Immortal Journey

Chapter 236 Harvesting Trematodes

Chapter 236 Harvesting Trematodes

"Master, you just walked out just now, but Mo Yu was scared enough!"
Ren Ling smiled and walked out of the forest, surrounded by Qingyu butterflies chattering out of the Moyu stream, even Shaoyao couldn't help but say, "Master, the nine-headed snake has already It found us! The strength is too great, and we are like ants in its hands."
Mo Yu flapped his wings, still worrying about the scene just now, "Exactly, before we were five feet away from the scattered spirit flower, we were swept up into the air by the nine-headed spirit snake, unable to move! Moreover, I can't warn you, Master, but it makes us anxious."
"It's really hard for you."
Ren Ling stretched out his hands to support Mo Yu and Shao Yao, and smiled apologetically, "I miscalculated the strength of the nine-headed spirit snake. On Qionglai Immortal Island, our cultivation is so low that it is not worth mentioning. Now I am a With a deeper understanding."
"Master, you were so calm when you came out just now, you didn't even have the slightest fear of the nine-headed spirit snake threatening you. Could it be that you have already thought of a countermeasure?"
"That's right, and it's not," Ren Ling said as he stepped out of the woods and walked quickly towards the farmland, "First, I asked Auntie Hongying to come out to help at any time, and Grandpa Aoki also patted his chest and said it was okay, so I Only then will I have the confidence to stand up. Otherwise, with my current spiritual powerless cultivation, fighting against the nine-headed spirit snake is tantamount to death."
"Secondly, what makes me more confident is the attitude of the Hydra."
"Attitude?" Mo Yu was puzzled, flapping his wings and said, "That nine-headed spirit snake has a very bad attitude, and even yelled at us to leave."
"This is just a superficial attitude," Ren Ling said with a smile, "I don't know if you have noticed that the nine-headed snake is standing behind the loose spirit flower, not in front. Generally speaking, for what you want to protect, you will To stand in front of it or behind it?"
"Of course it is at the front." Mo Yu replied bluntly, "Then why is it standing at the back?"
"I guess, it didn't object to us taking some juice from the San Linghua to save Bai Shu, and even hoped that we could ask for the juice so that it could make its request!"
"The most important thing is that the Hydra, which can easily hurt you, just throws you in the air to play leisurely, which makes me more sure."
"So that's how it is. After what the master said, I finally understand." Mo Yu folded his wings and leaned on Ren Ling's palm, "But, where can I find the gold wire that the nine-headed spirit snake wants? "
Ren Ling breathed out, "It says it's within the territory governed by Immortal Silence."
"Silent Immortal?" Mo Yu and the others didn't know the division of Qiong Lai Xiandao, seeing that Ren Ling frowned, they knew it would not be easy to get there, "Master, will the golden wire busbar be hard to get?"
"It's hard to say, it depends on the situation."
Seeing that the farmland was approaching, Ren Ling took the moyu group of butterflies back into the moyu stream, and hurried to the white book field.
With the juice of the loose spirit flower, the purple color on Xiao Shisan's body quickly dissipated, not only that, but the whole bamboo piece also became extremely pale.
"It's regressed," Xiaoyi looked regretfully at Xiaoshisan who had shrunk into the green grass, "but it's better than exploding and dying. With this lesson, everyone will pay attention to it in future cultivation. Miss sister , thank you for fetching the juice of the loose spirit flower."
Ren Ling shook his head, stroked the green grass caressing Xiao Shisan, "I hope Xiao Shisan will get better soon."
"Miss, would you like to come here?"
Xiao Yi flew back to his nest of green grass, "Miss Sister, in order to thank you for your kindness, we would like to give you a copy of the heavenly book."
"The Book of Heaven?" Ren Ling raised his eyebrows, "Xiaoyi, I remember you said that the Book of Heaven was born from heaven and earth. You only have the mission to carry it, and you have no right to use it. How can you give it to me?"
"Actually, this celestial book is not a real celestial book," Xiaoyi scratched his head. "It is an abandoned celestial book. It is related to the fairy formation. I think young ladies who are familiar with the formation will be interested."
Ren Ling became interested, squatted down and smiled, "Xiaoyi, how do you know that I like to study formations?"
"Miss sister should be a person who is proficient in formation techniques," Xiaoyi replied firmly, "In order to obtain the spiritual spring from my little sister, we told young lady how to enter the fairy formation, and young lady will be able to master it very quickly. The understanding of many details in it makes us very clear that Miss Sister will definitely achieve great achievements in formations in time."
What Xiao Yi said was right, apart from them, the other elves in the farmland were also secretly amazed at Ren Ling's ability to comprehend the technique of breaking the fairy array.
Because the method of cracking the fairy formation that they first told through Luxue Seventeen was actually just the simplest and most crude footwork, it was actually impossible to successfully break into the fairy formation by relying on footwork.Because the fairy formations in each farmland are not the same, and they cannot fully communicate with each other, they originally planned to let Ren Ling enter the fairy formation first, and then guide them.
Unexpectedly, just relying on the simple footwork of entering the formation, Ren Ling found them easily, which is enough to prove that her understanding of formations is extraordinary.
"Miss sister, can you see the difference in our farmland? It's above the formation." Xiaoyi stuck out her tongue, looking at Ren Ling curiously and expectantly.
Ren Ling fixed his eyes and curled his lips, "If I'm not mistaken, the nine pieces of farmland you have together should form the Jiugong Bagua Formation."
"That's right," Xiaoyi grinned, "Ours is not an ordinary Jiugong Bagua Formation. If all the formations are activated, we can defend the entire Qionglai Immortal Island! Let's not talk about this, we want to give Xiao Sister, your Heavenly Book is the key to the Immortal Formation written by Great Immortal Xiaofei himself that day. Because the sergeant in charge of the Heavenly Book in the fairy world was unwilling to accept it, Great Immortal Xiaofei threw it into the field in a fit of anger, and we were able to keep it stand up."
"Oh?" Ren Ling took a small piece of white jade bamboo, stretched out his index finger and whirled on it, "Xiaoyi, thank you for giving me this heavenly book, I like it very much, I will definitely read it well."
"Yeah!" Xiaoyi nodded vigorously, "Miss sister, the most powerful thing about Xiaofei is to set up fairy formations. This heavenly book is an incredible treasure, you should cherish it!"
In the blink of an eye, another 49 days passed. In the early morning of this day, Ren Ling had just stepped out of the stone house when he heard shouts coming and going from the farmland.
"Miss, hurry up to Wujiaotian!"
"Miss, congratulations!"
"Miss, you must put away the trematode babies before the sun rises!"
"That's right, baby worm is most afraid of the sun!"
Ren Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood that she would only call out to her spirits after she had finished watering the five-cornered fields on weekdays.
Thinking that the trematodes that had been carefully planted for nearly a hundred days finally succeeded, I was so excited for a while, I thanked them and rushed to Wujiaotian quickly.
When the red clouds spread across the sky and the crimson on the horizon could be faintly seen, Ren Ling had already put all the trematodes into the bottle given by Immortal Xiaofei.
"Hahaha! Did the little girl grow trematodes?"
Almost the moment she stepped out of Wujiaotian, she raised her eyes and saw a cloud passing by in the sky, and Immortal Xiao Fei walked in front of her in the blink of an eye.
Ren Ling quickly handed over the bottle, "Xiao Fei, please take a look."
Great Immortal Xiaofei took the bottle and said with a smile, "Very well, let's go, let's go see your master first."
Bai Feng has not improved much, but his breathing is steady and his body temperature is normal, so Ren Ling is still at ease these days.
Great Immortal Xiaofei checked his meridian condition, pondered for a moment and said, "Although it hasn't deteriorated, we still have to find everything as soon as possible. Little girl, come with me."
Taking Ren Ling to another stone house, Immortal Xiao Fei first poured all the trematodes into a golden round basin, and then said to her, "You still need a spiritual substance to stimulate the growth of the trematodes, so go get them as soon as possible. "
Ren Ling looked at the trematode curled up into a ball after falling into the golden round basin, and asked, "Xiao is not a great fairy, what other spiritual things do you need?"
"Yinyuanjing." Xiao Fei Daxian said, "Yinyuanjing can stimulate the growth of trematodes, you go and get a bottle back."
"Yin Yuan Jing?" Ren Ling had never heard of this thing before, "Where can I get it?"
"At the place of Immortal Sutian."
Qionglai Immortal Island is divided into seven parts, each of which is home to seven immortals. On weekdays, the intercourse between immortals is not too frequent. Situ and Ouyang are the most active, and they will visit every hundred years.Most of the rest like to meditate, and it is normal to not show up for thousands of years.
These are what Ren Ling heard from the monsters in the farmland, but she didn't hear much about Immortal Sutian.
Because Immortal Sutian appeared least frequently among the Seven Immortals, the monsters in the farmland had never seen her real face, they only knew that she loved the piano like life, and the purple area where she lived could emit fairy sounds all the year round.
"Immortal Sutian is good at playing the qin, and there are essences in her zither sounds," Daxian Xiaofei explained, "You go and ask for it, this is my token, with which you can cross the barrier of Qionglai Xiandao. "
"Your master's immortal will take care of you, so don't worry," Daxian Xiaofei sent Ren Ling to get rid of the stone house, and with a casual move, a elk flew from afar, "It will send you to the realm of Immortal Sutian, when you come back You just have to summon it."
Ren Ling thanked repeatedly, got on the elk and flew away.
"My name is Mi Li," the elk said while flying straight into the sky, "hang the token that Immortal Xiaofei gave you around your neck, and you will have to go through several barriers to reach Immortal Sutian's territory later. .”
"Okay," Ren Ling took out the token and hung it on his chest, put his hands on Mi Li's body, and leaned forward slightly, "Mi Li, if I don't have this token, will I be blocked by the barrier?"
"It's natural," Mi Li said with a smile, "the regions of the Seven Immortals have their own barriers. Except for the Seven Immortals themselves, the creatures on the fairy island cannot pass through the barriers on their own. It is the domain of Sutian Immortal."
Facing the wind, Ren Ling narrowed his eyes, "Mi Li, you fly so fast."
"What's this?" Mi Li was still smiling, and soon began to fall, "We're here."

 Thank you Cycs for your reward :)
(End of this chapter)

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