Immortal Journey

Chapter 240 The Big Dream 3 Lives

Chapter 240
Ren Ling picked 99 white flowers and walked to Jiuquan Jinyu Pond.
The strong aroma of wine spread throughout the cave, and even Ren Ling, who had never been a fan of wine, was almost drunk.
Crush the white flowers one by one into mud, and then put them into the Jiuquan.Gradually, she found that the rich aroma of wine became lighter, mixed with the clear fragrance of flowers, which smelled even more refreshing, with a feeling of being out of this world.
"Why can the body of Master and I be able to hold Xianyuan?" These days, she was so busy and worried that she had no time to think about this question.
Now it looks like he is drunk in the aroma of wine, but Sitai is actually clearer.
"Could it be that Master and I are not ordinary mortal bodies?" This question crossed her mind for a moment, and she vetoed it with a smile. She has lived in the mortal world since she was a child, what else can she be if she is not a mortal body?It couldn't have been created like Jinchen, could it?She has a father and a mother.
Smiling at her wild thoughts, Ren Ling sighed softly. Since going to the magic city, more and more things are no longer under her control, and there is always a vague uncertainty and indescribable feeling in her heart. Something is fermenting.Crushing the last white flower and putting it in the Jiuquan, Ren Ling sat beside the Jinyu Pond in Jiuquan, guarding her knees.
Two days later, Xiao Fei and Jian Yi hurried in with Bai Feng.
"The trematodes have been ripened, we can start." Xiao Fei said concisely, looking at Ren Ling hastily.
But Jian Yi immediately walked to the Jinyu Pool in Jiuquan, took out two white jade pillows and put them in the spring, and then put Bai Feng in, making him lie flat.
"Little girl, you go in too, and lie down beside your master." Xiao Fei urged softly, Ren Ling nodded upon hearing this, stepped into Jiuquan, and lay down beside Bai Feng.
Now both of them are immersed in the Jiuquan, only the jade pillow on the head is exposed.
"Dream Three Lives will help you sleep peacefully," Jian Yi and Xiao Fei sat cross-legged at each end, with solemn and dignified expressions, "Cut trematodes will enter your meridians in your sleep to absorb immortal energy. After forming a group, the two of us It will take about seven days to imprison the scattered immortal essence into an immortal group with the immortal spell."
Ren Ling opened his eyes, "Thank you two immortals for your help."
"Close your eyes!"
Almost as soon as he closed his eyes, Ren Ling fell into a deep sleep.
First came the long and endless darkness. She slept deeply and deeply, as if she had slept enough for the time she had never slept since her cultivation.
After sleeping for a long time, she suddenly didn't know which string was touched, and frequent dreams rushed into her mind.
Dream one:
In the boundless sea of ​​clouds, there are seven boys and girls carved in pink and jade, forming a circle with their hands clasped together in worship. A seven-color fairy lotus blooms in the middle, and the soft precious light envelops the seven people.
Ren Ling leaned over gently, only to hear the seven people chanting something in a low voice, they listened carefully but couldn't hear clearly.She just stood aside, staring and listening, as if surrounded by the precious light.
All of a sudden, there was an empty voice, booming and deafening. It was obvious that every word and every sentence fell into my ears, but I couldn't seem to understand what was said. While struggling, I heard one of the lines, "... Seven Colors Xianlian, give it to you to protect, be sure..."
The white light flashed, and the dreamland switched instantly——
Dream two:
Surrounded by clouds and mist, there is a high competition platform, surrounded by twenty or thirty teenagers, who seem to be enthusiastically participating in a certain competition.
Ren Ling felt that he was floating close to the edge of the competition platform. After stepping on it, he floated less than three feet before being blocked by an invisible barrier.She narrowed her eyes and looked in, strangely finding that she recognized the seven boys and girls surrounded by Xianlian almost instantly.They have grown a lot taller now, and their looks are even more beautiful and pleasing.
Among them, a man and a woman are at the very center of the competition platform, as if they are fighting fiercely.
That girl is so kind... Ren Ling scratched her head, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity flooding her heart.
"Yuchen, you may not win this time!" The girl's face was cold and elegant, but there was a smile and admiration in the corners of her eyes.
"Ying Que," the young man opposite was equally handsome and flawless, with only a hint of warmth in his eyes, "If I lose, how about giving you a peach blossom grove?"
The girl called Ying Que slightly curled her lips, "It's a deal."
Ren Ling couldn't see the reality of the next competition, he could only hear loud applause one after another in the arena, and Ying Que was in a calm and natural mood, and he was calm and composed every time he responded.
'Strange, how would I know what she was thinking? Ren Ling scratched his head and stood on his toes outside the barrier to watch. After an unknown period of time, there was a burst of warm applause. After the excitement, the crowd gradually dispersed.
'Who will win? '
Ren Ling was curious, and when the crowd dispersed, she half-lyed on the edge of the barrier and watched vigorously, leaving behind the five people she had met before, and of course, Ying Que and Yu Chen.
"What a pity," Yingque Yingying smiled, as beautiful as stars, "a peach blossom forest just disappeared."
"You two!"
A boy in black walked over and punched Yuchen on the shoulder, "You are so far ahead of us, and you still use it for betting? Aren't you afraid of being jealous of those small noses and small eyes?"
"No way," Yuchen smiled faintly, looked at Yingque and said, "A tie doesn't count as a win or loss, and I won't break my promise in Peach Blossom Forest."
"Peach Blossom Forest?" A girl in yellow came forward bouncingly, "I want Peach Blossom Forest too!"
The black-clothed boy seemed to dote on the yellow-clothed girl very much, and rubbed her nose, "Okay, you two girls like peach blossoms or something, let's go, let's go to the middle of Yingque and Xinru's mansions to plant a plant together." Come out of the peach blossom forest?"
This remark won the approval of everyone, and they quickly left in crowds.
"The back of the man in black is very familiar." Ren Ling tugged at his long hair, stopped for a while but couldn't remember, "It would be great if I saw the front face."
Next, Ren Ling felt as if she was drifting in a daze. She felt that there were many fragments of dreams flashing by. One scene after another, one figure after another, couldn't see or hear clearly, but it was so real that she felt like one of them. .
She saw the land of the nether world, and saw the godly mother-in-law.
She saw the Yaoyu Moon Clan and Zhan Xin.
There are many places she has never been to, people she has never met.
Those pictures flowed quickly in front of her, making her dazzled and her brain aching. In the end, she finally couldn't help holding her head and shouting, 'Ah! '.
Everything tends to be quiet.
After the headache subsided, Ren Ling opened his eyes.
This time she came to a closed room, the room was very simple and old, as if no one had lived in it for a long time.Ren Ling looked around curiously, and suddenly heard intermittent voices, walked along the voice to the inner room, and looked with his head——
In the inner room sat a man and a woman, about seventeen or eighteen years old, the two looked very serious, as if they were discussing something carefully.
'Is this the grown-up Yingque and Yuchen?They really are. Ren Ling blinked, walked forward, and was delighted to find that there was no barrier blocking her, until she walked to the side of the two and listened to their discussion by pulling her braids.

"As long as we keep the celestial tendons, celestial bones and celestial essence, we can quickly become celestial beings." Yingque seemed a little excited and nervous, her voice was extremely low, and she leaned forward halfway, "Yuchen, I found a way." .”

Yuchen stretched out his hands to support her shoulders, with firm eyes, "Yingque, I also found the same method, but now, we have to figure out how to preserve the immortal tendons, immortal bones and immortal essence."

"Yes," Ying Que's beautiful eyes darkened, as if he was thinking seriously, "Xianyuan can be condensed and handed over to them for custody, even if you go to Zhuxiantai, you won't be able to find out."

"That's right, although you will lose about one percent after condensing your immortal essence," Yuchen looked at Yingque with a slight smile. This woman he admired and loved so much, she has a calmness and aloofness that ordinary people can't match. , Even at this moment, she has never been flustered.She and him are as similar as a natural pair, "It's not a big problem for us. Besides, our immortal essence is much stronger. I have a way to compress the immortal essence to the size of a fingernail." .”

"Really?" Yingque raised her eyebrows slightly. She knew that Yuchen and her immortal energy would be at least the size of a fist after condensing, and the immortal energy was extremely strong. Anyone who is not careful will be noticed. If it can be compressed to the size of a fingernail, then it is safe Many, "This is very good. Then the next step is the fairy tendon. Can we store the fairy tendon that we took off with the Dragon Clan?"

"Dragon Clan?" Yu Chen paused, then smiled for a moment, "It just so happens that they owe us a big favor, and this time it's clear."

"Exactly." Yingque smiled sweetly, "And the fairy bone is naturally..."

"Reincarnate with us." After the two said in unison, they looked at each other and smiled, speechless for a long time.

"Yingque," Yuchen reached out and brushed her hair behind her ears, "Are you afraid?"

Ying Que shook his head, "Yuchen, since there must be such a calamity, it is most suitable for the two of us to deal with it. I can be with you, I am not afraid at all."

"Me too."

Ren Ling was listening in a fog, his eyes were wide open, and he was dragged to another dream in a blink of an eye.

It was under a pear tree.

Yingque stomped back and forth, looking around on tiptoes from time to time.Ren Ling stood aside, following her eyes curiously looking at where she came from, secretly guessing in her heart, could it be that she was waiting for Yuchen?

Sure enough, as she expected, about half a quarter of an hour later, Yuchen hurried over, but his condition didn't seem to be very good.

The clothes on his body were torn in many places, his face was pale and colorless, his brows were tightly frowned, and when he saw Ying Que, he slowly let go and rushed over quickly.


Surprised and pleasantly surprised, Yingque ran to meet her, the two hugged each other tightly and stared at each other for a long time, when suddenly Yuchen leaned down and kissed Yingque's pink lips fiercely.

'ah! Ren Ling didn't expect to see such a scene, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, but couldn't help being curious, looked out from between his fingers, thinking quietly,

'...they looked so happy. '

(End of this chapter)

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