My system of global high martial arts can krypton gold

Chapter 433 Li Hao with 11 Calories of Qi and Blood

Chapter 433 Li Hao with 11 Calories of Qi and Blood

After the press conference, Li Hao didn't care about the turmoil outside.

He has 1000 billion krypton gold points on him, so he should make good use of it.

Back at the villa, Li Hao arranged several magic locks and a spiritual barrier.

Now he has discovered a problem with the god lock - it can't stop the real strong!
People of Lao Zhang's level can easily see it.

And the mental power barrier is all-round coverage, Lao Zhang may be able to see it, but other true kings cannot see it unless it is broken.

After arranging two layers of insurance.

Li Hao sat cross-legged and read the system silently.

Vitality: 90000 calories (210000)

Mental power: 4000 Hz (10000)

Krypton gold points: 11000 trillion (less than 1000 billion is calculated as zero)

"Qi and blood itself has [-] calories, and when it reaches [-] calories, I can choose to break through to rank nine.

The mental strength is a little low, but there are still two golden lotuses.

Krypton gold points are 1000 billion, how should they be used? "

Li Hao was thinking about this question while eating Tianjinlian.

How can we maximize the use of this huge sum of money?


After a while, Li Hao refined the Sky Golden Lotus.

Vitality: 90000 calories (210000)

Mental power: 4325 Hz (10000)

Krypton gold points: 11000 trillion (less than 1000 billion is calculated as zero)

Li Hao glanced at it, thought for a while, and opened the system mall.

Search for pure yang, body and bones, and energy like glass.

Several appeared.

One of them was already exchanged by Li Hao.

The other is the high-end version.

Li Hao took a closer look. He needed to know how much the high-end version would cost. If it really doubled, he would give up decisively and practice the Nine Forgings of the Golden Body to quickly enter the Nine Forgings of the Golden Body and become the ninth grade.

[Pure Yang Body and Qi Ruoliu Liuli (high-end version): This is a practice, and it is not a practice, it is an idea, and it is also a non-idea. It exists between existence and non-existence, and it is extremely mysterious.
Pure Yang Body Bones: The body is like a blazing sun, crushing a King Kong with every punch.There are nine layers in total, the first layer requires 1000 million energy, and each subsequent layer will increase by 1000 million.Every time one realm is raised, the upper limit of qi and blood will be raised by [-]. If you have cultivated the "normal version", the effect will be halved

Qi is like glass: the breath soars thousands of miles, crystal clear glass for thousands of years.There are nine layers in total, the first layer requires 1000 million energy, and each subsequent layer will increase by 1000 million.Every time a level is raised, the strength and defense of the physical body will be increased. If you have cultivated the "normal version", the effect will be halved]

[Krypton gold points: 3000 billion pure yang body bones, 3000 billion qi like glass]

Li Hao looked at it for a while, thinking about it.

"The promotion mechanism has changed. It used to be doubled, and now the fixed promotion is 1000 million. Let me figure out how much...

4.5 million pure yang body bones, 4.5 million qiruo glass...a total of 9 million!
According to this, don't I want to build hundreds of thousands of tons of energy mines? "

Li Hao wanted to give up on the spot, but suddenly changed his mind.

"No, I ate those energy mines before, but I swallowed them whole, and I didn't refine them properly, resulting in at least two-thirds of the energy being dissipated.

Before, it was three tons of energy mines that could be refined to produce [-] qi and blood.

According to this, one ton of energy mine is equivalent to [-] qi and blood through the refining and refining of my slow conditioning.

So, to reach 9 million qi and blood, all I need is... get [-] tons of energy mines? "

"Modu Catacombs has almost cleaned up the city now, and I have already taken back the benefits. Now I have [-] tons of energy veins, and I am still short of [-] tons?

In the Southern Seven Regions, those cities have almost been scooped up by me, and the mine veins have already been taken away...

Where should I go for energy mines? "

Li Hao thought about it, and suddenly thought of cunning, and from cunning, he thought of monsters, and then thought of the forest of beasts, the desert of ten thousand ants...

Since it is to liquidate the crypt, then these monsters must be wiped out as well!

There are at least seven or eight ninth-grade monsters in the Beast Forest, and there are six Ant Kings in the Ten Thousand Ant Desert, as well as the Royal Sea Mountain Passage, and the land of the boundary!
If you want to truly occupy the Catacombs of the Demon Capital, there will be no monsters left in this place!
Lin Shao of Hundred Beasts said that there must be seven or eight items, right?Otherwise, how to support seven or eight ninth grades?One family, very reasonable.

In the case of the Ten Thousand Ant Desert, there are six?

I don't care about Yuhaishan, the land of the boundary, as for the black cat, as long as it doesn't run out, then ignore it..."

Li Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter, like a wolf, with a green light in the afternoon, he murmured: "Seven in the Forest of Beasts, and six in the Desert of Ten Thousand Ants, that adds up to thirteen. It is comparable to Wangcheng, but at least it must be five thousand tons, right?

Add up the thirteen items, that's [-] tons!
Afterwards, eat the essence of life, and then spend money to find Fang Ping's indestructible substance. This high-end version, I will also achieve great success!

At that time, the golden body has been forged blood will be at least... 18!Do not!I am still 19 calories short of blood, which is [-] calories!

I have 19 calories of energy and blood in my body, and 12 calories of energy and blood will be attached to my spirit...

31 calories of blood!

At that time, although I couldn't beat the top, I should be considered very strong in the ninth rank, right?

Going to the original road again, the strength will increase by 100 times for 0.1 meters...

Others' 0.1 is an increase of less than 1.

But my 0.1 is 3.1!
Weak Jue Dian can produce 80 cards of Ninth Rank Qi and Blood quality...

Walking on the normal road, when I walk to 500 meters, my qi and blood destructive power can reach 47 calories, which is still not enough to beat Jue Dian, but when I shoot down, Jue Dian's body will definitely not be able to stop it! "

Li Hao's path has always been to defeat the strong with the weak. He himself is strong, but his enemies are even stronger!
But Li Hao doesn't need to be evenly matched, he just needs to be able to break through the defense, as long as he can break through the defense, there is hope of killing the enemy!

To be precise, Li Hao, who can only shoot void cracks now, can actually destroy Weak Jue Dian's body, but this one is still too small, and at most others will lose a piece of flesh with one shot.

Having figured it out, Li Hao exchanged it on the spot without hesitation.

The knowledge data of the high-end version of the pure yang body, which is as strong as glass, immediately poured into the brain.

Li Hao had experienced it before, so this time he was very quiet, waiting quietly.

While waiting, Li Hao was also thinking about one thing.


What is his path?
Invincible Road?
Invincible all the way, only a group of weak people... I have a system plug-in, if I can't be invincible at the same level, it is too useless.

Self way?
This thing that was exchanged in the early days is just a tool that Li Hao doesn't want to be bound by the original way. This way is very mysterious, but Li Hao doesn't know about other functions.

Cause and effect road?Wanmin Road?All the way together?Or is it Lao Zhang's way back?
Now there are all roads for him to choose from, and they are all roads to the sky.

But Li Hao felt that neither was his way.

The number and strength of enemies he faced had already surpassed the imagination of people at the same stage.

Even Lao Zhang couldn't guess that Li Hao's enemies were many, many old foxes.

A layer is exposed, and there is a deeper hidden King Huai.

Deliberately showing weakness, but in fact King Feng has already walked out of the second avenue.

The real old fox, Li Zhu, the king of Tianzhi Royal Court.

Qian Wang, Ming Wang, and the second king who is about to recover.

And... the resurrected people of the new era.

And the Devil Emperor Mo Wenjian.

South and North.

There are also Lao Wang, Tietou, Lao Yao... Whether they will be enemies in the future is actually uncertain.

Even... the future Qin Fengqing will become his enemy.

There are tens of thousands of roads, all of which can lead to the sky, but the roads are different, criss-crossing, occasionally intersecting, and only at the end can they be seen.

The new era is coming, and the enemy is coming!
The fastest is the second king.

King Tianming and King Tianzhi.

Li Hao felt a little melancholy at this time, except for the human race, they were all enemies, enemies of race, enemies of road, and enemies of strategy.

Enemy everywhere will end in one or two years.

too fast.

He can only constantly improve himself and defeat everything.


After waiting for a while, Li Hao digested all the knowledge.

These knowledge also condensed deep in his mind, turning into two small white jade beads.

The appearance is excellent, the jade is warm and moist, smooth and round, crystal clear.

It would be fine if it wasn't in Li Hao's mind.


Without thinking too much, Li Hao started to refine energy stones.

This time, he is no longer swallowing, but fine-tuning, taking no time to rush, refining all the energy to the maximum, and completely integrating it into the body.



Zhang Tao has not left yet.

He looked at the several monster forces gradually becoming active in the Catacombs of Modu, and he was also thinking in his heart.

"The news about the Catacombs of the Demon City has been released, and these monsters cannot stay!
But if he didn't stay, he would also offend the group of lunatics and monsters in the Wan Yao Wang Ting this time.

The demon lord of the Ten Thousand Demon King's Court is also an earth-shattering master!
...No mercy when it's time to do it!
Kindness does not hold the army!

Must clear the Southern Seven Regions! "

Zhang Tao's eyes suddenly became firm, so what if he offended the Wan Yao Wang Ting?

If you want to start a war, then I will accompany you!

I'm done with the Southern Seven Regions, not to mention you alone, even the five royal courts will not be able to stop me, as I said!
Zhang Tao thought about it quickly, and then observed the various cities in a blink of an eye.

"Wait a few days, with so many resources, many people should be promoted during this period. After ten days, the Catacombs will be completely wiped out!"

As soon as Zhang Tao's thoughts fell, his consciousness immediately floated to the distance.

On Yuhai Mountain, thousands of miles away, there was a figure still looking at him.

Blue Wolf King!
The two sides confronted.


In the blink of an eye, July 7th.

It has been nine days since Li Hao left the Catacombs last time.


Villa 2.

Li Hao slowly opened his eyes, in front of him was a burst of scum, with a light breath, the scum disappeared without a trace.

Li Hao stood up slowly, moved his body, and said silently: System.

Vitality: 110000 calories (230000)

Mental power: 4999 Hz (10999)

Krypton gold points: 8000 trillion (less than 1000 billion is calculated as zero)

"Ten days of work, refining [-] tons of energy mines, and all kinds of good things in the treasure house..."

There was a smile in Li Hao's eyes.

His vitality has increased by another [-]!

"Pure Yang body bone (high configuration version) level 3: 3000 million/4000 million"

"Qi Ruo Liuli (High Edition) Level 3: 0/4000 million"

"My current body still has a lot of room to explore. There is at least 12 calories of energy and blood to spare. If I calm down, I can increase my energy and blood to [-] without relying on pure Yang body..."

"My own qi and blood alone are already comparable to the ninth rank of the original Dao level.

These nine ranks in the outer domain are rubbish, nothing particularly powerful, there are indeed people with strong vitality, but the original path is basically not far away, there is no increase, and one-on-one will definitely not beat me. "

Li Hao thought for a while: "Qi Huanyu from the Destiny King's Court has reached the limit of the ninth rank, and the power of Qi and blood should reach about 30. I can't beat him now. He probably walked more than 900 meters in the original way. The increase is 0.9 times, but I have no increase of 0.1 times."

Li Hao thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something funny.

I heard that this guy greened the king of life?He gave birth to the current king of the Mandate of Heaven.

Ji Yao is also the daughter of the lord. Doesn't this mean that the so-called Ming Wang's family is actually only Ming Wang, a widowed old man?

Shaking his head amusedly, Li Hao turned on the phone, found Lao Zhang and dialed it.

He could have calmed down a little bit more, but today he suddenly had a sudden whim, and he had a dark feeling, which he couldn't express.

This feeling is very strange, and Li Hao can't explain anything. It may be the void information captured in the dark after the mental power is strong.

The popular point is intuition. He has strong mental power and strong intuition.

"Beep beep..."

Lao Zhang didn't get through, so Li Hao called Wang Qinghai again.

Now it's connected.

I was a little surprised on the phone.

"Li Hao? You're still on the ground? I thought you'd entered the burrow."

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, then replied: "I just came out of retreat, of course I'm on the ground, what's wrong? There's another war in the crypt?"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Qinghai said: "Accordingly are the main force, there is no reason not to call you..."

Li Hao was at a loss.

Wang Qinghai talked to himself for a while, and quickly said: "That's right, Minister Zhang plans to attack the monster forces in the Catacombs of the Demon City today. Wait a minute, maybe there will be news to inform you in a while."

Li Hao thought for a while and said, "Okay, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Li Hao said to himself: "What's the situation? Did Lao Zhang not call me, or didn't he have time to call me? Or did I come out early?"

Before talking to himself for a long time, Li Hao heard a sound transmission, which was a very familiar cold middle-aged voice.

"Li Hao, I'm Li Zhen, and now I'm going to the Catacombs. Zhang Tao told me that if you leave the customs, it's best to participate in this battle. Your Mowu's principal Wu, Wu Zhenshou, and some big The masters are all present, and you are the only one missing."

Li Hao stood up suddenly, and rushed out of the villa in an instant, and the roof was lifted off by a burst of blood in an instant.

But he didn't care too much, looked at the figure in the sky, and said via voice transmission: "I'll go there now!"

Li Zhen nodded. Just as he was about to leave, he saw Li Hao's body from the corner of his eye, and suddenly stopped, in shock. After a while, he said with a bit of astringency, "You..."


Li Hao said with a smile: "It's nothing, I made a breakthrough in the past ten days, and my strength has improved too much, I can't suppress it well."

As he spoke, Li Hao suppressed his breath into nothingness, and merged with the sky.

Li Zhen was speechless.

Look at you, Versailles!
Ten days, breakthrough, these two words that he thought could not be combined at all, were forcibly merged by Li Hao!

It’s okay to improve, it’s okay to break through, it’s okay to be ten days...

This time, the fluctuation of qi and blood is much stronger than before...

"Then you go, I'm leaving too."

In addition to being tired, Li Zhen didn't want to talk to Li Hao at all. He said something casually, and before Li Hao could answer, his body appeared ten thousand meters away.


Li Hao didn't care, he was also in a hurry to go to the burrow.

Without thinking about it, Li Hao quickly entered the entrance of the southern district.

Before entering, Li Hao looked at the one-thousand-meter tunnel made of C-grade alloy, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"When the Southern Seven Regions belong to the human race, there will be no need for this passage to exist."

Shake his head.

Li Hao entered the vortex, and his body disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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