Immortal Journey

Chapter 241 Who's who's past life and present life

Chapter 241 Who's who's past life and present life
Ren Lingfu opened his eyes and saw Bai Feng who was pale but elegant and smiling. He was very pleasantly surprised, "Are you awake?"
Bai Feng smiled and nodded, "I'm awake."
"That's great!" Ren Ling got up from the Jiuquan with a grunt, but he didn't realize that Bai Feng had changed his name to her, and happily pulled him out of the Jiuquan, walking towards Xiaofei and Jianyi, " Master, it was Great Immortal Xiaofei and Immortal Jianyi who saved us. Thank you two immortals!"
"So, thank you both." Bai Feng looked at the two of them, with gratitude flashing in his eyes.
"You're welcome!" Xiao Fei rubbed his nose, patted his round belly and laughed.
But Jian Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Bai Feng for a while, then smiled generously, "It's easy to do."
"The immortal essence in your body has been compressed into a ball," Xiao Fei cleared his throat, "I will seal the immortal essence with the immortal curse, which will not affect your cultivation advancement for the time being. The immortal curse will slowly release after you give birth. Untie it, and help you to ascend as soon as possible."
Ren Ling looked at Bai Feng, saw him nodding his head noncommittally, recalled the part in the dream, so he could only thank him with a smile, "Thank you, Great Immortal Xiao Fei, this junior understands."
"Since you're fine, let's leave early." Jian Yi interrupted suddenly, "This is a fairyland, not suitable for ordinary people to stay for a long time."
Xiao Fei glanced at Jian Yi and knew that he was doing it to prevent changes over time. After all, it is not a good thing for them to help mere mortals. seat."
"Ah?" Ren Ling didn't expect the topic to change so abruptly, but after thinking about it, he knew that it was a great fortune to be able to save Bai Feng, "This junior will leave as soon as possible, but..." Thinking of the request of the nine-headed snake, he said apologetically , "The younger generation promised the nine-headed spirit snake to fetch the golden busbar for it, but it has not yet been done, so..."
"Gold wire?" Xiao Fei frowned, and his voice sank, "That bastard is greedy again!"
"Xiaofei Daxian, don't be angry," Ren Ling quickly spoke to appease, and talked about how he got along with the strange babies in the farmland these days, including the thing about agreeing to the nine-headed spirit snake in order to get juice for the baby Baishu, "It's the younger generation who didn't follow the request of Great Immortal Xiaofei and trespassed on the farmland. Please forgive me."
"You said those boys bought your account?" Daxian Xiaofei touched his chin, looked at Ren Ling with a strange expression, and laughed again after a while, "Okay! That's good! It's okay, little girl, just talk to Ren Ling." Let your master go, and the golden silk mother thread will give it to the nine-headed spirit snake."
"This...doesn't seem so good?" Ren Ling bit her lip, obviously she had agreed, but in the end she asked Great Immortal Xiaofei to do it for her, "Should I make a trip for this junior?"
"You guys go back." Jian Yi stood up, "Anyway, we already owe us a huge favor, so it's not bad, and I will ask you to pay it back next time."
Bai Feng nodded towards Jian, grabbed Ren Ling and said, "Ling'er, just as Jian Yi said, let's leave first."
Leaving Qionglai Xiandao in a hurry, Ren Ling sat on Bai Feng's lightning, feeling at a loss.
"What are you thinking about?" Bai Feng smiled, seeing her slightly absent-minded, couldn't help reaching out and pinching the tip of her delicate nose.
"Uh," Ren Ling came back to his senses, a little embarrassed by the sudden intimacy, "Master, I always feel that it's not good to just leave like this, and I haven't thanked them for saving their lives."
Bai Feng raised his eyebrows, "Do you think they will forget? It has always been their motto to repay every little favor with a fountain, so there is no need to worry about it. Besides, Ling'er, you can call me by my name directly."
How did the master know the motto of the two immortals?Ren Ling raised Liu Yemei curiously, but was choked by Bai Feng's second sentence. After coughing several times, he stared at Bai Feng in a daze. What does it mean to call him by his name directly?They are masters and apprentices, how can they directly call the master by his name?
"What? Didn't 'Dameng Sansheng' bring back your memory?" Bai Feng naturally took Ren Ling's hand, walked forward, stood at the forefront of the lightning, and looked directly at the vast sea of ​​clouds, "'Big "Meng San Sheng", as the name suggests, can awaken all the memories of the previous three lives, Ling'er, what did you dream about?"
"What did you dream about?" Ren Ling murmured, thinking of the countless dreams, she really had the illusion of a world away, "Master, I had so many dreams, but, isn't that just a dream? ?”
"That's not just a dream." Bai Feng smiled lightly, with warm eyes, "It was something that happened in the previous life, and it was picked up by 'Dream Three Lives'. Ling'er, do you know that 'Dream Three Lives' is not a dream? Anyone can perform it? Only the heirs of the Dream God have this ability, and Jian Yi just happens to be."
"Master," Ren Ling was even more puzzled. Did all the things that happened in her dreams actually happen in the past?Then why would she be able to see?what does that mean? "Whose past life am I dreaming about?"
"What do you say?"
Bai Feng smiled and looked at Ren Ling with a quiet smile.
Suddenly, Ren Ling's heart twitched secretly, and Ren Ling was startled by the thought that flashed so quickly, but in an instant, he found himself lost in Bai Feng's crystal-clear black eyes.Master's temperament, master's smile...why is it so similar to Yuchen?
"Master...could it be Yuchen?" Ren Ling muttered to himself, saying what he didn't quite understand, but Bai Feng's black eyes shone brightly at that moment, so bright that the stars in the sky were inferior For three minutes, he suppressed his excitement, put his hands on Ren Ling's shoulders, his voice trembled, "Ling'er, did you dream about me?"
"Master, are you really Yuchen?" Ren Ling didn't expect to inadvertently say it, and suddenly felt his thoughts were in a mess.Yuchen, Yuchen, that man in her dream is really her master?What about the surplus and deficiency?
"That's right, I'm Yuchen," Bai Feng stared deeply at Ren Ling, "Ling'er, you are Yingque."
'boom!boom!boom! '
Ren Ling only felt his head explode, and his whole body was stunned, his eyes were straight and unable to focus, and Bai Feng's words echoed repeatedly in his heart, 'I am Yuchen, you are Yingque. '
The master is Yuchen, and she is Yingque?
How, how come?
Yuchen and Yingque are a pair of heaven and man in the dream. How could she be the woman who is as smart as Yuchen and also possesses the courage of a gambler, which makes people admire from the bottom of her heart——Yingque?
"Yingque, what you dreamed about was your past life and ours." Bai Feng woke up Ren Ling who was still ignorant, pulled her to sit down and whispered, "I understand the impact you are having now. When I had such a dream, I was shocked."
"Master, did you have a similar dream before the 'Dream of Three Lives'?"
"That's right, it all started with meeting the demon-thirsty sky."
At this moment, Bai Feng finally confessed every detail of the time when he met Xi Motian, in every detail.I didn't tell Ren Ling in detail before because I was afraid of scaring her. Now that I have experienced the "Dream Three Lives", it is just the time to be open and honest.

After listening to Bai Feng's words, Ren Ling was in a daze. Bai Feng didn't bother her when he saw this, but sat beside her quietly, as if he was satisfied with her by his side, as if he had the whole world .

Yuchen and Yingque are Master and her.Ren Ling slowly digested this fact, and every scene in the dream became very clear in her mind. She was a little belatedly thinking that when she dreamed of the godly mother-in-law in the Netherland, she mistakenly thought that she had mixed in My own memory, but turned to read what Grandma Qian said when she saw her at the beginning, and finally understood that the person that Grandma Qian was waiting for was Yingque—she in her previous life.

Past life, present life, how difficult it is for people to face everything suddenly.

Is it true that if she has no hope of ascension and falls into mud, she will be reincarnated and continue to cultivate?

No, Ren Ling shook her head, she was originally a fairy root, and she was born into a mortal body because of fate.

In order to protect the Seven-color Fairy Lotus, which of the seven fairy children they had back then fell to the ground like mud?But then, did they expect that all of this was under their control?

Silently closing his eyes, a strange feeling flooded in his mind, as if the tide of memory was rushing in. The appearance, name, temperament, etc. of the seven fairy children appeared in front of him one by one. In order to protect the seven-color fairy lotus, they Their various strategies and actions, their enthusiasm, impulsiveness, boldness and carefulness, their courage to put death to death, and the wisdom of united efforts all made her feel moved again and again.

She really remembered this time.

Gently exhaled, and slightly fluttered her thick eyelashes, Ren Ling was about to open her lips to express her doubts, when she raised her eyes and saw Bai Feng's peaceful profile, suddenly remembered the tender and sweet kiss in the last dream , his face flushed suddenly.God, if she and Master are Ying Que and Yu Chen, aren't they...?
"But remember?"

Bai Feng turned his head, looked at her sideways, and said in a soft voice like a spring breeze, "Ling'er, Yingque, we have finally truly awakened."

"Master," Ren Ling bit her lip, "...Yuchen," lowered her eyes a little shyly, even though the memory came back, the feeling was still hidden deep inside, so she was not used to it, "Jianyi and Motian, I think of them. It’s just that Xinru, Lian Rui and Azhao don’t know where they are, and I don’t know if they are like us…”

"It's okay," Bai Feng smiled, "We were the ones who were in the most dangerous situation that day. Now we are all awakened. Apart from Xi Tian who made too much trouble, Jian Yi is also fine. I believe they will be found soon."

Ren Ling frowned, thinking of Jian Yi sending them away in a hurry, "But, we are only human monks in the alchemy stage now, and it takes too much time to become immortals, so it's no wonder Jian Yi didn't recognize us," finally understood Seeing Jian Yi's painstaking efforts, she smiled shyly, "In order to protect us, it's hard for Jian Yi and Xiao Fei."

"They didn't know how we dealt with it at the time, that's why they were so well-intentioned," Bai Feng gently touched the back of Ren Ling's hand, "Ying Que, do you still remember the ancient forbidden method we both used in the end?"

 Thank you Liu Zimo for the pink ticket, hug me~~ :)

  Today is Children's Day, I wish all children a happy holiday!

  ps: I'm so tired from work recently, I'm so depressed, I'm going crazy. Someone help me!
(End of this chapter)

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