My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 258 The Road to Scientific Reform of Martial Arts!

Chapter 258 The Road to Scientific Reform of Martial Arts!


At night, everything is silent.

Mo Wu fell into silence.

But in a meeting room, there was a heated argument.

"The change of the Bridge of Heaven and Earth is only suitable for people with golden bodies or golden bones. They need to temper their skulls!" Li Hao repeated.

In the room, Fang Ping, Lao Yao, Lao Wang, Tietou, and Lao Qin gathered together, all discussing, as the saying goes, brainstorming, sometimes Tianjiao's ideas can always make people's eyes shine!
Wang Jinyang pondered, and suddenly said: "Tell me, if I really make the bridge of heaven and earth into a bow, and connect two bridges of heaven and earth in the middle, can I freeze the power of heaven and earth in an instant, turn it into arrow feathers, and kill the enemy suddenly?" ?”

If it is possible, can he kill the enemy with arrow feathers in the true sense?

Li Hansong scratched his head and said, "I am a hard-headed person. Most of my body's strength comes from my body and bones. The proportion of the bridge of heaven and earth is really insignificant. If I materialize the bridge of heaven and earth from nothingness, it will be used as a helmet..."

Fang Ping shook his head and said: "No, for us, the bridge of heaven and earth not only condenses a lot of power, but also takes on the role of transforming the power of heaven and earth. After it is realized, it will not only be impossible to achieve the short of every long, but also lose the battle. Strength is not worth the candle!"

Qin Fengqing rolled her eyes and suddenly thought: "Since the bridge of heaven and earth can change its shape and play a greater role, why don't we make it into the necessary equipment?"

Several people stopped discussing, and they all looked at Qin Fengqing.

Qin Fengqing talked eloquently: "For example, Lao Li himself exploded outrageously. After using the bridge of heaven and earth to make a weapon..."

Li Hao added: "It's a bridge to the sky."

Qin Fengqing choked for a moment, and turned into anger from embarrassment: "It doesn't matter, it's not important!"

"Lao Li is outstanding in attacking and attacking, so he can naturally use the heaven and earth... the bridge to the sky as a weapon."

"But what about us? Let me tell you the truth, I decided to make the bridge of heaven and earth into a pair of wings!"

Suddenly, everyone was startled, and Li Hao was also stunned.

The bridge between heaven and earth, made into wings?

Qin Fengqing snorted and said, "Although I haven't tempered my skull now, it doesn't mean I won't be able to in the future. It's just an idea now."

"The bridge of heaven and earth is a weapon in the hands of Lao Li, and it may be a helmet in the hands of the iron head, but the transmission efficiency of the power of heaven and earth needs to be considered."

"While considering efficiency, why can't I make the bridge of heaven and earth into wings?"

"The bridge of heaven and earth is free from reality and virtuality, which is in line with the concept of a magic soldier. After I made wings, I flew with the power of heaven and earth, and my speed soared!"

Qin Fengqing thought beautifully, and even started to fantasize: "Once the speed soars, whether it is the speed itself or going down to the crypt, the safety will be greatly improved!"

"Five bridges between heaven and earth, two thinned into wing bodies, two into wing tails, and one into a transit point."

"If you can, you can even resist some ultimate moves that attack your back!"

"At that time, I will have a little guarantee of safety when I go to the realm!"

Qin Fengqing's saliva was drooling just thinking about it!
Wang Jinyang didn't react much, Li Hao had already shared all the information he knew at night, and told Lao Yao and Tietou by the way.

In his opinion, knowledge sharing can make the greatest progress!
The sectarian era was steadfast and self-proclaimed, and its tactics refused to be passed on to outsiders, so this era has perished!

Creative Commons is really helpful!
For example, in the current Bridge of Heaven and Earth, Wang Jinyang and others talked about a lot of their own views and ideas, which benefited Li Hao a lot!

Qin Fengqing is also a ghost, with a quick mind, and dares to make the bridge of heaven and earth into wings.


Li Hao thought of the key question and asked, "How do you make the bridge of heaven and earth into the shape of normal wings?"

This question is very important. His five bridges of heaven and earth are connected straight, and they are less than one meter in length. Normal wings, to achieve Qin Fengqing's idea, need at least a three-meter-long wing body!
Sometimes, too long a bridge between heaven and earth is actually not conducive to transforming the power of heaven and earth.

Qin Fengqing said disapprovingly: "What is this kind of thing? Since the bridge of heaven and earth can become a straight bridge in your hands, why can't I flatten it and change it into slender wings?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a huge wave in Li Hao's heart instantly!
correct!Why didn't he think of it!
Heaven and Earth had the same nature as Divine Weapons before. Even Divine Weapons could be forged, why not the Bridge of Heaven and Earth?
In this way, he can completely modify Tongtian in his spine!

Make a good point, maybe it can be forged into a sword.

For the sake of power...he dared to refine it into steel, and directly turned the bridge of heaven and earth into an extremely concentrated ball!

He didn't dare to say anything else, anyway, under one ball, the lethality would definitely explode!

However, this point seems to be in conflict with the transformation of the power of heaven and earth, like fish and bear's paw, you can't have both!
Li Hao didn't hide anything, and asked on the ground: "If I make the bridge of heaven and earth into a ball and throw it into my heart to act as the core of power, what should I do if my power of heaven and earth is transformed?"

Qin Fengqing was stunned for a while, Lao Li is so crazy?
Wang Jinyang and the others also began to ponder, and Fang Ping also began to think...

Yao Chengjun, who didn't say a word, was shocked to death endlessly:

"From a microscopic point of view, there must be some kind of channel or particle in the transformation of the power of heaven and earth, as long as it is unblocked, the transformation speed of the power of heaven and earth will definitely not be slow!
However, relying on our strength is not enough, but we should be able to use the power of the government to solve this problem! "

When Li Hao heard this, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and various inspirations sprung up like mushrooms after rain, combining with each other.

Although this is the world of high martial arts, there is always underlying logic, and the most basic micro and macro perspectives are also followed by the road of martial arts.

This point is not mentioned in the original book, but Li Hao has personally placed himself in this world, and the basic knowledge from his previous life is in play all the time.

Is there really science behind theology?

Li Hao reluctantly put aside his random thoughts, and began to really conceive his way of 'round ball'.

Yao Chengjun is right. From a microcosmic point of view, since the power of heaven and earth is physically restricted, it means that in the depths of the bridge of heaven and earth, there must be a particle channel in the absolute sense!

It's just that this kind of passage may be smaller than the smallest unit. In addition, the development of science in the Gaowu world is not as good as that of the earth, and it has never really noticed it.

However, Yao Chengjun brought it up!

It is really possible to use the power of the government...or...the power of Huaguo!

Li Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter, but he also laughed a little in his heart.

The basic knowledge of science can still be implemented on the road of high martial arts practice. It seems that when I find Lao Zhang in the future, I still have to mention this matter.

From the looks of it, the current Hua Kingdom is too rough and doesn't understand the innovation of martial arts!

In the original book, Fang Ping was too reckless to pacify the Three Realms. He only cultivated himself, had no way to innovate, and didn't take into account the entire universe at all. It was too one-sided.

Now, he truly felt that the reform of the path of martial arts might be realized through science!
He knows a lot, not only the so-called Three Realms, but also the deeper and infinite universe, maybe there are more beyond the universe!

The seeds of reforming martial arts were suddenly planted in Li Hao's heart!


This discussion lasted for five days and five nights!
The arrogance of a few geniuses really talked on the ground, and the discussion was all dry stuff, and the inspiration was infinitely combined and exploded!
The next day, when Li Changsheng and the others came, they were still shocked by the depth of the discussion and the escape of their thinking!There are many places discussed in it, and they all have some gains!
But in the end, they became numb. It wasn't that the topics Li Hao and the others were talking about were all about water, but that they were so profound that they couldn't understand them at all!

In the beginning, it was a bridge between heaven and earth, and later it became a martial arts reform from a scientific point of view. Later, they didn't know what the subject matter was!
It's just that an old pedantic instructor from Mowu came over, and after listening to a few words, he felt that his mind jumped out and he couldn't keep up at all, but he benefited a lot from just a few words!


Day [-].

Li Hao and the others walked out of the door, and the instructors of Mowu, who were very concerned about the place, were waiting outside.

Li Changsheng glanced at several people, and suddenly his eyes changed.

Not only him, but all Mowu instructors, including Wu Kuishan who had just arrived, were taken aback.

After five days of not coming out, Li Hao and the others not only did not feel sluggish, but improved to a higher level. There was a charm in every move of their bodies, which made people inexplicably think of the old cave language professor who came to Mowu to give lectures.

Could it be that they were reborn within five days?
This idea fills many people's minds.

In the past five days, many instructors have listened to a few words outside, but most of them feel that they don't understand!

Those who benefited a lot also felt awkward because of their thinking, so they simply didn't come.

In the past few days, the topics that Li Hao and the others talked about were really a bit advanced.

Li Hao walked out the door, looked at the waiting teachers, and said with a smile: "You don't have to wait too long, the martial artist discussing the Dao took dozens of days in ancient times!"

Li Changsheng snorted softly, "We're not worried about the length of the discussion, but whether you've gone mad!"

The others also nodded.

This time, the topic Li Hao and the others talked about was a bit strange.

Even Mowu's old pedants don't understand its meaning.

One has to wonder whether these contemporary arrogances have gone the wrong way.

The road of a warrior is like walking on thin ice, like a single-plank bridge with no end in front and abyss on the left and right.

If you are not careful, you will go the wrong way and fall into the abyss.

A difference in one thought of a warrior may represent a difference in the path, which can easily lead to stagnation in the realm, an inexplicable decrease in combat power, and sudden serious injuries during cultivation.

In severe cases, even the body shape will dissipate due to madness, and even the bones will disappear inexplicably!
Throughout the ages, I don't know how many Tianjiao have gone mad!

Terrible, frightening!

"Haha..." Li Hao chuckled for a while, and said, "This time we are only discussing the matter of the bridge between heaven and earth. We haven't really tried it, but we have found a method that seems to be able to reform the way of martial arts in the whole country."

Li Hao pondered and said: "No matter right or wrong, true or false, I will go to the Ministry of Education to demonstrate, and then I will apply for a project called "Reform of Martial Arts from a Scientific Perspective" in a government agency in my own name .”

"If it's true and effective, maybe we'll be able to pacify the Catacomb soon!"

"I don't know whether it's true or not, and I don't have the ability to do so. I'd better leave it to the government. Researching this is a waste of time."

Li Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief after listening to everything: "The road of martial arts can be reformed, but it's best not to touch it yourself, don't look at the rough road of martial arts now...

In fact, the water here is very deep. Although martial arts are new and have many disadvantages, these disadvantages...after repairing, may not be good for us! "

"In this way, originally, according to the current martial arts path when you punch, you can punch half of your strength and play 50%...

After the repair, maybe the effect will become that one punch will directly explode the seeds, which is uncontrollable. If you hit a real extreme punch, pour everything into it, and the tens of thousands of cards of energy and blood of the sixth-rank warrior will burst out. It is not enough to say that it is earth-shaking. Pass!
This change seems powerful, but is it actually?After this punch, you are dead!What's the use of being strong? "

"So, the path of martial arts can be changed, but don't change it by yourself, and don't make big changes. The water is deep here. After so many years in the new martial arts era, there are so many talents. Why hasn't anyone made major changes to the path of martial arts?"

"Because the changes are good or bad, after all, people need to experiment!"

Li Changsheng's tone suddenly became serious, and he described a terrible possibility.

"If it is good, everyone will be happy, but the truth is really that simple? Reform is not a trivial matter! If the result is bad, the consequences will be unpredictable. This requires human life to experiment!"

Tang Feng's expression was also very serious: "The point is not a person who sacrificed, but the repercussions and consequences. Don't try it yourself. I believe that you yourself are not willing to become people who sacrificed in vain."

The magic and martial arts instructors also spoke one after another, expressing many opinions, and Li Hao also roughly understood the meaning.

Immediately, Li Hao smiled awkwardly: "Masters, let's remember. I said just now that I want to apply for a project in a government agency. I just discussed a simple idea. I don't know how to test it myself. Even if I test it, it is to ensure absolute From a safety point of view!"

"We're not stupid, are we?"

Are they stupid?Maybe it's a bit iron-headed, but Fang Ping is stupid?Qin Fengqing is stupid?Or are Lao Yao and Lao Wang stupid?
Not stupid!
It is said that Li Hansong is stupid, but if he is really stupid, can he get to this point today?

They are not stupid, and a fool can't be a proud person.

The first goal will definitely be to maintain life safety.

Going down to the catacombs is going down to the catacombs, and practice is practice.

Tianjiao's death in the Catacombs is a common occurrence and cannot be avoided.

But have you ever seen a genius die because of cultivation?

After Li Hao and others guaranteed everything, the many mentors of Mowu also dispersed.

School gate.

Li Hao looked at Wang Jinyang and the others, and said with a smile: "In the future, if you have knowledge, share it. I believe this discussion will benefit you a lot."

"Of course!"

Wang Jinyang was in a very happy mood. During this trip to Mowu, he tested his own thinking and strength, learned about Zhenxing City, and discussed Dao with several Tianjiao who were similar in level, and benefited a lot!

Knowledge sharing is so important!
Tietou also scratched his head and said, "Lao Li, remember to put the government agency project on the agenda as soon as possible, and I will contact the old scholars of Jingwu who specialize in martial arts theory."

In the past five days, what they were talking about was not just the change of the bridge between heaven and earth!
Science...can really reform the way of martial arts?

Recommend a book: "Fengming Douluo"

The phoenix has a noble temperament, since I am that Ma Hongjun in this life, I will definitely change the fate of that evil fire phoenix.
(End of this chapter)

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