My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 257 Changes in the Battle Situation, 2 Parties Join Forces, and the Human Race Is in Danger?

Chapter 257 The Battle Situation Changes, The Two Sides Join Forces, and the Human Race Is in Danger?

The conversation between Big Brother Jiang and Old Ancestor Jiang?
This is probably also a secret!And it is very likely to be a big secret, even related to strategic issues!

Jiang Chao said disapprovingly: "Susu, during this period of time, your family must have disclosed this matter to you. Even if they didn't tell you now, they will tell you soon. In fact, there are quite a few people who know it. how?"

After finishing speaking, before Su Zisu could respond, Jiang Chao said, "There are actually two factions in the Catacombs, Yaoming and Yaozhi."

"There is not much difference between the two, the problem of guardian beasts, Yaoming is a living animal, the kind that can run and fight.

Yaozhi's lineage is a plant guardian beast, unable to leave the city, but with years of savings, it is often not weak in the ninth rank.

In fact, most of them are hostile. "

Hearing Jiang Chao's talk about the confrontation between Yao Ming and Yao Zhi, Li Hao suddenly thought of Chalk City.

Chalk City seems to have a lot of hatred with Juliu City and Jusong City. Is it because of different factions?

Before it was over, Jiang Chao continued to sigh: "But, according to the pervert, Yaoming and Yaozhi are going to unite and attack us together!"

"Think about it, there are only fourteen top experts in Huaguo, and there are a total of 24 areas belonging to Huaguo, which is equivalent to one ancestor suppressing two areas. The difficulty is so great!"

"If we had 24 top-notch experts, the ancestors of the Yang family probably wouldn't have died in the realm."

"This time, Yaoming Yaozhi's alliance has doubled our strength. How do you think we can win?"

Li Hao frowned more and more as he listened, and suddenly said: "Humans can create miracles, and there are countless arrogances in the new martial arts era. Sooner or later, the Catacombs will be pacified!"

Jiang Chao didn't deny it either, indeed, there are countless arrogance, and this time one of the contestants counts as one.

But whether the Catacombs can really be pacified...he doesn't know.


Li Hao took a piece of meat and ate it, his eyes lit up, it was delicious?

Picking up the chopsticks and not letting go, he also ate a few more yuan.

Jiang Chao doesn't care about these things either. Although he likes delicious food and six-grade white fox meat is rare, delicious food is after all the appetite of the appetite. Likes are likes, but they will not be driven.


This meal lasted until noon.

And the topic has been discussed.

Li Hao asked a lot of key information, and roughly cleared up the blurred parts of his memory.

However, it can be foreseen that the reason why Jiang Chao knows and speaks endlessly is probably because of the alliance between Yaozhi and Yaoming, and he feels that there is no need to hide it, and he reveals it all.

But for Li Hao, he doesn't really value the union of Yaozhi and Yaoming, but is very interested in the Global Youth Martial Arts Competition.

If he was not mistaken, he should be able to meet the key figures of the two royal courts, and all the people he came into contact with were more advanced true kings.

Li Hao has actually understood a truth since he practiced.

Making everyone stronger requires reform, and there are always victims of reform in every country.

But if you really want to calm down the crypt, you still have to make yourself stronger, so strong that no enemy can stop it!

Martial arts all the way, the difference is as small as a thousand miles, the difference in one realm, the difference in strength is so big that it is difficult to make up for several times.

To make yourself stronger, there is no doubt that you have to enter the burrow!

When one person gains the Dao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!


After the exchange group finished the exchange, there was naturally no need to stay.

At this time, they were at the school gate, ready to leave.

And Li Changsheng, Lu Fengrou, Li Hao, and Wang Jinyang and his group also saw them off.

Minister Wang and Vice President Liu are neither Mowu nor Zhenxing City, so they simply go back to the Ministry of Education and the Martial Arts Association.

Before leaving, Vice President Liu still sighed a little: "Lao Wang and I were still discussing whether the title of Mo Wu Li Hao was too much. I am convinced of this line of work. Don't say he is called Sun Moon King, he is directly I also agree with being called an emperor!"

After a few days, he must ask Li Hao if he can copy the Bridge of Heaven and Earth sometime!



Li Mo looked at Mo Wu, pondered for a long time, and suddenly sighed: "I forgot how many years ago, I came to challenge someone."

Li Changsheng said lightly, "It's my teacher."

Li Mo laughed and said: "It's your teacher. He is really the most talented person I have ever seen. He only needs [-] strokes to defeat me. Master Lu Zhen is not weak. It seems that Zhenxing City really wants to fight Get in touch with the outside world."

Lu Fengrou said in a low voice: "Suppressing Star City should be like this, it is still in the dust, even if it is a ninth grade, it is just a waste!"

Li Mo paused for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "You are Lu Zhen's daughter, and now you are also seventh-rank, but I think you still know too little about Zhenxing City!"

"There are definitely a lot of people from my town in Star City who are fighting outside! 300 years ago, there were countless seniors who fought for the human race!"

"The establishment of the new martial arts era was prompted by the two ancestors of my town Star City. I fought for the human race 300 years ago, and fought for the human race 300 years later. From the beginning to the end, it is as always! Blood and tears, life and death, have long been numb !"

"Speaking of the Xinwu era, Commander Li and Zhenxing City are also inextricably linked!"

"I said this not to be ironic, but to tell you, to tell you, the people in my Star City are not hermits. We know better than anyone else the size of the Catacombs, the difficulty of the Catacombs, and the wide range of issues involved!"

"Hundreds of years of fighting, fighting for the human race, our Star City has never retreated!"

"Zhenxing City is only in charge of a place that is completely different from yours, not Jieyou Township forged for safety!"

Lu Fengrou's eyes changed, and he said, "Commander Li is a martial artist in Star City?"

Li Mo calmed down and said in a soft voice: "Commander Li has a lot to do with Zhenxing City, but he left my Li family in the early years, but no matter who it is, the fighters in Zhenxing City are fighting for the human race."

For a moment, everyone was silent.

In silence, Li Hao suddenly smiled and said: "We are all fighting for the human race, so there is no need to say more, as long as you have meaning!"

As he said that, Li Hao looked at the little fat man and his party, and joked: "Remember to come to Mowu to play if you have broken through the peak of the sixth rank. I will take you to the royal city! Maybe after the first battle, you will break through to the seventh rank!"

Immediately, Jiang Chao curled his lips and whispered to the people around him: "Lao Li is good at everything, but his words and actions are too crazy."

Su Zisu responded in a low voice: "I think so too..."

Li Hao is really crazy!Until before she left, she still vividly remembered beheading the seventh rank for Grandmaster Tang!
In contrast, Li Fei was very happy, and said with a smile: "Thank you brother Li for your kindness, we will definitely come when we break through to the peak of the sixth rank and find no results for the master!"

Zheng Nanqi also showed a long-lost smile: "Yes, Brother Li, maybe we will meet again in the near future!"

The two of them really wanted to go down to the crypt to fight with Li Hao, to see this magnificent and heroic King of the Sun and Moon!
"Cough cough."

Li Mo suddenly began to cough violently, as if he was choking.

Coughing, Li Mo glanced at Li Fei and Li Fei.

During this afternoon, he also took the opportunity to get to know Mowu and the others, especially Li Hao.

The news he got shocked him on the spot.

He didn't pay much attention to the news before going down to the crypt, but after going down to the crypt, he was stunned by all kinds of achievements!

The first time I went to the Catacombs, I was ambushed by Rank [-]. Later, it was even more exaggerated. Every time I went to the Catacombs, encountering Rank [-] was almost the norm!
This kind of record really shocked him. In addition, what was even more terrifying was Li Hao's ability to kill.

It's not a big deal to offend the seventh rank in the Catacombs of the Devil's Capital, but he also offended the Lord of Tianmen City, which almost broke out in the Southern Seventh Region War!
Later, the Nanjiang Catacombs also provoked the Jiupin, what audacity!
The title Sun Moon King is really not in vain!
Sure enough, there were only wrong names, not wrong nicknames!

Zheng Nanqi and the two followed Li Hao, and planned to go down to the burrow at the peak of the sixth rank...

Really crazy?
Do you want to die?

In addition to Li Hao, Li Mo also watched Qin Fengqing and Fang Ping specifically, and even asked about the achievements of Wang Jinyang, Li Hansong and Yao Chengjun by the way.

In the end, he could only sigh.

The stars shine.

Zhenxing City said that there are heroes in large numbers, but for these people, these Wuhan universities are still slightly inferior.

Not to mention anything else, Mowu alone is not considered to be the best, and the mid-range power is already comparable to any family in Zhenxing City!
Li Mo shook his head slightly.

Compared to these courageous and eccentric fighters, Zheng Nanqi is still too tender!
He is still in the Mowu Campus, so it is hard for him to talk, and when he leaves, he must talk about it!

No matter what, they couldn't let them fall into Li Hao's clutches!
Thinking about it, in Li Mo's mind, Li Hao's image gradually changed from a martial artist to a god of death who is going to die everywhere. He is bold and strong in death, but he can't die!
At this time, Li Hao still didn't know that he had become a pupil who was like a god of death, so he sent off the exchange group.

After all the outsiders have left... Pharaoh and the others are not outsiders. Compared with Zhenxing City, they are all students of Wuhan University, which can be regarded as members of the Ministry of Education.

Lu Fengrou suddenly said: "This person competed with my father back then, but he could only survive fifty moves in my father's hands."

Li Changsheng shook his head slightly: "He sparred with the teacher, and he was almost killed after thirty moves. Now, he has reached the peak of the eighth rank!"

The old headmaster has been so talented for so many years, and he is not weak. He should have become a ninth rank, but he worried too much about Mowu. In the Catacombs of Modu, in the battle with Tianmen City.

At the same place as the battle, there are many lakes that were blasted by the power of the golden body, each of which represents the departure of a highly respected senior.

For some reason, Li Hao seemed to know what was going on in Old Man Li's mind. He walked up to him and said softly, "Tianmen City will pay the price, it will!"

Cunning Wang Lin occupies the original site of Tianmen City, and they may not be able to break out a big battle if they join forces!

However, if you really want to have such an idea, you still need to unite more forces. It is difficult to destroy this city with only magic power!

(End of this chapter)

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