Chapter 239

Ren Ling felt a gentle force extending from her meridians, and when it touched her dantian, suddenly the golden light spots on the essence of Manzhu reflected a golden light, forcing that force out of her dantian.

Immortal Jian Yi frowned, put his hands away, and looked at Ren Ling with deep and complicated eyes, "Come on, let's go find Xiao Fei together."

Looking for Xiaofei?
Ren Ling raised his eyebrows, shook his head and said, "Immortal Jianyi, this junior must first obtain the essence of sound from Immortal Sutian before going back. Can I trouble you to accept this brocade book?"

"What time are you still caring about these boring things?"

Master Jian Yi raised his eyebrows and stared with handsome eyes, Ren Ling shrank his neck in fright, his eyes were half-drowned, but he still firmly handed the brocade book in front of him with both hands.

After a while, there was no movement, so Ren Ling had no choice but to raise his eyelids boldly, and just in time to meet Jian Yi's eyes, he coughed twice uncomfortably, "I'm not violating you, but this Immortal Su Tian is too annoying Here, come, give it to me."

Taking the brocade book over, Immortal Jianyi squeezed it casually, and the brocade book turned into flying dust, "I have no agreement with that woman for a thousand years, she came to me for a thousand years ago to fight, and said that the winner can Put a condition. In the end, she lost, but inexplicably said something like waiting for me for a thousand years, and then ran away. It's that simple, I didn't owe her a promise, and I didn't owe her a condition. So, don't worry about it."

Ren Ling opened her mouth slightly, not quite understanding why Jian Yi suddenly explained this incident that sounded more like a private incident, but she couldn't help but think about it, Jian Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed her, beckoning to a cloud, the two of them Then it flew straight into the sky.

Seeing this, Mi Li hurriedly followed, but wisely lagged far behind.

"The reason why you want Yin Yuan Jing is to ripen the trematodes, right?" Seeing Ren Ling's anxious expression, Jian Yi said, "If you want to save your master, I'm afraid you shouldn't use the method of the trematodes. Discuss it, so there is no need to rush to find Immortal Su Tian, ​​we will talk about it after we have finished discussing. If you have to use the phoneme essence, I will get it for you."

After hearing this, Ren Ling immediately felt relieved, but he still didn't quite understand why Jian Yi looked like two different people.

Soon he returned to the area where Immortal Xiao Fei belonged, and Jian Yi took Ren Ling into Bai Feng's stone house familiarly. Xiao Fei also happened to be inside. Knowing the look, he said quietly, "Jian Yi, long time no see."

Jian Yi nodded hastily, and walked towards the medicine pool where Bai Feng was soaking, standing beside the medicine pool, his eyes became more complicated and difficult to understand, "It's him?"

"Exactly, this is the junior's master Bai Feng." Ren Ling thought that Jian Yi was asking her, so he hurried forward to introduce her, while reaching out to touch Bai Feng's forehead, "Master, Ling'er is back."

Jian Yi didn't check Bai Feng's situation, saw Ren Ling squatting halfway in front of the medicine pool, exhaled, turned around and dragged Xiao Fei to the stone house next door.

"You can't use the trematode." Straight to the point, he pointed out what he thought was inappropriate, and Jian Yi looked at Xiao Fei calmly, "It's no problem to absorb the immortal essence in his body into a ball, but it can't be drawn out of the body."

Xiao Fei frowned, "What do you mean? They are just mortals, and the immortal essence in their bodies will become a serious problem one day! If an immortal with ulterior motives finds out, they will kill them for the sake of immortal essence. It is the most appropriate way to lure them out and return them after they have ascended."

"Xiao Fei, I don't object to your idea," Jian Yi frowned, and Jian Yi pondered for a moment, "You are thoughtful, and it sounds like there is no problem, but the problem is that they are not ordinary mortals. There must be a reason for daring to send the immortal essence into their bodies, and we have to think about it. Moreover, the fact that the immortal essence has entered the body for a long time without any major abnormalities proves that their bodies can coexist with the immortal essence What's more, if we don't say it, who would expect that there is a fairy in the body of a mortal? That is simply unbelievable and impossible!"

These words made Xiao Fei fall into silence, and he sighed for a long time, "The old man thinks he is thoughtful, but it seems that he is one-sided. You are right, if you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe that they have immortal essence in their bodies." Although that boy Xitian is wild, he is not a fool, and his actions are reasonable. From this point of view, how to save them still needs to be considered in the long term."

"I'm going to the fairy world to become immortal water?" Jian Yi put one hand on the hilt, his eyes were piercing, "Let them become immortal overnight, and they will naturally be compatible with the immortal essence, and the old... can also be combined together." liquidation."

"Impossible." Xiaofei waved his hand, he had already considered this point, "Even if he became immortal overnight and merged with the immortal essence, it would be impossible to return to the state of complete victory in the past without thousands of years. And This action of ours falls in the eyes of those with a heart, and after a little scrutiny, we will know what is going on, and we are afraid that good things will fail and cause disasters. Now it is not the same as before. Every step we take must be carefully considered. The suffering they endured, everything in the past, cannot be done. Again."

Jian Yi pursed his lips tightly and nodded vigorously, "Xiao Fei, what you said is that I was impulsive."

The two looked at each other, and they also frowned and fell silent.

After a long time, Jian Yi said, "It seems that we have to think carefully about how to save them and some future arrangements."

"That's right, after the disaster that year, the seven of you died and hid. It's not easy to get together again. Now Si Tian's situation is still relatively safe, and the people above dare not touch him easily... ...Let him continue to stay under the evil stone, we can start preparations from now on."

"That's right, I'll talk about it in detail after finding all the people. Ten thousand years have passed, and everyone must have recovered to the same extent. Those rotten hatreds," Jian Yi slightly raised one lip, with a very cold smile, "There will always be a reckoning." day."

"But what should we do with the immortal essence in the two of them?" Xiao Fei naturally agreed with Jian Yi's argument, thought for a while, and then returned to Ren Ling and the others, "I guess the reason why Sitian dared to inject immortal essence into them Inside the body, there must have been a curse on the upper part, but for some reason, the immortal essence broke the curse automatically and dispersed, which has become the situation today."

"First gather the immortal energy in his body into a ball, and we will seal it together with a spell," Jian said while thinking, "At least it will be released gradually after the baby is born, this will speed up their cultivation progress, and the early fusion will also be beneficial. Ascension helps."

"The trematode can do it."

"Okay," Jian nodded. He didn't agree with it at first because he wanted to help the two of them become immortals overnight, but now it seems too early to say, "I'll go to Su Tian to ask for Yin Yuan Jing, your Drunk Breeze Are you ready?"

Xiao Fei put on a bitter face, and spread his hands, "I've been drunk for tens of thousands of years! It's at least half used up by these two!"

Jian Yi laughed loudly, "It seems that you still secretly brewed a lot of drunken breeze! It's okay, I will let that girl pay you some moon charm later."

Xiaofei was overjoyed when he heard the words, "That's right! The old man will definitely not let them go easily, hahaha!"
"By the way, are you hiding their affairs from Su Tian for the time being?" Seeing Jian Yi getting up and planning to leave, Xiao Fei said, "Except for Situ and Ouyang, no one else on the island has ever seen them."

Jian Yi nodded, "Naturally, I went to Su Tian to get the Yin Yuan Jing and came here."

Naturally, Ren Ling didn't know what Jian Yi and Xiao Fei talked about. He only knew that when the Great Immortal Xiao Fei came, Jian Yi had already left, "The Great Immortal Xiao Fei, this junior only got half a bottle of Yin Yuan Jing. Do you still need to go?" Go to the place of Immortal Sutian?"

"No need," Xiao Fei waved his hand, "Jian Yi is gone, I believe he will bring back Yin Yuanjing soon, girl, come with me."

Xiao Fei took Ren Ling out of the stone house, summoned auspicious clouds, and flew into the distance, "Xiao Fei, where are we going?"

This auspicious cloud didn't fly very fast, it crossed the farmland and headed towards the mountains in the distance, which were still within the range of Xiaofei Daxian.After wandering around among the mountains for a long time, I finally landed in a mountain depression.

"Go and set it up," Daxian Xiaofei led Ren Ling into the mountain path, walked for about a quarter of an hour, and came to a circular cave, "This is it."

The cave is not too big, and there is a jade pond in it. There is no water in the pond, but it is faintly glowing.

"After about three days, I can gather the immortal essence for you and your master," Xiaofei Daxian explained, "With the sound element essence, the trematode will mature within three days. After that, we will work together to perform the immortal method , use the technique of 'Dream Three Lives' to help you gather immortal energy."

"Us?" Ren Ling was confused, "Xiao Fei Daxian, do you mean that I am with my master?"

"That's right," Xiao Fei stood by the edge of the Yuchi, fiddled with the palm of his hand for a moment, and poured a stream of refreshing wine into the Yuchi, and didn't stop until it was seven minutes full. There is no difference between your immortal essence and your master’s, they are all scattered and messy. So, this time, the two of you will practice Dafa together, and it will be in this golden jade pool in Jiuquan.”

Ren Ling scratched his head, looking at the Jiuquan Jinyu Pond in a daze, "Is that so...then Xiao Fei, what do you need the junior to do for you to let the junior come here first?"

"Come on," Daxian Xiaofei led Ren Ling to the outside of the cave, pointing to a small white flower growing along the foot of the cave, "Pick off these white flowers, grind them into flower mud and put them in the Jiuquan. 99 white flowers are needed, no more and no less."

Ren Ling nodded, "This junior understands."

"Okay, you fix the white flowers here for the time being. I'll go to the stone house. I'm afraid Jian Yi should come back." After finishing the order, the Great Immortal Xiao Fei said, "We will bring your master with us when the trematodes ripen. , During this period of time, take good care of Jiuquan and don't let it go wrong."

"Your junior knows," Ren Ling solemnly agreed, "Until the Great Immortal returns, this junior will definitely stay by the Jinyu Pond in Jiuquan, and will not leave for a moment."

 Thank you zb4869 for the pink ticket ^^ Hugs~~

(End of this chapter)

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