Chapter 438 Hammer Tiger King

At this time, the scene was silent, not even the wind...

On the side of the burrow, King Dikui couldn't help trembling in his heart.

Why did two people die in an instant?

They are all stronger than him...

The gopher king is similar, feeling a little trembling!

This very dangerous...

For decades, few true kings have died. Today, two of them died at once!


But no one at the scene cared about personal feelings anymore.

Everyone present knew one thing.

Either you die or I die!
Zhang Tao thought about it.

"Two were killed here, and there are ten more.

I can block the king of life and the demon master.

Li Zhenneng fought King Feng.

Chen Guyang and Shen Haotian went to fight Baishanwang.

The King of War can fight the Sunflower King and the Gopher King.

Patriarch Xiao beat Tiger King.

Patriarch Su defeated the king of the mountain...

There is still no one to take over from Bamboo King and Blue Wolf King..."

Zhang Tao was still thinking about it, and the war broke out in an instant!

Huaguo's side performed their own duties, and Li Zhen yelled to break through the air, and killed King Feng alone!

Li Zhen shouted coldly: "King Feng, I heard that you have hidden the second avenue? You might as well show it!"

King Feng snorted coldly, and a crystal clear road manifested under his feet.

"Li Zhen, as you wish!"


Chen Guyang and Shen Haotian fought against the Baishan King. The Baishan King was really powerful. As soon as he fought, hundreds of mountains rolled up and down, covering the sky and suppressing the earth!

The impact continued, and the force destroyed a large area of ​​the sky and penetrated into the cracks of the void.


Patriarch Su faced Shangpingshan King and stopped Zhuwang, at a disadvantage!
The king of war beats the sunflower king and the gopher king, the advantage! !

When Patriarch Su beat the Tiger King, he forcibly stopped the Blue Wolf King, which is a disadvantage!
All of these battles were known to Zhang Tao as if he could see through the fire.

Slightly anxious in his heart, Zhang Tao frowned.

At this moment, Nan Yunyue took Li Changsheng into the sky quickly.

Zhang Tao immediately yelled: "Nan Yunyue, you go to the Battlefield Sunflower King, Li Changsheng, you battleground Rat King!
Zhan Wang, you go to fight Bamboo King and Blue Wolf King, don't ask to kill them, but at least stop them! "

The huge body of Zhan Wang suddenly became huge, and he cursed: "Why did you talk to a senior? I use the name of war! Watch it, watch how I do it, learn from it!"

In the blink of an eye, several strong men did not hesitate, and immediately changed their opponents. The King of War was still one against two, but the pressure suddenly increased a lot.

The Blue Wolf King and the Bamboo King are the real kings in charge of the Outland, and in a place like the Southern Seven Regions, their own strength is stronger than the Earth Sunflower King and the Gopher King.

Before the King of War beat the Sunflower King, the two kings of the Gopher King were expected to kill them all, but if they were replaced by the Blue Wolf King and the Bamboo King, it would be a stalemate at most.

But no matter what, the pressure, the King of War has endured it, and he still doesn't say a word!
He knew Nan Yunyue, and he also knew Li Changsheng!
It would be wonderful if such two people walked out of the road to the top!
Li Changsheng himself has undergone a qualitative change, his realm has not yet reached the ninth rank, but he has already started to walk, but it is not long, but the increase is still there, as long as the increase is even 100 meters, it is a great increase in combat power!

As for Nan Yunyue?Not to mention!
More than 90 meters, only one battle away from breaking through the peak!
If the battle is over, it is hoped to be the best!
The King of War fights one against two, his fists are fierce, and he shatters the void with a wave of his hand. He laughed like thunder and said, "Why are you two so useless? Wasn't the arrogance quite high before? Why is it starting to wilt now? Are you starting to be cowardly?"

The Bamboo King snorted coldly, but the Blue Wolf King didn't say a word.

If they were to fight against Nan Yunyue, Li Changsheng, these two seedlings, would definitely kill them with lightning speed!

What can be fought is the king of war!

The existence second only to Zhang Tao and Zhen Tian Wang!
It can't be killed at all, so why bother?
Just wait.

See how other people come up with a victory or defeat, and immediately dodge if there is anything wrong.

The Bamboo King and the Blue Wolf King didn't communicate, but they all thought of this with a tacit understanding in their minds, and the strength of their attacks suddenly dropped.

On the other side, Zhang Tao also went to war with the two top beings, Ming Wang and Demon Lord.

Zhang Tao raised his hand at will, with a radius of [-] meters, the void was shattered, the cracks in the space were as black as ink, trembling constantly, filled with Zhang Tao's aura!

Zhang Tao chuckled and said, "Two, go in and fight?"

Ming Wang calmly said, "Why not?"

The demon master didn't say a word, followed by punching the void and stepping into the dark space.

Zhang Tao also entered, followed closely by Ming Wang.

The void gradually closed, but no matter how long it took, there was a void crack of about ten meters, densely packed.

Everyone present has no intention of going in to watch the battle now.

All in a crazy battle!
Nan Yunyue is exploding, gathering her most powerful energy and spirit for many years, the will of martial arts in her heart is higher than the sky, her breath is condensed to the extreme, every move can shatter the space!
Against King Kui, Nan Yunyue struck her with an ax without saying a word. At the same time, a big knife rushed out from behind her, cutting out a [-]-meter blade!
King Dikui snorted coldly: "Little girl, you use me as a whetstone, what do you think I am?"

In his long years, Nan Yunyue was indeed a young girl who couldn't be younger.

But such a person whose life experience is less than one percent of his own dares to use himself as a sharpening stone?

After speaking, he punched out.

Nan Yunyue sprinkled blood on the spot, stopped her retreating body, and said coldly: "Don't ask me to go out the last ten meters, or I will kill you!"

"How dare you! Then come!"

King Dikui was also angry, and his fists continued to improve. He didn't use weapons at all. As far as Jue Dian was concerned, even a ninth-rank divine weapon couldn't increase too much. Using his own fists, he could fight more easily!

Great battles come and go, but in a small place on the Yuhaishan Passage.

Li Hao hid quietly.

He didn't even dare to take a breath.

Above the head, there are more than fifteen top performers!

If you don't pay attention, you may burp yourself.

"I still have to become the top! There is too little resources. I need too many resources to be able to be on par with the top, and I need more resources to become the top."

Li Hao's eyes moved slightly, cautiously, watching the crazy battle in the sky.

"The chief of the south is actually fighting with King Dikui. She should be just a step away from the top, right? Maybe after finishing this round, she will become the top."

Li Hao knew that Sunflower King, and his current strength has gradually reached the peak, and he actually knows more information than many people.

He knows the King Dikui, strength... Weak true king, that is, the appearance of 80 calories of blood, very weak, very weak.

But since Nan Yunyue hadn't made a breakthrough yet, her qi and blood hadn't changed qualitatively, which meant that she had at most 40 calories of qi and blood, and she couldn't fight against it. She was fighting with her life, fighting once!If you fight through it, you will become the pinnacle.

Li Hao turned his gaze and saw that Li Changsheng was running around with his head in his arms after being beaten, his eyes were slightly weird.

"What's the situation with Old Li? He's not close to the peak, and he's taking the path of unity of all ways. Does he still want to improve himself through fighting?"

Combat breakthroughs are not very metaphysical, on the contrary, this thing is very particular.

Nan Yunyue fought because her original Dao had already reached its limit. Once she fought, a strong belief appeared and acted on her body, which would cause the original Dao to vibrate, and progress was also made during this vibration.

But Li Changsheng...

Can you walk 100 meters in one battle?
Li Hao was speechless, and then turned his head to observe the overall situation.

"Old Zhang ran into the void crack? What a terrifying power! If I go in, I might be affected and killed on the spot!"

Li Hao looked at the cracks in the void, and couldn't help but think: "Lao Zhang is still hiding... What an old fox."

Don't think about Lao Zhang, Li Hao observed that the situation on the entire battlefield is not very good.

"Nan Yunyue fights with King Dikui, and if he succeeds, he will be the pinnacle.

Lao Zhang ran into the void crack.

What about the current situation...Tiger King? "

Li Hao just wanted to say something, to make a countermeasure, when he suddenly saw the Tiger King, his eye circles turned red immediately!
Tiger King!

I said I would kill him!
Why don't you take this opportunity and try your hand?

"Tiger King is fighting with the ancestor of the Xiao family... the ancestor of the Xiao family..."

Li Hao suddenly came back to his senses.

"The Great Pope?"

In his memory, the patriarch of the Xiao family is the King of Thunder on the surface, but secretly he is the Great Pope of the Devil's Cult, one of the strongest in the world!

After thinking about it, Li Hao suddenly couldn't laugh or cry!
The Grand Pope, the Tiger King, and the two enemies are all together.

Li Hao really wanted to kill Tiger King.

Now or never!
"Old Zhang is still here, and nearly half of Huaguo's Juefeng is there, so King Zhentian must be paying attention, right?

If I join forces with the ancestors of the Xiao family to kill the Tiger King, the ancestors of the Xiao family won't beat me to death in turn, right? "

Li Hao frowned, the opportunity must not be missed, if he didn't make a move this time, the Tiger King might not die!

It's not that King Tiger is powerful, but that he shouldn't be the one who died.

Tiger King is Ming Wang's confidant, if he dies, Ming Wang will go crazy.

In contrast, the ground sunflower king and the ground mouse king are the best true death kings.

Old Zhang... really might not kill the Tiger King. Based on Li Hao's understanding of him, Old Zhang has long been on guard against the King of Ming.

The real face-to-face is to fight directly with the idea of ​​destroying the race regardless of the strong and the weak.

Now it's just about personal life and death.

So there is a high probability that Tiger King will not die!
The ancestor of the Xiao family would not deliberately kill...

But Li Hao wanted to kill him!

Think about it, then do it!

Taking a deep breath, Li Hao's aura was even more hidden, nothing else, he wanted to achieve a real fatal blow!

Just when Li Hao restrained his breath, a cat stared at him.

"Who is this little Hei with a gun? I can't even feel this breath. Could it be those people from the Northern School? Those people specialize in cultivating spiritual power..."

Taboo in the sea.

Cangmao stared wide-eyed, silently watching the battle.

"This is... a fake human emperor? You actually walked the path of a human emperor... how amazing! A strong man in the world, the crowned man who fought against him is not weak, and he is a little familiar..."


Above the void that no one can see.

About forty, the energetic middle-aged man is observing these.

He mainly looks at Li Hao.

There are only two people who can find Li Hao.

One is King of Heaven and the other is Cangmao.

Lao Zhang can find it, but if he doesn't look carefully, he can't find it!
King Zhen Tian watched Li Hao who was motionless, and did not speak for a long time.

"Li Hao? In my memory, I can't find his past life, maybe he is the man of destiny in the new era?"

King Tiantian watched without saying a word, with countless thoughts flickering in his heart.

"The sect era is Mo Wenjian, the Xinwu era is Zhang Tao, and the next unnamed era, maybe he is the Son of Destiny?"


On Yuhai Mountain.

The patriarch of the Xiao family punched, it was really like thunder rolling in the sky, the sound alone made people dizzy, not to mention the power, just one punch, the tiger king turned pale, and cracks appeared on Jin's body!

Tiger King's face was very pale, he pushed a distance away, and said very vigilantly: "As expected of Thunder King!"

The patriarch of the Xiao family was a middle-aged man, and he also seemed to be in the prime of life. Hearing this, there was no wave on his face, and there was no wave in the ancient well.


Seeing this, Tiger King's expression turned cold, and he sneered and said, "Thunder King, you are very strong, but you can't kill me, people of our level, as long as they can't kill them, it's useless!
If you are delayed by us here for a second, the possibility of a big battle outside will be greater! "

Speaking of this, King Tiger didn't say much. He didn't persuade King Lei to leave. People at his level have already surpassed human logic and thinking. Tens of thousands of thoughts per second and countless operations make them The will of the soul is like steel, which cannot be destroyed and easily changed.

Said, Lei Wang would never listen. This is also an old guy who often sits in Yuhaishan. Hundreds of years of torture have not made him crazy. There is a high probability that the torture will be transformed into motivation and become stronger.

So what is the Tiger King doing all this effort?

Just fight honestly!

The Tiger King shouted violently, and a claw-shaped weapon appeared in his hand. Needless to say, it was just a claw.

The patriarch of the Xiao family remained silent, his fists pounding, bang bang bang, his own golden body was also a little bit shattered, the Tiger King was even worse, most of his golden body was shattered!

The golden body represents the limit of the physical body, even if it is a true king, after the golden body is destroyed, it will have a certain impact on the strength.


When the ancestor of the Xiao family was fighting fiercely with the Tiger King.

Li Hao was ready, and muttered in a low voice.

"It's a little bit worse, a little bit worse..."

"Wait until the Tiger King's golden body is completely shattered... No! I'll wait until his indestructible substance is used up, and I'll kill him with one blow. Don't worry about him, just seconds away!"

"Wait until the indestructible substance is used up... Tiger King hasn't started using it yet, so we still have to wait!"

Wait until King Tiger runs out of indestructible matter.

Li Hao's spear intent, which had been settled for a long time, would pour into Tiger King's body like a flash flood, and explode with a bang!

Patience, waiting, until a chance to kill...

Li Hao's breath was suppressed even deeper. At this moment, even the Cangmao in the distance, King Zhentian couldn't see clearly.

If Li Hao's position hadn't been locked in advance, maybe he would have to increase the output of mental power to find it...


"This little black with a gun is obviously not even a false god, as if he is thinking of killing that stupid real god...

Xiao Hei is a bit powerful, but a bit silly. "

Cang Maomao shook his face, why are they fighting?Xiao Hei's strength is so powerful, how good would it be if he cultivated well in the future and directly killed the fool?

That's how this cat came about.

If you encounter any big villains and worrying things, just sleep and you will be fine. After sleeping once, all the big villains will be gone.

Cangmao immediately became a little aggrieved.

"This cat just likes to sleep. When I woke up once, all the people I knew were gone, and the little sword was gone. I can't feel his breath. The fat man who brushed this cat is in the sky, but there are many Everyone I know is gone, and my cat's cat tree is also gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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