tracks.
About a few hundred feet away, there were a few purple flowers swaying slightly in the sun, Ren Ling squinted his eyes, tried to restrain his breath, and released Mo Yu and other Qingyu butterflies, "Mo Yu , later you go to get some juice from that purple flower, okay?"
Ren Ling had already told Mo Yu the general situation along the way, and he nodded confidently, "Master, don't worry, we will fulfill our mission."
Moyu and Shaoyao led four or five Qingyu butterflies, they first circled around the forest, collected honey from the nearby flowers, chased and played with the butterflies in the forest for a while, and then gradually flew towards the purple flowers.
Ren Ling backed away slightly when he let Mo Yu and them fly, and found a giant tree to hide behind, waiting for the news.
"Master, although the butterflies in this forest are psychic, they are just ordinary spirit butterflies. Let's try to pretend to be them and steal the juice."
"Okay, Mo Yu, be careful." Ren Ling warned through voice transmission in his mind, "If you find something wrong, evacuate immediately, and we will find another way."

After Mo Yu agreed, she lost contact. Ren Ling couldn't use his spiritual power and couldn't see their movements clearly from such a long distance, so he could only wait anxiously by the tree.

After waiting for a long time without seeing any movement from Moyu, I couldn't help but let go of the thought of not asking each other for fear of disturbing Moyu, and called softly in my mind, "Moyu! Moyu!"

However, everything was like a stone sinking into the ocean, Ren Ling was startled, the connection between her and Mo Yu had never been broken by any foreign object, could something go wrong?
Leaning forward quietly, Ren Ling was taken aback by the sight when he was within sight!

A boa constrictor with nine heads was raising its head and spitting bubbles. Inside those bubbles were moyu butterflies that could not move. The snake went.

"My next Ren Ling, a cultivator who came to Xiandao to seek the rescue of Xiaofei Daxian." Ren Ling looked at the nine-headed spirit snake intently, explaining the purpose of coming, "I want to ask for the juice of those purple flowers to save Bai Shu, I don't know Sir Spirit Snake, can you do me a favor?"

Nine snake heads gathered in one place in an instant, and suddenly they rushed straight in front of Ren Ling, and suddenly stopped less than a foot away from her face. The eighteen snake eyes were full of yellow-green light. I'm afraid I'll be scared to shit after seeing it.

"I don't know the so-called ascetic, this is not the place you should come." The voice of the nine-headed snake was hoarse, and it made people's ears stand up.

Ren Ling swallowed her saliva, "I'm really sorry for disturbing Lord Spirit Snake's Qingxiu, can you return the spirit butterfly to me?"

"Use these little broken butterflies to get the juice of my dispersing spirit flower?" The nine-headed spirit snake said heavily, "What a cowardly person! Take it! Get out of here immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Ren Ling hurriedly accepted the moyu group butterflies that were released, "Thank you, Lord Spirit Snake, but I really need some scatter spirit flower juice to save my life, can you give me some?"

"Save Baishu baby?" The nine-headed spirit snake said 'uh', "It's not impossible to get the juice of the scattered spirit flower, but you have to promise me one condition."

(End of this chapter)

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