My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 111 Entering the Metal Palace

Chapter 111 Entering the Metal Palace
On the left and right, there were a large number of ancient wolves gathered, which made him very helpless.

If there is a fight, he can actually beat it.

Because he has almost unlimited battery life.

Even for the two fifth ranks, the red-haired man and the white-haired man, the energy is limited, and the recovery of energy is at most a little faster.

As long as you don't reach the peak of the sixth rank or even the seventh rank, then the energy is still very scarce.

It is very easy to kill the ancient wolf beast of the fifth rank and the fourth rank, but the energy will always be consumed. After a long time, it will be exhausted, and it will form an ant-killing phenomenon.

But he is different, although he is a rank three, but he has the combat power of a rank five, and almost unlimited blood, killing the ancient wolf herd is only a matter of time.

What if he was given enough time to slaughter all the ancient wolves on the Langtou Mountain?

Tranquilize the seventh dangerous zone in the Catacombs of the Demon City for the human race!

However, there are two hostile fifth ranks behind him now, whether he is going to the left or the right, there are ancient wolf beasts to stop him, once he makes a move, it will inevitably be delayed.

When the time comes, two hostile rank fives will arrive, and he will almost be unable to escape!
Therefore, neither the right nor the left can go!
Li Hao frowned and looked at the front left and the front right, but as soon as his thoughts rose, he was instantly denied!
no!There is no road ahead on the left. Although he can fly up, a group of ancient wolves at the top can be seen with naked eyes on the mountain.

The situation on the front right is similar, except that it is not an ancient wolf beast, but a horse monster that is very similar to a horse, but it is different from a horse in that it has a huge body, its fangs are turned out, and it also eats meat!

Li Hao could clearly see that the horse monster, which was four or five meters tall, opened its bloody mouth, and gave a big speed at an ancient wolf beast that had died long ago!

In just a split second, Li Hao estimated his strength.

"Fourth rank starts, fifth rank caps!"

Li Hao felt his scalp go numb, how could there be a horse monster that was similar to the ancient wolf beast in Langtou Mountain, and even faintly more difficult!
It is suspected that the seventh rank exists, the big wave ancient wolf beast, and the more powerful horse monster, can this be the seventh?
You can try the third one!
"So..." Li Hao lifted his steps and cast his gaze into the metal room.

"Only the front!"

The power of Qi and blood burned suddenly, and Li Hao's speed increased a lot, and he was about to rush into the metal hall in an instant.

Of course, at the same time, he purchased [Surrogate Death Doll].

Although he is reckless on weekdays, he has always been bold and cautious in this life-and-death moment.

Even though the price of Zilu is very expensive, after purchasing [Surrogate Doll], the Krypton Points instantly decreased by 110 million.

The acquisition of the self-path was also postponed, but Li Hao did not regret it at all.

Life is the most precious!

When a person dies and loses money, and when a person lives and loses money, he will choose the latter without hesitation.

What's more, this is only 110 million krypton points.

However, after the system was updated, the price increase to 110% really made Li Hao want to complain.

Others are lowering the price, but you are increasing the price!

Born to be different, right?

In the metal palace, there was a burst of restlessness.

But Li Hao didn't ask, just stared at the metal hall, his body moved quickly, and flew around the metal hall.

Regardless of whether he has the seventh grade or not, it's better not to provoke him at this time!

There are two fifth ranks behind him, enemies on the left and right. At this time, he is really trapped in the enemy's camp!
And what he can do is to try his best to escape and fight back!

He has always been a man who kills and kills everything, how could he let go of the two behind him and so many ancient wolf beasts and horse monsters on Langtou Mountain?

"Kill them all!" Li Hao flew around the house with cold eyes!

Ling Qin, who was behind her, saw the metal room, and suddenly changed her expression: "Lin Xing, this is probably the residence of Sirius Commander! Is it not good for us to enter without saying hello?"

If the commander gets angry, then no matter who it is, there will be no good fruit to eat!
Hearing this, Lin Xing rose up, flew in the sky, and rushed towards Li Hao at a high speed. Hearing Ling Qin's words, he immediately sneered and said, "Idiot! Do you think the commanders are all slow-responsive guys? Didn't you see what's ahead?" Has the resurrected warrior almost left here? What does this mean? This means that Sirius Commander is not at home! So what are you waiting for! Take advantage of the situation and kill the enemy!"

The commander's sensitivity is very strong, let alone Li Hao who is close at hand, when they set foot on Langtou Mountain, the commander will definitely feel their aura!

In the same way, what Lin Xing thought of, Li Hao also thought of.

"Hiss!" Li Hao's eyes wandered, while running around the metal palace, he was full of thoughts.

"Is there no Qipin, or has Qipin already left?"

"If it's the former, then I can run around the Langtou Mountain surrounded by mountains on three sides, drag the red-haired man and the white-haired man behind to death, and then kill the ancient wolf beast and the horse monster! At that time, don't say it's my own law, Maybe you have the resources to cultivate to the fifth rank!"

Li Hao's eyes were red, but he did not lose his mind.

"But if the seventh rank really exists, but has already left, then I will leave around the metal palace at most, and then nothing else!"

These two possibilities also represent his next two actions.

Which one should I choose?

Li Hao was flying low in the sky, his eyes suddenly became firm, and his aura instantly rose, full of energy.

It's done!

Qin Fengqing dared to go down to the burrow like drinking water, so why would I, Li Hao, not dare to fight back?
So far, the idea has been decided.Li Hao swallowed like a tiger, and originally planned to deviate from the metal palace, but then the trajectory of his departure also changed!

He plunged headlong into the metal palace!
Behind, even the murderous Lin Xing was stunned for a moment.

"Is he crazy?" Ling Qin couldn't help asking.

Lin Xing, who came back to his senses, kept changing his face. Hearing Ling Qin's words, he scolded: "Idiot! He is sure that he doesn't have the seventh rank, and he wants to force us to back away!"

Too insidious, too vicious!
This resurrected warrior accurately grasped their thoughts, and then he was sure that they would not dare to enter the Heavenly Wolf Mansion!
But... Lin Xing's originally ferocious facial features suddenly squeezed out a smile, which looked very strange!
But, you made a wrong calculation!I, Lin Xing, never play cards according to routines!
With this thought in mind, Lin Xing pressed his head down, his figure suddenly lowered, and his whole body seemed to be stabbed, and he was about to rush into the metal hall in an instant!
Ling Qin was stunned, cursed secretly, gritted her teeth and followed.

This idiot actually wants to fly in, can't he wait obediently!

Although Lin Xing didn't like his cautious temperament, it was undeniable that his cautious temperament benefited them a lot in the wild.

But once you get into a battle, you can think of whatever you want, and don't think about anything else, it's just out of your mind!
Li Hao, who had just entered the metal palace, panted slightly. Seeing the emptiness around him and the sound of someone gradually approaching in the back room, his heart moved, and he was ready to make a small plan.

(End of this chapter)

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