My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 432 The future will get better

Chapter 432 The future will get better
Li Hao hid his breath, even in broad daylight, no one noticed Li Hao.

It's like a ghost in the daytime.

During the period, I passed through two cities.

Li Hao suddenly stopped and looked into the distance.

"The boundary of the Catacombs of the Devil's Capital is Kuocang Mountain, and within Kuocang Mountain is the Cangmao.

Now that the Catacombs of the Demon City have been calmed down, it can be let out.

After the Cangmao came out, a real new era began.

The recovery of the two kings, the two factions of the north and the south, the recovery people, those hidden old foxes are about to start messing around. "

"Do you want to let the black cat come out?"

As soon as this idea appeared in Li Hao's mind, he denied it.

The advent of the new era cannot be so hasty.

If possible, he hoped that Cangmao would come out after his combat power reached its peak.

After taking a last look, Li Hao went away and quickly headed for Zilin City.

Speaking of it, in fact, it doesn't matter if you are beaten or killed. It is human nature to experience it.

But the Zilin City Lord came up and touched him, making Li Hao almost beat her to death on the spot.

But Li Hao finally confirmed what he said at the time.

Li Hao was the first to kill the Lord of Zilin, and Li Hao did not break his promise.


Zilin City.

A purple forest is actually above the city wall!It still moves from time to time.

What happened to her...?

"Will the Yaomu City Lord die? How is the war going?"

The purple forest is not clear, it can only watch and guard here.


Far away, kilometers away.

"My good fellow, I thought what the Yaozhi in Zilin City would be, but it turned out to be a purple forest? The forest is also a Yaozhi, which is really eye-opening."

Li Hao sighed slightly, he really didn't expect that a forest is also a demon plant!The diversity and inclusiveness of the world once again made Li Hao feel all-encompassing.

At that moment, after sighing for a while, Li Hao approached suddenly, shot down, the magic lock blocked Zilin's original path and disappeared, and he killed Zilin directly without saying a word.

"Instakill is really cool, but unfortunately, there are not so many strong people in this world who can give me instant kill."

Li Hao took away Zilin's body. These hundreds of purple trees are as hard as a magic weapon, and they are worth a lot, at least hundreds of billions.

Regardless of the restless fleeing crowd, Li Hao found the treasure house, absorbed it completely, and then pulled out the energy veins of Zilin City and put them into the system space.


Vitality: 90000 calories (210000)

Mental power: 4000 Hz (10000)

Krypton gold points: 7000 trillion (less than 1000 billion is calculated as zero)

"7000 million."

Li Hao was happy, the big head was robbed by him, and he didn't care about these people who robbed scattered resources, turned around and left Zilin City.

After leaving Zilin City, Li Hao found the nearest city.

Poplar City.

Afterwards, under Kong Lingyuan's shocked eyes, Li Hao suddenly appeared, and the big gun was like a magic pen, nailing the poplar tree to death with precision!
Li Hao said with a smile: "Senior Kong, you and I each have half, I will take half of the treasure house and energy mine, and the rest will be given to senior."

People contribute to themselves, help themselves, and give half of the benefits to themselves. This is a cycle of cause and effect, and good results are good.

Kong Lingyuan nodded confusedly.

Li Hao didn't look much, took away half of the contents of the treasure house, and took away half of the energy veins.


Kong Lingyuan still nodded in confusion, "Okay."

It wasn't until Li Hao left that Kong Lingyuan came to his senses.

"So strong..."

Kong Lingyuan looked around, there were dead poplar trees, and shook his head slightly.

Li Hao is really strong, although he already knew he was not weak, but this time it is a more intuitive comparison!

He was the guy Kong Lingyuan was going to beat up for a long time, but Li Hao just killed him?
Looking at the large amount of resources left behind, the total combined value exceeds one trillion yuan, and the corners of Kong Lingyuan's mouth twitched slightly.

Working with Li Hao, the harvest is so great?
All of a sudden broke the trillion...

Can Juefeng break trillions?

Kong Lingyuan, who thinks he is rich, doesn't know that Li Hao earns eight times as much as him...


Monster Sparrow City.

Li Hao appeared and beheaded a bird with scarlet feathers, smiled at Wang Hao, said a few words, and left with trillions of resources.


The demon crocodile and demon fox two cities, Li Hao also appeared, and successfully divided the two cities.

The monster crocodile in Monster Crocodile City is indeed not a good stubble, he is better at forging a suit of scale armor than a magic weapon, and beat Wu Kuishan and Wu Chuan into a rage.

It's a pity that the monster crocodile met Li Hao, and its powerful defense was met with a crushing attack, and it exploded with one shot.

The last monster snake was not caught, not because Li Hao was too slow, but because Lin Long's big spear directly stuck in Qicun. Due to luck, he had the advantage at the beginning, and then quickly killed it.


until dark.

The messy things are really tossed!
At this time, Li Hao also began to count his gains.


Li Hao read the system silently, and the system panel appeared immediately.

Vitality: 90000 calories (210000)

Mental power: 4000 Hz (10000)

Krypton gold points: 11000 trillion (less than 1000 billion is calculated as zero)

"The krypton gold point has broken through the one trillion mark, that is to say, in fact, the money I harvested should be ten trillion.

In the system space... [-] tons of energy mines, two golden lotuses, some alloy weapons, some medicinal materials, some unknown things..."

After counting, Li Hao suddenly sighed.

"The energy stones I got are a bit too much, and their value has begun to decrease! I got [-] tons of energy stones, and the value is not more than a trillion krypton gold points. It's just a little bit..."

At this time, Li Hao discovered that when he got a certain amount of something, the value would decrease.

It may be the setting of the system, but it may also be based on the market price.

If Li Hao got more energy stones, there would naturally be more energy stones in circulation. In that case, there would be more energy stones overall, and the value would naturally decrease.

"That's all, anyway, there is plenty of money."

Li Hao murmured: "I remember that Qiruo Liuli and Chunyang Body Bone actually have a high-end version, since I have a golden body of [-] forgings, should I also exchange this thing?

If I exchange's okay, but just level 9 will consume 18 tons of energy stones, and the high-end version will be level [-], and the whole world of high martial arts may not be able to bear it..."

Li Hao shook his head, let's take one step at a time, he is not in a hurry for the time being, anyway, he is now playing Ninth Grade.


above the sky.

Zhang Tao didn't leave, he was still staring at the entire Southern Seven Regions, thinking.

"There are no ninth-rank humans in the Southern Seven Regions anymore, and those monsters need to find a time to clean them up.

In addition, the news of the South Seven Regions must be made public to give the masses a better sense of security. Only our strong and real record is the source of all security, and strength is the truth!

The Southern Seventh Region is occupied by us, what kind of reaction will be in the depths of the restricted area?Will you get angry?Start a war?Or let it go?Or organize the second assassination of Li Hao? "

Zhang Tao kept calculating various problems in his mind.

He is thinking about problems almost all the time.

Think about the follow-up impact of major events, think about how everyone in Huaguo can be like a dragon, think about how to provoke internal strife in the cave, think of ways, think of ways, think of the old fox, think of the two kings, think of the land of the realm...

Thinking too much...

All night, Lao Zhang was in deep thought.

Until the day appeared and the scorching sun hung high, Lao Zhang still did not leave.

He wants to frighten everyone, and let everyone in the five royal courts see how much he, Wu Wang Zhang Tao, attaches importance to the Southern Seven Regions!


at the same time.

The earth is just past 0 o'clock, and it is still dark.

Some night owls are still up.

Some are playing Invasion games.

When the warriors really announced the real existence of the Catacombs, they were relieved, and many people regarded the alien invasion game with real battle records as events as a treasure.

Just when they were playing hard and remembering hard, a notice popped up on the game interface.

"In view of the fact that a major battle has occurred in the Catacombs of the Devil's Capital, the result has been determined, and a major update will be launched. The update content is as follows:
1. Li Hao became an SSR and ur card, the level was raised, and it was made unobtainable, and he was specially given the title: Crusher.

2. The classification of the Catacombs in the Devil City was originally: Catacombs War Zone. After the version update, it will be changed to: Huaguo Human and Monster War Zone.

3. After the version is updated, the Catacombs of the Devil City may become a place for low-level warriors to practice. For details, please check the official website...


Someone was stunned for a long time, and forced himself to say: "Fuck!"


"What's Li Hao doing? Why is he flying out of the sky all of a sudden?"

The Alien Invasion game forum exploded on the spot.

"Damn it, it's absolutely perfect. According to the version announcement, Li Hao seems to have done another big thing. From the perspective of the crush, maybe... Li Hao killed an enemy army?"

"It's possible that this name in the game is not chosen randomly. It seems to have something to do with the Martial Arts Association. With such a name, Li Hao almost crushed some guys..."

"Anyway, Li Hao is amazing!"




Li Hao woke up after a nap, opened the forum, and was stunned on the spot.


At this time, on the forum, he has been worshiped as a god, almost without thinking.

"Fuck, Li Hao is so awesome. I just heard the news that together with Li Hao, Grandmaster Wu Kuishan, Grandmaster Wu Chuan and others, they wiped out all the cities in the Southern Seven Regions, and killed more than 20 rank nine!"

"It is rumored that Li Hao fought against three of them by himself and killed them one by one. He has killed nearly ten rank-[-] players in total! Moreover, according to the crushers of alien invasions, Li Hao's strength has far surpassed these Grade Nine!"

"My human race is indeed born in large numbers!"

Li Hao was watching and suddenly heard a sound transmission.

"Clean up, prepare for the press conference, and go out to announce the news in person."

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of a long time ago, and asked, "Old Zhang, don't you just move out your 'God-making Project' again? Are you trying to deify me?"

Transsion was silent for a while, then rang again: "No, you are the most credible to speak. Now the masses lack a sense of security. We need to give them, so that we can maintain a long-term peaceful and prosperous world."

Li Hao lazily said: "Okay, I understand, but Lao Zhang, pay attention to Fang Ping recently, I have been in the burrow for more than ten days, he has been in the restricted area for so long, and he doesn't have my strength. They might all be dead."

"Okay, I will pay attention to it. The reporter has contacted you. Let's prepare for the press conference first."


Just when Li Hao was getting ready.

Far in the depths of the burrow.

Tianzhi Royal Court.

In a palace.

Bamboo King sat in the second place, stood up, and calmly said: "The Southern Seven Regions fell, the responsibility is not on me, not on anyone, the biggest culprit is Li Hao!"

King Feng is also sitting in the second place. There is no one in the first place here, and the two real kings are in the second place.

King Feng smiled lightly and said, "Bamboo King, is it Li Hao again? The responsibility is indeed not yours. Let me tell you, what did he do?"

There was a killing intent in Zhu Wang's eyes, and he snorted softly: "This person's strength has reached the realm of the strongest general, and his energy index is already rare in the world."

"The strongest general?"

King Feng's face began to become a little serious.

He had met Li Hao before, but at that time, Li Hao's realm and strength?

How long did it take to become the strongest general?
Bamboo King snorted softly: "The three city lords of the Southern Seven Regions besieged and killed Li Hao, but they were completely killed. Li Hao has reached the level of blowing out a crack in the void with a single blow, and has officially entered the ladder of the strongest general."

King Feng's eyes were slightly deep, and he said, "What do you want to do?"

Bamboo King pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled lightly and said: "Let's not listen to Li Hao's matter, how is the situation of the second king?"

King Feng shook his head and said: "The recovery of the second king may be fast, and there will be great fluctuations in the land of the king's battle soon..."

On the third floor, Bamboo King Bapin's confidant who has been listening, listens and listens, his ears move from time to time.


Lao Li is so perverted?Just liquidate the Catacombs of the Devil City?
I don't know how much this benefit has earned!

I dare not say anything else, relying on past experience, at least a trillion!


Fang Ping suddenly felt like scolding his mother.

Ma De, I have been in the Catacombs for so many days, except for some news and information, there is nothing big in terms of interests, they are all small, millions, tens of millions.

It was also more than ten days, why Li Hao not only promoted to the strongest ninth rank, rubbed the void cracks with his hands, but also earned at least one trillion yuan.

And he came here for more than ten days, and he earned less than [-] million in total!

It's really human, it's maddening!
Ten thousand times worse!
Poor Fang Ping still didn't expect, he was still ignorant, Li Hao didn't earn one trillion, but 11 trillion...


11 million times.



in the afternoon.

Li Hao held a press conference.

The reporters were still the same as the old batch, and Liu Dali was also in it.

It's just that Li Hao was in a hurry this time, so he didn't exaggerate the atmosphere too much, and didn't ask the reporter to ask questions. Instead, he told the whole incident in the Catacombs of the Devil's City.

"Magic City Catacombs, everyone can look forward to it. The current one, after being baptized by me, the leader of the Wangwu Sect of the ancient sect world, and others, there is no one in its territory that opposes us. The ninth rank of human beings!
In the future, the Catacombs of Mordor City may be the second world of human beings.

What it is now is just a small step for us, a big step for mankind to fight back against the burrow, a record of enlightenment for everyone like a dragon, a stepping stone for the ultimate peace, and the starting point of everything.

We can expect that in the future, martial art is just a profession or a form of entertainment, it fills our lives, it is not something we have to learn, at most it is to keep fit.

Look forward to it.

In the future, it will get better. "

(End of this chapter)

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