My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 110 The world has no end, and life is like the morning glow!

Chapter 110 The world has no end, and life is like the morning glow!

At this time, Li Hao, who was running downhill, was stunned for a moment, and cursed again: "Damn! Are you a group of ancient wolves mice? Why are they multiplying so much?"

On the downhill of the west mountain, dozens of ancient wolves were lazily basking in the sun, and even a few ancient wolves were applauding in love.

This caused Li Hao to curse constantly.

But Li Hao just said it casually.

With so many creatures in the Catacombs, who knows whether these ancient wolves migrated gradually, or whether a few ancient wolves slowly multiplied into such a huge group?

But this is not important, the important thing is that Li Hao can't continue to go downhill!
In the end, Li Hao turned helplessly, and found that the white-haired man and the red-haired man were chasing after him!
"Damn! This is really a unique way!"

In desperation, Li Hao turned around again, bypassing the herd of ancient wolves and running towards the majestic building.

While running, Li Hao muttered: "You must never have a seventh grade..."

If there is a seventh rank, whether it is a person from Tianmen City or others, it will make his situation very dangerous.

The current him is only a third rank!

There is still a distance from the fourth rank, what if the seventh rank is on par with the human grandmaster?
It wasn't the last time that the time was right and the people were right, the chance like last time was really too slim.

At this time, the position of the sun in the catacombs did not change at all, and it was still hanging high in the sky, emitting scorching flames.

But Li Hao kept counting the time.

"From just now to now, at least one hour! And when I came, it happened to be around ten o'clock in the morning! In other words, the current time is eleven o'clock!"

In other words, the Catacomb will turn into night in about thirteen hours!

The transition between day and night in the Catacombs is instantaneous, that is to say, there are only two types of sky in the Catacombs, daylight and darkness!
Although thirteen hours is a long time, Li Hao kept it in mind and kept counting.

In the Catacombs, he followed Wang Jinyang, Qin Fengqing and others to learn not only some coping skills and fighting methods, but also the handling of details!

Don't look at Qin Fengqing, who is usually careless and has no manners all day long, but Qin Fengqing's thoughts can be called meticulous!
When I ran away a long time ago, I was able to remember the general shape of the village and draw a map!Even remember the paltry dog ​​wall in it!

It is impossible for ordinary people to remember!As for Qin Fengqing's ability to remember, it must not be a talent, but a deliberate memory from the beginning.

Although Qin Fengqing dies every day and goes to the burrow everywhere, it is because of that ability!
Ordinary people commit suicide like this... then they really commit suicide!
After thinking for a while, Li Hao focused on his surroundings.

The red-haired man and the white-haired man behind him don't need to be ignored for the time being, the primary goal now is to find a way to survive!

Once there are seven ranks in the majestic building, then he will only have three results!

In the first result, the seventh rank will not appear, at most it will be the sixth rank. At that time, he will fly the kite unscrupulously, consume the state of the two people behind him, and finally, complete the peerless counter-kill!

In the second result, the seventh rank appeared, and he was lucky enough to occupy the harmony of heaven and earth, seize his life, and slip away.

In the second result, the seventh rank still appeared and quickly killed him. As for whether it will kill the red-haired man and the white-haired man?That doesn't matter anymore!
There is no end to the world, and life is like the morning glow!
Human life is bigger than the sky!

Li Hao has firm eyes and always pays attention to his surroundings.

During the running process, some ancient wolf beasts would appear from time to time, some were alone, and some lived in groups.But fortunately, Li Hao hid his breath and fled quickly to pull him away.

However, Lin Xing and Ling Qin behind them were miserable.

"Damn it! This group of ancient wolves without wisdom, I will definitely say a few words when the Sirius Commander arrives!"

Lin Xing's eyes went wild, and he wanted to slash and kill with the knife many times, but when he thought of the consequences of killing, he put down the alloy knife again.This feeling of wanting to kill but not being able to kill made him so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood!

Beside her, Ling Qin was also a little miserable, but after hearing Lin Xing's words, her eyes suddenly sneered, but she didn't make a sound, but gradually accelerated her speed to get rid of the ancient wolves chasing after her!
When Lin Xing went crazy, his IQ really fluctuated!
Return a book to Sirius Commander, would a dignified commander listen to a five-rank slander?
Even if he meant the meaning of the respected one, so what?

Commanders should also not be insulted by the weak!

Langtou Mountain is small and small, but it is also big.

It took as much as 10 minutes just to go to the majestic building!
Although this is under the premise that Li Hao does not have full speed, even so, the range of Langtou Mountain is very wide!
Li Hao looked at the surrounding terrain, his right eye was extremely deep, as if he could see through everything.

"Langtou Mountain is estimated to be at least tens of kilometers in size..."

When he just escaped for his life, he also calculated the approximate range he ran out of, and combined with his visual inspection, he came up with an astonishing result.

Langtou Mountain is tens of kilometers in size!

Although the energy is relatively thin, it doesn't seem like an area where Qipin lives, but such a huge territory, the energy is thin is not a problem.

Many times, the concentration of energy molecules in dangerous areas is not because of nature.

It's because of the strengthening and transformation of the demonic beasts that settled in, so many energy molecules were born.

Such a huge territory of Langtou Mountain, even if the energy is thin, it can be improved through acquired transformation, but the natural size of the territory can determine the territory!
At this time, Li Hao was sure that there must be a seventh rank here!
"Then here comes the question..." Li Hao's eyes were solemn, and his steps seemed to slow down a little. He looked at the majestic building 100 meters away: "Is this seventh grade inside?"

The majestic building was gradually approached by Li Hao, and its details were gradually revealed.

The majestic building is actually a house under the statue of a wolf head. The whole body is metallic and looks very dignified and gorgeous. It is actually made of metal!

Li Hao stared at the majestic building that was getting closer and closer, his face suddenly changed!What did he... see?
"Energy lamp!"

In the small yard in front of the metal house, there is an energy lamp that is still glowing!
The energy lamp is bronze in color, and the energy stone inside is white. Most of it has been consumed, but it still emits a bright red fire.

The metal buildings set off by various colors are a bit weird!
Li Hao's face was so ugly that he almost wanted to run at full speed and run for his life, but he stopped it anyway.

Because... there is no way out!
In the back, the white-haired man and the red-haired man, if it was a one-on-one fight, maybe they could fight each other, but now the two of them are stuck together, barely more than three meters away, once he turns around to attack any one of them, the other You can instantly support, or even form a two-sided attack!
Now, he couldn't turn his back on it.So, rear, ruled out!
(End of this chapter)

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