Immortal Journey

Chapter 237 Ziyin Forest

Chapter 237 Ziyin Forest

Mi Li slowed down, and began to fall through layers of purple precious light.

The traces of purple clouds caressed by his side, and the deep and shallow purple light made people feel dazzled. Ren Ling squinted his eyes, and there were bursts of misty music like smoke in the wind.

"These music sounds are produced by the unique purple sound forest that can only be planted in the region of Immortal Sutian," Mi Li immersed in it, "It's the first time I've heard it, and it's really more intoxicating than the legends."

"Purple Sound Forest?" Ren Ling was curious, looking far into the distance, through the layers of drifting clouds, he could faintly see the giant purple forests neatly arranged and spread in four directions below, "Mi Li, you are talking about the purple ocean below? Really? So beautiful!"

"Exactly," Mi Li and You Rong puffed out their chests, "Only our Qionglai Immortal Island can grow and support this purple sound forest, and there is no other place. Even in the fairy world, it is difficult to raise this purple forest. Yinlin, do you know?"

Mi Li then told a story, saying that there was a fairy in the fairy world who was very fond of the purple sound forest of Immortal Sutian. Ren Ling listened to the matter, and asked curiously, "Then what happened next? That fairy is trying so hard to get Ziyinlin, so how can it be better if it can't be planted?"

"..." Mi Li was silent for a while, then snorted, "What else can I do? Immortal Sutian has already given me the seeds and planting methods, so the fairy had no choice but to walk away because of face, but," Chong Chong Sighing deeply, "I won't talk about that. Listen, this music is not much better than the fairy music in the fairy world. The most important thing is that it is made naturally."

"It's amazing," Ren Ling smiled, cleverly stopped asking questions, and closed his eyes to listen to the music coming from the wind. Even the most skilled musicians may not be able to play such extraordinary elegance. Le, "It's just how does this Ziyin forest make such a beautiful music sound?"

"Well," Mi Li put it off, "you'll know if you go down a bit."

As it landed, Ren Ling soon discovered the difference in the Ziyin Forest. On the huge purple trees, there were golden light spots shining one by one, and those light spots moved back and forth with the wind. Floating, like the beating of musical notes, embellishing Ziyin Forest is even more dreamlike.

"These golden lights," Mi Li walked back and forth in the Ziyin forest, Ren Ling reached out to pick up a grain of golden light, spread it on his palm for a closer look, only to hear a 'ding' sound, and the golden light slipped away from between his fingers, Drilling back into the purple trees, "Is it the sound they made?"

"That's right," Mi Li said with a smile, "This is the sound element, the seed of the purple sound tree. When they grow, they will surround the purple sound tree, and with the swing of the leaves and the blowing of the wind, they will make beautiful music."

"Yinyuan?" Ren Ling raised his brows slightly, recalling the words of Great Immortal Xiao Fei, and hurriedly asked, "Mi Li, may this phoneme have something to do with Yinyuan Jing?"

"Yinyuanjing?" Mi Li shook his head, "Yinyuanjing only appears when Immortal Sutian plays. Although the name is similar to this phoneme, it is not the same thing."

Gently landed on a level ground, Mi Li bent down and let Ren Ling jump off, "I'll take you here, if you want to leave, come to this forest, just call my name, I will appear .”

"Okay," Ren Ling thanked with a smile, "Mi Li, thank you."

Mi Li nodded slightly, turned around and quickly flew deep into the sky.

Ren Ling found that it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a purple ocean here, because in addition to the giant purple forest, even the grass on the ground is lavender, soft and smooth.

"When Mi Li flew down, he should be at the edge of Ziyin Forest," Ren Ling debated the direction, and walked forward, "Not far ahead should be the place where Immortal Sutian lived. When we were in the air, we I saw rows of wooden houses on the other side, go over and have a look.”

Walking along the path to the direction I remembered, I walked out of Ziyin Forest about half an hour later, and the rows of wooden houses in my impression appeared in front of me, "It's so quiet, I don't know where Immortal Sutian will be?"

After searching for a long time, I found that the group of wooden houses had not been lived in for a long time. Ren Ling called for half a day but did not get a response, so he left the group of wooden houses in doubt and walked nearby.

"There is a small river here, and the river seems to flow from there." Ren Ling walked towards the small river, intending to scoop up a handful of river water to wash his face, but it was only three feet away from the river that he realized that a barrier had been set up, "Strange, Why is there an enchantment here?"

Confused, she walked forward, and when she reached the source of the small river, Ren Ling stopped, "Then... is it Immortal Sutian?"

I saw a woman in white sitting sideways on the edge of a quiet flowing river. Her long black hair hung down from her shoulders to her chest. The long hair spread into the river like satin. The woman held a handle Jade comb, combing the long hair one by one.

Her profile is extremely beautiful, carved like jade, and her black eyes are slender, as if she is focused on something.

"Immortal Sutian, I'm sorry to disturb your Qingxiu." Ren Ling bowed and saluted, "Junior Ren Ling, came here to obtain the essence of Yin Yuan under the order of Great Immortal Xiao Fei."

Unexpectedly, Immortal Su Tian didn't respond at all, even the movement of combing her hair didn't change at all, as if she didn't hear it at all.

Ren Ling was not in a hurry, he lowered his eyes and waited quietly.

This waiting lasted for one day, and when the sun was high, Ren Ling finally raised his eyes in doubt, and found that Immortal Su Tian was still the same, as if she really didn't know her existence.

Could it be that the enchantment blocked them so thoroughly?

"Immortal Sutian." Ren Ling raised his voice a little, and explained his purpose politely again, but after another two days, there was still no change.

Therefore, Ren Ling had no choice but to give up, and turned to observe the enchantment on the edge of the small river.

After researching around the edge of the small river for half a day, I preliminarily concluded that the enchantment was laid along the river, but what is incredible is why the Immortal Sutian trapped himself in the enchantment?Could it be trapped?This idea broke into Ren Ling's mind and was quickly rejected by her. As the owner of this area, how could she be easily trapped?I'm afraid that the enchantment was set up to prevent outsiders from disturbing it. Could it be a way for immortals to practice?
All kinds of possibilities were going back and forth in her heart, Ren Ling was thinking while checking the barrier, and gradually, she saw some ways.

"This doesn't seem to be a simple enchantment," Ren Ling sat down on the grass after being bounced back by the enchantment in disgrace, "it seems to be a fairy formation."

Thinking of the heavenly book given by Baby Baishu, she planned to study it again in the future, because with her current cultivation level, even if she understood the fairy formation, she would not be able to break it in a real sense. "Just now I tried the nine formations of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Formation, they are all different from this fairy formation, but now I have to enter this fairy formation to meet Sutian Immortal, I hope the secrets of the immortal formation recorded in this book can help busy."

Therefore, Ren Ling took out the heavenly book and began to study it carefully.

This reading aroused her great interest, because the essence of the immortal law written by Immortal Xiaofei was originally intended to teach and explain the immortal array. The introduction of the complicated and large-scale fairy array is perfect for Ren Ling.

In the end, she was completely immersed in the book, and almost forgot the reason and purpose of coming here.

In the blink of an eye, it took three days and nights, "Xiaofei Daxian wrote this book really well, but it's a pity that the fairy formation starting from here is too profound, and it's not easy to comprehend it thoroughly in a short time."

Letting out a long breath, Ren Ling put away the heavenly book, clapped his hands and stood up.

It was past noon at this time, and the sun shone brightly on the river. Ren Ling narrowed her eyes and looked at the Immortal Sutian in the distance, still maintaining her original movements. Have you maintained this posture without changing it?

It was a little hard to understand the behavior of the immortal, but the corners of his lips slightly curved as his eyes moved, "Although it is impossible to completely break the immortal formation, it should be a little sure to break in. Let's try it first The method taught!"

The sun was gradually slanting to the west, and Ren Ling was unyielding in fighting against the fairy formation. She couldn't use her spiritual power and her movements were much slower, so it was very difficult to enter the formation. Fell into the river at dusk.

'thump! '

Falling with water all over his head and body, but feeling extremely excited, he got up from the river regardless of his image, Ren Ling happily washed his face, rectified his appearance, and walked in the direction of Immortal Sutian.

"Immortal Sutian, I'm sorry to disturb you. Junior Ren Ling came here to obtain the essence of Yin Yuan under the orders of Great Immortal Xiao Fei."

Standing five feet away from Immortal Sutian, Ren Ling bowed his head in salute.

After a long time, a gentle voice like a clear spring sounded, "Xiao Fei sent you here?"

Ren Ling quickly responded.

Immortal Sutian put down the jade comb, turned his head and looked at Ren Ling, "Come forward."

Hearing this, Ren Ling took three steps forward and stood still, raised his head slightly to look back, "I've seen an immortal."

"Strange, when will my Qionglai Immortal Island allow ascetics to come in?" Although the voice of Immortal Su Tian was warm, his face was cold, "You said that Xiaofei sent you to fetch the essence of the sound? Do you have a token?"

"This is a token given to me by Immortal Xiao Fei." Ren Ling took off the token respectfully and handed it over, "I ask the immortal to check it."

Who would have thought that Immortal Su Tian just glanced at it, "This is just a token used to cross the barrier, and it does not prove anything. I haven't punished you for trespassing on my immortal formation, and I still want to ask me for a voice Yuanjing? It’s a very shrewd calculation.”

Ren Ling lowered his head and frowned.That Immortal Sutian's voice was gentle and pleasant, but what she said gave her an ominous premonition, she bit her lips and said, "This junior accidentally entered the Immortal Formation in a hurry to save Master, please don't be offended by Immortal Sutian."

 Thank you Juju for the pink ticket ^^ Hugs~~~
(End of this chapter)

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